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<br /> THId�a1b310Nt�ENi!'v'�R�Nf�11{OERl�m�cN�nd�x�cutad thl� --13TH d�yef SEPTE"".9�Q ,1p � -and� .
<br /> Inaorpdr�t�ilnieen�thdflb�dAlinf�dTa1�la�n�!Mnd�upptdultni1h61 Mo�lQ�cQ6GP0iduw='rii�ei�iWiGl��xfidi fAfeiriiuiv�l»nei
<br /> "8aaurity Intlrumtn9", af lhs fam�dat�pte�n by ih� under�9pnsd,h�nln�ltar r�4�rrod ta a�e thu "Boirnw�r", to agc�r�
<br /> • Bor�ovrMPllndsOt�tlnt���Mt�In�iQer t�t�trfd to as ih�"Not�",to HOM��EDERA4 BAVINCi8 AND l,OAN A88UClATIOM OF
<br /> 3!'IAND ISt/1N€�,hrlrNn�f4N rd�fr�if t0��4h�"d.�nd�r",o} th��am�8�te�nt�cov�rinp thi propaty d�tcrlb�d In fhe S�c�rity
<br /> Melrement ent! Ioor�tM et:
<br /> ' 81G-f31E3 �a. UxM�� GflANO IS�ANO� NEBRASfiA 688Ui
<br /> ���'. �_� (Pro{ioriy pctGrG�l
<br /> WITNE8B8TH:
<br /> WHEiiEA�9,�orrow�r and Lsnd�r hav�apreed th�t any �ente�nd p�otita qttributabte to the property shoutd conatitute
<br /> •ddltiond ssauriy to the Lendsr tor the p�ymsnt of tAe Note;
<br /> NOW.TH EREFORE,�t is apteed th�t 3he Ssourity Instr�ment shall be emended hereby and deemed to Inatude ths fotlowlnp
<br /> prodlsioae:
<br /> 1. As�ian�ent of Rsn�,�{nd Lendsr Aanta Co!ectlon Ejiphta.Bcsrrower heraby absolutety and uncundltlonl�liy aaa�pna ai!
<br /> �ents, la�ues anA praPtts of ths property to Bsnefialary. Lender ehall have ths riphl, power and autharity durinp the
<br /> cont�nuanc�ot the�eourity Inatrument to eollaot the renta,lasuee and profite of tha property and ot eny peraonal property
<br /> loaated thereon wlth or without takin�poasesalon of the property aftaoted hereby.Lender� however,hereby conaenta to
<br /> 8or►oarar'a collaotlon and�etention ot suab renta,lesueo ar�d proflts aa they aacrue artd beaome payable,so tonp as Borrower
<br /> la not,at suoh ttme,in defeult with teapeot to payment o�eny indebte6nesa seoured hereby.or In ths psrfor�ance af any
<br /> apreement hereunder.
<br /> Z. �1,000lntment o�R��iver. If any event of defautt in respeot to the Security instrument ahafi have occur�ed and be
<br /> continulnp, Lender,aa a matter of ripht and without notice to Bor�ower or anyone claiming undor 8orrower�and without
<br /> ropan!to thevatue of the truat eatate or the interest ot the Bottowe�r thereln�shall have the�ight to apply to any court having
<br /> juriadtation to appolnt a recetve�of the property.
<br /> 3. A��t to Poaaeeaion.t�aase of detault in the payment of the said prineipa�t Note or interest,or any part thereof,aa It
<br /> ehall mature,or in the oase of fsiiure to keep or pertorm any at the aovenants or agreements contained in the Seaurity Instru•
<br /> ' ' �"� � ment,then the Lender, its succeseors or assigns,shall @�e and is hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate
<br /> poseeaslon of the satd premises thereln described and to colteat the rents theretrom,and to appiy the proceeds the�eof to the
<br /> `��� payme�tot the Note.
<br /> p
<br /> � � 4. A�ollsstlan at Acssla�lasuas at3�3 Prci!!a A!!s8n2s sta!lsct�d�y l.s��sr or the tacu�ivAr xhali be aQplied tirat ta payment
<br /> ��. ,'� J ' ot the coats of ma�apement of the property and colleotion�t�ente,inaluding,but oot Iimited to,receiver's fees,premiums on
<br /> f• '+� ;�"A� tecehr�c'a bond�i and roasonable attorney's fees,and then to the sums aeaured by the Seaurity I�strument.Lender and the
<br /> �• ,�-����; �ecelvar ehall be Ilable to account oniy for those rents aotual�y�eaelved.
<br /> Yv4' �, 5. Conatructlon otProviatona.Eech of the ptovisions contafned 1�thts Assignment of Rents Rider and the Securl4y inst►u•
<br /> • ��►�.�`'�•"��� ment shelt, unless otherwise speoifiealiy �equi�ed,be construed in accordance with Nebraske iaw.and in the event any _�
<br /> '��'.:'6?';;;' proviston heroin or therein aontained shatt be determined by a court of cvmpe4ent Jurlsdiation to ba unenforceabte.the eume
<br /> . s�,,. ahall be aonstrued aa thouph suoh unenforceable provislon were not a pert hereof or thereof.
<br /> �.�.�.�:� 6. Effe�of Rlder.Except as speoifloaily mod{tted by or Inconalatent wlth thls Assignment ot Rents Rider or by any other �.,,.
<br /> .,yh:;; eppltoable rider,all of the tenris and provisiona contelned In the S�ourity Inatrument shatl contlnue in fult torce and effeot. ?��,
<br /> C,?�.'�y.T�
<br /> 1�+'{��
<br /> iN WITNESS WHEREOF,8orrower has executed this Assignment ot Rents Rtder on the date fl�at�oted above.
<br /> � =,:
<br /> ,.w-
<br /> , E. . BURKE eorrower „�,,,
<br /> t A�l1��O. � � IGc�
<br /> _.�:::".�.,.: :::i LEILA mRXI E Bl�wer
<br /> t.. � V 4
<br /> �`'`,._ �sa
<br /> ,..� .
<br /> ` COUNTY OF HALL ) n
<br /> .-�,,,, .
<br /> �t.' '" On thia��l_day ot _SEPTEmBEi�_,19 94"befaro me,the undersigned,a Notary Publie duty comrrsl�loned and
<br /> '•"'''�= " ��' qualiftedtoreatdcounty.personatlycame �.,T.. QiipK� A�n i Fri n moxTNF RIIRKF' HIISBQIUO AN� hrTFE
<br /> . ,;A:;��::'�'�.
<br /> �_-�a:'..-,."".: , ,to be the fdenticai person(s)whose name(S)18lare subscHbed
<br /> '.-:....'w��'� �� to tAe fare�oing InstNrteent.and helahefthey ackrtowtedge the executlon thereot to 49 hislhe�lthelr voiuntury aot and deed.
<br /> �*::_�`�_:�:'.:
<br /> "'"'•-�-' ' Witneaarny hand and Notarlal Seat at GRAND ISLARSD. NEBRASKA �"
<br /> ...•.���-
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