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<br /> �
<br /> THIS DEEOOF fR[!ST!s tnado thla l._....2 day of sapt�mbsr �18 94 �by and katwMn ��°����na�a ,�
<br /> • ��_+`....�b.. n,.«,....e«aon whedtArOrtewmore.��llfAllIAKNC1�It��l1 �TN�fUf�J� .
<br /> wAose malNng add►eaa ia p�4 H4= 101 S Qr..+a T.�■++a N� �8802
<br /> NOAV'JESr BeWK NAAxsAka..�l�t;�,�r����i��int�.. (her�lrtaRar caned the"17ustee),whaara milUnQ tddn�a la
<br /> ,and NOAWE3TBAA1K�b*g��- Nq {nnnl ��e �A*�.(i��'i�
<br /> eallsd the"Bene ciery'I�whosemefllap addroaa/a %�'%i�l�{•'�. �YA�f[� ra�A���p �aane _ —..
<br /> " �Y,; Q�. WHEREAS,Trustc►rls lndatrted to Beneftclaryln dre pdnclpa!sum of seventv Tixouaand aacl n�/10f!
<br /> � � �'�y''�� DoJlara(S 711,^_�0:�D ),whlch indebiedness!s evldenced by Trustor's promisqoqr note datedSe�ml�e�.].Z 19-94—.fherai�aner
<br /> �;�� '1`�i:a ' te to the order o}BeneftcJery and hav/ng a mfrtu�lry ct -rA�LA7�r �� . t A� .
<br /> ,,4^.: Celled the"Noto'7�PeY� �
<br /> p.•�...a}x,.:,. ,... :. r` .
<br /> �.�:.T��- • •; NOW,THEREFOR�for the purpcse ofaecudng: , .
<br /> �a �:t•1�i;.I; ;
<br /> ��`������:•�-�r�a (ej psyment of the Nofe,tagethe�wlth lnte�est drereon,late charges,prepayme�+t penaldes,eny future edvances,and all extensions,
<br /> -�>s�,.;;,;,.;:<,r;;,±�
<br /> .... _ s•„ modMcaUora, substituNons and ranewels thereal, �.
<br /> L{Si..:��.�--;.r�;`.%�j'�'�
<br /> (b) payment of a!!otha�sums,fees or charges.tagatl�e►wlth/nie�est thereon,advanced b protect dre securiiy ol tfils�eed of Tirat arr �
<br /> .��,,�,��',`:`;'•-;=''+�!;ey� �e perlorrnance o1 the covenants and egreemente ol Tiustor.whether or not set foAh hereln,
<br /> ,�r:;;, (C) pelfOlm8I7C9,dlacharge ot and complJance wlth every tenn,�ovenant,obligadon end egreement of Tiustor contatned heroln a
<br /> .,,,; � ,� ►naorpotated by refe�ence or any vther seoudly/nabument et anytlme gtven to secure dte Ncte,and
<br /> "" � • ' (d) th�repaymen!o�a1t othe�sums or hdure advences,wid�lnierest thereon.whlch may heretolore have been or hereaRer bs advarrc�d
<br /> �:,y,.,,_ ' •��' by Benef/cfsry to TiLStor or 7rustor's successo►!n interest a dtle.
<br /> T � ' ` a!!01 whlch!s herelnafte►copeotivety ce1led rhe"Indebtedness",Tiusforirrevoaebty g►enta snd hansfe�a to Trustee,ln Wst,W/TH POWER
<br /> , , .. . OF SALE,the fnl/owing descdbed prope�ty:
<br /> Lot 44� Castle Estatee Subdivisfoa,� in the City of Graad Island� flall County. Nebxaska.
<br /> �� together with(Q all balldJngs,st►uctmes,addlNons,enlergements,mod/Ocatlona,repalre,rep/ecamehts,end/mprovements now or hsroallsr
<br /> loaated the�eon,(A)ell equlpment,machln�ry and Nxtures(lncluoir�,wlthout/lmltedon,allllghdng,heaUng,venAtlatlng,cooling,alr
<br /> condldoning,sp�lnk/!ng and plumbing Nxdues,water and power systerns,enginea,bWfe�s,►engas,ovens.dlabwe8hers,mlmnrs artd mantela,
<br /> - -�- -- • carpadng.fu,nscas, aIt bum�rs,elsvaton erid motors,r�fd�era8on plenta or anHe,communlcaUon ayatems,dynemos,hansformers,eleaMcet
<br /> " equlpment,atorm end screen windowa.doors,awnings and shedes)now or he►aalter eKeChed to,or bailt!n,any buildUg u�Improvement
<br /> -� ' now o�hereafter bceted thereon.(lll)ell eesements and Nghts ol way eppurtenent thereto,(iv),eN leasehold estete,dght,tlt/o and Interest of
<br /> Tiustor in end to ell/eases,whed►er now a hereatter exisdng or entered fnto(lncluding,witlroutlimttedon,all oesh snd security deposlts,
<br /> advance rentals end deposlts or paymenta of a slmllar naturej,peRafn/ng there%(v)al/rents,lssues,p►+D1Jta aad lncome therelrom(subJeci
<br /> to the dght o►Tiusto�to colfect and app/y such rents,lssues,prolita end/ncome as they become due and payable so long es no event of
<br /> �� delault exlsia hereunder),(vl)all roysltlea,mineral,011 and gas dghta and proflts,weter, water dghts,and wafe�sMck,(v!!)sl!tenementa,
<br /> haradlfaments.pBv//sges snd sppu►tensnces be/onging,used or en�oyed in cor+necUon therewlth.and(vli!)sll proceeds ot converelon,
<br /> . volunrery or Involuntery,ot any ot the foregoing lnto cash or llquideted cialms(including,without J/mltetlon,proceeds o/lnswence snd
<br /> condemnaUon awards),all of wh/ch Is herelnafter collectivety celled the"Tiust Property".
<br /> � 1. Tlde.Tiusror covenants,wenants end agrees wlth BeneNclary,!ts successo�s end asslgns,thet Trostor owns the Truat Propeiiy fiee
<br /> hom any pdor llen or encumbrance,that this Deed ol Tiust!s and wlll remaln a valfd and eniorcesbte i(rst Ilen on the Trust Prope�ty,
<br /> that Ttistor,et Ita expense. wUl prasenre such tlde end wlll mafntain this Dasd o/Trust as e N►st end pe►amount Ilen upo»the Tast
<br /> � ' ' Property and wll!Mrever wanant end de%nd the va!!dlty arrd pNority of the den heieof aga/nst the clalma of efl persons arrd peRies �
<br /> whomsoever. Tiusior,etlts expenso, will ceuse thls Deed of Trust.and each amendment orsupplement hereto,to be Nled and
<br /> " recorded as e mortgage of the Tiust Properry in such manner end!n such place and wlll teke such aotlon es!n the op/nlon of Trastae
<br /> �-� may be requlrad by any present orfutme lawln order to pe�fect,ma/ntaln and p►oteot the llen of this Desd of Tiust,es the sarrre inay
<br /> � be emended or supp/emented/rom tlme to tlme.Trustoi w!!1 make such furlher assurance or essurances to pedect ltat Ude to the Titrst
<br /> Property as rnay be requlred by Ber+efklery.Trustor he►eby rellnqulshes sll rlght of dower and homestead lo and to the Tnist Property.
<br /> 2. Payment ollndebiedness. 7tistarshall pvnctuslly pay the pdnclpal oi end lnte�eston the/ndebtedness secured hereby. ,
<br /> 3. Consbuctlon of Ir»provements.Trustor shsll complete In good and woikmanllke manner arry b�llri/ngs,improvements or repa!►s relaUng ,
<br /> �� �, � " thereto whfch msy be begun on the Tiust Properry o�contempleted by the foan evldenced by the Note secured hereby,to pay when ,
<br /> " due all costs and 11eb1!ltles lncmred therelore,and not to permit any consbuctlon 1len aga►nat such 7rost PropeRy.!n the event
<br /> consbuadon ot buildings,impr�vements or repalrs are contemplated,Trusfor also agrees, anything ln thJs Deed o/Trust ro ttie conuary
<br /> � notwithstandleg;(a)ro prompdy commence eny such wo►k and ro complete the proposed tmprovements prompily,(b)to complete the
<br /> aerneln accoMance wid►the pleas snd speclNcadons es approved by BeneHcJary,(c)to compty w�lth alJ the terms of a bullding loan
<br /> agreement,!i any.between trustor end BerreNc/ary,the tem�s ot whlch are incorporeted hereln by reference and mede a paR hereol,
<br /> � ' (d)to allow Benef/clery to Inspeci fhe Tiust Property et ell Bmes dudng co�st+uctlon,and(e)to replace eny wo►k or materlals
<br /> a � � unsadsfecrory to Benellclery wlthln N/teen(�S)days alt�r wdtterr notice ho►»BeneBciavy of sech lact .
<br /> ;�� � 4. Funds!or Paymertt ol Cherges.Su6/ect to sppllcab/e!aw or to a wdNen welver by BeneNclary, Tiustor ahall pay to BeneNr,�ary on the
<br /> ' � Nrst day o!each month,or such oMer dete each month es may be specHled by BeneNcfary,untll the Mdebtedness!s paid!n wll.e sum
<br /> t (herelnafter cailed Ute"Funds')equal to 1ll2th o/the yeerly texes end assesaments whlch mey attaln pdority over thls Deed ol Trust
<br /> end ground rents on tho TruBt Property,!/any,plus 1 it 2th ot fhe yearly premlum insta/lments for harsrd lnsurance,pfus 1/12th of the
<br /> . yesrty premJum Instel/ments for matgage insurence,N any,all ea reesonebly esdmeted lnitlaUy and from tlme to Nme by 8eneflc►ary on
<br /> __.��iu.....a...��....el.1e�W..,e►m►I.n.d./ Thn F��nrle ohal/!w hofN!n An(►1CNhINAA.thA d9DD3I�3 O/
<br /> irrv aaai$vi assvswTioriw a..w.....�a..................�................,.......�.... ...---••---.._._- -•-- -—
<br /> � „ � eccounts of wMch sre/nsured or guaranteed by a ledera!o►siate egency!ncluding BeneNclary.8enellclery shall apply the Funds ro
<br /> pay sald taxos,assessments,lasurence premluins and ground�ents.BeneNclary shall not be requlred to pey Tiusror any Interest or
<br /> �� � eamings on Me Funds.8eneflcfary shalf glve ta Trustor,wlthout charge,an annuel accounUng ol the Funds showing credits and
<br /> ' deblts to ths Funds and the purpose 1or whkh each deblt ro tho Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addl8onal secu►ity lor
<br /> �� the lndebtedness secured by thls Osed of Tiust.If the amount of the Funds held by Beneficlary,together wlth ihe future monrhly
<br /> ,� � ' installments ol Funds paysble prfa fo the due dates o/taxes,assessments,insurance premlums end ground rents,shall exceed the
<br /> smount requlred to pey sald taxes,essessments,insurance pr+emlums and ground rents es they lelf due,such ex�ess shall be,at
<br /> ° Tiustor's opilon,elther promptly repald to Tiusror or credlted to 7rustor agalast luture monihy instsflments ot Funds.1/the amount of
<br /> the funds held by BeneBclary sha6 rtot be suHlclent to pay taxes,sssessments,lnsurence prem(ums and grou��d rents as they/all due,
<br /> Tiustor shal!pay to BeneNclery any amouni necessery to meke up the deNclency wlthln thirty days/rom the date nodce ls malled by
<br /> BeneNcfary to Trusror requesNng peyment thereot.Upon Aayment 1n lull of all lndebtedness,Beneflclary shall prompHy refund to
<br /> �� Ti�sto�eny Funda held by Benefldary.fl the Trust Property ls sold unde►the power o/sa/e or the Trust Property!s othervvlse ecqulred
<br /> ' •*, . .' by BaneNc(ary,Beneficlary shsl/epply,fmmedlately pNor to tfre sele of the Trost Properry or(ts ecqulsltlon by BeneBclery,eny Funds
<br /> • � ' held by Beneflclary at the tlme oi appllcadon es a credit agalnst Me Indebtedness.11 BeneNcfery executes a w►ltten watver ot Tiustor's
<br /> • oblJgaUons under thls pgregreph 4,Tiustor covenents and agrees to pay,before the same become dellnquent,all texes,assessments,
<br /> ,, uC�Yfe�aro J�es fNO6nska 0ny/ r
<br /> �
<br />