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�; .,. , . ._/1- . . �, � ; , .i•eri�a�-,.��.J.•,.:� • , ' `�'JY q <br /> _ .�,.'.+ ..y.�. .�-) .. � 7i�V, f <br />� . ', „+• . ' .. . . ... .... . ... . . . . <br /> i � <br /> r'.� ,_1 .;� �• �' 4 . o _ .::'t,M1x'rVevyr ��A�'����''�a�•t,�x)i � <br /> � : .y ^��1'"I�iMiC.r.� :�h.:.�ava�����i".,�uFA4'r14U1� <br /> .i.f?-.1•i9,�.��.�i?�1�; '.' <br /> '° :-� , ..o i�,1'«�`ta�� <br /> r:t•�!r.:._.>;�+ ��� -.. <br /> �' � `�' • 1d. Borrowsr'o Rlpht �o R�IQlt�tO. If eortawM nN�t�CNt�M aondkioflL 8aro�w�r tha�l Atw !M Aph1 to Aav� �nbtoNnirW <br /> dlsaonitnu�el a!�ny tlnr prlot t0 lM leAbr Oh(�1 d dIY� (M tu0h othN p�(bd QY RpD�abfi rw m�y�p+o►ry lo���intttt�+t)bM�n utp _ . <br /> ', ° . o! thi RropeAy Ru►wtnt to any poww ot aM cantih�d tn lAM (i�Cwlty ln�tturt�t; or (b) entry of a Judam��t eritnrainp tfla Cs�ctuky ._.r�•°q <br /> -� • � InsWmsn�7itios�aondilbn��r�that Barrow�s (o)piye I.�rtM►aN tumf�hbh tha�wouW bs du�unGa thle 6oaurMt�1 Imtrum�r►t an�tM • �= <br /> :i � Non as M rto �coaNratbe hRd ocaumed= (b) ouns my dNauR o!any otM►oownNt a a�r�r►t�s (o) pap �M a0�nus hcwnd b ",'�;������'� <br /> �• r:, ••�� <br /> � �{�� �t� S�eurlqr tnsbum�nt, holudhp� but no! Nmk�d to, rMetqntbM attom�yi' fa�i Nd (d) tatus �uoh �atton u L�nsNr rrNy � ` ,j''�" , . .t •.. <br /> �� -. � naaon�py�qut�r�to asiu� that tn��n ot thN 8�ourtt�r �nstrummt, l,M�d�� tlphri h th�PropNt�r �nd BorrowMs oEllpatlon to pty tM �.��, ' •' : <br /> . � sums sseursd by th4 8�aurity Uatrumont ahaN aonthuo unohtnp�d. Upoa nl�stttanent by BorrowK� thb &aurky Instrum�nt �rtd ttN �. . <br /> eu ..'.:_ `. <br /> • ° � pppptypns s�oynd h�npy shaN�nth fUNy NhotM u N no�ce�l�atbn had ooaum�d. Howsv�t.thl� rlpht to roinslaW Ci�aq ao!appty!n . , ,,,. ..-. <br /> c <br /> .. th�oa�af�cc�Mttbn untNr Qenpnph 17. `. '�."�,�".:'�=};�, � <br /> •. . han e of Loan Servtcer. Th� NOf� or a partkl hterest M tho IVots (topYther wRh thR BeCUdh► � � � <br /> �� � 19.Sa1�ot Note; C p � , , . <br /> � �� Inatrum�nt) mq b�aold om ar mon tirtNS wkhout pdor not�ca to Barrow�r. A s�M may roauk h a ahtnps h ths entity(known as th� . <br /> �Lptn S�rvl¢et")that co�cts omvnthy payrt�ente dus unda►tha Not�and thb&�ourdy Instrument. Thers aiao rt�Y bs on�ot mas ehtnyK : • <br /> ' cf tM lwn Seroacer unqefetetl Ca�saM ot th�Nots. It ther�b a ohanpo of►hs Loan Servber,8orrower wiq bs given wrkten noUc�o!ths ��, ., ' '� . <br /> ohtn�s h��x�e�fne�wAA pa�niPh 14 above and appNcabM �w. Th�noHa�wiA smte the n`me and addross ot tho now Loan 8s�vber ,,'':.;` . , .. <br /> and th�ad�tr.osa to whiGA paymente sho�eld ba mads. 11�s notics wiN also eont�in any other hformat(on requtred bY apPltaabN isw. .. •��. . <br /> •� ' 20. Wam�rdoue S�bs�eneea Bonower ehaM not cauas or psrmR the presenca. ues, dlspossi, storape, or reteass at any . ;: <br /> � H�nrdous Supstanqa on or in Me Property. Boaower sh�p not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythkp aHecthg the Property that ts h � '� � ' <br /> violtdon of any Envtonmental law. Ths P►ecedhp two sentenees ahaU not epPb to the P�as,use. or storape o� the Property ot emaY }°; : , <br /> . quanGtisa ot Ht�rdaus 8ubatancea that us OoneraNy recopnt�sd to be aPProPritte to nortnal residentla�uses and W mahtenanGe of th� ' <br /> ��' . ,.,•i:,. ;-,,. <br /> _ Properly. (�� ... . - <br /> . Bortower shaN prompty pive Le�de►w�itten �otk:e of any hvestipatbn.aiatm, demantl,lawsuk or othe► sation by any Sovernnentai ar y�.. . . <br /> • repuYtory epenoY m P�+�P�Y hvoNhp the Properpr and any Haurdous Substence or Environmental Law of whbh Borrower has eaWal ` . <br /> knowiedga. Ii Bor►ower Ieems, ar is notified by eny govemmental or reguiatory authorriy, that any removat or other remediatbn of any , � . � � '`��.':� <br /> �:-.�:: tia:ardoua Subatanee atteathp the PropeAy ta neceseary. Borrower shail prompty take ail neces�Py remedial aetbns h acaordanee wlth � a;,',;i;, <br /> . . ��;�^.;�� �;,�:.., <br /> i'.�,,ir`,`. . Ef1VkCQRI�It&1 LBW. ' (��'•••`� <br /> -'��.��lii�: ��1 ., <br /> '.���•li�.,.. .. ;.�,'yl <br /> ' • .�':�,e;. As ueBd h thb ptragraph 20, "Ha:ardou8 SubSWnt�s" ere thOSe eub8tance3 dAflned A8 tOxb Ot hazard0u8 Sub6tances by ;;:`',+,;;;�i ;, <br /> �`,', � EnvYOnmentat taw end tha toUowhp subatances: yesolhe, korosene, other ffammabie or tozb peuateum produots. toxb pesNcides end , �,.;,:?;�1q,,4' �. <br /> :,•."}.. , ,;•,,,.':: <br /> �.;_,��;�.� ; , herbbklss, volatile eoManls, meteriats conffihMg aabestoe ot tortnetdehyde, and redinaatke materials. AS used h thla parepraph 20. E��;;,;r::;,'.• , y <br /> f;.��,�, •Environmentat Law• msana federet laws and tawa of tho Jurisdietbn where the Property Is boated that retate to heakh, satety or ��'`,;(s�":'•i�:j;. ��` <br /> , .•,' eiwironmental proteatbn. �, �t � 'k, rx�: <br /> � `;. NON�UNIFOQiM COVENANT& Bortower and lender furthEx oovenent 8nd 8gree a8 fo�bws: c�, r�- ��'�,?� , � <br /> — ._._�,_�._ _ <br /> —__ `l.�• �t'iCQ�C�Q�ifl�tf �6�1i @i���8. =.6iii�L� 8��= �j{V8 R0�'u'i �O �D::QYYf.! �l��Qr �? $1'iG@�@I'9N41} �O��OWQ9� t5is:.p�.1���,'t..u::.�y.__.�.. <br /> ' �'�����ii'���Ji'�� <br /> �� � ;��� Borrower's breech of �ny eovenant or agreem�nt in this Saauriry Instrument (but nat praar to acceteratton . �,, f.,,.,.,, � � <br /> � .�� " �� under perag�aph 17 untese appticable le�r provides otherwise). The noUce shell specty: (e) the detautg � ,��;�� ,jU�(�, , - <br /> � � , ` ,' (b)t h e a e tl o a re qutred to cure the deteutt; (a) a dnte. rtot leaa than 30 .days t�om the dete the no�ice is ;;.��,;�' � ;. <br /> . � given to Borrower� by whlch the delauit mua4 be eared; and (d) that faElu�e to cure the detault o� or . "� .: <br /> � � bebre the date apecttfed In the notlee may resutt in acaeteration of the aums secured by this Security , � <br /> Instrument end aete ot the Property. The rtotice ahall tu�r inbrm Bonower of the right to retnatete aiter r� :, <br /> G�celeretlan en� ihe right to bring A court actlon tn asaert the non-exiatence of a detault or any other � ���;�,���� <br /> dete�se of Borrower to aceeleration and aale. If the detautt is not cured oe or betore the date apecEfled t , ,� <br /> �n the notic�� Lender at ib optlon mey require immedtate peymenQ in tull ot ell sums secured by thts , �� ,!� <br /> . SecuNry Instrunront without turther demend and miy invoke tbe power of eale end any other remedies � .��, <br /> permttted by �ppitc�bte taw. Lende� �hsti be enUtled ts colieet ait expenaea I�cur�ed In pu�aui�p the <br /> remedtes provided in thta paregr�ph�7,Inatudtnp, but aot Iimited to, �ecaonetale attorneys' tees and eosts i <br /> ot tttle evidanee. .' <br /> " " It the power of aale is Invoked� Trustee shetl reaord e notiae of deteult tn each coun4y tn whtch any <br /> �' psrt of the Property is taceted and ahall maii copies of weh notice In the menner preseribed by appliaebte � , <br /> taw Q,o 9orrower and to the other peraons preaoribed by eppticabte tew. Aiter the time �equired by f � <br /> appiteeble taw�True4ee ehett gtve pubitc ttotiae of sste to the peraons aed in the menner p�escril�ed by � <br /> epplicabte law. Trustee� without demend on Bonower, aitiall selt the Property at public auctton to the � ,� <br /> :' hf�heat btdder et the Ume and ptaae and under the terms deaigeated in the notice of safa in one or more ; <br /> . psrceb nnd in any orde� Trustee determines. Truatee mey poafpone sale ot ait or any pareel of the � . <br /> Properiy by publta ennouncement at the Ume and place of any prevlously scheduied sale. Lender or tts , <br /> � deaignee mey purehase the Property at any aale. <br /> ' .. Upon racelpt of payment of the price bid� Trustee shatt deltver to the purchaser Trustoe's deed <br /> � comeying !he Rroperty. The �ecttats In the Tn�stee's deed ahali be p�ima tecte evidence ot the Vuth of <br /> the stetements made therein. Truatee ahali apply the proaeeda of the sete in the tollowing order:(a)to ait <br /> � coata and expensea ot exeralaing the power of ale, and the eate, tnctuding the payment o4 the Trustea's <br /> � fees actualty incuned. eot to exaeed 3 96 of the principat amount ot the note at the time ot the <br /> dectaratton of detauft, and reaaonable attorney's fees as permitted by taw; (b) to ait sums secured by thts <br /> Securiry Instrument;and (a)eny excesa to the peraon or pereo�s t�getly enti4ted to it <br /> `., 2�.Reconveyance. Upon payrt�ent ot np sums secured by this Sectirily Inabument, Lender ShflU request Ttustee to reCOnvey the <br /> Property and shaU eurtender this SecurNy Insbument end a8 notes evideneinp debt secured by thls Seeurity �nstrument to Trustae. Trustee <br /> st�et recOrney ths PropM�►without wementy end wkhout Charqe t0 Me person Ot persons lega4ty entRled t0 it. SuCh person or persons shall ' <br /> . . pyy�ny recordatNm costa. <br /> 43_SubatltutQ T►U8!@Q. lender. at Ra oDtbn, m�y trom time to tYno remove Truatee and appoht a successor wstee to any • <br /> '' Truatee eppohted herounder by an Mst+ument reeorded Y+tho couMp M whl¢h thEs Securityy tnstrument is recorded. Wfthout eonveyance ot , <br /> thg property.stta�e9sor truste0 shaa suCCeed to atl Me e�la,power ettd duNes conterted upon Trustee hereh ond by appUcable law. <br /> � 24.Requeat tor Nottaee. Bo�rower teqvests that eoples of M9 nottCes of delauh end saie 0e sent to Bortowers 8ddres8 wh�h <br /> y�' . is the PropaAy Addreas. <br /> ZS. Rtders to thts Seeu�ity instrument It orte or moro tidets ere exeCUted by 8ortowet and reCOrded together with thfs <br /> S� � ''� `' Secur:ty InsbumenR the covenants and agreementa of each suah rlder sAatl De hcorporeted hto and shalt emend and supptement the <br /> �•:. :: <br /> t � .. � cpvenanie atid 8greemeMB Ot Mb Security lnsttument es H th9 rider(8)were a part of tAls SeCUrily�nstrurt►ent. <br /> � <br /> `.� <br /> Pao•�m e Fo��ao¢a aao <br /> F10P0.1M0 I6/G) <br /> 6 ' <br /> ' <br />