. . ' I.t . ..1 .. .
<br /> . ,1 ., - . . _ j S �i '�y.r� .. .`tti '_.'r
<br /> �, � . -t'�y'� �
<br /> ��?t • _Mw!,..,�.. .
<br /> � � . . Y'�i�4: �x:r.�,�.��P.rr�' •.-H1 ..�,_._. _ . .
<br /> , } :.Y�� , � �
<br /> .._ . - . h.. .y�,rt.
<br /> .. � ..r
<br /> � ' . 17. Transf�r of tt+r Prop�ml or t O�nNlolal tnt�r�st to tiorraw��. U au or .ny p,rt of th� Prop�ty w
<br /> � �ny IntrN1 ir�V t�ooid a t►�nat«r�d(or M w b�Mf�al htK�st In Borrowat Is aold or usnatemd�nd Bortowsr Is not�natura!
<br /> '� '�,��' '���"� perean)without leeder'e pdor wrNta�n carisent,lendM m�y,it fte optlon,requke immsdate piymant M IuN tlf aN cums sauead by
<br /> ` »:%%•••- •�� r���•�? thta Srcurky inotrumen� How�v�r,thb optkn �h�A oct bs exa�cis�d by tend�r It exKC�se is proh(bSted by tadeni kw as of th� �;;�:,�•�
<br /> �;:..,:.,,
<br /> - date of thla S�uriry tnatrumanL
<br /> ' F�;�, '� tt Land�r�xardsM thla optiat, L�atd�r aA�A pM� Borrowar notk� oi aocMKatbn. Ths notbe ahtN prortds a p�rlod of rtot�
<br /> L ' --- t�thm so dayr ham th� d�t�tR�rtoUes U drlvarad ar rtrW�d wtthln wh1aPo Bolrowa muat psty aM eums securod by thia�►
<br /> '°' �' ' '" . 8�cudty imtrumant. il8ortoww t�ifs to p�y tMe��ums prb�to ch� �xpkatlon ot this peded, taneer may tnvoke any r«nod�s`j/
<br /> �� �.� � pertMtted Dy tht�8ecutity Instrument without tuAher noUce ar denw►d on Borrower. '
<br /> �"•� ° 18. BORAw��'� Rlpht t0 R�1rts4�t�. 8 Borrowet merts caqk► condl8ona, 8ortawer ah�N hRVe tfis ripht to hwe� ��'��� _ -
<br /> �°�;�:w , �ntorcertMnt a}thla 8�wrily tnsbum�nt dlsaoMlnued �t cny tlrr�pdor to ths a�uNar oA p) s d�ys(or sucA other palod as� x
<br /> ��d.r'.. . . .�.z; ..^..�, ,.•. _ .. •ti�.
<br /> appYcahts law nwy specity for rolnataternent) betore ea�s of the Pmperty purauant to eny pawer ot sam contained M thia 8ewrtry .
<br /> � Inatnimenk or(b) entry o1�judpment entacing thta Securtry Inatrumen�Thoas condftiona are that Borrower: (a)paya Lender aH� �„�:,,r`�
<br /> ;.:r::' : ,. + ��"��:. , ,
<br /> ,; ,_�,
<br /> �R � - suma whteh ihon wouW bs due urtda thb 3ewHry Instniment and the Note as il no acrzdersUa►lud occunad; (b)aues any� �'`� .`•'��, '.
<br /> 'r „
<br /> L�, . - ., deta�tt oi any othet covenRnt or agreem�ts: (o) ptya aN expenaea Inarred in entorcing 1Ma Secueiry ineWment, Inc►uding,but� � �_. ,.
<br /> •� � not Pmited to,re�soneble�ttameya'teea;md(�Lkes suct� actlon aa Lender rtwy rodsonaby requlre to aaauro that the Uen ot �
<br /> '�",'" , � this Secu�ty Inatrument, Lendet'e rtghts in ttie Properiy �nd Bortower's abNgaUon to pay the auma eeeured Dy this Securtty � � ,d , ,
<br /> �„ ., � Instrument sh�il continue unebanged. Upon relnatatement by Borrowe►, thts Socurtty inaUument and the obppattons aecurod , : • �
<br /> ' hereby ehaH rantin tuly elteetive aa H no aacdera�on had oocutrod. Howeva,thia dght to rettro�te ehap nat apply tn the caae
<br /> , of tacderatlon under puagreph 17. ' • .-
<br /> �, 19. Sal� of Notr, Chsng� ot Loan S�rvie�r.The Note or a s paAfel Ir�taest in the Note (together with th4a '
<br /> 3ecurtty Instrument)mty bo eold ono or more Umes without pdor noUce to Bortower.A sale may result in a ahsnge fn the eMiqr . ��
<br /> ' (known aa the'i.aan S�vicer')that coHmcta monthy payments due under the Nate and this 8ec�ih�InsWmeM. There atao may ` �"�:��� __.
<br /> be nee or more changes ot the Loan 3ervleer un►eiate�to a eaie of tho Note. B there is a change oi the Loan 3ervtcer � � , � ` �"` '°'
<br /> �� Bortower will be ghren wdtten noUee ot the eAmge t�accord�nce wRh paragraph 14 abrne and app�eable Iaw. The noUce wUi � ' '�� "" "'
<br /> " state the name and address ot the new Laan Service►and the address to whioh payments ahould be made. The noUce wID also �
<br /> � - , conWn any other IntormaUon roquired by appUcabte Iaw. , '
<br /> " • 20.Hai�rdOtls Subft�DCes. Borrewer ahall aot cause or permit the presence, use,disposal, storage, or retease of �.,•
<br /> „ any Het��dous 3ubsteneea on or in the PropeAy. Borrower sheY not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecdng the "
<br /> � Properiy thet ta in violaUon of eny Emrt►omnental Law. The preceding two sentences shail not eppy to the ptesenee, use, ar ''
<br /> � storage on the Property of smatl quantiUes of Haserdous Substances that are generalty recogoiieed to be appropdate to oom+al . .
<br /> d
<br /> • residenttal uaes end to meintenence of the Praperty. %" y
<br /> �. ��.1'i. Borrower ehail promptly gNe Lender wrkten nottcc+ ot eny InvesUgadon, datm, demend. �wauR or othcsr actlon by any `','t�
<br /> " ��'" govemm�tal or regutatory agency or private parly MvoNing the Properiy and any Heserdous Substanee ar Envtronmentel Law of „ � �
<br /> 1 �'`''�'� wh�h Borrower has adual Imowtedqe. M Bortower leama. or Is noUfled by any govemmEntal or requlatory authorily, that eny ��:
<br /> , • � remova� or othc+� remedtatlon of any Hamrdous Substanee afteeNn� Properiy is �ecessary. Bomower ahaq promptly teke ali ��
<br /> � necessary remediat acllons in accordanee with Environmentel Law.
<br /> � As used in thls parsgraph 20, •Heterdoas Substen�es' are those substances deflned as toxio or hamrdous�ubaffinees by � �;
<br /> Environmentd Law and the fopowing eubstences: gasoltne, kerosene, other flammabie ar toxlo petroleum producta, toxto , d s
<br /> � pestloides und heibtcides,volaUle soNcnts,meterfels contaNtng asbestos or formaidehyde,and redioacUve materiats. As used in ' : ,!. '
<br /> , paragraph 20,'Emironmentat Law' masns tederet Iaws end laws of the judsdictlon where U►e Propeity ts located that relate to - �; �*
<br /> " heafth,setety or emriroomentel protectlon. ,`
<br /> NON•UNIFOAM COVENANT3. Bomower end Lender tuRher covenant and agree as foliows: � "`1��
<br /> " , 21. Acaeleradon; Remedia�a. Lender shatl give notlae to Borrower prlor to acaeleratlon �� .. �a
<br /> . follawing Borrowe�'s bresch of any covenaM or agreemerit in this 8eaurily Inst�umeM (but not � ' . �
<br /> prior to acaeteratton under paragraph 17 unless applicabfe taw providea otherwise). The notice � „ �-r'
<br /> shui specify: (�)th� dsfaui� (b) ti�e acdon required to cure thp default;(c) o date. not less than 4 ,
<br /> 30 dsys trom ths dats ths notice la given to 6orrower, by which the deftult must be cured; and =%• ,
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the dehuR on or betore the date apecMed In the notice may resuit tn .„
<br /> ` accelerstlon of the suma secured by this Seourtiy Instrument and sale af the Property.The notice ° '
<br /> � . "� , shstl turth�r Inior�n �orrower of the rigM to �ein�tate after acceieration and the right tn bring a , •
<br /> .. aaurt actton to areaert the non-existence of a default or any o4her defense of Borrower to �
<br /> eaa�loratlon aad aal�. If tho dofault Is not cured on or before the date apeaiHed tn the eotice, � � , ��
<br /> ; .. Lendor at Ita optlon may requiro immedlate p�y�ne�aS In futl of all sums se►cured by this Security �
<br /> � InatrumaM wititout tudhar demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies
<br /> . nnrmHted by appilcabl� Iav�. �snder shatl be entitted to coilect atl sxpenses incurred tn pursutng �
<br /> . ,��. t�n remedies proerided In this paragraph 21� including, but not Ilmtted to, reasonalole attomeys' f
<br /> '�� � te�s and costa ot t1Ue evideece. I
<br /> If the power of sate Is Invoked. Trustee shat! record e notiae of detault tn each couMy �n i
<br /> � � which any part of the Pro�rty la locateai and shall meil copfes of such notice in the manner i
<br /> � prescribed by appticable taw to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by $ppltcabte Iaw. �
<br /> �. After tha tima requlred by appticabto tatir,Trustee shati give pubitc aotice of sate to the persons I
<br /> and tn the mpnner prescribed by appltcabie tew. Trustee. wkhout demand cn Borrov�rer. ahatt sett
<br /> ; tha Propsrty at pubile aucNon to the htgheat biddor at the time and �Eaee and undar the terma � �
<br /> ` , � �, daalgnKed tn the notlae ot sale in one or more parcels and tn any ord�r Yrustee determines. I .
<br /> - Truatev may paatpons sale af att or arry parcet ot the PropeKy by pu�611c an�ouncameM at t�a .
<br /> F time and p[ace M any previously scheduled safe. Leeder or itB designee may purchase ths
<br /> �: Properly at eny �le. i
<br /> Uoon rooetnt of oavmeM M the nriae bid. Trustee shall del(var to the 0urchaser Trustea's .
<br /> �,, dsad cornaytng tha Prope�ty. The r�cEtals in th0 Trustee's deed ehall be p�ima fecie evidence of
<br /> the truth of the atatemeMs made therete. Trustee shatl apply the proaeeda ot the sale in the
<br /> .. followtrtg order. (�) to ell costs and expens�s of exercising tha pawer of sate� end the sate,
<br /> .." I�ialuding the p�ent ot the Trostee'e fees ectusily tncurred.not to exceed lhree
<br /> 96 of the prtncipal amount of the
<br /> nate at Me time of tha declarallon of def�ult� and reasonable attomey's tees as permitted by law;
<br /> (b) to atl sums securod by thia Sacurity instrument; and (c) any excess to ths person r pereons
<br /> .. legatty er�tiHad to t�
<br /> ^ F1J18.LM��12ry3) Papu 4 ot 9 . •
<br /> .
<br /> 9C071 ��
<br /> , f
<br /> �
<br />