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., , <br /> ;';••" . . �:tvr� r�m-_,- ; -,.� r_ �, , ;.,. <br /> •�. ++���..-.-�m .- . ,. _ . , <br /> ��. <br /> _ .�ir}�A'w?'.y�,w � ,;; <br /> , - <br /> , 1?. '!«.!"�: :."!Q!':?!�..lM!!!��!! ��cl� Inhrrut In Bo�t�r.M ar a any w�!et ltt�Pr!�� - <br /> ' any Mt�rwt M N b sold o►tnmMnd(or N a bN�Mlolal int��st h donowa le eoid or trarof�rnd�nd Barroww i� aot�mtunl <br /> p�raon)without l�nder'e prlor yrrMten aoraaent. Lender ks option,requke Imm�di�ts p�ym�nt Iro tuN of ail eums seoun0 by _ <br /> thb 3eturtry Ins�rumesd.Hawever,thls apUon sh�p aot 6e exesc;sed E�ry lender 11 exerelae lo prohlbtted by tederai Eaw e» ot the� <br /> ry <br /> .ti.,..,.T �t <br /> ..� . • ,r: . d�te o!thls 8euurfly InawmenL "p �"� <br /> II Land�t exKetsas Ihla opUon, I.ettder ehali ptw 8o�tower noUce ot accelontton. The notice sh�ll pro�lde� perlod of not,�/ <br /> tees than 30 daye troro tA� dat�the notk�la ddlv+Ked or maited wrih{n whiaA 8orrowK muet pay�N eume eocured by this�M <br /> '-•'�°-•• r- Seourlty tnatrumenG ii 8orrower filla to pay theae auma pdor to tAe explraUon at thla perlod, Lender may invoke Rny remedtea <br /> peRnittM by thia S�curfl�/InsUument wkhout furthx notic�or d�n�nd on Bonower. <br /> ':::-�=�:.-.::�i: i8. 8orrowar'a Rl�qht to R�tnotata. tf 8orcower meeta cartaln condttlono. BoRawa shnli have the ►k�ht to have _,��: <br /> entorcament of thb S�curKy Inshum�nt ditcontinued�t any Ume prlor to ths ea►tler oi: (r) 6 d�ya (or auch oth� perlod as <br /> ,,. appAeabie I�w m�y apedy for rehatatement)befors sds of the Ropaty purouant to eny power o}nale aontaMed in thla Securily �,; <br /> +� �� �'- ��•��^ instrumem;or (b)entry of a Judpment er�forcing thla Seeurtty Inatrumen4 Thoae canditlons are that Bor►ower. (e)paya Lender all •.., <br /> �����s�;:� suma wAlch then would be due under this Seeuriry InatrumenE and the Note ae if no acceteratlon had occuRedc (b)curea+tny ,'7�te <br /> ti,�� <br /> "���-��'��` ;� �j• detnuit at any other uver+ant or agreementa; (o)paya aU ezpenaes IncuRed in entordng thia Seeudfy�nahument, Includinp,but � .� <br /> �"�=:;i;�:�;;. '�-;'�'�.k` �at Ilmtted to, re�aonab4 attomeya'tees;and (c�takes suah aetlon a�lenda m�y eeaaomby require to asauro that the Ilan of .;�,., <br /> :,r .. .. .� <br /> •� • 1�7:}.:; .•;; this Security InaUu�r�enL Lender's dghta in the Aroperty ead Bortower'a oblfgsUon to pay tha euma aecured by tAla Securiry <br /> ,•�,. ,,�+-,,_. lnetrument ahall wntinue unohtnged. Upon retnatatement by 8ortower, thia Seeurlly inaSrument and the obAgntlona secured ..�;� <br /> ;?;�€.°'''�, ' . � hereby ahatl remeMi tufy eftedNe as tf no ecceleratton had occurted. Howwer,thla dght to rolnotate ahall aot appy in the case <br /> �.,- - <br /> +...:.:•t.. . „a .. .`" of aceetaaUon under pe�agraph 17. <br /> ��u?-�;� • • ' 19. 8d� of NOt�; Ch�nge Qf Loan Sorvfe�r. The Note or u a partlet IntErest in the Nnte (together wkh thb , <br /> "'-;-`.ti;�..;r.;.,,...`..'': Seeur(ty tnshu�rtent) may be sotd one or more ttmes wtthout p�1or noU�e to Bonawer.A sale may resuR in a change in the enUry <br /> �;';:;r:." ��. (la►own ae ti�e'lonn 3eivtcer')that eolleets moMhy paymenta dua under the Note and thia 8ecurlty Inatrumen� There atao mey <br /> �;V,Y�:;_;,� be ane or rtsaro changca af tho l.ocn S..^rviea urtrelated to e ee�e of the Note. fl thero is e ohanne ot the 6�an Senicer, .- <br /> .�,�,}, ..-��.. Borrowe►wi9 bo given wdtten noUce ot tfia changs in aecordanca wlth paragraph 14 nbove and epplicabte law. The noUee wAi „ <br /> „ state the�ame end addresa of the�ew toan Senicer and the addross to whleh paymenta ahouid ba made. The notice will aiso <br /> • contaln en�r other In4emution requlred EY apP:tca6le law. . <br /> ;"r'u'. • . �'' 20. Nazardous Subst�noss. eonewer shap not cause or permft the presence,use, diaposel, atorage, or roieaae of <br /> ` ., eny Hazardaus Subsiances on or In the PropeAy. Barrower shall not do,nor ailow anyooe else to do,unything aNeating the <br /> ;:�, �� ,, Property that W in vioNtlon of any Environmentel Law. The precedtne�two sentencea shetl �ot eppy to the prosenco,use, or <br /> •• storage on the Property o!sma�quenUttes ot Hemrdous Suasfsnces that ere generelly recognized to be appropdete to notmei <br /> ��� - ` residenUat usrss and to matntenence of the Property. <br /> Borrower ehall prompty flNe Lender wrttten noUce ot any NvestlgaUon, daim, demand, Iawauit or other actlon by any <br /> • govemmentet or regulatory egenry a pilvate party(nvoNing the Property and eny Hazardous Substance or Environmentai Law of <br /> ' which Borrower has acd�at knowtedge. tl Borrower leams,or ia notHied by any govemmentel or regulatory authodty,that any <br /> . ,, te�rii�Va1 4i 4i`rtfa iEiii�t°ns"af*+3 i� &tij( ki�idOiiS 3tibq'l3Rp 3S}6C161g PtOQCSlyf � tS�38lSf. SOtlOYfCf 9�l8k ¢►4!!lptP/L8k? 9I! .. - <br /> , necessery temediei adlons tn ascordanee wRh fmitonmenta�Law. <br /> As used tn this peragsapA�0. 'Hazardous 3ubstances'are those substances deflned as toxla or hazardous substancea by . <br /> ` , En�ironmantal law and the ToNowing substances: gaso8ne, kerosene, otner flemmabie or toxto petroteum products, toxio • <br /> pesdctdes and hdbtcldes, votat�e solventa,matert�containkng asbestos or 4ormaldehyde,and radioactivA matedats. As used tn � <br /> " ��4=;��;. pnrag�aph 20. 'Environmental Law' means tederal laws and lawa ot the Judsdiatlon where the Property is loc�ted that rekte to <br /> �<<f,`�'• heelth,a�ety or cnvironmental proteotlon. <br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENAMB. BoROwer and Lender further covma�and agree as toliows: <br /> ,,�:,.. ,�:;;..w,� 21. Accderallo��; Remedlss. Lender shall give nottce to 6orrower prlor to accele►ation <br /> .. • ;:�'::,.,; following BarowwPs broach of any covenant or agr¢ement In this Security Instrument (but not <br /> • " prtor to acwle�allon uAdar paragraph 17 uniess applicable law provides otherwise). The nottco <br /> � . . ehall ep�etiy: (a)tho d�hui� (b) the acttoR raquirod to cure th� defaul� (c) a date. not less than <br /> ° 30 days irom tha dete tho notics 1�glven to Borrower� by whtah the default must be curad; and <br /> ; � (d) that hilure to��_� !ha d�ut� on or betoss the date specifled In the notico may resuit in <br /> �� acaeteratton of tM sumo secured by thla Securiiy instrument and ssle of the Properry.The�otice <br /> � ahall turther ittfam 8arrowar of ths �IgM to retnatate aRer aaceleration and ths right to bring a <br /> ' court action to aa9art tho nwrexistanae of a defauit or any ather defense of Borrowor to <br /> � acceteration and sele. M the dela�R ts �ot aured on or befora tho date specifled tn tho nottce� <br /> ` �x � � Land�r at ita optlore may requtre immedtate paymsr�t tn tutl of all sums seaured by this Security ` � <br /> ':�`a: ° Inatrum�nt w(thout t0arths� dem�nd and may Ir�voks the power of sato and any othar remedioa <br /> .":�.� . pertnttted by applicabls law. Lender shatl b�entided to collect ail expenses incurred In pursuieg <br /> ��•i�"'��,��. �� •� ffis ramediea provided In this para$raph 21, Including, but not Iimltsd to, reasonebte altorneys' <br /> � taes and eosts of tl4le eWdance. <br /> � if ffie power of so►le is invofcad� Trostee shati record a notice of detault in each couniy In <br /> . - which any ptrt af ths Prope*!y Is tocated end sha!! mail copEes ot such notice in the manner <br /> , prescribod by appitcabla law to Borro�rar and to tha othor persona preaartbed by eppitaable taw. <br /> � Attor tha tlm� nqutrod by applicabla law. TrusMs ahaU gfvm publia notics af sale to the persoaa <br /> �' � and in tho manmr prascribed l�t appltcabla taw.Truste�. without demand on Borrower. shall sell . <br /> � . ths Propsrt�t at pubtfc tuctton to ffie hlghest btdder at ths time and pince and under ths tern�s <br /> . dastgnabd tn tho ndtco ot sai� In on� or moro parcels and tn any order Tns�a determtttos. i <br /> Trush� may postpons salo af all or any parc�l of th� Prop�rly by publia announcameM at ths <br /> . • Um� and pltco of eny prevtously schoduled sata. Lertdor or its destgnee may purchase the <br /> Proporty at nny sate. <br /> . . Upon recstpt of paymeM of the pdee bid. Truatee ehall deliver to the purchaaer TnisMe's <br /> -- - —— LL� — �n.� ....twt� e..�M�T....���� d�.i � w�....t...s...t��.dd�...� ..s <br /> v�� �v���r��.� u� ..v�.�•.�. . .. . � r.• . � �— <br /> the lruth of the atatemeMs made ffieredn. �Trustee shall apply the proceede of the sale tn the <br /> toilowfeg order. (a) to alt aosta artd expenas� of sxorciaing ths power ot eale. and the ar�le� , <br /> • inctudtng tl�a paymorrt of ths Trusie�'s teea aatu�lly irtc�srred. nat to excaed three <br /> 9b ot tho p�tncipal amoant of the <br /> � nole at the ttmo ot th� doclu�tion of dotault,and r�aaonablo attornoy's fe�s as pom�ittod b�t law; , <br /> (b� to all suma s�cured by thia Sscurit�l InattumeM; and (c) any exceas to the person or pe►sor+s <br /> " lagally�Mitt�d to k. � <br /> � •• <br /> ,. <br /> U . . �. F13t8.1M0(17i93) P1ge�ot 5 (,� � <br /> ., .�1 � <br /> „ �� , 94065 <br /> : <br />