.�-. . A'�Yl�eH'!:. f. .. ' . . :' . . , . ,:...• 4�'� �
<br /> � `'1;�,�.�..::���.
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<br /> .. �� . � ',x'� ���:;- 5�t..i::i-..`v"t� - . .
<br /> �.�
<br /> . .vJ
<br /> � ������7�� .. .:.
<br /> 7.RrAttAtlmll O�L,Mdii's Ill�hh 10 tl1r P�OpMiy. N eamw�r IaM tD prfam Ih�cov�nNNs�n0����h
<br /> - ..."`� "R��' HIJi WCUl�IY 6ltlflltlMM. 9�lhNr (!A M�1 proONidklp tA�t It1t�i tIQBMDMfM��Nr41 l.M�d�� �Ipht/h thi P�c�y(i�tCh�s a p►oG'Nt�n�N
<br /> �:,.�. ; .'..�'w±v.; biniirUplay�Prdxl��10►oondM►1n�lbn ot torNNun ot t0 mtotr.��wi a npulYtbtt/?�lltsn I.srON taay d0 r.nd piy kr wRaiawe I�t�rC�t�1rY
<br /> �.. } � wAbh Aa�t0� ow►MN d�a�alry ImkwnenR p��In aoal, qyN�q�o�abMtattano�l� N�s m0�nt� th��ap�b W mru�
<br /> �' t�11n, IlllAOUph tand�r m�y Uk��c9bn undrr thN O�Or�7�I.�ndw doN na hlv�to da to.
<br /> My Mauell d�bten�d b�t.�nd�r unitM MM prapnph f�IW b�aonr addlbrW WM ol dorroww acund by thk 6rou�t Mtiun�nt.
<br /> ��:;,. ..;�'.. ` Uellss da�ROwM IutO I.�ndu prl�to Oth�r brms ot P�Yrt►�M. lMi�m�ounM thaN bw htanrt A�om th�d�M of dNMxNnMM N th!NoM
<br /> � • ��, " nq�n9�ixY�P�ywGia,�+�ti�iG��9�u�er��1ta cr�n Lead:7 to Qcrrar.�r�e;i:�t�3 CaYrre�nt.
<br /> �.MOf1��IDMItMO�. N Undlr tiquMb mOAQIp�hwnrl0�a��COndINOn ot nl�khp th�lo�n MOw�d br Mis B�CUt�!►
<br /> . � � , Inttnem�M,so�row�t�haN p�y tR�pwnlum�nqt+hd t0 m�t�Wn th�rtq��htunt�s b�fNat.H.tor�►y n�ion�Ih�rra��hw�rno�
<br /> ��*�•. � a: .
<br /> , .;,�'�,�ti?''.i ..;`:�.r oovlrap� nqulr� by L�ndM MpsM or cMf�s co b. r� �ot.earow«�nar par tn. a.rnr,nu�vur.e co omah eo+r.►.w wafarn+�r
<br /> put�Ynt to tia malp�hium+u pratoutN h M�ot.u�aosl subttantky pulud�nt to tIM cost to 8orraw+r ot dn malp�p�Mwr�
<br /> =>� „•. . . • , pnWouM► In�M�Ot.MDm�n aft�1� mo*tp� hiunr�pprov�d Qy t�ndM. If subet�nlW�r quNal�t mortOp� hwn�eo�rx�p� r noi
<br /> �.n "' .. . awiaON. 8omow�► �hiM p�y to I.�nd�r aoh monlh a sum pw� to on�lw�Mlb of tha�A► mortWO� htunrM.�P►�mlum Mhp P�b bll
<br /> •.� ; Baraw�r wMn tlr�Mwana� aaqra�l rPs�d or cwnd to W b Nt�ot. L:�ndK wW �cwP�. uW �nd nt�N tt�WYmont� a a loss
<br /> r."` n�MV�in IYU ot mo�hturana�. Los�►�ww PaYm�nb nr�Y no bn�b� rpuind. u tho optlon of L�nda� M mortp�p� Mwr�
<br /> � �: '., '' ao+wy0�(In tht�mount�nd fot tM iMrbd that L,�nd�r r�qutesl Provld�d bY�n hwrw tppro�d by L�ndK�ptb D�aort�s av�MiD+��e►d li
<br /> ' � ' obqtin�d. Botrowar �It�� pay tM pnRtlutM r�quhd to mainWt moAQ�p� h�unnc� h �at� ot to 9rovW� � bss �Kerv�. until th�
<br /> : � � nqutart�t for morlp�s hwnnc��da h aCaordtr►c�wkh my wrRtMt apr�na►t bolwaMi BomowK and i.�ntNt or�PPibtbN kw.
<br /> ' . 8.111�IOCuOD. I.�ndrr ot Itt q�nt mq rrwk�ntsontbN�ntrM�upon and hsp�otbnt ot M�Prop�rty. I.NtdM thal qirr Barotu�►
<br /> ' notk�u ttn tkM of ar prbr to an haP����N�O natonabN oaus�!ot tM hsp�atton.
<br /> n .� 90. Condemnetfoa. Ttie a�� w ai►y awara a catn► ror dam�. aa�cxt or conaequentts�. b aonn�ton wtn .ny
<br /> oondenx�atbn or otMr takin0 ot anr Out ot th�Propwly�a tor conwyanes h itw ot eondemnatbn.aro heroby at�eip�+ad�nd shal b�ptld
<br /> � • ° to I.endK.
<br /> !n ths�nt of a toW tekhp of the Propert�r.the pror.eeds ehaW bs applled to tho aums secured by this Securily InaWmom.wh�lhx or
<br /> ao!tMn dt�, w1A any�xC�ss patd to Borrower. In ths swnt o!a Wttltl hkMip o!tM P�opert�in whkh tho ht matc�t vtl�of tM Prop�ly
<br /> . tnmodkt�N betore tho takinp b equet to or preate►than th�sre�ount ot th�eums seeured by thls Seeurily InsWmsnt niino�lirby botoro th� a .
<br /> tak��,unMss eonower and Lender othe�wis�a9ree in wriUnp,tM wms a�cund by this Secwly Instrument ehW too�edUaarJ�br tM amount
<br /> . of the proclads muRlpiied br tha tolbwhg traction:(a)ths total�mount ot tM�ume securod i+ir�edlatey ba4on the taklnq.dw�d by(Dy ih�
<br /> ,°• faM meikst value o1 the Property Mrrtedi�tey hetoro th�fekhp. My b�W�a shaM b�pald to 8orrovwr.In tAa event M��D���� �l9ha
<br /> '.�����% P►opert�r In whbh th�tfY mtAc�t vilu�of ths property inKnsdktey bMoro ths 4khp B lese tnan th0 amount ot 1hA aum3 e0ourod i�lu182Y �•Y
<br /> •. .� boforo ths tekinp. unMse Bortower and Lender otherwise a�rse h wdtYip or unkss apPOcebie law othe�wiss pnvidaa.t3�e proc�ads�h�14r
<br /> 6,�• '����.
<br /> � `,•�,,��;;.� �� epp�ied to tl►�eums seound by thb Srcurfly Inatrument whother or not the nums are then dua
<br /> '•`.k. .,, '�:��:
<br /> , ��.,.•.,.a it iF�e Ptoperiy i3 aiiandtNS&d by 8ots�.ix!t.�Sx st0!!CO Dp l.esti�ts�0�4we�lhet !M condomnor offats to rttake at1 awatd ot aotlb . r:::�
<br /> ;,.��—_
<br /> , �,,��:..;;,. ;. ;:.`."i;
<br /> a,�-,.,Sf',,,,.:,,.,,�r.��' a olaMn tor damapes,8or►ower tnW to respond to I.ender wkhh 30 days aRer lhe date the notke ta given,lmndw b autho�ed to eolec!an
<br /> .;.;. ,.1' •,••,,;'" �:�,:'t:;v:�
<br /> >••;�f�j„��'�+li r!"^�/`�� ePPb the procee�a,at Aa optfon.eithx to�estoTatbn or�pafr ot th�Prop�ty or to the s�nms secured by thb Seaurtly ineUunwnL w�alh�'
<br /> .i5;':!rj•��r+�,.�:j„�,,' ,�;•� OIROt1h8�IdUl. ,�,`i��'•.
<br /> ���+,iF%�%'x'��"'•.�s= Untess Lendar snd 8orrower othe�wise�►gtee h writh0� m�Y aDPlbatbe of proceeds to prinopal ehail not extend or postpoao the due ti1."t;.,
<br /> •...r,".0 „'
<br /> � � dete ot the morahy payments referted to h parRgrepha t er�d 2 or ch�npe ths unount ot suah pe�ments. ' %'�-'
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releesed: Forb�arnnce By Lender Not a Watver. �ccensbn o� che time �or paymene or
<br /> mod�toatton of unoR{atbn ot the aume secured by thb S�ourtly Instrument pr�nted by lender to any sucaessar h hterest of Borrower ehaY
<br /> " - not opaate to rekw M�I�b!l8ryry of the o�tpinal Bortower or 6arov+ks successore h interest. Lender shaA not Es requk�d to oomnwn�e
<br /> • � proce�dtnpt apthst anr succeasar in hteiest or rofus�to e�Mnd ttm tor paym�nt ot ott�xwlss modHy amortiratbn ot tM suma a�aund by .
<br /> •� � thb SeourR�r inswment by roason of eny demand mads by the orqhat 8orrower or eortowets successors M interos�Any torbe�nnc�by
<br /> t,�ndK b a�ncbhp any ripht or crmedy shau not b�a waA�ot or pnotud�ths exe�atse of eny dpht a remsd�r.
<br /> � � 1Z. 3uecea�ors end Asal�ns Bound; Jotnt end Severel �tebtlity; Co-algnera. Tne aovenu+�a and aa«m�nse ot
<br /> �� thb Soaurly Inswm�nt shaM bad and banafit th�successors md assipna ot Lender end Ha►ower, eubJect ro the provisions of puapaPA
<br /> 17. Borrowwe ooanants md 4yreem�n�s shall bs joM �nd ee+renl. My Borrowe� who co-sipns this SecurEt�r InaWment but does not
<br /> exeoute th�Nob: (�)Is casqninp thb Seourily InaWment ony to morty�po,prant,and convo/ that Borrowers interest h the Property under
<br /> �• tM tenns of thb Seourky�nabumen�@) b not pe�sonaly obNpeted to pay ths eums secured by this Seaurity Instrumen�and(o) �preee that
<br /> � l�endgr end t�nn�r pther 8prrowet may apree to extend,modiy. lorbetr or make any acoomnadatbns wkh regard to terms ot thb Securihr
<br /> inahument or tM Note wkhout thet 8orrowete oonsen4
<br /> � 13. LOa11 CII��QS. tf the btn seoured by thb SeeurRy inaWment b eubJeet to 8�w whiah eets mexirtwm toan cherges,and that
<br /> � y. " � t�w is fln�lty interpreted eo tAat the hterest or other ban oAerqes colieated or to be ooCeated h canrtectlon with Me ban e�xeed the
<br /> � permRted Amita,then; (o)any suoA ben charpes shatl be reduced by the emouM necessary to reduce t�e charge to the pertnMted Um�end
<br /> '.,> . (b1 any euma eteidy colboted trom 8orrower whbh mcceeded permkted IImNa wW be refu�ded to 8orrower. Lender mey ohooas to make
<br /> � . � thb roNnd by reduohp thp prinebal owed under the Nots o�by m�chp a dtect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduees prhopal,Me
<br /> `J. . �eductb�w81 be treated as a partkt prepayment without anY P�Y�t aharye under tho Note.
<br /> � 14. Notiea�. My notlee to Bo�rower pravWed for h thls 8eaurily lnstrument shail be yhren by delhrerinp k or by maYYiq k by fMst �
<br /> � oitss mail unless eppUctbte taw requires use of another msthod. The notice shnN be dkected to the Propeny Address or any othe�aEdress
<br /> � BoROwer desiyn�tes by notbs to Lender.Any notfce to lender ShaY be pNen by tirst ciasa ma9 to Lenders address Steted hereb ot any
<br /> .� othe►addnss lenUer desipnates by nottcs to 90rrower. My nollce provWod for M this Sew�Ny Instrument shali be dsemed to have been I'
<br /> � Sken to BOmDwor Ot Lsrtder when pNen as P�'� h thb par�preph.
<br /> • 1b. GoverMn� �.nw;Severabllll�l. This SeCUrk�r Insttttment sh8q be govemed by tedetal tew 8nd the law of the Jutisdbtbn In C
<br /> ; '�t� � whbA ths Property b beated. tn Me event that eny provisfon a ottuee of thb Seeurily InsWment or the Note eonflbts wNh epplicabte law, t .
<br /> + • auoh eonfNot shaN not afBeot other provlstons ot thb Securiqr IosbumeM or Me Note whkh cen be gben eHect wHhout the Contlbth9
<br /> " provbbn. To this end tka provisbna of thls SecurUy Inatrument end the Note ere dectared to be sa+rerabte.
<br /> � 16. Borrorver'a Copy. emro,�snax ee o►�n one co�ro�d eopy of�,e No�e a�a or en�s0co�ny��aw�,G I
<br /> " 17. Transter of the Property or e Be�efleiai Interest In Borrower. It a!!or any part ot the PropeAy or any hterest In �
<br /> k b eoid or CmsMrred(or M a benellcinl ht8f@8t h BOROWlr IS 6014 Ot lfRfISlBff@0 BItC B011D�M9r �S nGt 8 nHiurai persvnj wenvui i.vi�u'oi o - -
<br /> � � prior writter► cansenQ Lender may.at Rs optb».requYe immedl�te Payrtient h tutl of alt auna securod by Mb Secu�ity Inatrumen4 However, ; .
<br /> a � thLa optbn shal�ot be exeralsed by lender N exa�cise ts prohbked by tederal Iaw as of the date of this Securky Instrument.
<br /> , it Lender mcerols�a Mis optbn. Lender shaN pNs 8ortower notas ot acceleratton.The notke ehall provlae a perbd of not 6esa than 38
<br /> ' � • dtys from tRt dsta th0 noUce b deWe�ed or mailed wRhin wh�h Mo Bortower must pay eU sums aseured by this Security inatrument. It
<br /> � Bortower te�s to pay theae suma Prbr to the expiratiCn of Nb Pe�iod.Lender may hvoke eny �emedies permitted by this Securky Instnxnent
<br /> . wRhout fuRher nollee or dant�nd on Boe►owef �
<br /> Pl�p��ot 6 Form ao�e weo :
<br /> . " F10�:LIiRO(610t�
<br /> t.•, ,
<br /> i-
<br /> f
<br /> 0 �
<br />