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<br /> perlods Ihat t.tn�kr�eauirca. The insurance carrier prnviding the insurance shall be chosen by t�irrto'wer+Uh,�ect te�I.en�sr4�
<br /> ' . e�rova!which sh�tl�xd be unreaso►�ably witht�cld. If ikircower fails to maintein oover�go de3crIbod abovo. I.ender m�y,ex
<br /> � Le�rderK o�tion,obtaln cove�uge to protcct l.ender'�righta irl t�►e Ptoperty in acc.ardanee with p�a�r�p?i 7.
<br /> I MI insuranco pnlicies�nd nnewala shi►111 bo acceptable to L.erukr ar�d shall iacludo e s►ud�rt!murtga{e c�l�use: L.ender ,.
<br /> I � ` shalf h�vt t}�e dght to hold the policle�and rersewale. If 1:enckr coqalres,Bocrower sriall prdmptly give to l�rider all roce�pts
<br /> of p�id premiumm and ra�ew�l noticra. In the e�e�^.t nf loss,Bar�ower ahal give pc+ompt nalco to the in�turwnca cerier�
<br /> i Lender. Lernder may mako pnoof of loss if nat mWe promplly by Bormv�er. ..
<br /> � Unl�s�l�.enr��t nn�1 Rx+rr+�w�r oiheruviQe n�rcr.•in writing>insurance preccsds shalt bz appiIcd w r.-.�ratian c�:r:.�af
<br /> ; the ProQerty damaged, It the nstaradon or npair is ecotwmically feasible and l.enderh security is na lessened. It the .
<br /> � restoruIon or npair ia not economlceUy Feasible or Lenderk securlty would be less�ned,the inauraneC prcxxecis shall bo
<br /> � applied to the'sums securrd by th3s Securlry Instrument, whether or not then dae.wlth uny excess puid to Brerawer. fY
<br /> Borrower abandona ths Pnoperty. or dnes nat artawer wit4in 30 days a notice fmm I.ender that the in�urance curier has
<br /> offend to settle u claim,then Lender ms�y caltect the insw�nce pruceeds. L.ender may use the procceds to nep�ic�or reator+c
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by this Szcurity Iltstrument,wheWer or not then due. 17se 30-day pedud w�l1 bigin whe�n
<br /> the aotice is given. ,
<br /> Un[ess L.endar ond Borrower otherwise agree ln writing,any application of procceda to principal shtll not ex�nd or
<br /> postpone the dtu date of thc monthly payments refemed to in paragaphs 1 and 2 ar change thc amount of the paym�nts. IY
<br /> under parngrttph 21 the Pioperty is acquimd by Lender.Bormwer's right to any insurance poUcies and procecAs resulting.
<br /> � from dnmage to the Prnperty prlor to the acqulsition shall pass to L.ender to thc exteni of the swns secumt by this Securiry �
<br /> � Instniment imme3iately pdot oo ttte acquisidon.
<br /> 6. Qccupancy� Preservatlon, Matntenante and Protection ot the Properiy; Borrower's Lan Appflcation;
<br /> Leaseholds. Horrower ahall occupy,extnblish,und use the Property as Bomower!s principal residence within sixty deys after
<br /> the executlon of this Security Instivment and shaU contintie to occupy the Property as Borrower�s prineipal residence for at
<br /> least ona year after ths date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agreees in wriang, which wnsent ehall not be
<br /> unnusonably wIthheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which aTe bey�ind Bocmwer's vontrol. Borrower ehall noi
<br /> ,� destroy.damage or lmpair the Property,allow the Property w deter�orate,or'commit wnste on the Pcopei:y. Boaower shall
<br /> `rk; 1 be in default if any forEeidu�e acuon or pmceeding,whether civll or criminul.is begun thai in(.ender'a gaal faith judgment
<br /> could eesult in forfeiture af tho Property or otherwise msteriaUy impair the Ilen cneated by this $ecurity lnsuvment or
<br /> � Lender�security inte�st Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate.as pmvided in paragraph 18,by cau�eing the acdon
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed witt�a tuUng that,In I.ender�s good faith detenninatIon,precludes forfeitura ofi'9he Bomowerb
<br /> iinterest in the Property or other mater�al lmpaimient of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lenderk s�urity
<br /> interes� Borrower shaU also be In default if Borrower. during the loan applicatIon process. gave materlaUy falsc or
<br /> ;�;'r'� � inaccurate Info�on or statements to Lender{or failed to pmvtde Lender with any material information)in connecdon with
<br /> the loan evIdenced by the Note. including, but rtot limited to, mpresentations conceming Horrower's oceupancy of the
<br /> Property as a Qrinciput residence. If this Security insmiment is an a Ien�eh�►d,��rtr��yp!4h�14 zomgly�r;tts a!!ihe gt�eisio�
<br /> of tha lease. If Borrower acquires fee tlUe to the Property,the leasehold and the fee dqe sh�ll not merge unlcss I.ender ag,nes
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> ;;, 7. ProtectIon of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Bomower fnils to perform ti�C covenants and ag�eementa
<br /> ���. contained in this Securiry Insmiment,ar there is a le�al proceeding that may significandy effect LendePs dghte in the
<br /> Ptopetty(such as a ptoceediag in banlauptcy,pmbata,for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce iaws or regulauons).then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever Is necessary to prntect thc vnlue of the Property und Lender�rights in the Propecty.
<br /> Lenderk actlons may include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Inshur�ent,appearing
<br /> in court.paying neasonable attomeys'fees end entering on the Properry to make repairs.Althou�h Lender muy take action
<br /> under thls paragraph 7,L.ender does nat have to do so.
<br /> My amounu disbursed by Lender under this pnregraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bomower secwtid by thia .
<br /> Securlty Insuument. Unless Bomower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear inierest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate und shall be payable,with i�uerest,upon nodce from L.ender to Bortnwer roqu�sdng .
<br /> paymen�
<br /> S. Mortgase Insurance. If Lender required mortgu�e tnsurance ns a conditton of maktn�the loan secucrd by this
<br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shali pay tha premiums required to muintain the mongage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> ,,, reason, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in cffec� $ortower shall pay the
<br /> prem[ums required to obtain cnverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previoasly in effec� at a cost
<br /> � substantially equlvalent ta the cost to Borrower of the mortgage fnsurance prevlously in effect,from an Alternate mortgage
<br /> (�: insunr appmved by Lender. If substanunQy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avuilable.Bortower shall pay to
<br /> �•., Lender each month a sum equa!to one-tweifth of Yhe yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by�orrower when the
<br /> � insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lxnder will accept,use und retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu �,
<br /> '�" of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve pnyments muy no Ionger be required,at the option ot i.ender. if martguge insurance
<br /> covemge(in the amount and for the pedod that Lender requires)provtded by an insurer approved by l.ender z�gain becomes
<br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shalt pny the premiums required tn maintnin mortgage insurance in ef�ecG or to provide u
<br /> loss reserve,unql the�quirement for mortgage insurnnce ends in occordance with any written ugreement between Borrower ��'
<br /> and Lender or npplicable law.
<br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Propeny. Lender shull
<br /> give Borrower norice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> I0. Condemnatioa. 'Ihe proceeds of uny awa�d or claim for damages,direct or consequentiul,in connection with any
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