- .. , 1.:1''�� ',•+o.+i,iat+ I�� 3�1Ar'�� _ o` ��,s. ,., , ��,:- .. .
<br /> -"'l` � ,. ,.*S•-
<br /> .},r
<br /> ' �i — -
<br /> w:
<br /> ' ��i, so�rwt'� �IIOM to RNn�b. H e«row•r�a�a �wr�a�,.,e«���n.M.a+. �an��+�.��
<br /> ' 'daoaeur�u.a� .�y am. �co�n...r�o�cu�s dar ta won oa+�►aa�aa a�r,o�ow�.�w�y.p.ow�.�.r,Ns+�N�awon�:�lp
<br /> ai tiK �ro�iY iwru.��. � �trsy ;.cK:. a! e2��:'� :s �� �ia.�r lrt,:ta:�r�st; r.s(�)�� e1 e r�!�+�r,t�nta+eing this B�uM�.
<br /> In�bumm�'Phos�oondkWno sn that 8orrowa:(a)p�Ys t�nd�r�tl�un)s whbh th�n wa�fd b�du�und�r thle E�ocurity tnstrurn�►i u�d ttw�/
<br /> Not�as M rto �Mration h�d occwvM; (b)cur� any efN�wR ot�ny olhM cov�n�nt or apwr�ntfi (o) R4Ys aN arpnr�r Incur►N
<br /> �ntorobp thq B�urNy Ia�tn�nNnt� InoMidinp, but not NmlMd to, rowon�Dk� aaomo�ra' 9�w: �nd (d) ak�a woh �oNon�s l�ndlr ,
<br /> ro�son�b�r nqutr�t�ql�ut� thlt EM MN1 of thlt S�curaY M�Num�nt, Undws riphn b tM P�opMty �nd 8airowks obM�tkon bo O�Ir
<br /> wms Nou��d t�r Mf�B�aKW M�MUnwn! M�N oonqnw unohwqd. Upon nttuti�rtMnt br 8ortowa� thM 8�ourltp tn�kurtrnt �d
<br /> 9bNp�tbnt Naund hN'�br�hiN tMnth WNp NNatA»is k eo�ca�Mrallon hY0 oBOUmM. Howwo,Mk tipM t0 nhsLN�h�p not�pp�t
<br /> th�aaw of�oo�Mntbn und�r pvppnPA 17.
<br /> 1�. SM� Of NOt�;ChNlp�Of LAMI SNYIQK. Th� Nou a a pwtkl inNiwt h th� NoM (toqtMr wlh thit
<br /> tnehum�nt)m�y b��otd an�a mo�tln�wRhout pAor noik�to B�ovwr. A wb maY nwtt in •oh�npt b tM�ntq(W►own as th�
<br /> "I.o�r►8M�ICa')that coll�ob monthy P�l�b dw urtda th�NoU�nd tnk SrauAh►In1Wm�n� 'ihw�ko n�Y b�oM or moh alwqN
<br /> of tt�1.�BavloK un�Md to a uM af ths NoD�. If th�ra k a ohanp�of tM Lo�n SrNcM, 8aroww wIN b�eA�►wrtMn notb�o!th�
<br /> oh�np�In�000rd�wlth p�npnph 14 abo+��nd appNoabM Itw. Th�aotfoo wkl aq�6tN nartN end Nddno� of th�mw Lan SwvloK
<br /> �nd tM adQrMS to wAIW�P�Y�U thouid b�nwd�. TM rtotic�wIR af�o aontah �ny oM�r Intom+�tbn�aqutsd bY+PpNotbl� 11w.
<br /> �0. H�ial'dOU� SubatanC�s. Baro�w�t �twt not ewa or p�nnR th� p�ne�� un, dNpoa�l, cto�, a �wW ot my
<br /> Haardous 8ubs�on a b tM P�'opwtY. Barow�►�MtN not do� nor abw onyoM alp to do��r►YthlnO atNathp th�PropKly th�t M b
<br /> vbladon of�ny Envtronm�nt�Lnw. Th�pneadhp iwo anbncu thaN not IippN ��l�=��,a�t���Prop�ty o!snKN
<br /> '�'' ' ' quarrtkMs ot Harardous 8ubaanca that an pa��itY naopntrid to M appropr4ta to rtortntl reskfmti�l utn�nd to mtht�nmc�af th�
<br /> P�Y•
<br /> Borrow�r shaM D��PZN �N�l.�ndrr wrktm rtotiC� of �ny bvatipttbo�oUim�d�rtnttddaw�uk ar othK aatbn by any pOVNnnMntal ot
<br /> .'it�a! ;�,�"�_.. �I�r!►�py o�DrMa WM hvoNkp tM Prop�ty md any H�r�rd9u�Substu�a�o�EnvYOr►rMnW Law of whbh f3aro�wrr tw�owat
<br /> '�x-.., a
<br /> .. �4�; ,;S f110flq) Of fOQ111�tOfy WthO(�� tht! N fMf10Y11 0�OlIIM fMflldllU011 0� �fly
<br /> ,;..,,�,�.��y.,��y. knowbd�. U eonow�► wme. or I� notilf�d by .ny 9ov�arr► r
<br /> . Haerdaua SUbatmc��fhothp th� ProP�Y b n�ca�ary. 8ortow�r sheN promply tak�all nocawy nm�dW aotbm in�coord� wkh
<br /> �'ti.',f`z���6:'��:'.. EmAronm�nW Law.
<br /> Ae uaod in thb panproph 20, •H�ardous Substanoes' an thoa� subat�naa dNiNd as to�do a hwrdow substluw�s by
<br /> .<��,t�;.•....,,.;;,.,.,:' F.mironm�nal Law and th� toNowin� wb=au�ea: asolh� keroa�. othK flunrt�tbM or toxb petrolwm pmduota. toxb pattold�s �nd
<br /> .. . . Mrbbidn. volatY� ooManri� n�b eonWnhO asb�stos or brm�ldohyde� u►d adioaat►v� matwtate. As ua�d tn thk pu�gnph 20.
<br /> '� '` '' `'� 'Envtonmenttl Law• msm� hdKai t�ws and I�we o} th� priadbtbn whrn th� Prop�rty b boat�d Mat roittr to hwkh, al�ly or
<br /> .' . , . �nvtonm�nW prot�of.bn. 1•,��
<br /> •
<br /> ' . � NON�UNIFOFNA CONENANTB. 8orrovwr and Lendrr tuRhw aavmant and aprN as toNows: .�
<br /> � �� ' �7. Aaaeler�tlon; Remedtes. Lender �hstl �ive notlae to Bonower prio� to aeceleratbn fotbwin� ��
<br /> .. .� Borrower': ixeaoi� of.rn► r.�vet�ii a� a(�'aa�e�t sn 4itt� �ttslay I�aa�sas! (lKS: st�a�r4�r !a a�eaaa!£�ea
<br /> � under pwpaph 17 unless �pptlw�ls i�w provides otherwtse). The nottce shsll apeotfy: p) the defiui�
<br /> � �• - (b) the action raqulred to our� the detwt� (s) • dtte. not leas th�n 30 d�ya trom thm d�te the eoUae is
<br /> • � qtven to Borrower, by which the detault muat bo cured; and (d) that tailure to cure ths det�utt on or
<br /> �� before the d�te epeclfle�9 in tha noUee mwy �ewit In ecaelerntoe of the wms aeaured by thu Security •;�''
<br /> � InstrumeM and ale ot the property. The eoUce sh�tl further IMorm Borrower ot the Npht to reln�te atter
<br /> � �ceeleration and the N�M to brinp a court aetlon to aaaert 1he non�oxtatenee of a detault or eny other °
<br /> �:',;;;_ � detense of �orrower to acaeleraUon and s�to. It ehe detautt Is eot eured on or betore tt�e dete spealtEed ��`
<br /> ,,. . In the no�ee� �ender at Ib option msy requtre Immedlete peyment tn tuil of att sums secured by this
<br /> Seau�ity Instrumen�t without turther demand and may tnvoke the power ot aale and any other remedtea
<br /> . permitted by �pplla+abte lew. Leeder shail be enUtled to coileet all expenses incurred tn purwtnp the
<br /> �, - �� remedies provtded in thts paragraph 21� inctudtnq�bLt not Itmited to,reaaonebte attorrteya' tees end coas .
<br /> � �� ot title evldence.
<br /> �� �.�'°�� if the power of a�le Is Invoked� Trustee ahatl reeord e noUae of detauit tn each coue�t�t In whloh eny
<br /> .. part o!the Proper�y ta tocated and ahall maii aopEes of auah notieo in the manne� p�escrtbed by rpplicabte
<br /> ° ' . lew to Borrawer au�d to the other per�ons presc�ibed by eppilcabla Isw. Afte� the time requlred by
<br /> �. • appiicable law, Truatee sha�l �ive pubitc notice ot aale to the persons nnd In the manner preacrtbed by .
<br /> . - epplicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, ahdt sell the Property at public euction to the
<br /> 's � . hiphast bidder a4 the ttme and piace and under the terms dest�neted tn the noUae of eele in one or more
<br /> ' �f' �� paraets and in any order Trustee dete�mines. Trustee may postpone aalo of att or a� percel of the
<br /> � Property by public announcement at the time and place of eny prevtoualy acheduted aate. Leeder or its
<br /> fi �;: � desipnee may purehase ths Property at any eete.
<br /> � ° . Upon reaelpt of payment of the priee btd, Truatee ahatl deliver Lo tho purchaaer T�us4ee's deed
<br /> `�� � ' conveyinp the Property. The recitats tn the T�ustee•a neeA shatl be prime iacie evidence of fi�e truth ot
<br /> . the atatements mede therein. Trustee shslt appiy the proceeds of tAe aale In the followinp order:(a)to ell
<br /> aosts and expenses of exerciainfl the powar of aale, and the eel�� includtnp tha psyment ot the Trus4ee'a ,
<br /> � � fees aetueily inRUr�ed, no4 to exceed 1096 96 of the prtnctpW amount of the note �t the time oT the
<br /> deeivatlon of detault, and reaeonebte atLorney's tees es pa�mttted by tew; (by to all summ seaured by thia
<br /> -• Saeurity In�trument;end (e)any exaess to tha peraon or pereona tegatly entitled to IL
<br /> � �Z. Recornreydnae. Upon payment ot aU sum8 eeoured by thls Seaurfty�nsbumant,Londer Shatl r8quest Truatee to reaonvey the
<br /> � , Propetly and sh4p sumender this 8eaurily insWment and aQ notes ovidenahp debt seoured by this Seaurily InsWment to Tniete0. Truatee
<br /> � , • shalt reoonvey the Properiy wNhout wartanty end wRhout charge to th�person or persons IegaNy enNtted to ft. Suoh person or persons ahall I
<br /> ; • Pey eny reaordatbn wsts. (
<br /> - 23. Subatitute Trustee. �ender, at fta option, mey hom timo to tYr� remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to ony � ,
<br /> Truateo aonohtad hereunder br an hstrument reoorded h the aounty h whbh thb 8eaurity tnetrument ia rocorded. Wtthout oonveyonCe of �
<br /> � ,,. fhe Prope�ty,BuCCe8e0r tru8te9 BAall 6uCCe6d t0 aU the titlB,power and duties contert�d upon T�ustee herein end by appUabta kw.
<br /> '' Z4. Requeat lor NoUeea Botrower requeste thet Coples of the nOtiCes of deL�uft end sei0 bo sent t0 Borrowere address whbh � .
<br /> ° b tAs Property Ad6ase.
<br /> �6. Ridera to thla Socuriry instrument If one or more riders 8re wtewted by 8orrowet end reourded tog6lher wkh thb '
<br /> � �• 8�eudty InaUUma�� tAo oovonants and aproenbnte ot wioh suoh rtdsr shttt be haorpo�ated hro and shau amend and aupplement the i
<br /> ' �. � covenents and aprcoaments of Mis 8eourity Insbument as M the rlder(e) were a part ot thb 8eourHy Instrumont. I
<br /> . I
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