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<br /> ��ot to MaNd th� nyxhxim �rnwx�l � Nnd�r lor �Nd�tyl�t�d mal�p� b�^ m�Y�t�tor Barowaro Norow �000unt wbi► th�
<br /> ,F�<�....,• • , MdKal hal Esule BMlMm�nt Froc�duni Ibt ot 107�as�nd�d kom Unn to thw, 12 U,B.C. 2601 �i aq• l'��'A•)� �������
<br /> � tAtt�ppNM to tM Furtd� tN�� INt� �mount. It oo�Und�r mty, at�r►y tkne, coN�e!ena hoid Funda h ae amount nat tn exeesd lh�
<br /> . ; ..Fr,�,� Iqpr �rtwunt. UntM►mny attm�u tri� amaunt at Nnde dw en tha ba�� ot aurrsnt dat�and ��ttontble�stknatn ol �xpwtdkur�s ct y _
<br /> ;..;,::�,:"•�: ,. .Y��r� (uturo 8�orow tt�a otMrwiN In�coord�nc�wR�tpplb�bN kw.
<br /> TM Fund� �htN b�Mld b an hstRutk�n whot�d�Ao�Re�n htund by• Ud�►at�p�noy, Y�ftn+mmGt�tri or��1►lr►cWdMp 1.�►dM'�N
<br /> ..S'�:?�';r�. ;,f. LMfdor N woh �n iritNulbn)p in 1ny 1��1 M�N 4oM 8�nk. Lendrt�h�M�ppN�Funda!o pp tM�urdw tt�nr. �.«+dn nrr na
<br /> t ` ohup�eartawW ta Aoldtip �nd �pplylnp tM�Fundl, annuRly mWnnti th�aarow �eoouet,ar wrx�tip th�Esorow tann.unln��.mr1�r .:ry�
<br /> •..o�;; �;�.."� P�y.sortowK ht�n�t an the Funa ana�OOtbabM I�w pwmt�tantMr eo mdc•tuob a oh,rp�. Moww�r,L�n�r rwy i�quL�Oorrce::a to
<br /> ���� ' p�y a on�tlm�ot�ar�ior�n indrp�nd�nt raal�stth tax npoRNg nrvl¢�utb b�1.�ndn h 000tNOtion wltN this lan.unlNS�ppMo�bM kw
<br /> �` ., providN otMrwiq. UnlMS �n �prNnNnt M maE� or�ppYo�bl� �w nqulrM int�nnt to b� ptb. Lsnd�► shaY eot bt nqu�rb to �� � , «h
<br /> ' • ° 8orrow�r any IntltNt or Mmk�qf on th�Fundt,Borrow�r 1nd I.N'rdlr mtr aprN b wrkiny�howw�r�lhtt ht�rolt sh�1 b�ptid on tIN Fund�. ';�qR�1�^ �
<br /> � tand�r�haM plw to Bortow`t�wRhaut ohtr�,m annuai�acountMp o4 tM Funds,ahowhp cndks and d�bks ta th�Funda and th�purpo� , ;.;r.,�,.�,: . i �J�.�
<br /> yjrµ�4:k� .
<br /> ' tor whbh Moh d�bR to tM Funds w�s mad�. fhs Furtds on pbdp�d as adEktontl waurR�r ta aM eums saourrJ by thM&curR�r inswm�►G , w,;::;�;,., ,�,,,:
<br /> , . . ,<�'�';'�;
<br /> .� lf th�Fund� Mid by Und�poeMd tM tmourtb pwmllt�d to b� h�b by�PPtlotbw �w.i.�nder shaq aaaount W Borrowa fot the .:..; .�;(7K�l:i(•:���J Y
<br /> � �xcas Fund� b licoordme�wNh tM nquYwrnnts of appNOabN I�w. It th�amount of th�Funds heid by tandet et any th� b not tuMiaMnt �'�.:�`;1;�`�.�''�:.:'..:
<br /> '..U'i:i'�Rtd�':\..
<br /> ., . to pay tha Eserow It�m when duti�end�►rtny eo nody 8ortoww M wrRhp,and,In suoh case Borto�wer shati pay to tAnda the�mount : �,,�y�s;;'...� ..
<br /> . n�caury to mtica up tM atbioncy. Borror�r sluN m�ko up th� dMlaUnoy h no moro thu� twehre monthy p�yrt�ente�at tandws soM . •��=-'r ?w��•
<br /> �� .. : . disontbn. -�+nt�r�r;.; .
<br /> Upon paymeM h tul o! aN suma aecured by thb Secufily Instiumenb �ds� sha�prompty retund to 8ortow�r any funds hek! by �y�•x.��.�'.
<br /> . I.a�d�. lf,t�r R�re�h 81.I.ender ahaq oequtre or selt Na Properiy.Lender.Prtor to the aequlsRbn ot snle ot th�PropaAy.shaM apPy � •;•�9 'a,�,.._ _
<br /> � any Funds M?d by Lendw at tM tYns of acqubRbn or sale ea a ersdk�paha!the sums securad by this Securky Instrument. � :- M . ''
<br /> � . ' ' 3.Apptiaation of Payments. Uniess bip0�� �w provides Othefwf¢e.eM PBYmentB teCelvBd bY �'�under psrepr8phs 1 end -�t:�i�;
<br /> 2 shaN bs aD�9ed: fMBt,to any propayrt�ent cAarees due uader tha Note; secoad. to amounte paYabte under Qare9raPh 2; tAM W hterest �'"�'���,"�����`�
<br /> f ,. ;;;.:: .
<br /> dw;(ouRA,to pdnolpal dw;and Mst. to any lete ohar�ea due und�r the Nate. ��w��• �
<br /> '._,�t,,;�';�'�x'
<br /> �. . 4. Chal'9e8; Lktli. 8arrower SheM psy eA texes. aasessn►ont8. C1+arQ�es. ftnes end imposRlons attnbutabfe to the Properqr wd�ieA ' -�. .
<br /> may atfaN priority ovK thb Securiry Inatrument,a�d leasehold psyments or ground renta,If any. Borrovrer ahap pay theso obOpattons h tR� ,,.,�4:� �
<br /> mmner P�Gvtded „ Wrapr�D�► 2. or M eot peid in that menner. Borrower shatl pay tAem on ttma direatly to the person owed PBf�� � u.i�
<br /> 8ortower shi9 prompty Wm�A to l.endm eA noticas of amounta to ba psld under thb para9raph. If Borrower makes these payrt�ent� .. =' .
<br /> . . . directty�Bortower sha�O��b fumish to Lender retetDla evtdeneinp the PaY��• �.� `�
<br /> �;}���....:-,
<br /> �� Borrower shap pron�pi3�r diset�r0e anY tten wh�A hes P�M►Y over this Seeurky Insuument untess Borrower: (e)eprees h w►It(n0 to th� ,�,: . ' •;,r�.����r.
<br /> ___^ gayment ot ths obltgatbn seeured by the fien In a manne► ecceptabie to Lender; (b) oontosts In gaod fafth the Iien by. a defende agahat ,;�'� �.;=�
<br /> n�T'.
<br /> entoroernen!of the Nen in,loptl praeedhgs whbh h the Lendera ophbn operate to prevent the enroroement ot the Nen:or(o)seoures irom ...,,.,,.;�
<br /> .-:;.�,..;.:::.
<br /> the holder of the Iien u► epreer►�ent sat�slactory to Lender subordhethg the Uen to tAls 3eCUrlty Inatrument. if 48nder determines that any ...s;•��:,},�•
<br /> .. rr;;;v�;t;`.�� -�
<br /> • paR of the Prop�ty is subjeot to a ilen wAbh may attah p�lonty over thb SeourHy Instrumerit,Lender may gNe gortower a�otice kJentiytnp , � r �. ,,,
<br /> . tho W�n. 8orrower ehaN aatisry the Yen or take orte or more of the eotbns eet toRh above wBhh t0 days of the glrhg of notbe. �> •�'''•'`�
<br /> ' h ! �
<br /> 6. Hesard or Property Inauranee. 6ortower shnN keep the Mnprovements now eocisthg or hereafter ereated on the Property • �
<br /> Inwnd apahst bes by lirs. ha:erOs Inoiuded wtthh the temi 'e�dended ooverape"and eny other hamrds, haludMp fboda or fboding.tor T .,'���
<br /> � whbA I.�ndrr roquires Nsuranc�. fiis Msurance shaD be mGhtalned in the amounts and for the periods that lender requires. The insurance . "�%�
<br /> ' wrtbr prpvidtnp th� hwranc� shU� be chosen by 8ortower subJeot to lendets approval whbh shali not ba unreasonaby wRhheld. M ,;"� .
<br /> • Bortow�r}aAS to mthtth coverap� desoribed tbove,Lender may,et Lendefs optbn, obtatn ooverage to proteot Lende�e riphts h the '
<br /> ��
<br /> . PropKty h tecordu►c�wNh parapnpA 7. . �� *
<br /> „ AN heunnc�poNatea and renewata ehnN be seeeptebb to Lender and ehett holude a atandard mortqape atause. Lender shall have the •��%
<br /> �� ripht to hold the polbin�nd rertewab. If Lender requtres. 8orrower shall prompty gNe to Lender ail receipts of t�eid Premk+ms and re^ewt� ';:l,'�
<br /> notk�a. in th�ww�t ot bsa,Borrower shail pive prompt nodce W Me haurance oarrier and Lendsr. Lender may make proof of bss tf not ;, .
<br /> , m+d�PromP=h►bY eorrower.
<br /> • UnMaf l�ndK and Bortowe►otherwise�pree h wrRinp� insurence proceeds shap be applled to restoratlon or repaM of the Propeny G �
<br /> „ � d�rntped, w tM rostontion or repalr ts eoonomicaly teQSibte and lenders security is not Iessened. If the restoratton or repatr Is not
<br /> � �� eaonombaly Masbit or Urtders aeaurNy wouid be tesser►ed,tAe Neuronce proceBds shait bo sppl�ed to the Bums seeured by this Securi�r .
<br /> Inatrumen4,whs►her or not then due. wkh any wccess ptld to Bortower. If Borrowsr abandona the Property,or does not answer wRAtn 30 �;�
<br /> days�notie�trom Lender that the Nsurance cer►ter hes oHered to settt9 a olaim, then Lender may colleot the tnautance proceeds. Lender . �
<br /> � mey uee th� proceeds to repat or restore tBe PropeRy a to pay sums secured by this Securtty InsWment.whether or not then due. 'the �
<br /> � " � �� 30day perbd wiR bs�h when the not�e is gNen. f
<br /> Unleas lender and Bortower othe�wise epree h wrkhg,eny eppUcaHon of proceeda 4o princlpai shau not exlend or poatpone ihe due I
<br /> date o!tM monthy payments refened to In paragrephs t and 2 or ahanpo the amount ot the paymenls• If under paragreph 21 the Prope�t�r �
<br /> is acquted by Lende►,Borrower'a right to any hsurance Dolictes and P►oceeds resuh(rt9 ho�n dama9e to the ProPeKY P�r to tfie acqulsklon �
<br /> ; � ehaN pasa M Lender to the extent of the suma securvd by Mb Securily InaWment Ynmedlateb P+�to the acquisalon. ,
<br /> 6. OcaGpanay, Preservatton, Maintenanae nnd Prateation of the Property; eorrowe�'s Loen �
<br /> Appitcatlon;Leaseholds.earower snan occupy.es�i�n, end use the PropeAy us Borrower's prino�pal residence wahh a�ty days
<br /> attK th�exeaudon of thb 8ecurky Insbument and shaN eonthue to ocoupy the Property as Borrowers princ�pai residence tor et least one
<br /> „ � yetr ntter ths dtts of oceupanar,untess L6nder olherwise egrees h wrkhp, whbh conaent ahail not be unreasonaby withheid,or unlesa
<br /> � nd�nuathp CMetlmstBnqg exist whiCh aro beyond 8orrowei'e oonh0l. Bortower ehail not destroy, demape or Impair the Property,allow the
<br /> . PlppeAy to detetbt6te,or Commit w88te on the Propeny. BOmOwer 8he11 be in defsuk M flny fod0iture ttotbn or proCeeding.whether oivil or ;
<br /> cdmhtl, is bep�+n that M Lendera paod feBh Ju�ment oouid resuh in torteiNre ot the Property or otherwlse materlaly tmpair the Oen creatod
<br /> ' by this SecuBty instrument or l.en8e�s seourity tnter�t Barower may eure sueh a detauk and retnstate, ea provided h paragraph 18,bY '
<br /> ��.� .w..►..�.. IwAd1..ro wf IAu ..
<br /> � caushp ths aeGon or proceeahp to tre aam�sseo wan e n,a►p mai, n i.ender'� ��,�; bn�� :.o:a.�.:p.�... r�.�_.. ._.._.._._ _. _._ - . ..
<br /> ��, Borrowe�'s Merest In the PropeAy or ather matedal MpnM�ent of the Ilen created by this Securitp insWment or L¢nders secuNiy mtonost.
<br /> .t..... .---. . Bc+►owa►s�aN aiso be h detauk q Borrower.durtng thw ben appYentbn prooesa,gave materlaufr letse or haccurate Intormatton or aW.tements
<br /> � ^ to Lendet(or failed to provide Lander wkh any materiei Intortnatbn)in conneotion wtth the ban evWenced by the Note,inaUdinp, but not
<br /> � � {Imited to� �teserttatbns Concomhp BOrrowers oCaupenay Of the Property 88 a prM►clpai cesidence. If thls SeautRy Instrumexrt b on a
<br /> ,_ „ leeaehatd, Bar►ower shat compy wkh aU the provbbns of ths le�se. If Borrower acqutres tee titte to the Property.ths IeasohoW and the
<br /> ., . tee dtb ohaM rtot rt�ergs unbss the Lender egrees M the merqer h writYtq.
<br /> . .. " P�p��ot 6 form�046 Y1o0 .
<br /> ' , ft0�0.tM0(6Ns)
<br /> t „ ,
<br /> 6 �
<br /> � �.
<br />