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- � 7�r . �i�' �yl�. ' �'�.. l�������T�(' . I t!Y3,� . � ``r��.{, ..' `��f, ' i,:��.� � . . ��. <br /> �)�,�� .. -, �2�rjf�y.... .. . ' ' ��/-. . ,1 <br /> `. . �Gwq.rvR'sr.x.ur '�. •}... <br /> � �' ..'a:•.. . .. • <br /> r-i <br /> ' . T4�.�44 !!RT�t a4 tlrs hsFtave.�s�na:7 cs !r^�+.�t!sr e��on tha�topxN.and ail M�emmt�� +PPudln�ncq� �r►d <br /> • tlxturts now or h�Rer�put ot!he propetly. All np1u.�Errnnts�nd additlons aha�ll�lao b�cov�nd bK thle Secudry in�hummt <br /> � ,M�,�,�„� Alt of th�for�poinp Is refeired to tn thta Security Inetrumen2 aa the'Property.' <br /> BORR0IA�R AOU�NANTS that 0orrower ts IseRuly aelze�f at the eateto herchy eonveyed and haA the dght to grant and� _ <br /> •�r��''� �� �"'`,��!� convery the Froperty and that the Propaty b unenwmberad, except for oncumbranoes oi recerd. 8nnower wamnt�and wil� <br /> %�~� ' defend generalry the tftle to the Prop�rcy ayaN�et oA aleima�nd demanda,aubJRCt to any encumbranccs of�eeord. .�.1 <br /> 7Hi8 SECURtTY iN97iiUMHN�' aombinee unHorm covenants tar naUond uae and non�unNO►m eovenu�te wttA Nmittd�v <br /> vadationa by Judadktlon to conaUtuts�unNorm eecurlly Inat►ument cove►hp twl propetty. � <br /> UNIFOFIM COYENANTB. 8onowK and UrrdK cov�nt�nd apre�u foMows: <br /> .e:�-�.�.._::`._:`:,•�, 1. Paymmnt o9 P�Ir.�lpr.! nnd Interos*_; P►epeyee�ent Rn�l �-!,te Ch���.eonown shax v���Y MY wh�n M µ, <br /> duo tfw��lpa! o!and fitcrcn en tho dcbt evldcne:ed by the Nete end eny propayment end f�te chupes due und�r the Noi�. �•�_---�� <br /> � 2. unds for Tax�s�nd Insunna�.BubJ�ot to apyYcabt�Isw or to a written wallo Dy Lenda,eoROwsr�Iu�M pay <br /> ; >.�.�m.-: to Lendx on the day monthy payma�ts are dus unda the Nots,untN the Note fs patd in tuM,a eum('Funda') 1or: (�)ye�� <br /> :r, :��: :: r • " '�:' taxes end asaeaaments wNteh m�y attaln pdo�ty over thla 8ecurily Inetrument ae �Ilen on the Propeity; (bI Yeerly Ieas�hold� ', ;.c;. <br /> - `<; .�.' ..c..y,�.J <br /> ,�����,,,:"* ,;' -.�, �ayma�e or pround renta on the Propety. If any; (o)yaatt�r hwrd ar propaNy insuranoe parr�fume; (d) ya�rly Aood Insunnc� ,.`?;, <br /> • ^ . •^.'t�. premtuma.if amr: (e)Yeadll mortgaQe Inaunuice premlums,i!any;and(�arry auma payab�e by Bortower to tender h�ccordcnce � • �;::z� <br /> �,; :,,•.,�.:.,,'„�:�,e;�„_, wRh the provlalona ot penpreph 8, M Iieu ot tAe payment of mo►tg�ge tnauanee premiuma. Theas itema aro e�efd 'Eaaow . •�y.'�:�,: • <br /> � • • -'-" Rems.• Letider nuy, at eny tMe, co8ect end hold Funds in an amount not to exeeed the msxlmum emount�lende�tor s •` � '�����e . <br /> '� •:��;�: .`. ;,'•. .` tederaHy nlated modpnge toan may roquiro for BorrowePe escrow acaount undar the tederal Real Eshte Saritement Procadu►e� , �:;�.: ?- <br /> ,':�;,,,.;:�:,- . <br /> ;<<,' "• , - Aot of 1874 es amended 1rom dme to tima.12 ll.S.O.�2801 et eeq. ('RESPA'), unlesa enothe► taw that appiea b the Funda ' �••,;;.l�, �x <br /> ''" -` � seta e lesaer amount It so,Lenda►m�y,at vry Ume,coAeat and hoid Funds In en amount not to exceod the teaser amoun4 �'`'.k" `t• <br /> ; � �' Lender may esHmete the amount of Funda due on Me bsala of curtent data and rosssonabte estimitea ot expendiNres of tuturo ;�::�.'•f' ��;;;, <br /> '::- . • Escrow items or otherwiae In accordance wtth appltcable law. „ �' � � <br /> `�'�: � • The Funds ahap be hetd in an tneUtutlon whose deposlts aro insured by s tede�agmcy,InatrurrtentaNty,or enUly pncluding � ' <br /> �. . � . . <br /> '. , Lender,R Lender Ia euch an instlhtdon)or In atry Fedaat Home Loan 8ank Lende► shcN appy the Funds to p�y the Eeaow , <br /> -� .. _ : Items. Lender mey not eherge Boaower tor hoiding end apply(ng the Funda,annual y ana t y d ng the esaow eeeou�, or ve�ititng ���o <br /> ' the Escrow Iteme, untess Lender paya Borrower tnterost on the Funds and appNcabte iaw permits Lende�to make such a . �';�, <br /> ' ' ahuge. However, lender msy require Borrower to pay a onaUme ehnrge for an independent real estate tax�aporting servica �• f.. <br /> . used by L�der in connecUon wtth thia loan. untess eRplicabte taw provides otharwise. Unless an agreeme� ts made or • ,,::,,,,; . <br /> _ �a appltaable Iaw requires iMerest to ba paid, Lender shali�ot be requlre�d to pay Borrower any fnterest or eam�gs an the Funds. <br /> 8otrovrer end Lender may agree in wdt6�g, however, that interost shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shaN gNe to 8ortower, ., � � � <br /> . � - wfthout aharge, en ennual accounting ot the Funds, showing credtts end debits to the Funds nnd the purpose for whfch eaah ':'.,� �, <br /> debk to the Funda wns mada The Funds ere piedged as addiUonai security for all sums secured by the 3ea►ily instrument � },x� <br /> ��• " tt the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounta permitted to be held by applicable�aw,lender shall eaoi�nt to BoRONrer ' `� <br /> � for the excess Funds[n accordance wilh the requi►ements ot applicsble Iaw. it the emount of the Funda heid by Lender at sny � •:'���'` <br /> �� ;:,�;;';'� time is not sutftdent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notHy Borrower In writing,end, in such case Borrower . ,,;, y <br /> • shail pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deftdency. 8ortowef shall make up the defteiency in no more than <br /> ° twelve monthty payments,at lender's sote discr�eUon. , <br /> c <br /> Upon payment in full of aIi sums secured by this Security InstrumeM, Lende►shall promptty retund to BoROwe► any Funds , :} <br /> held by Lender. B,under paragraph 21, Lender ahan acquire or s�the Propeiiy,i.ender,priar io iha ncqui�itlur�u� eaie at ti�o , �,. .� <br /> , . ,, Property, ahall appy any Funds heid by Lender at the tlme of aequlsltlon or eale as a credit egalnst tho aums secured by this �� . <br /> 3ecudty Inshument �" �, <br /> ;:��i,, 3. App1lCat10n of Paymettt8. Un�ess appdcabte Iaw provides othemise, ad payments recetved by Lender under <br /> ' paragraphs 1 and E aheU be applfed: flrst,to any prepeyment charges due under the Nete; seeond,to emounts payabte under ��'� , � } � <br /> "��'� � peragrsph 2•third,to lnterest due;touRh,to pdndpa!due; end last,to any late ohargas due under the Note. , r <br /> �:::,• .!f�t <br /> ., 4. CIttTA6/; Uens. Bortower shaM pay ail texea, aesesamenta, oharges, flnes and impositioos attributable to the ; �1 <br /> , `:,� Propetrty whiah mny attain pdotity over this 3ecurity Instrumen�and Ieasehold payments or e,�round rorna. ff any. Borrower shaU + ., .. ' <br /> � - � �!`-�:'� pay these obligaHanc tn the manner provided in paragreph 2, or fi oot patd In that manner.8orrower shali pay them on tima f'�j <br /> �• . d ire�.-t t y to t he peraon awed p a y ment Bortower shall prom p t l y Nmish to Lender aq notices of amounta to be peid undar thM ,�"�' :^ �� <br /> �•.,; ,. <br /> :,.•.�• • paragraph. n Bortower makes these payments dtrecdy, Borrowe� sho�l prompt�r tumish to tende� receipts e�idendna ihe <br /> peyments. . <br /> Bo�ower shatl promptly dtseharge any Nen whtoh has prlo►fty over thts 3ecu�ity Instrume�it uniesa Borrower: (a)agrees in .,�...,� <br /> � ,, writtng to the payment of the obligatlon secured by the tlen in a manner acaepteble to Lender; (b) wntests tn good tafth tP►a . <br /> tten by, or detends sgainst entor�ement of the Nen in,Iegai proceedings whtch In the Lender's opinton operate to prevent tha •`��' <br /> " e�orc�.ment of the Aen;or(o) secures from the holder of the Ilen an agreement saBstactory to Lender subaMinatlng the Ilen to � <br /> this SeeurUy Instrument if Lender determtnes that any part of the Property is subjeot to a Aen whieh mny attafi p�ority over this � ° <br /> � -� Seeudty Inatrument,Lender may gMe 8ortower e notice idemfytng the Aen.8ortower shall setlsiy the I►en or take one or more of ��`, <br /> � , the aatlons aet todh sbove wlthin 10 days ot the Qhring of notice. <br /> �. 5. Hazard or Property Insueanee.Borrower shail keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on t�ha , <br /> "' •,��' Properly insurede pah�st loss by flre, hamrds Inciuded within the tem� 'extended coverege' and any other hamrds,indudln� � •;� � <br /> " Roods or ftoodin ,tor whicfi Lendar requfres insuranee. This tnsurance shsil be malntained in the amounts and tor the pedods `'w, <br /> � that Lender requlres. TAa insurence cenier pt�o�iding the Ineurance shatl be ehosen by Borrower subjttet ro�ender's approval . ,� <br /> �'%��. ° whteh shaU not be unressonebty withhetd. If Barrower teUs to rnalntaln eoverage desaibed above. Lender may, at Lender's ( <br /> �,,,; <br /> . opUon,obtein coverage to proteat Lender's dghts in the Properiy tn accorda►►ce wNh psragreph 7. <br /> '� �' All fisuranee poltcies and renenals shaU be acceptab�e to Lender and shall Include a stendard mongage dause. Lendrr I � <br /> ;.:>'^� ° °`�' shatl Aave the rtgM to hoid the poUdes and rennewels. If lender requires,Bortower shaA promptry gNe to Lender aU receipYs o1 i <br /> paid premiums and►enewat aotfces. In the event of losa, Borrower shall give prompt noUce to the insuranee eanler and Len�ar. i <br /> � ., ° Lender may make proof ot tosa B not made prompUy Oy 8orrower. <br /> � , . Untesa Lender and Borrower otherv�tse egree in wdtlng,Insurenee proeeeds shall be appUed to restoratlon ar repNr of the i <br /> Property dameged,N the restorntlon or repeU�s economtcaty feasible end Lender's seeurity is not lessened.If tNe restoraUon or i <br /> � ' � a ra�ah is not econortdcely teaslb►e or lender's security wouid be tessened,the insurance procexds shall be applted to the sums � , <br /> secnred by this Securiry Instrument. whethe� or not then due,w(th any exee,as patd to Botrower. If 8orrower abandans the <br /> � Pro�erly,or does not answer wlthin 30 days a noBce Uom Lender that the insurartee earrter has ottered to aettte a datm,then � <br /> ; Lende�may collect the Insuranao proeeed3. Lender may use the pmeeeds to repa[r or restore the Property or to pay sums � <br /> � seaited by this Seaurl►Y Instrument.whether or not then due. The 30-day perlod w(il Oegln when the nottce Is g3r�en. ' <br /> Unlesa lerrder and Bortower othenNse agao in wridng, any apppeatton of proceeds to pdnctpat shap not extend ar <br /> s postporto tl�e due date of the monthy payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or�hange tfie amount of the payments. If <br /> • under parag�aph 21 the PropeAy ts acquhed by Lender, Borrower's dght to eny tnsurance po�es and proceeds resutNng from <br /> , damage to the Property prtor to the acquisitlon shatl pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums by thts Seaxfly IasWment <br /> irnmediately ndor u the aeaulsttEon. __---___ . <br /> 6. Ocaupan�y. Preseroatfon. Maintenance ertd Protacllon of the Prope�iy; Borrower's �oan <br /> ' ` AEIp1lCatioll; LeesehOldB. Borrower shaU oe�ttpy,estsbllsA, end use the Properiy as 8orrowe►'s pr{ndpal restdence withtn <br /> � ' sbcty days after the exowUon of thts 3ecurity Instrument and shall conUnue to ocapy the Property as Bosrower's pdndpai <br /> ' " residence tor a!Ieast one year atter the date of occupanay,unless Lender otherwise agrees in wr(tlrtg, whleh eonsent sha0 rtot <br /> � be unmasonebty wNhheld or unless extenuatlng circu.mstantxs ex(st wAtah ere beyortd Bortower's eantrol. Borrower shall rtot <br /> •� dastroy,danuga or impair the PropeAy,aRow the Property to detertornte, or comm[t waste on 4he Property.Borrowe►sha11 be in ' <br /> ' default If any torteNure eetlon or proeeeding, whether civU o�c�iminal,is begun that tn Lender's good taith judgment coutd resutt <br /> " • in tortetture ot the Ptoperly or othe�wtse mate�laliy impalr the�ten creatud by this 8ecurity InsUument or Lender's s inte <br /> " ^ � � . . .. <br /> , ,. " Ft�ta.lMO t1?f93) Pngo 2 af s <br /> � � �. ,?�__ `: - <br /> �u „ <br /> ' 94071 � . <br /> y —•--- '--'------°-°........ ------ -._ ...._.___ .__ .� .--•._-.. <br />