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<br /> . . 'r'• u t`�f� . ....-. . -� 1`l-�' �`� 't�
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<br /> 4.' "..'+ . Y-�6�::��i:`�.."i�.. . . r. .
<br /> .�94-�0'75�9
<br /> ary ♦�u��
<br /> 1Q Co.�n�nts o!Tvuata wtrii Asspsct to Leaaea.Withoutths Pda w�thoraoi�whethsrsuoh lea�fs now or hero�n exla�ncsi.
<br /> wlth respect to any isase ol epaca!n the Trusi prapery.a anY P��'
<br /> - : �,�,,,;,;�,:,.,;,� (e) Accept ar permlt eny pf�poYm�nt,dlscovnt or Gdvarrco payment ot rent hereunde�!n ett�.+e�s o/ane monfh,
<br /> (G) Csnce!cr tsrminafr�tho aame,or eccept any cenco!labon�te�mineUon a auaender thereoi,a�pemrtt eny event to occur whfch would
<br /> o�ccur therounder to term►nate or oanceJ th�seme.othar thsn terrnfnadon tornanpaysrent of renL
<br /> (cJ Amond or modlly the sa»e ao ea to re�luce dre tem►thereot,the�ents!payeble theneurtde�,or to ohange a►�y renawe!provistons
<br /> d�ereln co�ined�
<br /> (d) Wdve any default thereunder a brF►aah thereof,
<br /> " '� (s) aweuld a e dre eflec�of lmpa��g the�e o�a lessor's Jnterest the�eunder or Nre prope�ty su0�/s���eto,a of mpaldrt{�r�whlch
<br /> � u. positlon a fnte�esr o/Beneflclery there/n,a
<br /> �' "� - (� Sell,as�18n,pledge,mortgege a othenyise dlspose of,or encumber fte intereat in any sald lease or any renta,issues,profits►ssu�ng
<br /> �,.::. -., :.
<br /> � ° or erlsing thereunder.
<br /> ` r � !7. Walve�ol5tetute o1 IlmitaUona.Tlma Is of the essence!n al!01 Tiusror's obligaUons end dutles herpunder,and ro the extent pem►Itt�d
<br /> ;:�:.,�...:.. : :,�.?
<br /> ,�:�n:,,�w;�i?� b �W,Tivabr walves ap presenf or tui�re atatcttas of IlmftaU�ns wlth respectto sny deb�dernand or obliga2lon secuted hereby and
<br /> ��:�-.,: ,.�rc"��1 • any acUon a procseding lor N►e pwpose of enforctng thts Oesd ol Tiust or eny�(ghta or remedles cortteJnval herein.
<br /> -`,'��4`-.�` �'�''�; 18. Aaslgnnaentof Deposlts.In the event conaWcdon of lmp�vements Is contempfeted by dre fcen evidertced by the Nofe sec►med
<br /> �:� :•..: ,
<br /> �,t�.� ;.3. � ��.` hereby,es addltional secudty the�efore,?'r�stor hereby trenafe�s and asslgns to 8eneflotary,all dght,tlde and lnterest to eny end
<br /> ,7 .; , , ' . manles deposlted by or an behe►!01 Truaio�with any cf[y.counry, publlo body or agenoy,sanitery dlsUlat,utldfy company,and
<br /> �• :,,�`� eny other pody or agency,fa the lnatelladon or b seoure the lnstalleNon oi sny udllty by Tioatbr,�nalning to the Tiast Properiy.
<br /> �;�f'..`�,;., ��;;;"; tg, Corpp►edon nr Parbtershlp F.xlBtence.N Tiustor la a corporeUon,generel parb►ershlp,or 1lmlted pemrershl ,!t wlll do aN thlnqs
<br /> '���• �> � '• necessary to preserve!ts ac�Pcrate or pamrerehlp extstence,as the case�ay be,errd s!!dghts and prlviPges under thB lawa o�the
<br /> �;2: �� ",: _.'�'�s atate of Its Inco�poreUon a organlreUon.
<br /> - ' Z0. Forbearanae by BeneNclary Not e Wet�er.Any forbearertce 8y 8eneticlery!n exerclstag any dght ar remedy hereunder,o�otderwlse , r
<br /> �.:, •.�• �� ;,��- elfoMed by rppucable/aw,shall rwt be a warvsr of a preolude the exercfse of eny suoh nghr or remady Tha proourement of ,
<br /> ' tnw�aacs a the psyment of texos or dre dlscharge ol1lena or oha�pe�Oy 6enslJclery shel!mt be a walve�o/Benellclery'a Nght to � k '
<br /> scceferere Me matwly olthe Indebtedneas. '�
<br /> " � 21. Remedles Cumule�fv�.All ramedl�s provlded in thla Doed of Tru�t are dbUnct end cumuladve to eny othe►n8hi or remedy under drla � •.�
<br /> �A . ' peed of Trust or sffaded by law or equiry.end mey be exerclsed concurrently.�ndependenNy or successivery.
<br /> � 22. Successo�s end Asalgna Bound;Jolnt and Severel Uablliry;Captfona. Tha covenanta end sgreements he�eln contained shalf bind,arrd ;,��
<br /> s • tha dghts hereunder shall inure M,the respective successors end essl8ns of 8ene0clary,Tiustee,and Trostor.Alf covensnts end .ry:
<br /> agreemenrs of Tiusror shalf be/alnt end several.The oepdons end hea�ngs o/the pa►egrephs of thla Deed o�Tiusi are/a
<br /> convenlence onty end are not to De uaed tolnterp�et w dellne�he provlslona hereol. �
<br /> � • 23. Notice.Excep!lor�ny nobce requlred under eppllcsble la�v M be glvertUr another menrter,(a)eny nodce to Tiasro�provtded tor In thls ti.
<br /> ' Deed of Tiust she►!be glven by mailing such noUce by ceRlBed rnall,reNm ieceipt requested edd►�ssed to Troator at Its malQng
<br /> ° ����S�py$�y{,ouch othor eddreas sa Tiusto�may designe[e by noUae ro BenefJclary as p►ovlded herein,end(b)eny '�
<br /> nof/ce to BeneBdary or Trustee ahall be given by aeRiAed mall,retum iecelpt requesreai,to 8eneflciary'e and Tivsiaa's s»aNing .;i;
<br /> eddreas stated herefn o�to svah other address as BsneNclary or Trostes inay deslgnate by nodce b Tiasto�as provldsd he�eln.Any �.^,
<br /> notice provlded for!n thla Deed of Tiast ahal!be deemed to have been glven to Tiasta,Beneflclary or Tiustee when gJven in the :ti i
<br /> � manner deslgnsted herefn. •
<br /> 24. Cioveminglew:Severabnry.rh1R a+pe of TiuRr shsll be govemad by tl�e lews o�the State of Nebreska.!n the event any provlslon or
<br /> � clause of thls Deed o/7rost confllcts w�th epPNcabJe law.such confl►ct ahall not atfect other provlslons o�thla veed of irust whlch oen
<br /> pa ghren effect without the confllcdng provislons and ro thla end the provlslons of thta Daed of Trust are declared to be severabte.
<br /> . 28. Events o!Defeuft.Eech of the/ollowfng occunences ahall constltute an event of defeuft hereunder.(herelnefter ceNed en"Event ,
<br /> • ol DelaulC'): ' '
<br /> � (� Tiusior shall lall to pay when dee any pdncipal,lnteresf,or pdrsctpaf m►d Interest or+the fndebtedneas,
<br /> - (b) Any wenanty of tltle mede by Trustor herel»shall be unirue,
<br /> (c) Tiusto�shat�!s►I to obsen►e or peAom►any ot the covenanrs,agreernents,or condltlons in thls Osed of Tiust,
<br /> � � (d) Any rcpresentadon o�werranry made by Trustor on any Bnenclet staternenta or reports submltted to BeneNclery Uy or on behall of
<br /> Tiusror sAsll p►ove lalse a matedalry misleading.
<br /> ' •• (e) Tr�stor shall/a11 to perloim or observe sny of tha covenants,cond/tlons oi agreements contelned!n,o�6lnding upon Trosta under
<br /> ' any bullding loan agreement,seourlty agreemenr,loan agreement,flnanclnA stateme�t,or eny other agreement.lnstrument or �
<br /> � document executed by Tiusto►Jn connecdon wlth the loan evidenced by the Note,
<br /> , '. � (� A nustee,►eceiver or Ilquldaior of the Tiust Properry or o►Ti�st+cr sha9 be appoJnied,or eny of the credltora ol Trustor shal!Nle a
<br /> � petltlon fn bankruptcy egalnst Trustor,or br the reorganlzatlon ot Tiastor purs�ani to the Federel Bankn�picy Code,oi eny slmllar
<br /> ' law,whefher fede►al or stete.and if such order o�pe8don shal/not be discharged or dismlased wlthln thlrry(30)days atter the date
<br /> ... '•'': on wh/ch such o�der or peHdon rvas Nled, �,
<br /> (g) Tiustor el►al!Ble e peNtion pursuant to the Fede►al Benkruptay Code or eny slm!!er law,tede►at or state,o�N Tivator shall be p
<br /> ad/e dg e d a 6an krup f,or be dealared lnsolvent or shall make en essl�gnment lor the benelii o!creditors,or shall edinit ln wdtlng!ts
<br /> � .n�� . inablllly to pay/ts debts 8a they become due,or shall consen�to the appolntment o�a recelver ot aN or eny pa►t of the Tiust�roperty,
<br /> �'K�' ' (h) Flnal/udgr»ent for the payment of money sha11 be rendered agelnst TnuaMr and 7iustor aha0 not dlscharge the same,w aause it to
<br /> ,.•, ..��:. be dlscher�ed. wl0hln thlrty(30)days aRer!ha entry thereof,or ahall not eppeaf thereirom or hom!he order,decree orprocess upon
<br /> t:;'!.,:• whlch a pureuant to whlch s�ld Judgment was gmnfed,baued,or enfered, and secure e stay o!exeoutlon pending sach eppesJ.
<br /> ��..
<br /> �j� there n,In�any manner orweye whether�vpolu�irte� rJty oi n�nt rity,wlfho�th�w�iKe c�onse of 8erteflciary�ng Nrst�had e d��yt
<br /> �� . � � , obtelned,or
<br /> �' �) It Trustorls a corpora8on or pa►b�o►shtp and more than Afty percent(60%)of the ahares or beneNc�aJ fnterests(n such corpo�a8on o►
<br /> Z � parbrersMp.as the cese may be,shell be irensfemed or conv�yed, whether volunterlly or lnvolunfsdly,without the wrttten ccnsent of
<br /> � ., geneNclary befr►g Nrst had and obtalned.
<br /> �,! 28. Acce/aietlon o�Oabt;Fo►ecfoaure.Upon dre occurrenae of a►+y Event of Defeuft,or any Nme thereafter,Benelldary may,at Its optlon,
<br /> �t . •- t/ectere all the Indebiedness secured hereby lmmedletety due end payable and the same shal►besr lnterest at the defeutt rate.(f any,
<br /> # set Mrtch In the Note,o►otherw�se st the hlghest rate permltted by law,and,InespecUve of whether BeneNclery exerclses ssld opNon,!t
<br /> ,.
<br /> � "' may,et its optlon end In!ts so/e dlscretlon,wNAOCrt ar►y lurther noNce o►demer►d to or upon Trustor,do one or more of the following;
<br /> �a, ao.,ou�ran.mav anter umn.teke Aossesslon of,manage and ope►ete the Trust Prope�ty or any peK thereol�make repalrs�and
<br /> {% ��.�..�._�
<br /> ..JJ� .�.7JVw�Nl�iwn
<br /> � , efteratlons and do eny eats whfch BeneNalery deems proper ro protecr ma seauri'ry iirerevr,ti►n►@iami s►�u��i..�...�............a
<br /> � possesslon,!n(ts own neme,sue�or or othe►wlse colleot and recelve rents,issues end prollta,lncluding Ihose past due and unpeld,
<br /> � .. and appty the same,less costs end expenses of ope►aBon and collecdon,lncluding reasonabfe ettomey laes end 8dneflclsry's
<br /> " • costs.upen the Indebtedness secured hereby and Irt such oider as BeneHctary may determine.Upon request of Beneficlery. Tiustor
<br /> sf�eJ/assembfe and shafl make ava!lable to HeneNcFary eny of the Tiust P�r�ert�whlch has been removed. The enter�ng upvn and
<br /> taklrtg posaesslon of the Tivat Property,the collecNon ol eny reeta,►ssues end proNts,and the app!lcedon thereof es aforesald,shall
<br /> aot cure or walve any defeult theretofore or thereafter xcum/ng,oa aNect any rtotice of defeult or noUce o�sale hereunder or
<br /> � tnve/ldate eny ect done pursuent to eny such noUce.Notwlthstanding Beneflclery's conBnuance!n possession or recelpt aad
<br /> appllcatlon of rents,lssues or prollts.BeneNclery shell bo entitled ro exercise every rlght provlded for(n thls Qeed of Trust or by!ew
<br /> • upon or efter the occumence of en Event ot De/auft,incfuding the rinht to exerclse the power o1 sale.Any of the acNons re�eried to!n
<br /> ° • „�� thls paregreph mey be teken by Benellclery at such t�me as Benei�c�ery may determine without�ega�d to fhe edequacy of eny
<br /> � seau�lty fo�the fndebtedness secured hereby.
<br /> (b) Benelkfery shsU,wlMout►egsrd to the edequacy o/eny secadty ta the Irrdebtedneas secured hereby,be entJHed to the
<br /> � � ° � appalntment of a recetver by any couK having�udsdJcdon,wlMout notke, to teke possesslon of,protect and manage the Trust
<br /> > . �� � Aroperry end operate the same and colfect the renta,fssues snd profits theretrom.
<br /> • . (c) Beneflclary may b�ing any ectlan!n any cou►t ot ccmpetent�adsdlctlon to foreclose thfs Deed of Tiust or enlorce sny ol ihe
<br /> , covonants hereof. �
<br />