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<br /> Mwr+�r►c�pnrtNun�s,Crorrnd r�srts,iind aAoHfN ohupn wh�tiawr NYiad upon or��as��P��ra a m.w��.m�m.►•� �
<br /> propety.l'rriaror fuMie�a�reea,ts�a��wdtMn r�quo�t by qsneftafuy.topmmAtN aNNwr ta BenefY�Itry�1l ncNptit Ibr fhr p�yn�Mof „ �
<br /> - &t�r.h chatpes.Truster llkewis�+e�r�es to pay all tnzes,esosssments and�tMr chaagea/ew�d upon Q��aaeaua►,piac�d a m�df
<br /> ap�tnat,or rr�naaur�d by,tdl�D�red of Truat a Me racarda�tJOn he�eof.
<br /> �, �ppNc+�ti�on o!P�ymant�.A►!p�sym�ntm tsaetvod by BhrttNcla ea to eny debt,ltn6�!Ilry o►o�tlgetlnn owed�0 8rnefict�ry by':�atw
<br /> n
<br /> miy pa oppJlyd by e�neflal�ry b ths paymmf ot the Imisstt nsae a to ar�y aueh odw�d�bt,NnblHry a obHgaolon,In�ny ord�'o+
<br /> mannsr al app!lcetlon whkh Bensflc/ary,fn/t�ebsdute d/scrotlon,deems app�npdab.Unlsss utherwla�N�ot�d by�msflcl�ry,�ny
<br /> auch paym�nt ahall b deen►�d appll�d Nrat to tM paym�nt ol�ny dabt,!ladllry or oWl�athx►oNra than tho Note.
<br /> B. Charaes;Uens.Tiustor will keep dre Tru�t Properrylrse from ap 1lena and Anc�mbrancss whlch in a�y w�y may.!n theludpm�nt o!
<br /> Bsneflctsry,hsve pr/ority over.or impalr Iho.^•ccu�lry of,thia Do�rl of Tr�at b�rt Tnistor rteed not dlschar�e any suoh Aeri ao Iaig sa
<br /> Tnuto►shd/a n�,ln w��a 6Pega,p�o�edinga e/lec��to pnvent the e mac mren col thelle and thec�of sny inM�rt! a�
<br /> ooMeat euch�in by ePp p
<br /> paR of the Tast Property.
<br /> 7. Hazerd tnauranee.Tiust�r shali keep the bu!ldings and other improvementa now exisUn�or hereaRer are�fed on the�Tiust Property
<br /> , lnsured by insursnce car�lers setlalsotory ro Beneflclary agalnat loas by Nre,he=a�da lncluderlln the term"extended cove�ege"and
<br /> ;,;� auch other hazarcf8,cesualtles end contlnqenc/es as may be reqaUed by BeneAclary,Jn auch amounts arrd fa svch pedods es may be
<br /> �equired by Beneticlery. Th9 pollay o!Jr�.suro�tCe shaR ba!n br►n acceptt►ble to AeneNclary,provlde that tho sarrte may not be
<br /> asncel/ed a modlNed widro�t 1!lteen(1b)days prla wrltten noilce to Beneflclary,end shal!have toss payable provla�ons!n faYOr oi and
<br /> '•t�.,•�:; !n fam acceptabte ro Beneflclary.A!I prem�ums on lnsarance poflcias ahaJl be patd!n tha mrjnne�prcvfded under pa�agrsph•A he�o1
<br /> ,p�;au;,;,i� or,!f noi paidln such msnner,by Tiustor makleg paymerit a!least�fteen(18)days pdor ro the due date,direatly ro tha In9ula�►Ca•�
<br /> ... �f�.���*`,;;���•,• can/er.BeneBciary shaU have the dQhi to hofd the pol/cles and renowals thereof end Trustor abalf promptly lumish to 8eneflctary slf
<br /> '�"�t�^?�y�t `;J;�;��' �ertewal noticas and ei1 pald premlum receipta iecelved by N.!n no event shall 6eneNclary or Trustae be held respons16/e to�lallure to
<br /> �,. .,«. ,t.�;��,.;�::'
<br /> ..,�:,.+,:..�,.��.,� pay Insurence premlums a for any fosa or damage srising out ol a detect!n eny pollcy a sNaing out ol eny JeIlure o1 eny nsurattr:e
<br /> �i`�;�. ;,��4.� company M pay Ior eny loss or demage lnsu�ed agalnst o�Io�1e11ure by Tiusto�ro elleci the lnsurance►equired hereunder.In the event
<br /> _��.• � �- of ksa,Tiusror ai�el! h+e ram i natfc&by mstlf to tlre lrt�rrenc�canlerend Beneficiary.Be»eAaiery mey mske roaf o//ata linot
<br /> ,��.,,_ e;.._�;: 9 P P
<br /> � made prompUy or In proper lorm by Tiasto�Nf pollc/es ol inaurence srtd any and all refunda of unearr�ed prem ums are hereby
<br /> � �=��'C�T+;•`T.., 8�gned to Beneflclary aa edd;dona/seeu►!ty lor the payment of the fndebtedneaa.fn th�evmt o/Berufldery a s�cerclse of th�powa
<br /> '� o/eafe conta�ned hereln.or tn the event of foieolosure,all dght,dBe snd lntereat of Tivalo�ln end to eny/naurance polioy then!n fac�
<br /> `'�PS�;;•b.�s F•;:;�.�:. a1u11 paaa ro th�puroAaasr et ths huatee's sale a ta�reclosu�e se1e.In oase of any fosa,Ihs lasunnce proceedo may,at th�opdon ol
<br /> �• ` �� BoneNclary,be applisd by 8ene11olay upon N►e IndsbP�dnesu�a eny psR thonol,end ln�uah ord���nd omouat ss B�neNal�y►m�y
<br /> ��,,.,. .� , �„� d�t�mdns;or aald lnturence procesols,et tho optlon ot Boneflalary,mey elcher be uaed ln raptaclnp a rsatodng ths Tivat Prop�rty
<br /> � � peMally a totafly dsafroysd ro s cond�don aaUa/aorory to BsneAcNry;a sald tnawancs procNda,0�Ny p0ltlOn th�nol.may b�
<br /> �., •�. � nNaa�d ro Tivatoi Unt�sa Ben�NcNry�rnd Tivaror oiherw�se aQree In w�itlnp.eny auch eppllaetkn at lnau�ertcs procesda ah�l rtot � :
<br /> ' sxtmd or po�tpone tbe due date o/ths Note.or a�ny lnaiaflmenb oaped lo�d►erMn,a chenps the�mount ol auch leahtlm�nta.N tlw
<br /> •� � • �T 7iu9t Propsrty/a aeQulrod by Bsneflcluy purauant ro ths exerclse of thn power of a�le or ether loroclo�ure,all dBht.dds artd/nteroat of s t` `
<br /> � Tru.tta In end to any/nau�ence proceeds pr+yab/e aa a reau/t of deme�a to the Trust Properfy prla to the aale or eaqulaldon afuNf pase •:;��
<br /> ° ro BsneBclary and ahell be applled Nrst io the costs end expenses,lncluding ettomey feea,fnouned!n collecdng such proceeds,Nen ,��
<br /> — " ����at gr�d!n tha oido►provlded h8ieln.
<br /> �� 8. PreservaUon and Malnfe�enca o1 Tiust Properry. Tiustar wlll keop the bul/dings srtd oiher impravements now or hereaRer erected on
<br /> •.,�3 the Tivat Pmperly M good iepelr end condldon and wlU not commtt or permft weste,wlll nof alte�the deslgn or structarai charecter '�� ��
<br /> ` consiltuUng any bullding rtow or hereaftei erected on end constitWng the Tiust Property wlthoui the prloi written conseni of '�
<br /> �� " 8eireNclery,wl!!not do sny act o�th/ng whfah woald undufy Impair oi depreolate t►re valus of the Trust Property end wlll r�ot abandon '���,,�
<br /> �---= tlre Truat Property. Ti:�?tnr w111 not remave sny Axteres constitudng the Trast Property unlesa the same sre Immsdlatety replaced wlth -__,,
<br /> /ike propoRy sub/ect to the Ilen aad secmlty Interest of th/a Deed of Tiusi en0 ot etlesst equn!valua d�d ut!!lty.Tru:�tar ul!!comRt;wtth
<br /> � e31!prasent snd f�ture ordlnances,regufaUena end reqeUementa o!any goverrtmental body whfch ere epp!leabfe to dre Tiust Prope�ty
<br /> and to the occupancy end use the�eof.H this Deed of Tivat!a on a unit in a condominJum o�a plenrted unit development.Tiusror sheJl
<br /> ' perbrm ell ot Tieiators obllgetlona under the declaredons or covenanb creadnp or goveming the condominlum or the planned uaR �
<br /> � deveMpmen�the bylaws and reguladona of the condominfum or planned anit devefopment,and the conatlwtuent documenta.
<br /> � � 9. Inspecd�n.Benedclary a ite egenta may,ef afl reasonable dmes,enter upon the Tivat Properry for the purpase of lnspecUon.
<br /> ° " Beneflclary shap have no duty to marke suah lnspecNon and shall nat be Nable ro Trustor or to any person!n posseaslon N ft mskes o�
<br /> 1p11a to make sny+suchlnspectlon.
<br /> i0. Protectlon of Secwily.Il Trostor la!!s to pe�form any of the covonants and egreer►rents contalned!n thfs Desd of Tiust,or N eny actlon
<br /> ��, � � or prcceeding is commenced which does or may edversefy eflect the Truat Property or the lntereat o�Tiustor or Benefklary thereln or
<br /> ' � the tlt/a of 7nrator tliereto,then Beneflclary,atlts opdon,may pe►lorm soch convenants end agieements,mako such appeara►rces,
<br /> defend egslnst end lnvesdgate auch ac�on or proceeding end teke such other aotlon as Beneflc►ary dsems necassary to protect fts
<br /> � ° ,� Interest includiag,brrt not Ilmlted%dlsbursemeni o/reasonsbte attomey fees snd entry upor+the Tizst Properry to make repalre.Any
<br /> entounta disbursed by Beneflclary pmsuent to thls peregraph t 0,with lnierest theieon,shal!consdtNe Indebtedness o/Tiustor
<br /> t> > ' secured by lhls Deed of Tiust llnlesa Tiustor end Benef/clary agree to other terms o/payment,such amounts sheq be payable apon ,
<br /> •„ rrottce hom Benefldary to rivator requesdng payment thereof,and shell bear fnterest from the date of dlabursement at die de/auft rete,
<br /> �';,,;.•: !f sny,sef faRh/n!he Note,or otherwlss af the h!Aheat rete penrUtted by/ew. Nothing contalned!n thfa peragraph shall reqWre
<br /> '��•� Benefldary to incur eny expense or take any aoNon hereunder.Tivator Inevxabty euthalzes end empowers Benefidary to enter upon
<br /> 4.�: . � the Tiast Property as Tivato�s egent and,In Trusror's neme or otl�e�wlse to pedorm any and al!covenents and agreements ro be
<br /> • ..';z` pe�fv�ned by Tiusta as heroln provided.Beneflclary shell,atlta opdon,be sabrogaied to any enc�mbrence,llen,clalrn or dernend
<br /> �!tw�j and to alf dghts and secWltles toi the PeYment thereo�pald or dlsaharged by Beneficlary under the provlslons hereof snd eny such
<br /> �' '� subrogetlon rlghts shaq be eddldo»a!end cumuletive secuiiry lor thls Deed of Tiust
<br /> f i. Condemnadon. The proceeds of any award or clalm lor damages,dfrect or consequer►tlel,!n connectlo»with any condemnaUon or
<br /> r �. � other taking o/the Tiust Prope►ty,or any pa►t tl�ereof,or lor conveyence!n 1leu of or in en8clpatlon ot condemnadon,are hereby
<br /> „ ' &eslgned to end shsl/be pald!0 8ene/lclary.Tivaror wIq tlle snd prosecute,!n good lalth end wJth dae d!!lgence,its clelm/o�any such
<br /> awe►d Cr paymse�end wlp ceuse the seme to be coflected and pald b 8eneficlary,snd.should!t/all to do so,Tivator lirevocably
<br /> � ' suthortzes end empowe►s BeneNGery,!n the name of Tiusto►or othenWse,to BIe,prosecute,seltle or compromise any sach clalm and
<br /> to cof/ecf,rece►pt lor and reteln Me proceRda.11 the Tnrst Propery Is ebendoned by Trusror,or,aRer notice by BeneNc/ary to Tiastor
<br /> ' that the condemnor offers to rnake sn award or setNe a clalm for damages,Tiustor/eils to respond to BeneHc►ary wlthln thlrty(30)days
<br /> � 9RBl fhB dBtB 81lCh IIAtlC@ 1S JI►eliBd,Benefictary le authorized to collect and apply the proceeds!n the menner lndicated hereln. The
<br /> �'� � :" proceeds o/eny awa►d or clalm may,eRer deduo►Ing afl reasonab/e costs and expenses,lncluding attomey/ees,whtch may have
<br /> been Irtcurred by Benellclary!n the colleatlon the►eof,at the sole dlscretlon ot BeneNclary,be refeased to Tiusror,applJed tv
<br /> ` •• " restoreUon of Trvst Pra�peRy,or applled to the payment ot the/ndebtednesa. Unless Benaficfary arrd Tiustor otherwlse agree In wrtting,
<br /> � ' eny such app!lcetlon of proceeda to lndebtedaess she!!not extend or postpone tAe due dat�of the Note or the payment of any
<br /> � r„srsltmsnra celted fn�Mereundor.
<br /> � " . f2. Tivsror Not Reteased.Extonsfon of the dme tor payment or modlNcatlon o�eny emordzaUon o/the/ndebtedness grented by Beneeclary
<br /> � to eny successor!n/nterest of TiusMr shall rtot operate to release,in any menner,the lisbiflty ol TrusMr end Tiustor's successors(n
<br /> Interest BerreNclery ahall aot be required to commsnce proceedings agalnst auch successor or refuse ta extend eime fvr payrrient ur
<br /> � �, otherwise modlfy anrorGiYatlort of tAe Indebtedness by reeson of any de�and mede by Trusror and Tiustor's successors
<br /> . !n lnterest
<br /> � 13. flnanclal lnl�cimeNon.l/pon�squest of Beneflclary,Trtlstor wAl provide to BeneBclery,wJthln nl►rery(80)days ot the close ot eBCh NsCal
<br /> ° year of Trr�sbr,Me consolfdated bslenae sheef and stetement ot eamings ot Tiustor end eny and e!1 guaranto►s of the Udebtedness
<br /> secwed hereby,i1 eny.and w!!t provid6 end deliver to BeneNclary suCh othei nnanclel Inlormedon end!n such manner as BeneNclary
<br /> � may reasonably requesr hom tlme io dme.
<br /> � 14. F/rtenclsJ Covenents.lrr eddldfan to eny othor flnanclsl covenanla of Tiusto►made!n eny other agreement,Mstrument or document,
<br /> Tiustor shall Cor»ply with end shall cause eny end el/guaranbra of the Indsbtedr+eas secured hereby to compty wltl►,or be(n
<br /> compllance with,the/o0owing Nnencial coveoants:(Thls paregreph ehall not appty N covenants s►ed�equlrements are not set
<br /> '� � , • MKh hereln.)
<br /> �1 t6. SChedule o/Lesses.Wltl�ln ten(f0)deys slter demand,Tiustorshall fumish to Benefldary e schedule,ceitilied to by TiusOOr,settlng
<br /> forth afl Jeases of the Tiust Prope►ry,or any portlon thereof,lncluding In each cese,the neme of the tenents or occupanta,a descdptlon
<br /> . o/the space xcupled by such tenant or occupant,the rental paysble far such spaae,end such other/Mormatlon and documents wRh
<br /> �. ° ` respect to such leases and tenanc/es as BenefJc(ary may reasonaby requesG
<br />