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�. .f�� - s.Er�i, ..�:.�ffi . ��` 'l�. . . . - .- �t'•'`�:::�.Ae: <br /> � .i .�. ._..�. <br /> .,�,�: <br /> .. . � .. <br /> ,: <br /> -�+b+�r'+�T�e��•-^�rM��.r�r�..fYr ti� _ <br /> _" .�.+ _ .. _..'.. _ Jj .-y� ' ' <br /> - ` �*�� � _ ' ��}7;•'....�t�.+'��e;.�, ._ . . _ __ " _ — ' <br /> i <br /> _n_ . `..... <br /> p�.14.y� t3��D 0�TE�UST ► �+�0�� <br /> . .�y, � . O.o�n Na�19d (Cs�ni(nued) ���.�• 1�i ��� <br /> . � � . ___... _��.��-�,..- _.._....._... <br /> • •�"``����'����`�. N�bility In�urt�(n suGh covirGyo�mounq ai l,.�ndor m�y nyuasl wlth trustle and Lende b�in0 nitmcd a addiUor�t Ins�x�ds U�uch IGtDWry <br /> •H•'�°�•�-�� -� tt�txpeZ;�pa�• I►dAitlanWy,Gnnter thall malnU�ln tuch othlr In9urance,Inctudlnp but rtot Ilmitod to huard,buslnesa Ir4t�rruptbn,Nnd <br /> M boAi►ir�unnq�,a Urn1w rtay rqronabry reqWn. Policf�s ahall A�wdtten In fcrm.�mounta,cowrapri arr�i ti'si�raiG:.ts:blp�t'.:L�'�t0 <br /> ;�:,r�:;: land�►�nd Isswd bY a oampany w co�A�tnt�s rwsonQbry ooceptabl8 to Lendor. T�usta,upon nQuest oi L�nO�r,wW�kv�to Lend�r kom <br /> Nm�to Nrn�1h�porc�a arttAcata ot in�uasc�in fam aoilatactory to Londer,fncludinp stipulalons Ihd cov�np�wIM not b�ts�oMfW a► <br /> dknlnMh�d wdlhouf at NiW Mn(tC)d�ys'P�►wdfN�notic�to L�ndK. Each Insunna poNeY�lso fAaM InctuM an MdarsMn�M proMdi�q MNI <br /> �i: .:.... : � �w,+:;, Cowr�i�lava ot 6�nda wIN nol b�tmp�k�d in nny way by any aet,omission or dsttNl r�t Gr�ntw or arsy oth�r n. Shoutd ths R�Y <br /> •; °°:, Ptop�rt�at�ny Ilrr�Wcort�topd�d in an arw dts�prnled by tFH Dlrcelor ot ti�o Fodata Cmcr{�Cncy�1onaQ:trt:.�u�rt�y Ca a p=at!^J AoQd <br /> , , fyrud ava,Truttor�preN to obWn and m�inUln F�ru Flood Iraurana to th�exUnt suah Insunnc�b npWnd by L.�ndrr*nd i1 a <br /> r +ti •?�,�-�::�•s. , p�OrtN��vaW�bN.ta tM tKm of th� lan and ta th�tuA unpaid p�tpU batanc�of tM�oan,or th�m�dmur+�Imit ot cowrap�thd b <br /> �'�. .:,-:'. .- '. aVAN4bMr WI�CfMYN b1�S0. <br /> �.;:r-:: <br /> ' �:c,; .�% _... .., App{{C1R{pe oi ProtNds. Trustor ehtN prompUy aoUy I.sndor of teY loss or dartNC�lo tM PropeAy. lendK msy rt�sk�proof of toss M Yn�sta <br /> r'' '� ' taiU to do to wlltAn IIItNn(16)d�ys ot ths cuuatty.Whalhar a�ot Lendo�e seourtty b imD81�.�nder may,at Ib eNallon,r�oNw and rNaln <br /> �,, �' . . '". tfN proO�ed�pl�ny Ins�uar��nd�ppty tho ptoeeeda to tho reduetion of 1M indebtedness.payment ot any tMn att4etlnp tlw Prop�r1y.a tha <br /> •'Y � ' � mstoradan end repair uf the Property. If I.onder elecb to aFpfy Ihe proceeds to restoreUon an0 repafr,Tn�sta sraN repair a npiaa ttN • <br /> � : -�-,.� d�map�d a datroyad Improv�menb in a manner sat�tnctay to lundw• Le�der shaii,upon satbtaotory proof of such�ndtun,p�y a <br /> rolrtibuita Trusta hom thil praowds 4or th�reaaonabW cost of ropafr a resloraUon if Trustu Is not(n detsult undar thta Oe�d af Tnist My <br /> ;�.: ,� � procMdi whiah hav�not bwn disbwsad withln 180 days aAer thelr reCefpt end wMch Lendc�has not committed to tM rop�ir a astorati�on of <br /> .� �� tM Pirop�ty sfuY b�usad lkat lo pay any amount owlrp to lender under thb Deed ol Tnnt.ihen to pny accrued intarost,and tM�smtind�r.N ,,, � <br /> any�sheN b�appliad to th�princlpat batarqe of the Indebtedness.11 tender hotds any proceeds after peyment in tuil ot ttw IndabtedMSS,such ;.y.•:,. <br /> procMdt�hali pr pald to Truata as Trustors Interosts may appear. " `' <br /> �� ��, t,hNxptna Inwronce d S�te. Any une�ired insurance shaN Inure to the benefi!of,and pass to.ihe purchaser ot th�Propaly covend by thb � A <br /> Qead of Trust at any trustee a sate or other sale hetd under the provlstons of tMs Oeed of Trust,a at any faectosure sale of such Properly. ;� <br /> Trusta'a R�porl on�nsun�rtce• Upon request ot lender,howaver not more than once e yea�,Trusta ahali fumish to Londor 4 reperl on aaah <br /> ' wdttinp Pqby c}Insurpnca showinp: (a)the name of the Insurer: (b)the�iska insured; (o)the amount ot ttw potby; (d)tt»pro,�aty Intured, ,.�,,. <br /> { tM ttwn current repiflcement value of suah property.and tlre manner of determininp that value;and (e)ttw e�iretlon data of!M pollcy. • _ <br /> ! �'" TNStor ahatl,upon request of Lender,have an fndependeM appra�er satisfectory to lender determine the cash vaiue repleaement cost ot the <br /> . proPsrh• �•� <br /> ^ TAX AND INSURANCE 6iESERYEB. SubJect to any ttmltadons set by applkx�bte taw,Lender may requlra Trustor to melntain wlth Lender reseive� <br /> � • ta paym�nt of�nnu4i taxes,assessments,artd irtsurance premiums,wNah ressrves shell be created by advance payment or monthty payrtwnb at a <br /> ' sum ostlmated by Lender tn b0 suffielent to produce,at least fifleen (16) days betore due,amounts at teast equal to the texes,nssessmenb,and ', • <br /> � � insuranos prsrt�fums to ba paid. If fiReen(18)days betore paymant is due the reserve tunds are fnsufOcient,Trustpr shatl upan demtnd pay any , <br /> � doNCionay to Lendar. The reserve tunds aha8 be hetd by Lender as a general deposit hom Trustor. which Lender may saAsty by payment af 1hY �' <br /> ° taxes�tssessrtwnts,and insurance premfums required to be pald by Trusta as Ihey become due. Lender shait have the dght to draw upon tta <br /> rese�v�fttntls to pey such items,and lender ahail rtot be�equired to determine the validity o�ecouracy of any item bo}ore payinp t� No9hinp in tho � <br /> � ' �, Deed ot Trust shatt be consUued as requMnp Lender to advanca other monies for such purposes,and Lender shail not Irxur any IlabiUry fa ar►ylhinp <br /> 4t mgY c!s 4s Qm4t M�±+wttti respect to the reserve acoount. AII emounls in the tesenre accoun!are hereby pledgod to tuM�er secure 1hY <br /> Indebtednes�.end Lender is hereby 8uthorized to wHhdrew and apply such amounb on the I�debtedness upon the oCeurrence o1 Yn EYBM ot , <br /> I , DeffiuR. lender aAaN not be required to p8y any Interosl o�earninps on th�reseroe tunds uniess required by taw or agreed to by Lender in wriflnp • <br /> . Lander does not hotd the reserve funds in trusf tor Tru4tor.and Lender Is not Teustor's agent ta paymont o}the texes and essessrerents requlrad to <br /> be paid by Tn�stor. <br /> F7(PEHDITURES BY IENDER. If Trustor fatfs to comply with any proNslon ot this Oeed ot Trust,or if any aCtlon or proCeedlnp b commenced that <br /> � woWd materially afte�t lender's interests In the Property,Lender on Trustars behalf may.but shail nol be�equfred to,take any acUon thtt lender <br /> deoms epproptiate. Any amount thet LRnder expends in so doing wlll besr iMeresl a!the rate charged under the Note trom the date incurred or paid <br /> " by Lendst to th�daW of repayment by Trustor. Aq such expenses,et Lender's optlon,will (a)be payable on demand. (b)be added to the batenoe <br /> ot 9he Note and be appordoned among and be payable wilh any Instatlment payments to become due during elthor (I)the Serm of any appikxbM <br /> " ��� ir�aurance polby w (II)the remalning term ot the Note,or (c)be keated as a balioon payment whfch wIN be due end payabte at Ihe Note's matuAty. ,. <br /> Thb Deed ai Ttust eGw wGi secure payment of these amounb. The dghb provlded for In this paragreph shau be in addiUon to any other dphts or sny <br /> e� <br /> remedias to whbh Lender may be enUHed on account of the defautt. Any such acUOn by Lender shall not be construed as curing Ihe defauit so as to � <br /> ° bar Lande►1rom any rsmedy thet it otAerwisa wou�d have had. <br /> WARRANTY;OHFENSE OR TITLE.The toltowing provistons relatlng to ownershlp of ihe Property ere a paA ot th(s Oeed of Tnist. <br /> � � Titte. Tnntor wura�s thah (a)T�usto�hotds good and merketable tllle ot record to the Property in foe slmpie,free and dear ot all qens and <br /> enaumbrances other than those set torlh In the Real Property desalption or In any dtte Insurance poNCy,tlt►e repoA,or flnet tltl9 opinlon Issued in <br /> �� tavor of.and sa�pted by,Lender in connecllon wllb tNs Deed ot Trust,a�d (b)T�ustor has the t�l Aght,power,and author[ty to exeoute and <br /> � . ' dex�thts Deed of Tnat to Lender. <br /> �Of Tid3. SUb;s.."t ta!he exCepllon in the p8t3gretth ebove,Trustor wpnants and wifi tOrever defend the tIUB t0 ihe RopeAy 8481nSt!he <br /> � � lawful da�ms of eU persons. In the event any actlon or proceeding Is commenced thet questtom Yrustor's Utle or the interest ef Tnulee a <br /> lAndet under thb Oood ot Trun,Trustor shaq defend the Bcdon 8t 7rustor's expe�e. Trustor may be the nomina�pflrty In sucb praceedt�g,but <br /> . t lendet shell be entitled to perl�ipate fn the ptoeeeding and to be wD�esented tn the proaeedlnp by counsei of Lender's own CAoke,and <br /> � � ° Tnistor wIN deilvar.or eause to be dellvered,to Lender such Instruments as Lender may requesl hom tlme to lim0 to permlt suCh putldpstion. <br /> • COmyliilles With Laws. 7rusta warr8nta that the Property and Trustots use of the P�operty compAes with aq exisHrp eppGaabte Iawa, <br /> , � � ordlnances,and reputaHons of governmenfat authaittes. <br /> �''�. . CONDEMNATION. The toAOwinp provisiom3�eiating to condemnatron prxeedin8s are a part d thls�eed of Trust. <br /> , ,, Appllcttion o!Net Proeeeda If eM or any paA of 1!re Property is eondemned by eminent domafn proceedtngs a by any proCeedtnp a <br /> �� punchase In Iiau o!condemnatlon.Lender may at Its etecHOn require thet aA or any portlon at the net proceeds of the award be eppNed to the <br /> ., indebtedness or the repa�r or resto►atlon of tho Property. 'ihe rtet proceeds of the award shati mean!he award atter payment ot etl reasonable I.. <br /> 4 . costs,expe�es,and attomoys'iees inaurred by Trust6e or Lender In connecAon wlth the condemnalion. 1 <br /> r <br /> ,� : ProCeedtnps. If eny proceeding in eondemnaNOn is Hed.TruStor shaU promptiy notity Lender in wtiting,and Ttustot shall prompUy take euch <br /> steps es may be necessary to defend the acdon and odtain Ihe eward.Truslor may be the namine�party In such proceading,but Lender shaA I <br /> be enUWd to paRtcipate in the proceoding and to be represented tn Ihe praceeding by cou�e!W its own cholCg,and Trustor wiU deliver a � <br /> • Cattsa to be deUvared to LOndet such Ir�struments e9 may be requested by if hom tlme to 9me to permit such paAldpatlon. � <br /> IIrIPOgITION OR TAXES,fF.�B AND CHARGES�Y tiOVHRNMENTAL AllTIi0A1TIES. The foliowing provislons relaNnp to govemmental taxes, i <br /> �t fees and Chttpes 8re C perl o!this Oeed ot Trusk i <br /> " Current 7�tes�Fees�rtd CAerpea. Upon request by Lender,7nator shaU execute such documents in addfUon to thb Deed of Trust and take <br /> • whatever atAer aaUon is requested by�ender to perfect and conlinue Lender's Ifen on the Real Propery. Truslor shau retmburso Lender tor aU � <br /> � ' texeo,es de3Cribed betow, togethet wilh eU expertses tncurted In reeording. perfecting or conunuing thts Deed o}Ttust,indudlnp wlthou! i <br /> ' Umttatton aN texes.tees,documentery stamps,and other charges fa recading or registe�ing thls Deed of Trust. <br /> � �.� . Texes The toltowinp shali comstlt�le taxes to whkh 1NS sectlon eppues: (a)a specfNC ta�c upon ihls type at Deed of Trust ar upon ail ar amr ! <br /> " paA ot!he Indebtedness securod by lhr�Qsed of TrusL (b)a specifiC tFUC on Trustot whtch Tnislor ig aulhorfzed a requlred to deduct hOm <br /> " payminb on thY tndebtedness secured by th�s lype af Deed ot Trust;(e)a tax on this rype ot Oe9d of Trust chargeable apeinst the Lender ar <br /> •� thB hoider ct ihe Note;8nd (d)e SpeciBO tex an all ar any porUon af tho Indebtedness ot on Oayments ot pdndpat and Interest rtutde Ey � <br /> ° . �• Tnista. � <br /> •� 8Ybslq4en!Tattes. If any tax to wh�h thNS secUon epplles is enacted subsequent to the dale ot this Oeed of Trust,thfs event shaU have ihe � <br /> � snmo eNed es an Event ot Oelautt(a9 deflned betow),and Lander may exerets0 any or alt ot its avaituble remedles for�n Event o!Detauit as <br /> � . � ' �. ptpvlded batow unkss Trustor eithe�(e)pays the tex before It becomes delinquent,or (b)coMesb the tax ns provided above in the Taxes end <br /> , Uer�s sectlon flnd deposlb with Lender cash or a suHident corporeta surey bond or other sectulty settstaetory to Lender. <br /> ' " BECURITY AtiREFMENTi FINANCiH�i STATEMENTS. The foltawi ng prodsfons retating to tNS Ooed ot Trust as a seeurlty agreement are a part ot , , <br /> lhis Oeed at Tnist. <br /> ' B�CUA(y A�aement Tt11s imMUmenf ehaU co�Utule a secu�iry agreement to the exteM any ot the Proporly cQngtitules fixtures or other <br /> } ' � personal praperfy.8nd Lender shaN have aU of Ihe Hphts of a secured paAy under the Unitorm Commerc�at Cod�e�nmended Mom Ume to � <br /> '� , tlme. <br /> ` i <br />