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� '�-. .,t. ' ' ,1 ;G • �.S±C�� �'\ . / ����i�'.w.A�'yj <br /> - �,}i{' � .. .n.� '_ <br /> ��� ,. <br /> . � �.� <br /> .. �\ r <br /> � •��M•� 1�� �n�r�MR[#M � � '^'�^�� ��'�7 � �['�_�'"'__' _ l�w�w � �.� . <br /> 'abwa ��eow e.nrn,.m�n�+o.a�� �oc a+n4 M Nt1�nd��11 lMM 10 tM�M��s u�.c.�n� �..q.c°n��'�w+�••Ae�-'"'� <br /> ttt�t tpplbs to tM Fu��di irto A IKiwr amoun4 N�o�AsrtMr uMY,�! AnY#Yne�aaMOt�nd hald Fund�M 1in iniax�c not!o raMd <br /> ws,wr an�a�nG u�naMr m.r..cwn�. N. �rnauM a� wncs aw w, th. b�.�a a our�n� awc�w �wa��a.wtrs�.u� a«w�+'��• �, <br /> A�n Etorow IfMrw or ooMtw�s b�000rci�ra�wkb�ppYa�by Y�v►. <br /> hHrLnNrMw1► ot�nIMY(Inol+dh0 L+Nwlut,� <br /> 7M Fundr �b�hNd In �n hetlhMbn whow diPab w Inwnd by a�dirM a�pmari • <br /> LM�dlr N WOb I�n bstlMifbn)w M�nr F��tl Flonr La�n Mnk. t,�nd��fI�N�PPh��Fu�dr to pW tM EnOrOw Fi�nN. �andM nyp no1 <br /> oArp� earow�r 1�t boldlrq md uppfjhp N1� FunO�.wK�tijr+r��0 th�Morow R000unt.df'MMYI'ti01�.E�Orow k�+1M�unlMS l��drr� <br /> 11p't�CG73:::t L�.::::2�th9 FunQ�C+�d �'"pfG.h!�M�w�t�tmtt�l�nMt to tr� wch�oh�r�1. Nowe�rsr�i.a+a.nxr naw soROw.r a <br /> oRr•�ro•ror an bd�oM�dr�+e �1.�1M•mc naon��u..a er�►t�nd�►b oonn.oNon wilh MM a.n�unMa�pp�bw a�► <br /> v��oYa.�osn«ww. un�s m ��wrn r m.a. « .aa�+� � �a�+Mw nww: to a�a.�.n�► .neN na es roqu�.a a vy <br /> enrtoM►.r�nr har.�c a arrrEMps on t!w FundN.9orto+�.na t�a.r „wrltirw�hoywr.►,enq r,Mn.s�n.11 a pde on M.Fundr, <br /> Lwnd�ihdl pM�W Bonowu�wlthout clw�.�u►�rmwl�000unti�p of tM F u n d�.�M O w 1 r p ahdks ond drb1�to thu Funds M�d it�PwPOM <br /> tor whinh MaA d�tiR to th�Fund�wui mtd�. TM Funds va P�d�s addNbn�1 t�a+dh►ta�N�unN Nowrd bY Mk S�ouAf►Ms1n�rNn�. <br /> Q tta� Funds hNd by Und�r aoMd th� enou�eb P�Iq�d ttl h� hNd br �PP�M kw� Lr�r shaM�qoount to BarowK la th� <br /> Ie�MS Furtd�b�000rdmo�wltb th�nWi'M�►b of�ppNoWM kw. If t1N 4n0unt ot tM Fund�hMd 4�►I.md1r�t�ny thq M not WNbMn! <br /> to p�Y th�E�orow Ibna wh�n dw.tandK m�y�o notM�►8ortown h wxltY►p��nd,M woh cw Barow�r shaN PaY to Undw tIN rna�nl <br /> n�p�sry to m�k�up tM d�flaMnoli. Barovwr�hat mslc�up th�dwioMnaY in no mo»thm tw�M rtanthy P�Y�a�at t.�nd��sol� <br /> dfsCrKion. <br /> �P� P�l�+t N fuN ot aN wrtn sseun�d by thM 8�aurlly IastrumrM. I.�dw thaN Pran�pth► rMmd to 8arowu anr Funda hNd Ey <br /> LwidK. It�und�e pv��Ph Q1.I.�nd�r sh1M�o9�In �x tW tM Prop�tri I.�nda.Prbt to tM�aqulsltbn or sd�W tM Propwtlh shal�PDh► <br /> �ny Fund�hNd by�r�t t1N ttn�at acauRYton a ui�as c►aridR�ln�t tha awsss eecurad by thhs Seaurttfl�m�n� <br /> 3.�ppiaaatbn of Payment�. Unl��p�O1b�bM I�w provlda oth�n+lp�tM Pym�^b ncN�d by��undK pw��'aph�t�nd <br /> 8 oha/b�ap�Wd: flrs�to �r►y PnWY��e�� du� und�s tM NGHt f�oond�t0�mounb WYaby und�P�P+�Rh �thYd to hbA�! <br /> diwi tourth.W prholpat du���nd Ytµto anr Wf ah�rp�s dw andw ths Not�. <br /> 4.Cll��t;LIOM. BoROwsr sMt p�y aN t�s�a�spamwtts�ohWM�flnN �nd h�►oaltlona ittrbut�bM to tM Prep�eq vrhbb <br /> �.`: ; may atah PrtorRY wr►tht�8rcu�lf►Instrum�nt,and M�t�hold payrtMnri ar pround nnts.Y�nY. BomDw�t�hd D�y thp�obMO���h th� <br /> cu <br /> mtm�s►Provld�d in p�npraph Z. o► Q oot !ptld h Mtt m�ntNr. Bortow�r shaM ptY th�m on ttn� dir�atN to th� P�� Ow�d P�� <br /> � BartowK shtM prompty fumkA to L�nd�r aM noticp ot �mouMS to b� pald un41r tht� P��OtiPh. �t �0� ���O ��� <br /> � ,, ' • ,•;. <br /> ;.� dincty�8crrowa►�hat PromPt4►Nmkh to l�ndK rwNOn�����p�Ymmt�. <br /> +�'��• ,, Barow�r 6haM pramptty dlsoMrp��e►1r li�n whleh has P��h► owr thb S�auri�r lnstrum�nt unMs�Borrow�:(a)N�b wRMp to Uf� <br /> ,i.�I�:.F°�ij�{:p:, <br /> ��..;. � . , Raym�nt of the obAp�tbn acund by th�N�n h a mtnnrr aceaPtabM to L�ndw;(b)eonbsbh.antoro�rtwit ot�INn:or(o�un�trom <br /> . . �rAOrcwn�nt of th�iiwt b.i�yai P�o�i�di��+h1aA Li th�i.�st�:apl�tl�ss a�sata!o pr'-�±'^! . <br /> � �• •�":, ."•-'�:s tM hotdr of th�M�n��n aprNrrNnt eodshctory to L�ndw wboMlnttlno th� Wn to thls S�oudh► InsCum�nA If L�fder tl�lermhis tAtt �nY <br /> : ;L�i•`..>..,...,�4�.: o!tM Pro9Khi R subj�ct to a It�n whlsh m�y atWn prbrNy over thls 8norl�r Untrumm�tander may�Mr�8arow�r a notk� IdatMYhO <br /> `�ai:�'„i..-i:.i:.,•,:;'t� � <br /> ��r•; ��.�+,�'";� � ' tM Q�n. 8arow�r ehaN�ariy M�tyn or hk�one or mon of the aatbns eet forth�bow wSthh /0 d�ys of th�oMhp o!aoi1�. <br /> `,��k,`',`�'j.t'.�•.,',,s <br /> � . , 6.H�d or P�operty Inwrance. eorrowK shan keep th� YnprowrtNnta now exbtbp ot b�ntRK enotsd on tha Propariy <br /> ���"•'' : `:,' '��� ti� bsur�d asths! bsa by fis,har�rds Inoludad wkhh th� t�m '�xl�fld�d COYi►1�0�ifld itly OfhYI hi3fdS� hOMldhlQ fbOd{ 0�tbGdM10�f01 <br /> fi���'`:�,..-":`.°�:^� whbh Undu nqult�s Intur�r►Ce. Thh haurano�bh�►Y bs mahta(n�d h tM amounts and tor th�pNlods thtt I:�ftder r�quhs. TM inu►anos <br /> �-'.�>:"`�,.., >�+4':.j. cartbr provtdhp th� inaur�anco ehaV be chosen by Borro�w�r eubJeot to L�end�e �PAroval whbh ehW not b�unn�sonaby wkhMW. It <br /> �'�"�'�lR�.'�''"•�'•"�v 8arow�r fall� to maht�tb oovrrap� deacribed �bavs. Lender mty� at Lendere optbn,obt�M eo�rap�to Protaat I.w�ders rlphte h tha ,�' <br /> r.rji3�;-:k-. .4 '::.i� . <br /> <'�� ,;. ; ,.� .°;'{�i;, P(Op�fly(n tCCOrdu100 wkh paraqraph 7. �r,, <br /> .�..'<•.;..,• _ ':£$ <br /> �'�e*< v�:.-�'^�• At hsunnaa potiaNa and �swab eAaU be acespt4bN to lendw and shaU 1nolude a standud mort�pe oMuse. Lender ahap An+a tAe ;. .:, <br /> Y~+�-� Npht to hold th�pollaMs and�wvW. If L�nOK rsqulr�s�Borrow�r shaU promPyY OAro to la�d�t aN roc�pts ot p�tW promtums�nd nnewtl '�.,,r.� <br /> -�`u�-��..,;..••:: <br /> �'�""'°"`."°:-.�".' ,..� n�. In ths evrnt ot bse. eorrowv ahaU 9M�Rrompt oottcs to th� hw^mc�e�rtbr�"d LAndK. L.�ind�may� Proot of bet M not , <br /> „ah�...�.w�,., ..._,. R,cd.a�N by eo�row.r. <br /> . . ., �, �. ., o. <br /> - Unlas L�nde►and Borcorrer otAeiwbe ayne in wdtYio. fnsuruice Proceeds ehall be applled to restonUon or ropalr of the Propaty <br /> c�e w <br /> "�'�I"� eLn��d. M th� restoratbn or ropatr is oaonomtoaly M�ebb and Lenders BeeurYy ts not kseoned. It the �satontbn or wpalr 1s not <br /> . .. aoonom�aaYY hselbw ot Lendore eaau►kf�woaW b� bas�n�d�the hauranea Proeseds BhaB b�MOli�d to tlw eums eroursd by thls SecurRy <br /> . IneVUnw�t.wMther or not then due,with any axcsse psld to eonower. t}8onower abmdona the Prop�ty�or doea not answ�r wkhln 30 <br /> - . daye a noUcs from LendK that ths Insunnco oertMr his ottxod to eetGe a olaim.then Lsnder nuy coUeot the hauc�nce proceeds. Lent!ct <br /> • . • m�y ua�th�praceeda to�epalr or restore ths PropeA�r or to pa�r ouma eeaured by thls Seaurlly InsWmenA whether or not then dw. The <br /> ^sr;..� •� , 3L�daY Pabd wI�bepM when ths�otMos b 0�. <br /> ��.�' Unkss I.afdor and Bortowe�otherwlss tae�h wrltln0� eey aPp�IOatbn ot prooesds to prhopal ah�e not extend or postpone the due <br /> �'-_ d�ot tho monthy payments reterted to h paroprtpAs 1 and 2 or ohanpa the amount o}the payn�ents• It under pa�preAh 21 the Property <br /> - � ' b raqulred by I.ender.Borrower'e dp�t to anY hsuranoe Potbtes and proceed8 �eauRhp irom dem�a►to the ProP�Y P►br to the acqubkbn <br /> ' • ,; . eMC pus to Lender to the ext�nt ot tno sums aeaurod by thls Seaurfty Inshument knrtadt�tay prbr to the aaqulsltlon. <br /> � B.Occupaney, Preservetlon, Nt�IMenonee and Proteetlon of the �roperty; B�rAwer'a Loen <br /> � , � - Appltoatlon;Leeseholdi.Bortowet BhaU OCCUpy, esffibll5h� and use the Propert�r as Bo►roM►ere prhalpa�resldence W@hh sbdy days <br /> i� �� ° aftu tM axaout�on of thb 8eeurky Inatrument�nd shall oontMue to oecupy the Property as Barrowers prirtolpal resldersce Por at teeet one <br /> j • ' y6u aRer the date ot ocauponoy. unl�ss t.ender otherwkte aprees h w8drtp,whbh consent ahaN not be unreasontby wkhheld, a untess <br /> � , eo4lnutthp otroumsrincos extst whbh are beyond Barower's control. Bo:rower 8hnit not destrori duna9�or knpaM the Propeity, aBow the <br /> � PropeBy to deteriorete,or eommk weate on the Prop�q►. Bortower ehaq be h default R eny toAekure aotbn or praeedtnp,wheiher oArU or <br /> �, crlmhnt, Ns bepun that In lenders qood /akN judpment aouW resuk h tortetture ot the PropaRy or otAerwtse mateHatly ImPak tho Ilen oreated <br /> by thb Security tnatrument or Lende�a seoudly MteresL Borrower may cure suoh a detault end reMState,as provlded 1n par�praph 18,by r <br /> � �,ustna the omlon or croceedlno to be dbmbssd w�h a Nllnp Mat, h Lenders pood tatU detennhtti0n, Proaludes fortekure of the � <br /> I_ <br /> ��� . ,'._ �arowere hteres!in the PropeRy or otAer mtter�al Impahnent of the Cen arested by thle Seourlly Insbumsnt or L�naers seounty nterea� <br /> � Oortow�r BhaU atso be h detwa I!Borcower.durhp t!ro loan epptbntbn procesa,gave mateNcly lalse or ha¢cunte iMonnatton or sUtementa � <br /> to L�ndor�ar tallad to provldo Lsndur wkh any matedat Intomutbn) h oonneatton wkh tha ban evlden�d by the Note,hobdhg,but not �' <br /> . � „ UnYted to, reproaenritlona Concemhp Borro�wers occupanoy ot the Property as a prho�at reaidence. It thls 8ecurlty tnstrumen2 Ia on a i <br /> � Io�sehNd,8orrower ehtN compy wkh aQ the provlsbne ot the lease. It 8orrower acquUes te9 title to the Pro�ty,the Isaeshold and the � <br /> , ��� iee thk shell not n�erpe unteas the 4ender aprees to the menper h wrkh0. ' <br /> � Ptp��o!6 F«m aose v/oo <br /> .t ' -., . <br /> .+i ' Ft000.lMO(610�1) `i`� <br />- ,a �• � � <br /> , .' 140093 �� <br /> 3 ,.. �. <br />