1,���LJ_`g,r�[..: �yy��' ` _i;�.'r', 1 '��;;,�;
<br /> .. ..( ' f:iti .�t.�a�f)�Yl�4'Til Wf�l"'�'�n'iIM`iL":Y ...- .:}� � . . .
<br /> ',1 '� ���*� i��w�m�`• ..
<br /> • - �+�� _ _
<br /> .. ��. � " _ _ _
<br /> � T.,P�Qbctbn o4 t�nd�r'1t Rbhla!n th�Pnfprrty H earow*r ar�co p�ar�nn o�rw�ana�!�oonM�l�1�:. ,,�
<br /> � '4hy 8�urlh►kntrumwit�a th�k s Mptl Prc�a+�dhp th�t may tqnillqnty afNot t�ndK� �hb tn th�Pn�Ay i�h a�ptafMdYq 1n�
<br /> t�aankrup�y. probaa,tor aondwrrrud�on or brNkun o�to mf�f3f�fiW3 3f firyUii�'i,�},tn�ti ls.��r rt�y��ertd�y ta�r:l��k+n�..-°:�� �,
<br /> � �� :.. �•: tn prot�ct th�vatu�e!ih�ProD�Y und Lend�a�tphte h t�e Prope�ty. lM�e�'��atbrt�m�y hclud�pRyirtp anY svmt secund by�Man��i
<br /> whbh htt R�Y owr thi�&�aurNy tntwm�nt,�ppMfiO tn aourt� WY„p�sonsbM attamr►�e Na�nd�niKkip an th�Prop�ty to_rr�
<br /> npb. Akgoup'a t�ndrt nt�Y tllk�Il�atlon u�drr thk prnp►aph 7'�I.N�dK doM ntlt htv�to ao eo.
<br /> My�mounb dkburt�d br t.Mtd�undor thM p�rpr�ph 7 sM1 b�an�nddlbntt d�bt ol8orcowor e�ou�cl br!hR B�ouAt�1 Ntstn�nt�~
<br /> UnINS Bamow�r and I.�ndK�pn�ta othr t�nm o!ptym��thos��n�aunts sheM bwr hD�riw!hom!M dit�ot dWwrs�nmt at tM NoM�
<br /> nlM�rtd tAaN bi p�YObM.MoAh Inw.s:,u�natc.kom i.�,d�►�o�ow�►r.awwno am�►�
<br /> A.tVlArtg�e Ir�e�rane�. lt t,�nelw aquY�d mcx�baursna u �Condkbn of mdcinp tlw iwn wour�d by th{I 810utiq�
<br /> IfliiNrtlMtt� 80(rowM�haN Pay th�Pnn�ums hquhd t0 mahtakl ih�moflp�hfutANq b MMo�If.lor�1y AasOr1�tt�mW1p�p�b
<br /> apvlr�q c�qut�d by I.mder MipN� ot a�a� to b� b NNo� Bcrro�w�r�haM WY th� Pn�niurtn nquihd to obt�kl oowr� wbstntlul
<br /> •quNnant to th�mortp�v hwanw pnYlousy h�M�ot,at a co�t subswntyfy�quNabnt to tt�oast to eo�ro�+wr ot tlu mort0ep�Insur�r�w
<br /> prwtou=y in NMot,irom an ak�n►ol� nartp�p�hwrK�pprowd by L�n�Mr. M wbst�ntt�y puMatlnt mat�h�unno�aowrp�M nat
<br /> avaYbN,Bortower ehaM psy to L�ndu woh month a wm aqud to onrtwdRh at tM ywpr rtwrlpp�Inwranr.y p�wnMun bMnp Pud by
<br /> Banowu wMn th� htutano� oowrsp MPs�d or cras�d to b�i� �Moat. L�etd�t wIN occpt�u�and Adth th�P�Yr+Mnt�as � bu
<br /> r> " r�rw b fieu of mutp�p�hwr�. Los�r�w DaY�� moy no lonp�r b�n4�+k�d. n ths option of t:endr. M motf�p�inswencs
<br /> advwap�(h tM�rtaunt and for tlw pwbd thtt L�tdr nquir�s)provided by an bwrrr approwd by I.�ndv�h b�eoit�avaWbb ind 11
<br /> t�,' obtihsd. BorcowK OhaN p�y ib� p�Mnlumi taqult�d t0 nuhtth mortp�(� bsurA►te� In MNat, or to provid� a ioss nsMVS, unW tM
<br /> ��:�;,;�_:i:•�•�`,•� �Y�►t for moR�Intu��nd�In acao►dmc�wkh any wr(tton aprsn�nt b�lwom Barow��nd t.�ndK or appdcabM i�w.
<br /> �"`" ` "�"�` ' 9.UspeoUon. IAnd�r or Its �pmt m�y mttc�rse�son�by entrps upan and tn�p�otb�ot tA�Prop�rty. LandK sh�N pM Borrowa
<br /> u� ��?`�� ��' 9 notba u tAa ttn�of or prbr to�n hsp�otion tp�oiyina roxsonabN otue�for ths hapootlon.
<br /> .�' �� �•t'
<br /> ����`��`` ' ' 10.CondemnsUon. TA� proorsds of ar►y award ar oYM for dam�p��, dYiot ot conaqwntta�, h aonMOtton wkh eny
<br /> �;� �Y� ��
<br /> :--;'.�`�'�;:,� ear�rnatEon w olhcr tskhp W nny pert of the PropeRy,ot tor convayenee h Ilou of oondAmru�tbn��n h�nby aasign�d and shtt b pald
<br /> �r�v�! ..'Y. ' y• ���
<br /> ,.�'.- �.�'-�•r�'�%X� In tM�nt of a tot�1 hktnp o}tM Propwty.th�procMds ehul W apPNed to tAs eums aotirod by Nis 8aourlty In�rum�M,wh�thK ar
<br /> � �• not then dut,wNh any axooss ptid to Bomower. In th�event of a partt�l takhp o!the PropeAy h whbh the hir mukat value ot th0 Prop�ty ,ti
<br /> _#?�' °,% �-.�,�; krnn�dkby bNor�the fakinp Is pusl to or�r�atx th�n tbe amount of the wms s�aund by this 8eourtty U�trument tmwditt�y Mton tM
<br /> � tekhp.unbss Bortower and Lender oth�rwis�apree in wrRhp,the sume securod by thb&curky InsWmant ahaY b�rsduced by th�amour�
<br /> ;�r'��_r of th�procwd�mukfplird by th�bNowMp b�otbn:(a)the totai emount of th�euma soourea Mwn�dl�Ulq befon th�Wchp�dlvid�d bY(b)th�
<br /> ... � � . hir maikK valu�of th�PropKty irmrNdlibl�b�fon the u�kinp. Any 4aWae eh�U M pald to eorrow�r.tn th�svw�t of a putW Wck►p of tM
<br /> ' Propwty h whbh th�hir nKrkst wtus ot tne Property tnmed�atey betoro th�wkt�p Is Maa thm th�amount ot ths auma soaurad hwrad�hr
<br /> boton tM takhp,unless eorrow�artd I.�ndK otherwiss apree h wrkhp or unMas�ppUc�bfa I�w othenrise provides. th�p�ocs�da shW b� '�
<br /> - appWod ro th�suma eoaund by thl�S�curky Inauummt whethe�or not the sums w thsr►dua �;
<br /> - If Ua Property Is abandoned by Barovwr,or R,aftu nottae by Lendor to Bamowe►thu th�oand�nnor oflere to m�k�m aw�rd or eeltN e
<br /> � �als5�t fa !�-m�s,ea►�w.r�us�o�espond to l.ender wNhb 30 days atter the date the noUce is aMen.Lendx la wthorlmd to oo!leot and
<br /> , � appy tM praasds.at fta optlon, ekhK to roatontbn or repak ot the PropeAy or to ths sums seaund by thb 8�ourlly inatrument, wh�tbw
<br /> � or not M�n Gw.
<br /> ' ,� ' Unlas I.wid�r and eorrower othawise aqree h w�ithp, sny appliaalbn of proceeda to prinopat ehtA not wctend or poatpone the due �
<br /> ,,. 't dab of ths monthy p�yn�enta r�elerted to In perapnphs 1 and 2 a ohanpe the amount ot euoh paymente. ,��, :•
<br /> 71.Borrower Not Released:Forbe�ance By Lender Not a Walver. �aena�on of tne t�me �or wm�� a
<br /> '.,� � modlNqGon ot amortMtbe of ths aunu seourad by this Seaurity Instrument pranted by Lender to any suceessor in htersst at Borrowa shiA
<br /> .,�,', �ot openta u �eNaso tR�Uabluty of th�orqhal Borrower or 8orrowefs succsseora h hte�eat. Lender ehaq not be requlred to commence f.;,
<br /> " . ��`����� praarsdhps a�Mat any succesaor In Hterest or retuss to ex�nd tkne for payment or otheiwbe modiy amortlaUon of the eums aecurod by
<br /> ,. ',�;,i � thts BeCUrity instrumtxit 4Y�eieon of�ny derntnd made by the oriptnil Borrow�Or Bortowere euCCesso�e in MteresG My totbeeranoa by
<br /> � Lender n eororolshp eny dpM or remedy shaN not be a w�kar of a prealude the exeratse af eny�Ipht or�emedy.
<br /> � � . 1�.Sucaeason and Astl�na 6ound; Jvint and 3everal Ltability; Co-at�nera. Tn• oo�ren.nes ena eoreernen�a o�
<br /> � ' thte Security Instrum�nt shaY bNd and beneHt the auceessoB and assqna of Lender 4nd BoROwer.subJeot to tiie provisbns of panpraph
<br /> ' t7. Borrowere aoveunta and �roements ahaU be joht end severaL My Borrorre� who ao-sqna tAb Seau�ty tnsWment but does not
<br /> . , eoqaute the Note:(a)Is eaeqnMp thb 8eeurRy tnstrument only to moRpapa,Qrant,md eonvey that 8orrowers Interest h the Property under
<br /> � tAe temn o!thls SeourUy Inehumen� (b)is not peraonaiy oblipated to pey the sums seoured by thls Seourily InsUVmenh,and(o)eproes th�t
<br /> " . � L�ndK Nd any oth�r 8orrower may �proe to extend, modHy. Poibev or make any aceommodadoos wilh repard to terms o! this 6eau� °
<br /> Instrum�nt or the Noto wkhou!Mnt Borrowers oonaen�
<br /> „ 13�I.�WD Ch�q@t�. It the IWn secured by thfs SeourMy Instrument b subJeat to a kw whbh 6ete mYximum bon oha�ges,cnd thtt
<br /> ..�� law Is f„apy hte�proted so Mat tha htereat or other bart ch�rpes colieated or to be ooUeated h aonneotkm wkh the ban ezceed tho
<br /> �`�: � • � permitted Umlte,then;(a)any suoh ben oharpes shtU be reduaed by the amount necesseiy to reduce the aharpe to the permkted IknR;and
<br /> �' ., „ � (b)�ny euena afready eolieated irom Barower whbh exceeded permkted IYnits wIN be reNnded to 8orrower. Lendgr may ohooae to meke
<br /> � .,: , . tbb reNnd by rod�vshp the D��WI owed undet the Note er by makhg a dkeot payrt�ent to Bomower. If s reTund reduCes prhoipel, the
<br /> �'%'� •• �eductbn wrlD be ueeted as a partkt prep4ymont wkhout any prepayment oherqe under the Note.
<br /> �M1 � ', 14.NOtICei. My not�e to 8arowe�provtded tor in thb Seaurky Instrument sh�N be qMan by de8verkip U or by mallinp It by ftrst
<br /> atus mtG unbas applbabte law requtres uae of another method. The notk;e shall be dheated to the Property Address or any other address
<br /> �. " . 9arow�r doslpnates by notbe to Lender. Any �otiae to Lqnder shali be�Men by Nrgt ciaas mali to Lendw's addross stated hereN or any
<br /> � ottrer tddreas Lender desipn�tea by noUce to 8orrower. My notkk� provWed tor h this Security InBUUment ahaU be deert�ed to have been
<br /> � , .. �Wen t0 Bortowar or Lender when qhbn as prwkbd M thfs pnrapreph.
<br /> 18.Goveminp Law; Seve�ability. This Seou►ity IneWment shaU be�ov�Bmed by tedera��aw and the taw ot fhe Jurlsdiatbn h
<br /> ',;' . whbh the Property Ia baated. In the event that any provisbn or alause ot this Securtty Instlument or the Note ao�wkh applbable taw,
<br /> �'• ' suoh conitbt 8haq not aNeot other provislone Of thb Seourriy instrument or the Note whbh oan be qhren etfeot wRhout the ConfUOtkig
<br /> '� � ' : pravisbn. To thts end thv provlsions ot this 8eourttyy Inotrument end the Note are deatared to be severabte.
<br /> .�;. 18.9orrowe�'a Copy. Bortower shaq be gken one contormed copy ot the Note end ot thb 8eaurity Insbument. G
<br /> �:� ` 17.Tranater of the Property or a Beneflatel Intereat in Borrower. If atl or any part of the Property or any interest h ; .
<br /> tt b sold or benaterred(or H a beneflokl interest In 8orrower is eotd or trenaterred and Borrower ts not a natural person)wRhout Lendere
<br /> L__
<br /> prior wraie�conseni,i.ertder mry•ai ns vprim�� requie mrt�evidi6 ps�noni n NU ot su eume sewreo oy mib aeaurup i�avameni. tiawever,
<br /> � �� � thb optbn ehall not be exarolsed by Lender N eoceroise ia proh�ked by tederai taw es ot the date ot thls 3eeurity Instrumont �^
<br /> It lender�cerotses thls optbn, Lender shafl qhre BoROwer notiae ot eccelemdon. 7he�otice ahaA provlde a p�tqd ot nat less then 30 j
<br /> daya irom the date the notbe Is delNerad or maited wNhk� whbh the Bortower muat pay eU sums saoured by thts Seourky tnstrument.If
<br /> � ' Borrower fatb to pay thess sums p�ior to the�tatbn of thla perfod.lender may hvoke any remadles per�mmltted by thls Seaurlty tnsUument �
<br /> � " wlNout 1uRhor not�ce or demnnd on Bortower. ;
<br /> , � I
<br /> � ' Pap�0 of 6 Form SOZE i/AO � "
<br /> ' ., ., Ft0i11.6M0(ali/) I
<br /> ' . I
<br /> ° ``l\�f. i
<br /> �� v..
<br /> , 1400� �
<br /> .. �.
<br />