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<br /> I�. .. i :}✓�i�i� ySJ��N'at.�aw�[�:VF�±�)RiiJ . � 'S:•` _ _
<br /> i
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<br /> , � TOI�IE'TtiER W(T1i�!!th� krr�rannt�nt� r+ow or h�1tK�nctld aq th� prap�ly� and �N�uwn�nt�.�pipuilm�ncer� �rld
<br /> ' I,Scuxn now or A�ttK�pat at ai�prop�ty.�rptacwrwits�na aoaiaons an�a�t�a o0 oev�a ey nna�ecuricy ina�mn�ni.
<br /> AN of thr fa�p�ftnp Is rN�rt�d to t�thie S�curlly�nsuumrnt as th�'prOp�rty.'
<br /> BORFiOYYER COVEf�ANTB Ih�t BoROwer i� I�wfuly eeized af the �stats hereby conveyod�rsd hae the�ipht to gnnt and•�^
<br /> convey the Property► and that the property �a unencure:berasl, except tor ennumbrences ot record. 8orrower warranto and �+l!!� -
<br /> detend penenNy tiza tltie to t�ie Property ayetnet aN c(eime�nd dtimenda,auDJac1 to any ennumbnncee ai►ecord. �
<br /> THIB BECURt1Y IN9TRUMENT combinn unKam cov�nsnta for nttlontl uae �nd non�unHortn covm�nte wfth Nmitb�/l
<br /> varfatlons Dy wrisdictien to con�titute a un8ottn�ecuAty In�ument cove�tnp rw!pmpwty. �
<br /> tJNIFORM COYENIWTB. 8orrowK a►id I.�ndv cov�nant and�pree.ab followe:
<br /> 1.P�ym�nt at Prineip�l �une! Int�r�st;P�p�yrt��nt and t�i�Ciu�:�s.Bar�aww.hai�ompty N:y wh:��
<br /> �lue the rincipai of and(nt�rest on the debt evidenced by ths Nate�nd�mr prepayment�nd late charaea due under the Note.
<br /> �. �YAt�a Qdf Yi7t� �flL� Iii�YPBOiCii.6ubje�i to oppqcable J�w or to a wrSita�n walvcr Dy Lc,�dcr,Barrowcr ahol! p�
<br /> lo Lenda on th�day monihly paymenta ve due under ths Notd, untN tho Note is pdd h►fuM,a sum('�unds•)lor. (s)y
<br /> taxas rnd asseaameMe whicb rtay att�in pdatty ovx thta Securily Inatrument pa a Nen on the Property;(b) ya�Ay le�s�h
<br /> �saymente or yround ror►ta on the Property,H my; (a) yearlp hwrd or praperry inaurance premtuma; (� yeuty Ilood Inaurance
<br /> premfuma,N any:(e)yeirly moRgtQs Inauru�ee ptemluma,R any; �nd(Q any a�me paya6ls by Borrower to I.mder M teeoManee
<br /> witti Me provlatons of parapr�ph 8, in Ileu of the pryment of mortpage Insurance premtuma Theae ftema sre c�Ned 'Escrow �
<br /> Items.' Lenda m�y,et any time, eoYeat and hotd Funda(n an amauM oat to exceed the m�xtmum amount a Ienda tor�
<br /> tederaqy related moRgago loan may requlre far Bonowe�'a esexow account undn the tederal Real Eetete SetUement Proeeduroa �
<br /> Ad of 1974 as emended trom Ume ta tlmR,12 U.3.C.� 2801 et aeq. ('RESPA'), unleso anotha law thtt �ppliee to the Funds
<br /> sete a lesaer amoun� �f eo, Lender may,at ury time. coUeet and hoid Funda in an amount nat to exeeed the leaeer amoum.
<br /> l.ender may eaUmate the amount oi Funda due on the kueis of current data end reaaonabie esUmntea of eupendttures o}future _
<br /> .�:3 Eacror�Items or otherwtse tn aacoMance wlth eppileable Iaw. �` '
<br /> .., � ,
<br /> "' `"`�'�`'i�" The Funds eheN be held tei an InaUtuUon whose depoatta ere inaured by a federal agency.Matrumentn[ity,or entiry qnduding ' �j
<br /> :.;+..
<br /> �� Lender, if lender is euah an tna�tu800) or in ar►y Federal Homv Loan Bank Lender sh�Y appry the Funds to pay the Eacrow ;t.n.
<br /> *� �Ei�. • � ttema.Lender may not oharqe Bo�rower tor hoiding md appying the Funds,ennualy enaytJng the eaaow aceount,or varifying :�_:�':
<br /> ''"'� the [acrow Itsms, unlasa t.cndu paya BorrotYCr IMerest on the funds end epp4mhle law permlts Lender to make eucsh e � •:
<br /> v 4�'�`�'3��'�f4, '�xi�; eharpe. However, Lender may requlre 8orrower to Fay a one-time oherge for en Indepen9ent raal estate tex ►eporting servlca �
<br /> �>�r'��'��:���-?��, uaed by Lander in connecdon wltb thts Ioen, untess appliceble kw pmvides othdwise. Unleaa sn ageement is mede or '+ '•�
<br /> ' :. appilcable law�equires interest to be patd,Lender shatl not be �equired to pay Borrower nny Interest or esmings on the Funds.
<br /> ':r��� Borrower and Lender may agree in wdtfng, however, that tnterest aheU be pafd on the Funds. Les�der shall gNe to Bortower,
<br /> "•''�•`"�-�'�'�'�:'"' wkhout eharge, an annunl accoun8ng of the Funds,showing credlts and deblta to the Funds and the putpose br whtoh each
<br /> ' T � debtt to the Funds wus made. The Funds are pledged es addiNanal aecu►Ny for ail sums sewred by the Secudry Inabumen� ,
<br /> f{,;�r.'�` '���''� � If the Funda heid by Lende►excaed the amourtts pe�mitted to be held by appltcabte law,Lendc�ehet!account to BorrowK
<br /> � ,�, tor the exceas Funda in accoMenee wkh the requlremente ot eppllcabie�ew. B the emount of the Funda heid by Lender et any '
<br /> `{�"'�` ��..� � Ume!s not sutflatent to pay the Eserow Items when due, Lender mny so�otHy Borrower In wtiting,and,in such case 8orrower
<br /> • ahall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the defidency. Borrower shen make up t1�e deficiency in no more then
<br /> � tweke maMhly payments,at Lender's sNe disaetion. .
<br /> �' �� . Upon payment In fuU of all suma secu►ed by thls 8ecurUy Instrument,Lender shail prompUy refund to 8orrowe�any Funda '
<br /> � h�td by �ender. It, under paragraph 21. Lender ehatl acquire or sed the PropeBy, lender,prlor to the acpuisftion or saie o!the �'r;;:.,
<br /> • , ' Property. ahep eppy eny Funds held by Lende�at the Ume of a¢quisidon or sale as a credtt against the sums secured by this 1;�`���
<br /> Secun'ly Instrument �
<br /> � 3. Applieatlon of PaymeMs. Un�ess appttoabte taw p�ovides oiherwise, atl payments recetved by Lender under
<br /> paragrapha 1 end 2 eh�lt be applied: firet, to any prepayment aherges due under the Note; aecond,to amounta payabie under
<br /> , . paragraph 2;thtrd,tp inte►est due:fourth,to pdndpa�due;and lest,to any late cherges due under the Note.
<br /> , . 4. Chuges; Ltens. Borrower ehati pay aM taxes, assessmenta, aherges, fines and impooldo�s attributeble to the
<br /> PropeAy whieh mey attetn pdorily over this:iecurriy inatrumen� end leasehold payments or ground rente, H any. BoROwer shag
<br /> , � pay these obpgaUons tn the manner provWed In peragrepA 2. or H not pa�d tn that manner, 8orrower sh�i pay them on time
<br /> ,;� ' directry to the pereon owed paymen� Bomower shell promptty lumieh to Lender all no�ces of amounte to be pa�d under thls
<br /> ,_ ,, , pera9rapn. N Barower makes lhese paymenb direoty, 8onower ahall prompty lumish to Lender receipts evidendng the
<br /> . PaYments.
<br /> - ^ 8omower she�l prompUy disaharge any Ilen whieh has pdoNty over thta 3ecurtty Instrument untess Bortawer. (a) agrees h
<br /> �- • wridng to the payment of the obqgmUon aeeured by the Ile�tn a manner acceptable to Lender: (b) conteste in good taitt� tha
<br /> `'."'�'` � iten by, or defends agatnst entoteement of the ilen In. legal proeeedinga whteh in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ,,�. . ..
<br /> .�. . , enforcement ot the Ilen; or(e) seeurea trom tho halder ot the Iten en agreement satlatactory to Lender subordtnaUng tha Ilen to
<br /> _ . thls Sacurltyy InsbvmeM. �t Lender determinea that eny part of tbe Property Ia subjeat to a Wen which may attein pdoriry over tNs
<br /> � 8ecudty Insbument,Lender may gNe 8orrower a notice IdenWying the Ilen.Borrower shall saUsty the Ilen or take one or more ot
<br /> ��. ' , �� the aotiona eet tortb above wlthin 10 days oi the gNU�g of nodce. r5
<br /> b. HA�t'd Oi Property InsuranCe. Bartower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter ereated on tha
<br /> Property inaured against loas by flre, hezards Included wfthin the term 'extended coverege• and eny other heYards. Including
<br /> • floods or Aooding,tor whtch Lender requires insurence. This inaurance sha(t be maintstned ln the amounte and for the perfods
<br /> � �Nr: that Lendar requGes. Tha insurance certter providing the Insurence she11 be chossn by 9orrower subJect to lender's approvai
<br /> •• whtah ahail not be unreasonably withhe�d. U Bortower taqs to maintain coverage described above,Lender may, Rt lendeta
<br /> ` ' • optlon,obtaln coverage to proteet Lende►'s�ighto in the Properry in acco►danae wlth paregraph 7.
<br /> ��' ° AM lneurance polides and tenewe�s shall be acceptab�e to Lender and shatl �nclude e etandard modgage clause. Lender
<br /> � , shall have the dght to hold the poiides end�e�ais. If Lender requirea,Borrower ahap promptry give to Lende�aN recetpts of
<br /> - • .. patd premhims and renewa�noUces. In the event ot tosa,8orrower shaii give prompt no8ce to the insurance cartler and Lendw.
<br /> " �� Lender may make proof of tosa N not m�de promptry by Borrower.
<br /> � Unlesa Lender and Borrower otherwise a�ee �n wddng,insuranee proceeda shell be appqed to reatoreUon or repair o!the
<br /> Propeny damaged,H the restorallon or repatr Is economicalty teaslbie end Lender's sewrtry is not lessened H the nstoration or
<br /> •� repalr ta not economically Teaslbie or Lender's securlly woutd be lessened,th�a insurence proceeds eheN be applled to the sums
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument, whether or nm then due, wfth any exaess peld to 8ortower. It Barower flbandons the
<br /> �� ' ° � Property.or does not anawer within 90 days a noUce irom 4ender lhat the Insuren�carrier hna oNered to settle a c1aUn, tfien
<br /> �., ' Lender rtay collect the insurance praceeds. Lender may use ihe proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> , secured by this Securily instrument,whether or not then due. The 30�day pertod wtll begin when the noNce is gNen.
<br /> .° ' Untess lender and BoROwer othetvvise agree in wr(Ung, any applicatton ot proceeds to p�indpat shaA not extend or
<br /> � • � " poat�one the due date of the monthy paymenta r�erred to In paregraphe i �+.� 2 or change the amouM ot the payments,R
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the Property ts aequired by Lender, Borrower's dght to any insurenee polides and proceeds resuitlng trom
<br /> " damaga to tho Properry pdor to the acqutsttlon shat! pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by thia Security Instrument
<br /> ' , fmmc3dia4ey pdor to the acqulsklon.
<br /> , oA__"____' /L.���r.�Jt�� V��J������ �J �W�JI�� � �L� 0..�.��.J... 5���'"�_�_ • _
<br /> . Vfi{iYpwttf.�s ��oavrvauanq mau�ao�ranuo @�w r�vawuwr v� aav r�vpo�y� vvr�tmrv� o Wpn
<br /> .. Apptication; Lsas�hotds.Bonower aha�or.cupy,establtsh, and use the Property as BoROwer's prtndpal resldence wfthin
<br /> � sixty days aftcsr the executlon ot thla 3eaurily Instrument end sheli cor►Unue to oewpy the Property as Bortawer's pdndpal
<br /> residanao tw et tesat one year after the date of oecupaney,unlesa Lender otherwise agrees�n wddng,wNch conaent shatt not
<br /> be unreasonebly withheid,or uniess extenuaUng dreumstaneea e�dst whlch are beyond Bortower's controi. Bortower ehati not
<br /> dastroy. damago or impalr Mo Prope�ty, aliow the Property to deteiiorate,or commtt waste on tho Property,Bortower shall be In
<br /> � detauft M eny fodekure neUon or proeeedU�g, whetha dvii or cdminei,Is begun that in Lender's good fakh Judgme�t eou�d►esuft
<br /> • tn todeiture ot the Properiy ar otherwise mateiinly tmpair the Aen created by thls 3eeurity Instrument or Londer s eecurity IMerest.
<br /> � ,;:,.. �., Fu�e.tt�+o c�aHs� Pago 2 ot S ���
<br /> .. , . t
<br /> . " saocs
<br />