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<br /> �cudt�r lertruara��ar th�[vats w�6tch r�n beµven at;ect wfthu+�t�he conflicttall D��.wd sa th4��aW tM pra�!4ioa�M W+�..
<br /> Iwtr�eaat�ndQs Nol�iu+�bchnd to bi x�van6ie. . . ' ' ..-
<br /> B. 'IRAN�R A/7'HIE!'��ITY OR A�ERI�ICtAL U�PI �WST fN/dRROW� � „ �;�
<br /> UNtacaa Cov�st l7 ot the Sxudhr iatrwnent i��mended tn raed K tollarvl: ; "
<br /> I7. '1'arrtr d 1i�h�rt�K a M�wfMeld IaNe�t!�Nnaw�r.lt dl a snY P�u't ot the Ptcf�t�r a en let�t tbNrin i�aald ar a�Msd
<br /> {ar it a benc�tcW taterest ia BonaMrer is:old or traasfared�sd Borro�rer is not�sutur�l peraoa)wkLo+st Le�er'n prior Neitww db�w�
<br /> Lea�da m�r�u Lader',�optlon.dec.lu�e�tl tha wnu�eaured bY tl�Srcurl4y insuuma�t to be imm�ed4udy dre Md p�f"�bM.Ha+wr.�
<br /> optlan�LaU not be aadsed by l.e+�der tf e,�acise is not autharised I�y Foden�l 4w.L�s�da mwY wdve tbe e�oa�e ut tW ap1o�1ts(y�e�owr
<br /> wuta to bo subntitted to I.esider Infocmation tequiced by Lender to evaluate the iateMed tru�feroe�it t oew lan wa�r b�frr mris o01r
<br /> uuafaa:uW(b)I.ender nnsonibLy detatnina tt�et l,endar'e eecurity will aot be impRired br the 1aa wu�o�►�rd t4c t!r d�t at 1�
<br /> brc�ch of any covea�nt a a�t in thi�Saa�dty Instrunx►u is saepubk to L�eader. �
<br /> To t➢�e exunt ya�aitued by ayptiabk lawr.Lender msy char�e�raooaabk f.a�s a coadiNon w I.eader'i oomwu W d�e lo��a���.
<br /> Lradar mayalw require the traufaeo to kap ail the promtsa aud aaerments m�dein thc Nou u�dln tLb S�arce�q tertrue�t. .
<br /> "U La4dec exadses such opdonto acxlenu,Leadu shaU m�4 BonoMec notioe ot�exlaatlon in�aoocdlnes wk�p�r�ypM 14 6�nof. .
<br /> 4ich aotia ih�it provide a perIod of not les+tMin 30 dsya from the diu ithe notia G mailed�vlthia whtch Borr/wrar maY D�tha w�s d�d�rM ��
<br /> d�e.If Borto�ru f�ils to pay auah sums prior to ehe exptraticiaaQf such{xried.L.eader may.witbaut fluther aotice a cDan�od an Horro�wr, i,
<br /> invoke�nyremediespermiStodbythisSccvdtytast�ument" �. '
<br /> •'NotwIWtandtn�a�ak or uansfer.Boraower wiU continue tobe obligated under the Note aad this Se+.wity in�trunxst uda�i.e�wdk.�hM '
<br /> a
<br /> ielaKd Borrow�t�n writIapt." . . ,
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<br /> F. iAAN AIADiGES ' : , '•
<br /> •�:�,,:
<br /> If the la�n aecured by the 9ecurlty Wtrument is subJect to a law wlilch sete muimwia laan chugea,and that IaK Is itnMUy Intap+et�d so�
<br /> thai the intaest ar other loan cl�erges collated or to be oollocted ia conns�cticu�wlth the!eu►acaed pes�n9ttcd Wait�.tben:(1)mY su�k�
<br /> chae�e siW be redueCd by tt�e amount aecassrY to reduc4 tlte chas8e to tUe permittea limit;and t�an,1'satR�ainea�Y��cu�i�owKr` :--�:-—
<br /> which a�oaded pesmiued limia will be nsfunded to Horrower.3.enda may choase to eaate khis retYwd by rcd�the pr'sn�f�i oxed under the
<br /> Note or by makin�a direct psyment to Sorrowu.Ii a refuntf reduca Psinc[Pal.the reduct3aa wW be uaated a�a partid pnpayma�t uotler the
<br /> Mote.
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