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<br /> d�-14—t�4 D��D O�Tf�UST � *+KI'�4
<br /> �.a�,no��s c��eim,.a� t�43�'
<br /> �curil�IntlrOS1. Upon��qu�t Dy Ltndts.Tn��ia atuu�x�cuh Nnanc��atebmant�nnd Isk�whstotiw otMr at!on I��'aqu�t�d by Lm4u
<br /> lo parleoi aM ct�nYnw LsndK'a�ccurity Int�rnt In lh�Ren:!�nd Pereonal Prop�rty. In arialtlon to recoad!np this E)Md ol Tttxd(A fIM rMl
<br /> pr�y�������y,t��y�me w�,n wuhaut turttw euthainllon from'trualer,Ilf�ox�uuNd cour+tKp�rb,copNs p np�ot�uaMons al
<br /> ht i�pb d Tn1s1 a�t a Anandn0 sfabm�M. Trusta sPU�A rdmtiurs�I.�nd�r ta aa sxp�naes Inauaec!in�sai�ebrq a eonMnt►t�N�ty fNCwMfi
<br /> �r�raY�uN wN�bf�to L�snd�r wNhM Ihce�(3 d�Yf���PpM wrHlon d�mtnd kom�i.md�►. �sonWq►eonvu�knt to Tnata u�d��nd�r
<br /> �ddn�oss. Tbo m�ilirg addraso�o!'husta(debta)and Lender(secured pnrtyr),trom whteh Intam�NOn oonar�inp tM s�a�rNy IM�rM►
<br /> qraMb by�11 ONd W Tru�t may b�obyin�d(�ach n nquin0 by tiw Unitorm Commarcia!C�ti��aro a1 siat;d on tlt�t!trt ps��sf fM�R�tA
<br /> ofTruN.
<br /> FIIRTFRRi I1=SNRAlIC�S:RTTORNEY-IN-FACt� The tollow(np prpNsions rWatlrp to furtlwr sssunnas 1nd�ttorrny-IMsal��Pw��
<br /> pNd ol Tnnf.
<br /> FIxIMr As�nnC�s. At any drrN,tnd hoM tlm�lo tim�,upon nquest of Lend�r.Tnnta wiN rtwk�.�uaut�aod dWwr.a wiM oaua to b�
<br /> rrytyr,�xeculed a d�1lvK�d,to L�nd�r a to landare desipne�,tnd when reqwst�d by L�ndlr. aus�to bt ffMd,aeordod, �NINd.a
<br /> nnoord�0.p tM cas�msy W,d such dma and in suab of(M�s and pkce��t L�nd�r may dNre approprkt���eY and al wich rt�orquplb
<br /> d�ds a tru1t,y�c�rity tNads,s�cwtty apresmenb,ftnancfnp sG►toments,condnuatton statamp�t�i,!rtalrunronis a!tudhet ssstxdrtw��rlfACtMb
<br /> � and olhu daoumMts a nuy�te th�sot�opi�on ot Lender�bt noc�ssary or desiabte in ada to ettktuab,comPMM.P��,conik►w.a
<br /> � • ';tC ,
<br /> pni�w (�)Ih�obYpatlor�of Trusta under tha Note,thls Oeed o1 Trust,and the Relatad Ooaummb,ond (b)tM li�ra and acurity InIKNb
<br /> :t� c+�• a�atrJ by tAb ONd of Trust as flrat artd pda I�m on!hs Property,whefhor nar owned or here4ft�r aaqulrod by Tntsta. Unl�ss profiihiMd bY
<br /> ��.�€;�s, kw or��d to th�contrary by Lend�In wdllnp,Ttusta►ahntl relmburae Lendet tor e1�coets aed exp�nsa Incurr�d In aonnsctlon wNh Iho
<br /> :_i.;a� matbrs nt�rt�d to in tNs par�qraph.
<br /> Atlorn�y-tn�i�a1. If Trusta faAs to do any W the things retercsd to In the precedinp parepraph,Londa mq do so lor and in 1A�mrt�of
<br /> �,.C:'r. ., , .�, Tnntor�nd d T�ustors�unsa. Fa aueh purposas,Ttustor h9reby irrevocably appofnb Lertder�s Tnntord attaney-i�tor th�purpot�
<br /> '":.k�:.;..1 '',,' ol mokir�p.�cWr�p. deiivairsp�fUlnp.rcxadlnp.and dotnQ atl other fh►ngs as may 6s eecessarY or deslrebia.in lmd�s sol�op�+�b»,to
<br /> �_�¢,��,`_... :.�.:, Aceomplish Ih�m�Bas referted to in the pree�dinp paraaraph• ,
<br /> '�:''�.' ` ::-� '�' Fl�.L PERFORMANCE. t1 Tnista paya aH tha Indeb:edness when due,and otherwfse periorms aU ihs obiipetlorq imposed upan Ttusta undK fhb :
<br /> � Dasd o1 Tn�at. lender shali exeoute and dellvev to Trustee e request tor tuli reconveyence and ahaU ezecute and delivs►to Tntttar sulhbM .:•,,
<br /> `�� ..,,.��,.,�;..,.'�� s+;qm�nts of tqnNnaUOn of any flnanCirp statement on flte eNdendnq Lenders seauriry Interest In the Rents and the Personel Propaty. My .;�;
<br /> %'-���r • � reconveyar�ce te�requtred by law at�ali ba paid by Trustor.If permitted by appifcabte law.
<br /> � . rLr.J
<br /> �w:.�� ,;;,.. • DEFAI�.T. Each ot Nw fottowing,at the opHon o}Lender,shad constitute an event of defeuit("Event of Detault�under thls Oaed of Tn� �..:�
<br /> . ' ' pttwlt on InGebtedneas. Faflure oF Trustor to make any payment when due on tho�ndebtedness. ' .
<br /> � � Wt�ult on Olher Pu�lmente. Faflure of Trustar withtn the Ume requlred by thls Oeed of Trost to make any payrtwnt ta taza a fnaurance,a 'r.•+;
<br /> • � . �ny othor ptymonl necessaiy to prevent fillnp of a to ettect disoharge of any Iien. !• „
<br /> •� CotnplUnc�Defwit. Feiture to compry with any other term,obllQedon,covenant or condlUan aontalaed in lhis Deed of Trust,tha Noa or in :;.,
<br /> •• any of ttw RWated Coaurssz:i�. �t such e taUure is ourabie and it Trustor has not been given e notice of a braaah ot tfa samo provislon of this .�^,.�
<br /> Oawd d Tiu�t wiWn tha Qrecedinp twelve(121 months,it may be oured(o�d no Event ot Default wi0 have oceurtsd)M Tnator,afMr LendK �`•��.
<br /> s�nds written norics demandinp aure of sucA failure: (a)cures the taliure witran ten(�0)daps;at (i�}�7 ii�n cUia fdQUlti�'i tii0i81hIIii�ii jtOj ,, -
<br /> • ° " daya,(mrn�dietaty initiates steps sufHCient to Cure!he tailure and thsreafter condnues and c�Dmpietes alt reasOnable and nacessuy stepe
<br /> ° su7fldeM to produce complianCe es eoon as re8sonabty pracllcaL .
<br /> FNe�SU�LemenU. Any wartanry,representatlon a sffitement mede ar fumtshed to Lender by or on bel�att ot Trustor under this Oeed of Trusf,
<br /> the Nol9 ot the Relatad Documenb Is f81se or misieadino in any matedal respecl,either now or at the time mede ot tumbhed. ,
<br /> OaaM or tnlotveney. The death ot Trustor or the dissottdlon cr terminatlon ot Twstors existence aa a going buslnes�,the Insohrenay at
<br /> � Tnista,ths eppdntment of a r�eceiver for any paA ot Trustors propeAy,any asslgnment Por the berrefit of credltors,any type of creditor wakcut,
<br /> • • or ths cmnnpr�cemern of any prooeeding under eny bankruptcy a tr�solvenay Iaws by or ayainst Trustor.
<br /> o . Roreclosuro,Fo�felturo,ete. Commencement ot foreclosure or torteiture praceedings,whelher by Judklat proceeding,sett-hetp�repossvsslon
<br /> ' • �• a any other method.by any cnditor of Trusta or by any governmantal aeenoy against any of the Propedy. However.this 8ubsecUon ahsll not „
<br /> : . , opply In tt�e eveM ot a pood talth d�pute by Trustor as to the valfdily or reasonabteness ot the dalm whtah Is th9 basls ot the taedosu»or
<br /> �� taeleiture proceeding,provided that 7tustor glves Lender wrltten notice of such claim end furnlshes reservas a e aurety bond tor IhY cuim
<br /> . .. aatisteoleryto Lende►.
<br /> � � � ` - BttsCh of Olher Agr�e�metd. Any breaCh by Trustor under the terms of eny other agreement betwean Ttustor and Lender th6t b not romedied
<br /> �•�� � � wNMn uny qnce period proNded therein,indudtng without Ilmitatlon any apreement concoming any Indebtedness or olher oblipallon of Ttustor
<br /> _ ° . . . to L�nder.whether e�datlr�p now or tater.
<br /> � • Eysnb Athctlnp Guannta. qny of tlre preeeding events occurs with respect to eny tivarantor of gny of the Indebtedt�ess ar suct�QuArantor
<br /> ` .. ~ the obllpa�rfSi p undee ihe guarsnty 1 a mannRr saUstactory to Lend r ea d,n doing so't c�e 1Re Ev�en of etauif.��uncondHbn�liy
<br /> "' " ' •• In�aCUrity.lender in pood taNh deams Itselt Insecure.
<br /> � ��?�o, pIGHTS AND iiEAIEDIES ON DEFAl11.T. Upon Ihe occurrence ot any Event of Detault and af any flme th�reafter,Trustee or tsnder,at Its opUon,
<br /> � may exetdse any one a more of the PoUowing�tghis and remediea,in addiBon b eny other rtghls or remedies provided by taw:
<br /> ,:`�:;^• � AeCefera�ion upon aeteutt;Addittonat iiemediea It any event ot detauR aa�urs which Is not aured wiWn fiftaen(1S)days stter notke,as per
<br /> •^" .,,4,. fhe tarms ot 1he Note SeC�red hereby,Lender may declare alt Indebtedness seoured by this Oaed of Ttusl to be due and payable and the same
<br /> . sha�lhereupOn become due end Fayable wllhout any presentment,demand.protost or not�e of any kind. Thereatter.Lender may: :
<br /> w:= ,+ (sj EIU�er in person a by 8pent,wlth a w1lAOUt bringing any sctlan a proceeding,or by a receiver appolnted by e cou�t and witlaut
<br /> . roQard to the 8dequacy of Its seeudly.e�ar upon and take possesslon of fhe Property,or any parf Ihersof,fn Its own name a In the nan+e
<br /> ' •' ' o}Tnisba,and do eny aats whkh it deems necessary or deslrabte to presenre the value,madcetablldy a rentabttiry of theP�ope�Y,o►peR
<br /> of tt�e PrOpoAy ot interest in the Property;increase the Income hom the Property ot protect the secudly of the Propeity;and.wilh a wttAout
<br /> �' �. , taklnp posses.ston at the Propedy,sue fa or otAeMrlse collect the renb,tssues and prorits of the P�oPedy.Inciudinp those past duo and
<br /> �; � unpaM,artd eppty fhe same,less cosb and expenses ot operotlon and cottecdon,tnciuding altomeys fees,to arry indebtednea�secured
<br /> by thb Deed of Trusf.ell in such order as Londer may determtne. The entering upon and taking possesslon ot the Propazty,the coilectlon
<br /> �'.;':.�; � , ot such renb,issuets ana proNb,and the applir.atian thereof shall not aure or walve any detautt or notice of detault under this Daed of Trust
<br /> • a►nv�ldata eny sct dona In rospor�e to such tletault or pursuant to�ucA notice of detaulh. and, nolwlthsta�dinp tho continuance in
<br /> H. � � . • Qossession ot tAe Properly or the aolteCUon,recelPt and apPtication of rents,issuas or pro8ts,Trustea ar Lende�ehap ba onUtled to
<br /> �. � , exerels��rt�ht provlded tor in the Note a the Related Oocumenls or by law upon the oCCUnence of any evea!o!defautt,IncludlnQ the
<br /> rqnt to �he powet of saie:
<br /> (b) Commerw�en actlon to foractose lhis Dc+ed ot Trust as a mortgage,appdnt e receiver or speciflca�ty entoroe urry o!tA�covananb
<br /> � Mxeot;4rtd
<br /> ._. .,-��—�r«�e..,.um,�.�.aw,..���t�and d�msnd tcr sate and a written noUce ol detault and elecHon to ceuse Trustora �
<br /> ' inter�st in the Properly to be soid,whtch nolke Trustee shall cause to be duty fited tor record in Ihe approprlate oHl�s ot tho County in
<br /> � � , whECh thd Properly Is located:and I .
<br /> , �Nebrlstut Unifotm COmmerciet C�odO t th9 Persona�Property.lender shell have flll!he righb end rernedles ot a secwed porty under the
<br /> ' a° Fonciosan by Power of 8sie. If lender eiects to tor9ciose by exsrNse of tho Power of Sate hereln contained,Lertder shaA notiy Trustee and �
<br /> � ,: shaf wprisil wpA TtWtea this Oet+d o!Trust and the Note end such recelpts and eNdence of expendltures mads and seaured by l�fls Oeed ot i
<br /> , Trust ea Tnqtee mYy roqulre.
<br /> �
<br /> �� (a) Upon rc+eelpt�such notice hom Londer,Tsustee shall cause to be recorded,publlshed end de�vered to Trusta sucA Nol�e ot DefauB �
<br /> � . and Not�e ot 5sie as then requtred by Isw and by this Oeed ot Trust. Trustee shail,withflu!demand on Trustor,ait�r auoh tima as rtsay
<br /> lh�n b�reqtdred by Iaw and eRer recordation oi such Notice ot Oetault end aHer NoNCe ot Solu haNng been glven as requlred by taw,seV
<br /> � � �� the PropeAfl at the Nme and ptace of sa►e fixed by it In such Norice of Sate,eilher as e whole.a In separate lob or parceb or Ilams as
<br /> ' ..�:� ,, „ ; Trustee stWt9 deem axpedfent,and in sucA order as It mey determine.ut pubile aucHOn to the hlphest bidder fcv eash in tawtul monoy ot
<br /> ' , �: �. th�U�ted States payabte al fhe Nme of sata. Trustee ahaU detiver to such purcha3er or purchaser�thereof Oe�DOd and sutNCfeM deed a
<br /> .v o . �
<br /> •� _, .
<br /> V
<br />