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<br /> ap�Ucubla l��v mny specify f�r reinatatement) befa�salc of the Property pur�uant to any powcr af eule cantained ln this
<br /> - Security Inswmeat;or(b)entry of n judgment enforcing this Srxuriry Instrumen� Those cundttlang are thnt Bormwer. (A)
<br /> pays l.ender ull sums whlch then would be due uader thta Security Inatrument uad ttte Noto ax if no acceleradnn had
<br /> accurrcd;ib)cures any defnult of any nther covenaats or ag�+eement�;(c)pays all oapenses incwYCd in cnforcing thtA Secudty �
<br /> .. Instrument, lncluding, but not limited to. cr,�sonable attornays'fees;and(d)tAkea�uch ucuon ns I.ender muy naxonably
<br /> reyu�nc to assurc that tho lien of tbis Security Ittsuumeat,Lender's rlghts ln thc Ptoperty and Bflmawer�abligadon to pay the
<br /> Rums Fecw�d by this Secur[ry Inatrument shall continue unshanged. Upon refnstatcment by Borrower� this Secwtty
<br /> Iastruraent ar�d tS�ubUgatIun�sccurzd hcrcby shull rc�nain fully c€fccdvo�if ao ucccicrldon had arcursed. Hor�ever.this
<br /> right to neinstete shnll not apply in tha caAC of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sab ot Notei Chsngo of Loxn&rvtar. The Note or a pertial intarest ln the Note(together with thia Secur[ty
<br /> Instnunent)may bo sold onc+or more Nmes without prIor aoNce ta Borrower. A ealo may rasult In a chnnge in ihe endry
<br /> (knuwn as the"Loan Servicer")that coilecta monthly payments due under the Notc and thla Securfh�lnstrument. There also
<br /> may ba one or more changes of the Loan ServIcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there!s a change of the Lonn 3ervicer.
<br /> Bonower wW be given wrltten notice of the change in accordnnce aith paragraph 14 above ond applicable law. The nodce
<br /> :vill s�tc the name end ud�ess of th$new Laan Servicer and the address to which paymenta shnuld be mride. The notice wi11
<br /> also contaia any other infoimadon r�eyuired by applicable Iaw.
<br /> 20. R�xrdous SubstaacPa. Bornower shsill not cause or permit Wa pmsence.use,disposal,stornge,or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es on or in the Property. Borrower shaU aot do. nor allow any�ne else to do.anything affectin�the
<br /> Property that is in Wolatioa of siny Snvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences sbaU aot apply to the presenGe,use,or
<br /> swrage on the Property of small quandties of Hazerd�us Substances that aue gcaeraUy recognized to be appmprlate w nomial
<br /> residential uses and w maintenaace of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy s[ve I.ender written notice of any lnvesdgadon.claiip.demaud.lawsult or other actIon by any
<br /> governmental or cegulawry agency or prlvate patty iavolving the Property and any Hazardous Substance ar Environinental
<br /> Law of which 8omower has actual knowledge. [f Borrower learas. or is nottfied by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> authorlty,that any removal or other nemediatinn of any Hawrdous Substsnce affectins the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> shaU promptly take all necessary nemedial uctions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in 1hIa paragraph 20."Hazardoas Substancea"are those substances defiaed as toxic or hazardous substaaces by
<br /> Environmental Law and the foilowing substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toalc peuoleum products.tor.lc
<br /> pesdcides and herbicldes, volatile solveats, materials containin�asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacdve materlals. As
<br /> used in thia paregraph 20,"Environmental Law"meaas federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located
<br /> that�late to health,safety or envlronmentel protecdon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant end agree as follows:
<br /> 21v AcceJerationi Remedies. I.euder s6aU give nottce to Borrower prIor to acceleradon following Borrower's
<br /> breac4 of any covenant or agr.eement in this 3ecurtty Instrument(bat aot prIor to acceleration uader paragraph 17
<br /> ualeos apg!lrable!A�gra:�sl�atlscsz�eJ. T�e s:rstice sts�!!sgrcft�: (�1 i!x 8et'an!!;:5)tlse s�loa rPqafs�!io�sss�e tt:e
<br /> defaul�(c)a date,not less than 30 daya from the datc the ao8ce is gtven to Borrower,by whiclt We default must be
<br /> cured;and(dl that feilw�e to cure We default on or before the date speciRed tn the nodce may result in acceleration of
<br /> ' �` � tke sums secured by tdls Security Inshvment aad sale oi the PropeMy. The aotfcc shaU tlurther inform Borrower oi
<br /> ! �r� the right to reinstate a4ter acceleraHon and the right W bring a court acNon w assert the non-exlstence of a default or
<br /> r.,��� eny other defense o!Bon+ower to acceleratton and sale. If the detault is not cured on or before the date apedtied in
<br /> t6e uotice,Lender at Ifs opNon may require immedtate payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Securtty Instrument �
<br /> wtWout tluKher dem�td and may iavoke the power of sale and eny other remedies permitted by appltcable law
<br /> I.ender shalt be entiiled to coAect eU expenses incurred ia pursuing the remedles pmvided in thls paragraph 21,
<br /> tncluding,but not itmited W,reasonable attoraeys'fees anfl casts of Ntle evidence. :'"
<br /> If We powe�ot stile ts invoked,llvstee sdall record a notico of defaWt ta each county 1n whfc6 any part of the '"'
<br /> � Property Is lacated end shall mail rnpies of suc6 nodce in the manner prescrt6ed by appllcable law to Borrowec and to ��-
<br /> s.. the oticer persons prescribed by applicable law AIYer the time required by applicable law,lY�ustee ahall give pubUc �'-':"
<br /> "`t� no![ce of sale to tite peisons end tn the msnner prescribed by applicable law 'llvstee.wlthout demand on Borrower, ;'�;�
<br /> ��s_ � sl�atl seil the Property at pub@c auctfoa to the higliest bidder at We time and place and under t6e terms desl�nated In "
<br /> ,:.
<br /> • � � the notice o!sale ia one or more parcc�s and in eny order'Ilrustec determiaes. 1lrustee may postpone sate of all or aay
<br /> � ;',�x, paroel oi the Property by publlc anaourtcement at the tlme and place of eny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> Y ��"��• desi�ee may purchase the Property a4 any sale.
<br /> �+-� #'� .. Upon receipt of payment ot the prloe bid,'llrustee shall deliver to We purcheser 7�rustee's deed conveytng the �
<br /> �,�•w;�;;,,�T�, Property. The e+edtels in the Ttustee's deed shaU be pr[ma tade evldense of We truth of We statements made the�etn. .
<br /> ��=��;�;-�?��:� ltivstee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the Collowiug order. (a)to ull costs and expenses of exenising the power
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