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<br /> =--:=.:��tix:���-r ; l.�th y _.� t 4i. try r�rtd�m
<br /> TP{812�r�OF'PfaUaT�I�msda Rs oi tS�e_...._�...._..dm of,. ----- .,��^.._.. ------�..w-...: � . , aW _
<br /> - �r �.:'�
<br /> � x � theYraqor,_____JL�.6lY�:4..ELUL.4.._SiltiA Fc1X . ,�.u•b�n,d �nd v.�,��.�._.,,,,. _�� _.,
<br /> � �.�? __:�.�,x 99g � 18�'g �HAHI) I�LAHD , lt�; (',�IBVlx&i#3
<br /> __.�
<br /> -- Yifii'vir0 fiiii{��ii{�i:vu�:.r�{.i. (hsre!In'�flllSt�J1� �4hMRAP ftif0 CP li{Q7'�),
<br /> �—� v n o Rank a Hobra�ka Cor(Jn�t'�tian
<br /> ��-� the Truetw, _.._...�Js P.g�— --- --- �
<br /> �-�- ---- - - whoes mdtinQ�ddrea�Is�•0. Oox 150? t3rand Inland. N� 68807. �, thu��in"Trwtwi"l.and
<br /> 4�;.�
<br /> •--�=��� the Ben�Bclary, F�.ve Point�y Bank _� _ —
<br />---:��� , �
<br />—_- �����- whois malilnp eddraas la Zsig N. broedMall Gr�nd Ia1Qnd. _f�E. GOL'32-iS97 ��heP�in"Mndw`).
<br /> �`={W+������y�'p�� F06i VALJIABLE CON8IDERATION,Includtn{�Lender'e extenalan of aredit Identitied heroln foAQiYE�. FOR
<br /> -Yl:.'LG.�ia'r;:���'�'i!\
<br /> :�:���';_�'="'-`�i���al`� b GINA FOX —
<br /> r�•9�tr�, r (hereln"Borrower",wno2h9r one or more)and tha truet heroln crsnted,
<br /> '°"'="��''"�- the recelpt ot whlch le hereby acknowledfled,Truator hereby Irravocsbly grants, trens7are,conveyd end e�elfln�to Truate�.IN
<br /> "''���� TRUST,WITHPOW�ROFBALE,(vrthebeneNtnndsecurfryoft.onder,underandeubSecttothetermaandconditlonshere{r�afta�et
<br /> .�.r. s�
<br /> °'e':ev9�.
<br /> �"''�;= -:^- terth,tle�r�!1 pronerty,c►escribed as tapawa: �
<br /> �"i;.�'x'�%i'�".'�i'�'�r THE iIEST NINE l9) FEE7' QF LOT �IOH7' lt3) bHD AL.l. OF LOi SEVcEi �7). Ll�.00E: EICiHT __
<br /> ':=-�;-_q.�"�- l8) lIORRIS FIF7'H l5) ADDITIOH TO 'CNE CI7'Y OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUtiTY.
<br /> :�''�'�'- ,. - •- N6d�tASKA. -- .--
<br /> — �
<br /> ia�;°-=
<br />--,..-�,..:°:r��;t�{�, �"-
<br /> �� � TogtAher with ell buildings,Improvoments,4ixtures,s2rests,altoys,passagewaya easementa,right�,prlvllef)es ansf appurta-
<br /> ��.-%*W�� ��� �•�;w;�:� nances Ixated ttseraon or In anywisa pertalning thereto,and the rents,lasuea and protita,reversi4ns and remalndere thereof,ana �-
<br /> '' �"� such peraottal ro that la nttached to the im rovements eo as to canstitute a flxturo,IncludMp,but noi Ilmited to,headng end ��
<br /> P PertY P �,.._.
<br /> � • "'�� '�"� cooling equlpmenF,end together wlth the homestead or maritel Interests,It eny,which Interesta ero hereby releaeed and wafved;all -_��
<br /> ;,:,��,. ,� ;: ,;�, of whiCh,Inctuding replacemanta and additions thereto,le herqby declered to be n pad of thd real ostate aecured by tho Ilen of tMe ��:�_`�:
<br /> '"`'�` � �� � Deed ot Truat and all ot the toregolnp being reterted to herefn as the"Propert�'.
<br /> ' ' � This Daed of Truat shall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and Interest ovldenced by e prcmisaory no4o or credlt '� �
<br /> _ , :
<br /> � 5eotember 15th 1994 MercA ZOth 1996 °��` °
<br /> ' ° - egreement dated ,t�eving a maturlry dato oi � •!,a °`'•
<br /> • � '�' in U�e or�ginal principal amount of$ 3�036.00 ,and eny and ali modlflcations,extensfon3 and renewats ��':,F`
<br /> •-=;�� tfiereof or thereto and eny and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them if moro than one)hereundar '�
<br /> , pursusnt to one or more promfasory notes or credit agreemente(horeln cafled"NOte");(b)the payment of ather nums advanced by �
<br /> , • � Londer to protect lhe securt4y at the Note;(c)the pertormance of al I covent►nts and egreemen�ot Truotor set forth herein;and(d)ell •
<br /> , present and future lotdebtedness and obllyatlons of Borrower(or any of fhem ii more than one)to Lender whether direct,Indireat, �'�
<br /> ` � •� absolute or contingent ancl whether erlsing by note,guarenty,overdraft or othenvfse.The Note,thls Daed of Trust and any end all � �
<br /> otherdocuentsthatsecurethoNoteorotherwlseexecutedlnCOnnecttontherewith,Includingwlthoutlimltetiongunrantees,BQCUfl1Sl ��r�
<br /> ',' � . agrctemants arsd assipnmente of ioases nnd rents,�hell be reterred to heroin es the"Loan Documente".
<br /> � . � Truator covenant�aad agrees wtth Lender ae followu:
<br /> ' 1. P�Ymmt ol indebl�drnss.All Indebtodnos�secured hereby shall bo pald when dus.
<br /> ;: ��a 2. TItN.Truator le the owner of the Property,hee the rlght and authoriry to convey the Properiy,end warrante that the Ilen ,
<br /> ' ' � .> creatad hereby is a tirat and prtor Ilen on the Properry, except for Ilena and encumbrances aet torth by Trustor In writing and �,,.,
<br /> �� ' � detivered to Lender before execution of this Deod of Trust,end the oxecution and�lellvery ot thls Deed of Trust does nat vfolate any
<br /> ' ' ' contrect or other obligatlon to whlch Yruator Is subJoct
<br /> ' 3. T�xM,AsNS�m�nb.To pay b�tore dellnquency all taxes,specfal assessments and all o9t�or charpes agalnst the Proporry
<br /> ' now or hereat�er levied.
<br /> " 4. Inruronc�.To keop 4he Property Inaured agatnat damage by Hre,hazards included withln the term"dxtended coverage",and ';,
<br /> ' such other hazarda a�Ler�dor mey requlre,fn amounts and with companies acceptable to Londer,namfng Lender ae en additlonal ��.,
<br /> � " named Inaurod,wlfh lo�s p�nyable to tho Lender.In case of loss under euch poilcles,the Lendor Ie authorized to adjusL collect and t:!�
<br /> �� ' compromise,all clatma thereund8r and shall have►ha optlon oi applying all or part of the insurence procee�s(I)to any Indebtednoss •
<br /> ,T:. , � secured heraby and In suCh order es Lender may determfne,(II)to the Trustor tv be used br the repair or restoratlon of the Property
<br /> _, or{Ifi)for any other purposo or obJect satisfactory to Lender without aflectlng the Ilen oi thla Deed o4 Trust tor the tull emount secured
<br /> hereby betore such paymont�over taok place.Any eppltcation of proceods to Indobtedneso sh�ll not extend or postpone the due .
<br /> • - date of any paymente undor 4ho Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder. ' �
<br />-- � Y 5. Escrow.Upon wdtten demend by l.ender,Trustor shell pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may designate,eutticient �'>"
<br /> -:.���';-:,.
<br />--;: . �', �?.i;; sums to enabt�Lender to pay as they bacome duo one or more of the following:p)all taxes,asaossments end other chargos agalnst (�
<br /> the P�oparty,(II)the promiums on the property Insurance requlred hereunder,and(ill)the premfums on any mortgage Insurance �,
<br /> required by Lender. �
<br /> ,. 6. Malnt�nanc�,Repnln Rnd Campllmc�w(th La�vt.Tru�tor shell keep the Property In good co�dittan end repair,shali ,
<br /> _.,,�}f,' �� prompUy repalr, or reR9flc�any Improvoment whtch may bo damaged or destroyed; ahgli not commit ar permit eny waste or �
<br /> � detortoratlon of tho Proporty;shall not remove,�iemollsh or substanUally elter any of tl►e Improvements o�the Proporty;�hall not �•
<br /> � � aommit,suHer or permit any act to be done in or upon ihe Property In violstlon of eny Inw,ordinanco,or rogulation;and ahall pay and �
<br /> 7� prompUy discharge at Trustor's cost end expertae ell Ile�s.encumbrancea and chargos levled.Imposed or essessad against the I
<br /> Property or any part thereot. f
<br /> � . 7. Emin�nt Dom�in.Lender Is hereby assigned all compensatlon,awards,damages and other payments or rellet(herefnefter
<br /> � "Proceeds")In cannectton with condemnaUon or other taktng ot the Property o�part 4hereof,or tor conveyanco In Ileu of condamna- �.
<br /> — �;� Uon.Lender ehell be enUilexl at(t�option to commence,eppear In ond prose�ute In its own name eny actton or proceedings,and
<br /> . �__ __ shail atso be entillod to make any compromise or selUemeot In connecUon with auch taking or damage.In the eveM ony portion af �
<br /> � - tho Properry Is so faken or damaged,Lendor shall hevo the opnon,►n its soie end aoso�uce disarerion,io app'ry aii aucn?roaeoo�, �--�-
<br /> aRer deducUng theretrom all casts end oxpsnses Incurred by it In connectfon with such Proceeds,upon eny Indebtedness secured
<br /> �� hereby ertd In such order n�Lander may dotarmine,or to apply all such Proceeds,etter euch deducUOns.to the rastomL'on ot tho '
<br /> Property upon euch condiUons es Lender may detormine.Any oppllcaUon of Pracoeds to indobtednoss shall not extond or postpone �
<br /> �f�. ., ' � the due date of any payment�under tha Note,ar cure any deteult thereundor or herounder.Any unnpplled funds shall bo pald to
<br /> Truator.
<br /> 8. P�lorr�anc�by lo►xitr.Up-on tho occurrence o1 en Evant ot Detault hereundor,or N ony uct Is taken or logal procoeding
<br /> " •� cammenced which materlally attects Londor's Internat In tho Property,Lender mn�r In it�own dlscreUon,but without oblfgatlon to do
<br /> �• ao,�nd witharut noUce ta or demand upon Trustor and wfthaut releastng Trustor f�om any obllgrsUon,do any act whfch Trustor hae
<br /> � ayreed but lalls to do and may alno do any othar act It deems necesst�ry to protoct tho eor,urity hereot.T�ueto�ehnll,immodintoty .
<br /> upon demund therotor by Lendtsr,p&y to Larsder all costa and oxpenso:s Incurred and sums oxponded by Lvnder in connoctton with
<br /> " � the exercise by Lender o}the toregofng rtghts,together with Intereat thorean ntthe detault rato providad In the Note,which shall be
<br /> addxd fo 1he tndebtadness secured hereby. l.ender ahell not incur any Ilabl!Ity bocause ot anything it may do or omit to do
<br /> hnreunde�.
<br /> � ;. .. � ,
<br /> A'' • �
<br /> r
<br /> �
<br /> . ,
<br /> � '
<br /> . �
<br />