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)Y��� ; � � �:a:���,�. �T� N�ti':r // i � l.� ... '_r� <br /> .. ( J�,.:��('. °`s^ ...._ . ' <br /> . . .i - <br /> :^��1 , <br /> .,�. <br /> P ' <br /> .. . . __ . . ,� <br /> „ . <br /> „ .. '�� .. .. <br /> • a . :1 .. ' � .� :, '.. ..� .. <br /> � '_ � „ � A�lJ�S'��4BL� Itl1TE �DF.�t ..,f- •. , � , � .: <br /> . t1Y.«r'fs�:sr;ltsf,�s-Fat••^•�! ���.�NAFFAf�irr • <br /> '�� i �.V a°�,i�►� <br /> 7NI9 A�11�yTA$LFl NA78 RIIJRR I�niid!!lhb 1:SYH �.y ot.. �F'F�'1��IAE:H _.�..,i9..,9a.,..� <br /> � �nd i�inac�poratae Iato+a��kd{M�u+naf to un�md ord�u�t+lameat�h�Alan�ctae.�A of TtuA�or R�curNY p«d(tht"Seeucit�r Inrt►um�")ot <br /> the u�did��1wn bY IM undertl�nM(�h�"eorr��wer"J to wcurs Dorru�va'�Ad1ux�Mt N�u Nott(�ho"Notn")tn i�,� <br /> . <br /> �ttM"l.��r")ot tM wne d�t�and oov«Inj th�proprty dNCrfb�d in tMl�curl�y In�trwnh►1 uN!Iac�tM N: <br /> � 814-81f S. UINE. GRANO ISLAND� NE8RR3KA 60�q1 <br /> �. ----- <br /> - l�►?P�Y Aderns) <br /> '[�M noM ca�hlr Korl�allowMe tor clw����r t�Mrwu na �w �x MwWr <br /> g�ywiAt�.'�hli�ate alto Rmlts 9�e autonet oq ta4errat r�ic eaes elaate pt��q o�e tlsa RM <br /> aYm tYt wi�1��t�tM�lis��ntte 1 stui p��. <br /> ADDITIOI�iA1.COVBt�tAN1'9.In�ddItion to tAe oovenanta aad� m�ade in the Security lnsuumen�Honoxer md Lenda <br /> furtbu coven�wtu►d uree a�tollowa: <br /> A. INTFAFST itATE AND MONi'HLY lAYA�.M'CHANGEB <br /> The Niote pro�ida ior aa inlUal interest rate of ?•25 'h.3cetion 4 0[the Note pravida for chan�a in tAe interat�ate�d the <br /> snonthly ptymenta.�foUowa: . <br /> �1. IMfsREST!?AT6 AND MONTXLY PAYMENT CNANQ&S • <br /> lA) Cta�e Data <br /> The irterdt rate 1 wW pay mny change on the flrst day ot ❑CTOBER ,19�5_,and oa ttwt day every <br /> 12 montl�ss thereafter.Fxcd date on which my int�:rest rate wuld chaa;e is callal a"CMage Dau.'• <br /> ' (d) 11el�des <br /> �<�, Beginningwith the flrat ChanBe taurest rau wUl be based on an tadnc.The"Index"Ls the woekly avernge yteld on United Suus <br /> Taaaury sauriNee�adjusted to a conataat maturity of 1 year,as made available by thc Federal Reserve Board.The mo�t aaat Index flgure <br /> - avaUable asoP tde date43 daya beforeeech ChaageDato iscaUed the"Current Iadex:' <br /> If the Indac ts ao lor�yer avallubia.the Note Hoidu wiU choose a naw indac which is bau�upon comparable Inforn►adon.Tde Nou <br /> Holderwill�[veme aotiaof thia choice. <br /> «7 ��OII°i�'�' THREE ANO ONE—HRLF <br /> &fore each Change pate.tha Note Holder aW catculate my new interest rau by adding pQ��� <br /> pulnts( 3•5 hi)to the Current Ittdwc aad►ouoding w the aearest 1/8th of t 4�.snbject w the limita atated in SocHon 1(D)below. <br /> TNs munded amouat wW be my new intercst rau undl the next Change Dau. <br /> The Nou Holder will ttu,m determtaa the amount of the monthty payment that would be sufficiem to repay in full the principal I am <br /> expxted to owoon t4at Chaage Date in substantially equal pay�ae�ita by the matudty dau at my new interat rau.The result of tbis catculadon <br /> will be the new�trtouet oP my monthly payment. <br /> (D) L�Ib o�Istaat Rate Ch�s:a <br /> 'I'he iaterat rate I am required to paY � �c tirst Chaage Dato wlll aot be grcater than 9.25 �i or less thaa <br /> S-�S � inurest rate wUl never be inereaced or decreased oa aey atngle Chenge Dato by more than �D .'Y• <br /> �2.II�,�from the rate of fnterat I have been paying[or the prcceding twdvc montha.The mintmum Intenst rate on thta toan wU!never be <br /> las thaa �-7 S 4i aad ehe m�ctmum tatuest rtu wtU nevu tx grater thaa 12_�� eh, ',:,�, <br /> (� FdiecWeDauofCV�a <br /> My new interest rau wlll beoome effective on ach Change Date.t wiQ pay the amount of my cew monthly payrnent begtnning on the lirst <br /> monthly payment date afur the Chaage Date undl the amount of my monthly payment chaaga egatn. • <br /> �;. <br /> Yf, i (E➢ Notix otC�aqa � <br /> 'Che Noto HoldK will mafl or deliver to mc a notice beton euch Change Dau.The notix wi11 advlse me of: �`=�: <br /> ,1_ <br /> "'� (� che new interest rau on my Ioan as of theChange Date; � <br /> (i� cheunount of my monthly paymeat tollowIag the Chaage Date; <br /> (i1i) any addidonat mattera whtch the Nou Hotder is reAulred to di�close;and <br /> ��•�'�••� ° (iv) theaddnu of the essociatIon you could contact regarding any quesdons aboat the edJustment nodce. , <br /> .� <br /> �. CEfARGffi;I�ENB <br /> ,,.,- UNForm(bvemnt 4 of the Sccurtty Iaatrument ts amendal to read as follows: <br /> '. afi ��`;` 4.(�ai IJea.Bonower eholl psy all ta�cp.assessmenta.end other charges.Ana.and impo�idona attributable to the Propercy whieh may <br /> � .'f;�;;_ � <br /> `� ',f YtWn s priorityovu this 5ecur[ty Iastrumen�and kasehold paymtmts of ground rente,it►the awnner provid�d uoder paragraph 3 hrreof <br /> :���, or.if not ptd in auch Horrower makin8 paymart.ahen due.directly to the pnya thaeoi.Bo�rower sha11 promptty fLrafsh Lenda <br /> �•�;� ' all nuSas ot amounta due under tliis paragraph.and in the event Borrowu ahall make�Syeaest dineHy,8orrowa shall pmmptly furaLgh to <br /> Lendu roat�su ev[dendng auch payments.8orrower sLall prompdy diacharge�ay Uen whEeh has pr[ority over thfa SeeudtY iasuumeat; <br /> however.Honower ahall not be requlrcd to discharge aay auch Uen so tong as Borrowa:(a1 s6ali agree in v�riNng to the paym�t of the <br /> oblljaHon secured by such tien in the manner aoceptabie to Lender,(b)ahall in goad tdth contat such Qen by.or detend against enforcement of <br /> - _��='�,�-`,��` such IIrn[n,te�tl pmc�edings which in the opinfon of Lender operate to p►�weat the enforoema�t ef the tten or foridture of tho Proyerty or any <br /> ti.�..�' � <br /> ;�. .� put thereot:or(a)ahall sesure from thc holder of such liea an egrammt in a[orai sntisfactosy w La�der suboMinating auch lten to this <br /> ^ ' ';���a- Securlty Ituetummt. ` . <br /> . tt LCn¢a deta[mms inat an or eiry pan oi tice rmpertr is suojai io e nm wmcn may acwin a priariry o�a ims ao�vriir insirurt�aci. <br /> ��`�"'i'��'Y'� ' Lender shall give 8otrowu a nodoe idendfytng such Uan.Bortowu slu�ll satisfy such lien or take one or more ot the ectioas aet torth above I <br /> �.�•x°sfi:•:.. -,ry <br /> ^'~�'"� '�' ' "' w(ehlntendaysot[hegivingofthenoHoe. 1, ., <br /> ���[`;�re:s ::r`�:.{,� �. <br /> ^,�`.1i!•1►�'p%`•, .R M 3�V�lVti I <br /> 'a nu:..+. <br /> �`�= UNformCbvenuuUottheSecuritylostrumenttsamendcdtoreadasfollows: <br /> �,,�,`�,'-,�,�'%,r*j" <br /> , _ �i.� !�. Notia.�uept tor anyr notta required wsder ap�alicabla low to br given in anothe�mnnner.(o)eny no�fee to Borrower provided Por in this <br /> ��;;�;� Security Instrument ahall be given by dd[vtring it or by mntHng it by first elnss matl to Bomwer nt the Property Addrcss or nt avch other addras <br /> . iw.•� , <br /> '���P,;r•;..,�.,:'"�� as Borrowa miy deafgrtnte L+y notfee to Lender as provided hercin,artd(b)uny notioe to Laada shall be gtvcn by first etass mail to Lender•s <br /> '�►'�. <br /> �;;i� �� addras suted htretn or to such other addr�s a�Lender may daignate by notice to Borw►ru as pmvided hertin.Any nodce pmvtded for in this <br /> �s � Secu�ity Instrument ehell be damed to have been givrr�to Borrower or Lr..dcr when givcnln the maf�ner aafgnnted Rerein. <br /> ., <br /> Y., <br /> . '1. . <br />