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,. . <br /> � ' . �;�7` , { _ .�;':i{y��r.wY,�'ri•tt k��.'. ;iiiqN;t;<.�6.`•i� 5��� � . .. .. <br /> - . �J '`�" qrpm+Fr+�nv��sr:n(��/l.'" . '_ ,. . n+'�.'� . . � <br /> ' � I���+.Cy��' ..1 . <br /> � . <• <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> ..`1 <br /> _' ryrMYloPwnw��v�v,......r�- <br /> � � � $Off011tIR Ilqr WIi iWHi b twidiil .Zii�-Y...�.:�� ��'t j��h!$.�j/C•'_!t��t?N_'��0�1 .M(K+�MMNl1g tO!,M . . <br /> ' d�n�s�d wUh�rt�lnp tha, k�lend�r'�yood�Iih d�t�Uon�PncluWf toAdnin of th�Botrar�rM's InU►ast 41 tfi�Pro�rry or <br /> othK m�te�l trnpdrmw►10l th�N�n as+at�d by thb Saw�lty IneUurr+ait or �end+�'e eecurity lnteresL Borrar,er eheN alsa bs in <br /> defsult tl BanaNe►,duriri�iRe toa»�pHc��ti�n proags9,gave materlafry 9aiso or Na�curate Intorm�tton or�tatc�mords to lendc�(�t � <br /> -` '�'� feY�d to provld�len�le► wtlh�ny metadel Inicrtnaflon)h connectlon with the loan avtdertced by the Note,IncludhtQ, bvt not � <br /> W�t�d tu, r�pne�nt�t0oc» cartCandnp 8arrorwr'o acoupancy of ths Ptop�rry aa � prNrcip�l retidmc�. If thb S�uriry � <br /> In�Uum�nt b on�Mai�hold�8arow�►�h�M aomPtY wMh �il th4 provlsbns ot th�1�. il Bortow�r�cQu4�a te�titl�to tha.�, <br /> Frop�ty.ih�tsasd�uhi��d ti�o t�ii�oiw�q no3 r�ier�r Ir�sa Lwidu�r�s to ttta rrt��in rrrnlrtg. <br /> y.�1'Oteqi�olE oii L�t1dl�`s Riqhb in tIM P�o�Ky.H 8ortowK taiM to p�rlam th�eov�nanis and apr�nmt� � <br /> " ::;� ooni�h�d N�t�is 8«wrHy InaLunwnL or thue la a ipel procdodln0 th�t may el�nMcanty aifect La�der'e rtgMs In the Propaty Q j. <br /> (wch�s�ptocwdinp in bar�Wuptcy,prob�U,fa A.and�nnatlon ot tatrMtun or t�a etrtorce I�ra or r�utlorte),thm lenda rrwy � <br /> do�nd p�y b►whM�r�li n�asfeiy to prot�tM valw o1 th�Prop�rty and landr's rlphta In the Property. Lenda's ac@ons � <br /> may inelud� pdytnp�n�l aums e�curod by r Ii�n which Ms pdortty over thN Security Inatrament, appsarkig In court, payinp <br /> �:, <br /> rwson�bt�attom�'tee�and ente�inQ an th�Prop�ty to mNa reMlre.Althouph Lender rtay uke aatlon under thfa par�yraph �Y <br /> � _ <br /> 7,Lendsr daa not have to do so. <br /> qny �rt�ounts disbura�d by Lenda und�r par�gnph 7 ahaN become addltlonal debt of BoROwa eeeured by thia Securiry =,�;�°>. <br /> InatrurtNnt Unless Bacowar �nd Lander agre�to o1Aa tu�m� ot paym.ent, these amounta shatl beer tntereat trom the d�te o1 ;�� < <br /> db�bu�aMn�M at the No2e rQU�nd sIW bs pay�bis,wHh Int�nst,upon noUce from lender to BoROwa roqueatlrty payme�t ' ' <br /> ., & �A01t�a� U1fttTlJ1C�. It tsnder raquired mottg�ye inauranea aa a condiUon ot makfng the twn aecurad by thia �A':;�° <br /> :t } . �,,, <br /> ge�curMy trtaUument,8orrow�eAall p�y the promiuma mquked to mafrrtein the mong�pe Insunnce tn et(eet. it,tor any re�san,the r..,, <br /> • x." -'�,�,,.,-,,,. mortg�ps inaunncs eovenge roquirod by Lender hpsea or cersea to be in alteat,Bortower sh�ll pay the premtuma roquked to ' <br /> "•`t?•'��'�`�� abt�covengs auDstanU�iy eQukaknt to the mortgage insurance proviousy N eftact, nt a cost su6atenttaly equhralent to the <br /> p���� cosl to Bo�ra►ve► o!tho matg�g� inswanc�prorbusy in aReet, han an altemate matg�ge insure► approved by Lertder. If <br /> ���'ct;i� Y. suDaLntf�Ny equlraMr►1 morty�ps insurance covengo is not avaY�ble,E3orrower shaN pay to Lender ench montb a sum equtl to <br /> '' 'a*�z 4 u""�a:;.?: a�twa�'iA of ti�s Ye�y rao►tg�ge i�surance pr�um bdn9 P�td bY Scrro�+►er when tt�e insu2nce covera�e Inpsed or ceaaed to � �. <br /> �� °-, �"-� � be in dtecf. Lender viW accepl, uae and rehk�these paymenta aa e losa reaerve Irt Ueu of moRgage Insurence. Loas reae�ve <br /> '���'��w�����`�' paymanb may no la��ge�bo requked,at the option of Lendet,it mo�tgnqe insurarsee coverage pn the amoutrt artd for the pertod <br /> '�, � that Lertder require�)pmvided by an insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes aveilabte and fs obtainad. Borrower shaq pay <br /> '��;uti.r,•,»,�,��tr.,3 tAe�ms requlrad to m�infsin mortg�ge tnaurar�ce in effect,or to provide a loas �ese�ve,unUl tha requUement tor mmtgage <br /> a=� ��- insuranee ends in accorduice wlth any written agreement between 8wrowe►and Lender ar appqcebie law. <br /> ".��;•,,�•. ,;: � , 8. (nfp�CtiOii. landar or tts egait rtny moke ressoneb�e entrfas upon end inspecttons of the Property. Lender shail gt+e <br /> ;'' " • • Bomywer noUce at the ttms of o�prbr to an InapecUon apecNying reasonabla oause fot the inspeadon. " <br /> =°•1 ' - 10. C�d�mnatloa.The proceeda of any award or eWm far damages, direct or eonsequer�iai,in connerriton with any <br /> : condartu�atton ar other tWcing of arry part of the Property, or tbr conveyanee h Ileu of condemnaUon, are hereby esaigned and <br /> '�;:{: ' ,, eht/ba patd to Lender. <br /> � In the even! o?e Mtal teWng of tho Property, the proceeds shall !se appUed to the sums secured by this 3ecurity <br /> •� In�Cam�st r+he!!se►or not thm due,with any enceas pald to Borrower. In the event of a peAtal taWng of tha Property tn whicM <br /> ,. •� the taN market va�us of tho PtopeKy immedatery bebta me mtang is equai to o►�eafer ihan firo nmvwn vf ti►a su�s sacured <br /> • Oy thla Sacaily tnstrurtnent Mmedittely before the mking, unteso Borrov�er and Lender othawise agrea in arrNing, the sums <br /> ' securcd by Mfa Sea�rity Instnment shsN be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multlplied by the fo0owtng traction: (a)the <br /> .• toLl amount of the eurrta seared Imrnediatey before the tektng,dhrfded by (b)the tair msrk�t value of the Properly tmmadiately <br /> . �� Detoro the mWng. My b�ience ehaU be paid to 8omower.In the event of a partfal taking of the Properry in whtch the tat�merket <br /> ° value of the Properry immedkteh+ before the teWnp fs less than the amount of the sums secured immediatety before ttee taktng, <br /> ' • unless Bortowa► end Lertder othe�wfae egree In writlng or unless appllcabie law othe�wisa provides, the proceeds shatl ba <br /> •� • epptled to the�urru secured by thfa Seautty InstrumeM whether or not the sums ere then due. <br /> ° „ If tAe Property ia abtndoned by Borrower, or if, after noUce by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor ofters to make en <br /> .. �: • • �rud a aeUk a d�Mm tor d�meges, Borrower teps to respond to 6ender within 30 days after the date the notice fa glven. <br /> .� , Lender ia Wthwired to coNect and appy the tts optlon, c4ther to restoraUon ar repair of the Praperty or to the <br /> aums aswred by thia Sealrfry Inatrument.whether or not then due. <br /> „... ��. . ° � Unless Lender and Borrower othe�wiae egrae in w�itlng, any appAcatlon ot proceeds to principal shell not e�dend or <br /> • pos�ane the due d�e ot Me moMhl�t paymeMs�eferted to in parngrephs 1 end 2 or change the emour�t of such paymente. <br /> �~�r � - ti. Bor►ow�r Kvt Rdfaa�d; Forbsannc� B�I L�nd�r Not a WaWar,Extensan ot the Ume tor payment or <br /> "�'"' "' .��; modMlcttton of�rttortlzatlon ot the surRS aecun�d by thia Seatrily lnatrument ganted by Lender to any euccessor tn interea4 of <br /> ; Borrower aheN rtot operate to release the Ilabllity ot the odginal Bortower or Borrower's successors In IntareaG Lender ahall not <br /> be requined to eommence proceedings ag�Mat enY succeasor(n Intciest or reNse to extend dme tor payment or othc+wlse <br /> • modHy amortfzatlon of the sums secured by thla Securlry Insteument by reason of eny demand made by the ortginal Barrower or <br /> ,, Bomower'a suxossors in irtterest. 11nY ie►beernnce by Lender in exerds(ng any dght or remedyr shep not be a waiver ot or <br /> predude the exercise ot eny tlgM or remedy. <br /> �c�.. -. � 12. Suca�ssors and Aaafgns 8ourtd; JoiM and S�verai Lfabftity; Co-algnere. The eovenants and <br /> : �;' ege�mente ot thta Securiry tnstrument shall bind and benetit the successors ond assfgna of leader and Bortower,subjact to the <br /> �•�;:�: . provfstona ot paragraph 17. Borrowe►'s covenae�ts and agreernents shell be�oMt end several. My Borrower who co-slgna this <br /> ...�,��•. Securky InshumeM but doea�t exccute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security InsUument only to moRgage, g�ant end comey <br /> �-�- tAa!8ortower's Interest In tAe Properry under the tesms ot thia Saeurily lnsWmen� @) ts not personalty obtfgated to pay the � <br /> ;,,:•. � • sums secured by thEs SecurRy ineWme� end (o)agrees that Lender end any otAer Bomowar may agree to extend,modiy, <br /> ,; ; ".' torbeu or make eny ac�commodatlans wkh regard to the terms of this Security tnstrument or the Noto without that Borrower's � <br /> :... � consent l <br /> � 13. LOan the loan seaued by thfs Seairity Instrument is subJect to a taw whteh seis maximum toan � <br /> chargee. �nd that lew is ttne9y intapreted so that tho Interest or other Ioan cherges coAeated ar to 6e collected in connection <br /> . wtth the(wn exceed the pe�mitted Amits, thc�n: (a)arry such toan chguge shaU ba r�educed by the emount necessery to reduce � <br /> �* , the charge cu the permitted 14ni� and (b)eny suma etrcady eoUocted flnm Bortower whtah exceeded permitted Itm[ts wiA be ; <br /> refunded to Borrower. lertder nny ehoose to m�ke tfits relund by rEdudrtg the prindpa! owed under tha Note or by making e ` <br /> �.�. � dtnect payment to Bonorrer. tt e ratund reduces prinefpal, tho rodttdfon vdq be trented ea s paALat pnpayment without any <br /> �. pcePaymertt cherge wder the Note. � <br /> •. 14. NotiCi7.My noNce to Barrower provided for tn thls Seeuffty Instrumont shNi be gMen by dellvering it or by mailing ft <br /> by 8rat dsss maii uMess eppacable law requUes use o1 enother melhad. The notice shafl be dlreetad to the Propertyy Addresa � <br /> or amr othar ed�eesu Borrower desi�nates by noUee to Lender. My notice to lender sha9 ae given by flrst das3 maU to <br /> Lender's address ststed hereY� or eny other address Lender designates by noflce 4o Barrowrer. Any notiee provtded tor�n thts <br /> „ Seeurity Instruma�t ahaU tre deemed to have been gven to�Artowe►or lertder when gMen as provfded in Nis paragraph. <br /> ' 1�i. �ov�mtng Law; S�vsrabilIty. This Securtty �nstruirtc�nt shatl be govemed by federal law and the taw ot the <br /> , Jurts�ctlon tn whtcA tha Rroperiy is toeated. In the event that any proviston or dause of thfs SecurNy inytrument or tho Nofe <br /> �� conN�s with appiiceble law.such carMtct shall not aNe�other provislons ot this Sacurfty InstrumeM ar the Note wh►ch can be <br /> g(ven eNeat wiMout the conNeUrtg proviston.To M!s end the provisions ot thb Securiry instrument and the Note are dec!ared to <br /> be severaDle. <br /> 16. Borrow�r's Copy. 8omower shall be given one confortrted copy of the Note end of thls Seeuriry In ment, <br /> �� / . <br /> .. -. .' F7J18.1N!L9(t?193] Pago 3 at 5 � � ; <br /> t u' . / <br /> � � <br /> i .. saon ( <br />