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<br /> cc�nden�natian oro�tter toking otu�ty pa�Z of the 1'ropeny.or fue cnnvcynrtce dn lIcu uicnnAen�natian,ar�t��re6y axsigneA und
<br /> ehAll bu pn[d to l.c»der.
<br /> In the eHeUt af a tatal talclna af Ih�: Pmperty. tlt�proceeds Rt►�il bn ep�lied to tho �suma secured by thik ti�cu�ity .
<br /> instrummt,whethcr ar not then duo,with any exsess p�id to Borsower. In the evcnt of a p�rtial takin�of the Pwperty'le
<br /> which tha fair marke!vulue of�he Property ImmediAtety before dia ta�ing is equ�ai to or greater thAn the amaw�t of thc Rumw
<br /> sauned by th6s Sscurity Xnstn+ment immed3�tety beforo the taking,untesa Bomower and Lenckr ottierwiso t�c�in�wdtin&
<br /> the R�*ma vM��red by this 3ecudty (nstmment shall be reduc�Y by the amount of the praceeds►twldpliec�by tha fallowing
<br /> � fnc�on: (a)ths totai amuunt oE tht sums securied immodintely befone thc taking,dlvlded by tb)the Frtr niwl�e v�I�w of 1iw
<br /> y Property immedIate�y bef�re the t�king. Any balanco shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of e parti�l d�lcing op che
<br /> Pcoperty in which the fair market valuo of the Propeaty immediately before the taking is tesy thas►the amount of the auma
<br /> ' sscured immedietely b�fore the taking.unless Horrower and Lender otta:rwisa �grce in wriu�8 or ur�less,applicebie l�w
<br /> � other�+ise provIdcs.the procacds shall be appNed w the sums secured by this Security instntment whcaher or not the suma are
<br /> � then diee. '
<br /> If the ProQeny Is abar.doncd by BArmwer,or if,afteT aotice by lxnder to Horrower that the candemna offens to make
<br /> an nward o�sattle a claim for damagos,Bonower fuils to respond to Lender within 30 dnys after the dute ttte nodce is given,
<br /> � f,.cndet ls uutharized to coAut and opply the proceeds,ut its optlon,either tn restoration or rcpalr of the PropectY or 4o the
<br /> sums secw+ed by this 3ccuriry I�utrument,whether or not then due. Itcation of roceeds to rinci al shal!nat e�tead or
<br /> Unless Lender und Borrower othcrwise agree in wdtin�,any app p P P
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly puyments neferred to in parasraphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of such payments. .
<br /> 11. Borcower Not Relwsed; Forbesrance By Lender Not A Watver. ExcensIon of the time for payment or
<br /> raoeiflcntion of amortizr�don of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granud by Lender to any sucassor[n interest
<br /> of Borrower shaU nos operate to retr,ase tite Uability of thc origMal Botro�ver or Borrnwerb sacceFSar� in interest,i.cnder
<br /> shall not be�equired w commence proceedings u8au�st any successar tn interest or refuse to extend tImo for payment or
<br /> othenuise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Secudty Instniment by reason of any demnnd cr.ade by the original
<br /> BoROwer ar Botrower's successurs In interesG My forbearar►ce by Lender in exercising any rlght or remedy shall not be a
<br /> walver of oi precluda the exercise of any right or remedy. •
<br /> 12. Successors sind Assigns Bound;Jolnt and Several Liability;Co-signere. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Security Insuument shall bind and beneSt the successors and assigns of Lender And Borrower.subject to�he provistons of
<br /> paragrnph 17. Bomuwer�covenants and ag�eements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Instrument but dces not eaecute the Note: (a)fa co-signing this Security Insuument anly to mort�age,grant and convey that
<br /> � Borrower's�ntensc in the PropeRy under the terms of this Securiry Insmimen� (b)is not personally obligated to pay thc sums
<br /> secu�+ed by this Security Insuument;und(c)ug�ees that Lender and any other Borrower may agnee to extend modify,forbear
<br /> or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of thls Secudty Insuument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> COOSeAG
<br /> 13. Y.oan Charges. If the loan se�ured by this Secur�ty tnsaumenc is subjcct tv u iuw which sets maxi�su� !a�
<br /> char�es,and that luw is finally interpreted so that the interes�or other loan charges collected or to be cotlecicd in connection
<br /> with the toan exceed the permitted lim{ts,then: (a)any such loan charge shall bo reduced by the amount nexssary to reduce
<br /> the charge to iDae pecmitted limit;and(b)any sums atmady collected from Borrower which exceeded permiued limits will be
<br /> refunded to Boirower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by ceduc+ng the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> , dlrect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,thB reduetion will be ueuted us a partial prepayment without any
<br /> pnpayment charge under the Note. �^'
<br /> 14. Nallce9. My norice to Borrower provided for in this Secudty Instru�nent shal!be glven by delivering it or by j;:
<br /> c..
<br /> meiling it by first class mail wtless appllcable law requires use of another method.'Ihe notice shall be directed to the Property %'�
<br /> Add�+ess or any other address Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. Any nottce to Lender shall be gi�en by first class
<br /> mail w[.ender�s address stated herein or any other address Ixnder designates by notice to Borrower. Any aodce prnvided for
<br /> in thia Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> p�iSh �iW
<br /> Governtng Law; Severabiiity. This Security lnsmiment shall be 6ovemecl by federal 1aw and the law of the _
<br /> jurlsdlctIon In which the Property is lceate.i. In the event that any proviston or clause of t�is Security Instrument or the Note :''
<br /> contiicu wIth applicable law.sach conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the I�Iote which can .,:�,
<br /> be iven effect without the conflicting provision. '[b this end the pmvisions ot'thIs SecurIty Instrument and the Note are : :
<br /> dec�ared to be severable. i'�
<br /> 16. Borrower's Coyy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. " ��.�
<br /> ,� 17. ltansfer of the Property or u BeneRdal Interest ia Borrnwer. If all or any parc of the Property or uny interest in ';:;��;;.-•
<br /> it is sold or usmsferreci(or if a beneficial interest in Bomowec is sold or tmnsfemed nnd Borrower is not a namral person) �
<br /> without Lertder's prior written consent,Jxnder may.at its optlon,require immediate payment tn full of all sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry Insnument. However.this oprian shcell not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prnhibited by fedeml law as of -
<br /> the date of this Security Instcumen�
<br /> � �'�.� „ '� if Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. Tlie notice shail provide a period uf
<br /> ` ' not less thon 30 days fcom the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secu�by this
<br /> Security InstrumenG If Bo:rower fatls to pay t}sese sums prior w the expiration of this pedod, I.ender may invoke any
<br /> �. ' remedIes perra�itted by this Securiry Instrument without futther nodce or demand on Botrower.
<br /> I8. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Bomower meets certain conditions, Borrower shWl have the r�ght to heve
<br /> enfonement of this Security Inswment discontInued at any time prlor to the earller of: (a)S days(or such other period as f.'
<br /> }�. Single Ei�mUy—Fhnnk M�dFYtddle Mpc UNIFY)RM WS1'RUMENT--Unifortn Cavcnun�s 9l90 I aRt 4 0 6 �\''
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