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, . � � �� �l: �if�:� w 'k 1 . ��rk r.�', . �i '�1�. �JF ' . . , , �.�,��: �, � <br /> �: �'�i` �;;�:?. ,� �w�� , . <br /> - i '�� iC'�'r . . � • �,r•, <br /> � -.,u;, _ .i Y i. -- <br /> . ! A"• <br /> � eQaawr,u�at oim..,w_�+��...s� ess� rysslel: �- .�r�w�'!!�!tn.p•�+;►h ��-�'lk.e�.u�+g els..aetloa..or�.la.ii�..._._.._..-.---.— <br /> _ � d�n��d wMl��n�inp 1ln�R In L�ndrr't�ood fritM datMtNrwtbn�Pr�d�a lorl�tNr4 oi th�8ortow�r'a IntKa�t En th�PPaMrry or <br /> o1Mi m�hrla0 Nnp�Nm�nt ot tha q�n a►wt�d by th�i B�xNy MsWmmt or lendds eioutily int�rett. BorrowK shall rko ba in•,,,_ " <br /> tldsuR H 8airorver,durinp 4h�laxn�pp6eat�on proc�so,gnv�rrwtM�➢ly hlse or imccunte IntomrUon or atat�n�nh to I.�ndw(or� <br /> hit�d io provld� L�ndn wRh�ny �►ut�lni Intom�tbn) {n caanactlan wlti�the lo�� e�l�lercaA by the Noiv, Inc7udlnQ, bui sot„� <br /> Mrr�twf to, r�iK�trtlons co»c�mfnp Bortoww's accupancy of the Properry ae s prinsipal rea;dRnca. If th�s 8esurity � <br /> Inatn�mmt te oo � Mas�hotd, BorrovrK ah�N oomp�y v�11h �N th� provl�tom of ths leiss. B Bmr�wa aaquks 1N tNt�to th�� <br /> PropKty,th�Nas�hold snd th�ie t[d�sh�ll not may�unlas Lwtdar iRe�f to ths me►px in wrllN�q. <br /> 7. P�t�ctlon mf L.�ttd�t'�Rlphts Id th�P►op�rfy.M Bomownr hWa to prrtorm th�a�vmants�nd R�r�nwnl� <br /> ao�Wn�d In thls B�curlty In�bummt,or thrn b�N�p�i proc�dk�0 th�t my �IpnMcentN ail�ct L�t►dw's riphtt in th� PtoMrty <br /> (aucR�z a L�b:n'•vuFtcy Pm�"te,fer cend�m+��tlon a teAeitura ar to entorce kws o�wgulaUcna),then Lenda m+�y <br /> da�nd p�y tor wh�t�v�r Is nwnary to prot�at th�vdu�of th�Praputy md Und�r'e dphts In th�Property. Lenda's aeUoni <br /> nuy inalud� payinp �ny sumt ��eund by a Nm which has ptlodly over thla Roeu►riy Instrurrro�t, appa�rk►� iri eouR, payin <br /> naaombl�attomeys'tNS �nd enterfnp on th9 Ptoperty to m[ke repaire.AMhouph Landa rr�y taks acUoo under thls p�ragrap�h <br /> 7, L�nd�r doea not h�vp to do so. <br /> My amounte disbuned by lender und� para�raph 7 ehdl baooms �ddiUonal debt M Bom�wer eeourod by this 3ecurfty <br /> Usburtant. Unb�s BortowK�nd L�ndrr apn� to athet tertr� of payment,theae amounts eh�bear inte►eat irom ths dats of <br /> disbur�ernent at the Nute rat�and ahaq fso paysbte,wUh Mtaent,upon notke trom I.ender to BoROwer roqueathg payment <br /> 8. AAwrt�s� Inwr��a�. fl Lendw raquked mortyags insunnce�a a aon�itfon of maktnp the loan secured by thla <br /> 3ecuiity Instrument�Borcower ahd pay ths promfums roquked to m�k►ttln the mortpsge lnsurance in efteoR If,tar ar►y ronaon,the <br /> mortp�pe Inaurance coveraye requYed by lendx i�paes at ceaaea to be tn eitccl, 8orrowe►ehaY pay tfio promiums roquked to �::` <br /> obtaln covarage eubatantialy equh=lent to the marigage tnaunnce pro�louay in eRec1, at a cost aubstanUeYy equNatent to the w,,� <br /> cos2 to Borrower of the rtartgaye tnaurance pravlouay in ereci. trom an aftemtte mortgsge Inauror eppraved by Lender. If <br /> aubstantl�Ny equNal�nt moRp�Qe haurance covenys ia not available,Bomawer shati pay to lender eteh month a aum eqwl to <br /> onatweMth of the ye�rty mortga9e Ineurancs pranlum betng paid by Borrowar when the tnsurance covaage t�paed or eeased to <br /> be b ettect. Lendx wAI sccapX use and retak�theae psymente as e losa reserve in Neu oi maigege Inaurence. lass ror.avo - <br /> paymenta msy no ange►be requked,at the opUan oi l�dar.H mott9a9e Nauranca covera3e Qn the amouM and tor the palod "�;�;- <br /> • �•1 that Lendet requtres) prorfded by an inauror epproved by Lendat atqefn beeomes avallaabte and fs eM�dned. Baaowes ehatl pay n�.;. <br /> '• '� � ` " • the premiums required to rtwlntefn modgage inauRnce In eHect,or Yo provida e bss reserve, untit tha requirement fo�mortgage <br /> .� y,,.; � hautance�nds tn accotd�noe with eny wdtten agreert�+t between Bortower�nd lende►or appW�bie Rw. ,�•:,:Q <br /> ' �*.��•.�:�-. �'k 9.Insp�etton.Lender or its apent may make�easonable entriw upon end tnspecitons W the P►u�e�ty. Lendor shell glve r <br /> ,� °`� Barower eoUce at the tYne of or pdot to an inapectlon apedying teaeonable�auae tor the inspectton. '_.,,;; <br /> �... . <br /> ' ��•��.' .^�}. 10. CondstnnaUon.Trie proeeeds of any awud or datm tor dameges,dtrect or consequenUei,tn eonnectlo�with any <br /> "��*F~�'�`"`'_ condenx�aUon ar olher taking of�ny put ot the Property,o►for conveyanca in Yuu of condernnation, aro he�eby easigned and '�; <br /> _; �'"•;,�tA;;. sh�ll be patd to Lpnder. .;;�•- <br /> r ti• ,��•-_�•�� In the event of a toW taWng ot the Property, the proceeds shall Oe epplied to the suma secured by thia 8ecurity <br /> y�f:....a, f � <br /> '4 .��;_��• .::.,,,, insUument,whetha►or�ot then due,vrith erry excess patd to Borrower. ifl the ererrt ot a paitlel ffiIdng of the Property in whteh �, <br /> !hz i84�!2l�t!!Y�'!�Ot 4he�ap�y�m��Y��the 18k(ttg (s equel to Ct�reeter then the emoul1t ot thf�sums SeCUied `;,*; <br /> •°�' `"' `�''�''' by thts Securtry lnstrumeM knmcdietely before the tefdng, unlesa 8orrowa and Lender ofheiwiae agree (n w�ttlng, tUe suma <br /> �' � aeared by thts Sewdty inatrument shull be reduced by the emount of the proGeeds muttipliesi by the taAowing hectlon: (a)the �",!�. <br /> `'"•' `` ' ' total amount o}the sums secured immediate�l before the tekin�, dhrtded by(b)the 1a(r merket velue of the Properiy fmmediately '�_� <br /> '.��<���t:,:._., ':��.,;< <br /> " "� ��"���' �' betore the Wdng.My tratence aheit be paid to Bomm�esr.In the event ot a paRlal tatdng of the Properly In whtcb the fak merket ,�°�., <br /> �t:I. �-�a:,.��.. ;._:;::; <br /> ?•���•:t`� � . vatus ot the Property M►�nad(�tety before the taking ia Fess than the emouat of the sums sewred immedfstey b�Toro the taldrtg, • `•t <br /> ;e;�,•: = , untese� Borrowex and Lender otherwlse agree In w�c3tfi� or unless applirabte t�w otherwtse provtdes, the aroaeeds ehaM be ,�� <br /> ,.�.;�';`� .��:�"�" e+ppYed to the aums aecured by Nts 3ewrity Instrument whether or�ot the euma are then due. �;.. <br /> '�_�� .�•. ' "^'"�'"' �}the propert�r!s ebandooed by Borrower, or if, atte►nattcs by Lender to BoROwer that the condemnor oHers to meke an ,� <br /> '.'�`' ""' � award or settle a datm S`or danuges� Bortower faita to reapond to Lender wftAin SO daya atter the dnte the notice Is glven, <br /> ��i""`�'"''`i"� Lander fa authatred M coNect and apPty the proceeds. at(ta opUon,dtha to ret►toratton or repaM�of the Propeity or ta the <br /> �'��:�;�•�,"t'� euma secured by thts Seeuriry IneWmer�t.whether or eot then due. <br /> s:�,°�.'�,'"t`t:-,:. :'y�: <br /> ��.;> �..,:., :'.:•= U�less Lender and Borrowa otherwise agree in wdtlng, eny eppltceUon of proeeeds to prtndpai sheti not e�Qand or <br /> ��'"'r-{"��"' poatpone the due date oi the manthy paymenta reterred to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or ehanga the emourn of such paymeMs. <br /> R y�,�,+�,,•.•.,,..... <br /> � • 11,eorrowar No!R�laaaed; Forbeannae By Lend.�r No! s Waiv�r.Extensjon of the wne t«paymern or <br /> �'������'�� modiQcatYon of amortlutlon ot the sums acaured by thia 3ecwity instrument granted by Lender to arry successor In interest of <br /> �. .�.. <br /> r x�,:,;:�,;;�;�-,�,�-•.;,:,;, Borrower ahaA not operate to reieaae the II�bUfly a4 4Ae odginal Bomower or Borrower's successora In IMerest. lendef eha8 not ,,. <br /> ;/�,�`�4� . � be requked to commence pmaeerlin9s a9Unst enY succesaor in IMerest or rciuse to extend tlmo for paymerrt or otherwiee ;;x•.:� <br /> } i�';' �'r' <br /> :�1„�,.�-• • ,. ,;.�a� modity art�o�tiutlon o}the suma seeured by this SQCt�rlly instrument by reaaon ot eny demand made by ffie ortgfial Borrower or <br /> ��;,,,. . '�.4�4�}' ; Borrower's sueceaaora in interest My torbearance by Lender in exerdsing eny r(ght or►emody shali not be e waWer ot or <br /> - <•� prectude the exardae of eny rtght or remedy. <br /> .�� " �•-r 12. 6uea�ssors and Asstgna Baund: Jolnt and Ssvera! Uabtl6ty; Co-signero.The eovenents end <br /> e � ••.. .� , a�eements at thts Seairtty instrument shaN bind end benefit the succeasore end assigns ot Lertder artd Botrower,subject to the <br /> provtsfona of paragraph 17. f�oROwePs covenattts and agreements ahail be joMt and sereral. My Botrower who co-stgns thts <br /> �' ;,:;; , . . SecurHy Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signtng tMs 8eanity Instrument ony to mnKgage,grant end convey <br /> - � thet Borrower's intere�st in the Propedy ander the tetms of this Secur(ry lnstrumen� (b) is eot pereonaly obligated to pay the <br /> "`��'' �' �' sums eeeured by thia Secur(ty Inst�umanx and(o)agrees that lender and any athef 8ortower may agroe to extend,modit�r, <br /> r�,,�.. .� ,. <br /> torbesr or make any aeaommndations wftA regard to the tertna of this Securfry InsUument or the Note wfthout thst Bo�ower's <br /> � • eonsent <br /> '' • 19. Loan ChiryL�El4. H the Ioan secured by thts 9eeurity instrument is subJeet to a taw whteh �eis muximum toan <br /> �� � aherges.and tAat law ta Andy interpreted so that tne interest or other loan eherges coaected or to be eoilacted in eonneaSton <br /> with the toan exaeed the permltted Umib,then: (a) any such loan cherqe ehall be tedueed by the amount oeoessery to reduce <br /> ;,;•.:;,�,., the oAarge to the permltted qml� and (b)any sums already colleoted iram 8orrower which exceeded penMlted Umita wN be <br /> ''�,:, retunded to 8orrower.Lenda tnay choose to make thta reNrtd by redudng the principai owed under the tJota or by making a <br /> • '�"j•^' . . � ditect p�yment ta 8ortewer. tt a refund reduces pdndpal. the reduotton wiN De treeted ns a ParUat Prepayment without eny <br /> � •.^',: ;. . : P�Y�t�Be undex!he Note. <br /> 14. NOtIC6s.My aoUco to Botrower pravided for In this Secudly tnstrument shell be ghen by delMcMng ft or by mallinp ft � <br /> y�,- -��'-. � by Nrst dass rt�U anlesa epp�Icebte�aw requkes use of another method. The nottee shall be dirocted to the Praperty Address ' <br /> or any other address Bortower designates by nottce to Lender. My notice to Lender shell be glven by trrat dass mail to <br /> ._.� ..�.� r...�. .. e,�....*�.ed.e�s t andar dnsleonatos tiv noNm to 6etmwer. Anv netfce emvtded tm in this <br /> .c.n.o.v aa.:.:wo .�.... ....�... .. —•• --•— ---�--- --�--- -- <br /> � Seatrtry Instrumant shail be deemed to have beert gMen to Borrowe►or Lender when ghren as pmvided in thfa paragraph. <br /> 15. Gov�TniRg I.�w; 89�►e�bility. Thfs Sewrity Instrument ehall be govemed by ted�sra� �aw end the taw of the <br /> • Jurlsdictlon tn whlch the Properly fo Iocated. In the event thrt ersy provt�bn ar dause of thls Security instrumeM or the Note <br /> con�tct�whA appllcable taw,such eontUtt shail oo!aHect othar pmvisions of this 3ecu�ity Instrument or the Note which ean be <br /> ��: � given etteai Mlthout Me eonNcting provi�ton.To Mis a►d the protlislone of this Secwity Inatrument end the Note ere dedared to <br /> � .. be earprable. � <br /> � 18. BOKOMIe�'s COpy.Borrower shell be gNen one confom�ed copy ot the Note end of thb Securlty Instrurnent <br /> i.. . • � �. <br /> . ' �„g �, �� � <br /> ,��'` .. �. �.. <br /> F1�18.LM0 t1�193) Pago 3 ot 9 � <br /> .- , , � <br /> 9t085 <br /> •o •� <br />