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<br /> (�1 g'a�rpo,yy by�,�1�r ll�ot��p/,�ht�x.Ar�y fartrsarancA by l.�n�as i[ti�x�rrci�trop a�tYrip�1 ar�um�rc�i h,wa�andf�r,c�r
<br /> c�N��'wi�altar�ied by a�ppUeKble t�w,+�h�0 not br e r+raiw�r n1 nr prasludo thr l��r�las of�ny sat�h rlqnt crr rarn�d .'Cf►�
<br /> procurem�il of Inewan�a tF►�prymMtt of Wt�or oHt�r Ilanr or cFu��r�a by Ltndar�Irrll not bi�wNivfr af l�ndre'r r�pht W
<br /> •ccN�n¢IS 1hs maturNY o!th�Ind�ltdn�M M�:ur.�d by il�it Do�d d Tru�t
<br /> �,�, »�a�•-•••-���!�!�.�.+;dc�t and���I tJrbliity;�C��.7ise cova�a�nta and dpi�r�e►'�tat li�r�irs con�
<br /> bfn�d M►rll Wnd,arM eh�H�hb h�n�ndrr�hall Inurs W,thA r�psctlw wc�NSOr��nd�salpns u1 Lrndrr�ntl�rw�'.Aio '
<br /> cawnsnh and agr�r►�nF�M Trua4or thNl b�J�I�ei�nd Nveq*L TM c�pNens�nd hNdlnp�oi d�pun�raph�ol this DMd ot
<br /> 7ruE1�rr for cmnv�l�nce oriiy�nd an not M W uwd to InMrprM or cS�fFn�the�ovialonf h�tapf.
<br /> (�) NnnM�W ts�N�k+�.TI�W rti�e h�roby rrquwt M�t a�coCY of sny nadc�ol d�f�ult hareuncfK Rnd�copy of��y t►o��
<br /> ot sel�h�rsund�r M maf��d to each party to th;s Oasd af 7rut!at the s�lnu sat taM abow I»th�msnn�r pr�wiib�d by
<br /> epplicabl�luw.Exc�pt tar�ny otnsr notic�rsqulr�d urtder�pplicabli I�w to be piv�n In eno3hst m�nnmr,any nhtks provid�d
<br /> lor f n thf�t)a�d of 7rutt rhd!be piwn by meliinp�ucb noNCe by csrtifisd an�li addre�Red to the omer pNrttq,at tM addnu s�t
<br /> forth�bov�,Any noticr provkfed tor in d�le OaK!ol Yru�t�h�ll be�f�ctiva uyun m�liinq in th�nuu�r►er cle�tpsw�ad i�:ln.N �
<br /> Teuator la mare fhan on�p�rwn,noHc�ean!to tha�ddre�s oet forth�bove ahdl be nadc�to�II such psrEOna.
<br /> (q In�p�ef{on,land�r may rtuilue or cau�a to t�e me�de reseonabte�tr�es upan+snd tn�Qecdone o1 ths Prop�rry,provlde�F
<br /> that Lendeer ehall ptve Truttor notica prlor W any auch Irsapectlon epeclfylnp reaeonabte ceusa therefor rel�ted to i.snders
<br /> incer�at In tlw prope►ty.
<br /> (q)p�n�wya�r.Upon paymsnt of all sums aeaured by thla Oead ot Truat,Lender ahdl�squeet T�ustee to roconvoy the
<br /> prp�rty and shNi surrend�►thls as�d df Trust end�II notss evidenoing Indetitsdnses securec!by Mis t)ssd ot Tru�tto TruH�s.
<br /> Lumy�a�h�i�rACOnvey th�1'ropary wNhout vwarranry and wilhaut charge to ihA pereon or peraons le�aliy entltled tha�Mo.
<br /> Tiusla�F►+111 pny all cosq of roCOnitUon.11 eny. �
<br /> �hj ��p��;g����1.M e►dditlonel eacurity tor the payment of the Note.Tru�tor hereby pant�
<br /> l.e�der unde�the Nnbraaka Unitorm Commercfal Codo e eecurity Intereat le�sl!fixturea,equipmant an�othar paraansl propeAy
<br /> ueed In cannectlon wf�the roel eatate or Improvements Iccated theroon,and not otherwise decl�rad or deemod to be e peR of
<br /> tM real e�taoe axured hereby.Thla Inshument ehall be canstrued aa a Security Aflreement under eald Cflds,end the La�de�'
<br /> sha11 have ali the riphta and remedles o1 a senurod pa►ty under eal�Code In additlon to the righte e�d retnadle�creeited under
<br /> e�nd accordad the 4ender pureua�t to this Qeed of Yma�prollded that Lender's riqhta and remedies undor thif parapapA�hall
<br /> ' tiu ct+rrauta8ve wlit�,and in no way a 1lmttstlon on,L,er►der's rights en4 remedtes undor any other eeeuriry egreement st�ned by
<br /> qc�rrower ar Tnietor.
<br /> . , tq 1,1��nd E»cu�anc�s.Truator hereby warranta and represents that 4hmra Is no detault under tfie prov.alona of any
<br /> mo�ye.d�d af truat,lwse or purchaae cotitract desCrlhing ell or any part ot the Property,or other contrac�inatrument or
<br /> � afl�eoment canstituting a Ifan or encumbrance agalnat all or any pert of tNe Property(collactively,"Llena"),exiatlnp es o1 Me __
<br /> date of thta Deed of Truet,and that any and dIi euclatiRfl Liens remaln unmoditisd except as disctosed to Lender In Tru�toPa
<br /> :�ritten dlaclosure of Ilenb and encumbrnnces p�avided fior herein.irusior snoii iimaiy perioini nii�i ii�si'vi o'v+�i��.:.��v,
<br /> covenants,representattona and warrentfea under any aad ell exisiting and future Lians,shall promptly forward to Lend�r coples
<br /> ot all noUcea of dotauit sent in connectlon wtth eny and all exlstfng or tuture Llena,and ahall not wlthout Lender'e prtor writMn
<br /> eonsent In any manner modity the provlaions ot or allow any future advances under eny exlsting or tuture Llans.
<br /> U) IEppUcatlon of paynweh•Untess otherwise�equired by luw,sums�aid to Lender hereunder.including without IimiffiUon
<br /> payments ot psincipal and Interea�inaurance proceada,condemnetion procoedsand rents and proilts,shall be appllad by _
<br /> Lencfsr to i1e arnounts due and ow;n�trom Truetor and Barrower in such order es Lender in Its sote discretio�deema desirable
<br /> (k)JrwrabMUy.If any provislon of this Oeod o1 Trust contltcts with epplioabte law or Is declared fnvalid or othonwlae __-
<br /> unenforceablo,euch contltct or Invalldiry shall not atfect the other provisons of thls Daed of Truat or the Note which can be
<br /> Qivan eKect without tfio confliciing provislon,and to this end tho provisfons ot tAis Q�ed a(Trust nnd the Note are declared t�be f' 4,-;,
<br /> sevorable.
<br /> (1) Y�.The ierma"Trustor"snd"Borrawer"ehAll include both sinpular and piural,ead when the Trustor nnd Borrower ������_
<br /> are the same pareon(a),thoae terms aa used in thi�Deedof Trust ehall be Interchangsable.
<br /> (m)/3oYSrnk�p Deed of Truat ehall be governed by the lawe o?the&tate o1 Nebraske. ��
<br /> Truator haa executed tfila Deed of'Crust ea ot the date written abovo. �'��
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