. . ::i . • .�. .a
<br /> I� � �r , . _ u
<br /> __� • ''.`"
<br />_ ':t�,.'��`
<br /> ,. . .. . . . . ....ruH . -.�� ..� :F��.f '�.'x;r�.,('-•,n,.�•
<br /> ,' - � . , �. . . . . � '.. � . ,.. . ��{.:J.�qa �;.
<br /> . ' „ .►' . ,� . ., . . .. . . � � ...-i:4,-
<br /> . � . . _ . . ... . . .. � . -.. .:�
<br /> • ' . . ' . ' . ���..
<br /> . . . , r
<br /> � � � 9� io'�'�,xs �� �
<br /> t��.r� �Rpt �xovi�lon ahe11 not per�:t.t en �q.oeleration 3.n the elen-. „ � �
<br /> tioxt to de�3.ere e defaul� to the �ontrao� as set Porth �.n� the� pre- . �
<br /> . ,�
<br /> ced3ng rul�e. ` ,�'
<br /> (d) I£ under the three preeeding perag�apb�a, letter��3 � ��
<br /> R
<br /> (a), (b) ax�d (o), the SEZLERS �re entitled to dec].are a dafault, �
<br /> regerdl.eea of what such default may be, the SELLERS ehall hsve the �
<br /> follow3ng ogtiona: �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> tl) 3ELLEIiB may in writing grant to the BUY�IiS a s
<br /> time erbitrari.2y fixed by �the S�LL�It,S, aa an ex�enei�n �er�.oa for 4
<br /> �tak9.ng good such default, bu� suoh addit3,one1 extensi.on so �ranted �
<br /> � shall not exQeed t�i� period of six (6) months; however, anather , :,: 1
<br /> add3�t�.ona1 subsequent six (6) montl7s extensi.on may''also be •�ur�Mea°'�. , „ . �_,�,;,
<br /> ::a,,W . ,.
<br /> �y� � . grarited by the SEL�ERS i� th�$ir sole and amsoxute•disaret3.nri,: bu�._.;�'� .� � .-'�
<br /> ��,�� �� . . '�.,•.�
<br /> �j:; �f�t .. . „�...f
<br /> � =�;� . ' neither such fixst nor suoh $eQOi�d extensiax� �an be demande���ar re- :,,
<br /> J{A` • , . ; i
<br /> ;�;>' , qui,x'e.d by the HUYE�S.
<br /> .
<br /> ,,:;:;,�;; : �
<br /> , (..) SEL�ERS m�y t�taliy wa3ve aomplianoe with the �
<br /> default in auoh speQific instence, but sueh fa3lure to aot qn the �
<br /> default or such we iver shall not be a bar to SELT,ERS taking suoh '
<br /> • aetion as they may be �uthor3zed to teke in the event a� any sub-
<br /> se�uant defau].t nf tho same or of any other chareoter. •
<br /> (3) 3ELLERS may el.eot in writing to oenoel thia
<br /> - contr�ct, in the e vent tha t the BUYERS are in default on the pay- �
<br /> .,�` ' -
<br /> ment o£ any regular principal or interest peyraent fnr a period of
<br /> �' one (1) yesr and aix (6) months after date notiae of suoh defaul.t
<br /> � :L� 't
<br /> ���� wea mailed to ox served on the BUYERS, or in the event BUYERS are
<br /> b'' �=�``._:`;�'�:i`
<br /> ...�-`...�::::;.;. in dePault for other reasons and for ca leaser period oP time ag
<br /> =;i�. ,�.;::�.
<br /> ��•�:��r�'� set out elsewhere in th3s inetrument. Notioe or such eleation, if
<br /> ' ��'`�;:� :�..�.<,...
<br /> :����; ::�'. sent by registered, cert3fied or s3milar me3l to, or 3f delivered ' 'a:;�
<br /> h '�
<br /> � ���'` ' u by personal $ervi.ce upon either the BUYERS,or Escrow Agent, or ;;�
<br /> •.;, •� both, aha1l. aonstitute a terminati.on of this contraot of sale and ,
<br /> ���;°�:;-. a11 payments by the BUYERS which have prior thereto been mede by .
<br /> :,r•,; . .. ._„' �
<br /> the BUYERS shall be applied as, and cred3.ted to, rental, and the
<br /> ��` ."� ', ' Esarow Agent ahall return �11 papers in hi� posseesion forthwith
<br /> "�y�.,. � to the SEZLERS, ar_d thereupon the contract shall. for all purposea
<br /> �r:;,-.,.,,.. ..
<br /> '�,G:•;:.,�.�.... .�:�:= be oancelled. The BUYERS shall forthwith �ive up possession and
<br /> "`_�•: %''';��'�•=�' pea oeebly va ca te the premises and the BUYERS sha 11 have no further
<br /> c,�':_:. �....,
<br /> . . � interest in the property, or in the prc•�eeds of any arops then
<br /> �� � •� '� �rnwing on the propexty et such t3me, or any income therefrom, and
<br /> �°: ' � . the SELLERS shall have the right of reentry immediately, and neither
<br /> �'=� ° ' perty shall thereafter have any further liab�.li+y whateoever to the
<br /> �..-..
<br /> �',. , ,,, . ,
<br /> �ther.
<br /> ����� • � (e) No prov3.sion hexe3.n is made for default by the
<br /> �:;.
<br /> ' � SEI,yERS in t�ie payments due on the �'ederal Land Bank contract for
<br /> ,;t�.;,.',, tY:e reason th�t a 11 peyments by the BUYERS €are to be m�de to the
<br /> ��i ��
<br /> . ;�'�TC•:`'� .'�r.
<br /> .'i�. . ^
<br /> ��"�
<br /> •� .. � .. . �.
<br /> "Q'
<br />