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<br /> n �.
<br /> • • •
<br /> , •^ � ..
<br /> , o
<br /> � ��.��� ' � .
<br /> Eacxow Ilgcnt, and if thoy aro madQ �t thA•�-r dus � t+� �� hA:��i,x�
<br /> pxovided there ah�ll. be mare thmn amp�.e funde pnid by the BUYER�. ��
<br /> �to �Ghe SELLERS, by their paymonta to �the Esor�w Asent, �rom whi.oh �
<br /> funds the Esarow Agent can make promptly and in fu11 al1 peyments
<br /> on al]. obltgat3.on� novr exist�.ng by SEI,T.ERS to the. Federel I�and
<br /> Banas, end no de�au].t to the Federal I,and �ank can possibly occur
<br /> if the bUYER9 make a7.1 payments whiah they are rey,uired to meke
<br /> by virtae of t2iis oontraati and At �ho time they are required to
<br /> make such paymenta. '
<br /> '� , ' . ARTICLE VII o. �.
<br /> :i��;;{�'.'{: . � ESCROW AGENT . , .,,
<br /> � ���)<#�y . . ! � . � •� r� :
<br /> �°"t�� • � Tlie parties hareto designate and appo�t the �en3t"o� � � � �
<br /> ��,:;,}, . . ;;.. �• �,.< .
<br /> �"��a��� Daniphan, a State Bank, of Donaphan�, Nebraska, or its sucaessor �
<br /> ,,,(J�� .
<br /> l
<br /> °;�� ergsnizeti.on, if �Any, ee Esarow A�ent. Eaoh party agxeea to pay
<br /> �'rti=
<br /> -�Na� one-half of the reasonable charges of the Eserow Agent for its .
<br /> servic�s in corinertion with the perfox�,aanue� of ii�e uu�ies ui��s�=
<br /> ¢ „ this cont=•aot� suc�i chr�r�es to be her�ed up�n the amount of worlt
<br /> whioh fraA t�.II9 to time the Es�row Agent ehall be required to
<br /> •- .`:' .s'�t�
<br /> •y,::.�=,;v perform. If the Eser�w Agent ceoses to eerve, then the parties
<br /> ,�,�i'.�es�
<br /> agree that they shall mutually ��roe upon e suQaeaeor Eacra�i
<br /> � ��•� "``� �{ ti6ent, and �.n defeul� of suah ogreetaent by the parties, then the
<br /> ,,`�'"� ' 3�p�intraent sha17. be nade, upon app�.iaation of either party, by
<br /> ,.r�����"�• • .
<br /> � 'd�� the Judge of the Probate Court or District Court or dther Court
<br /> � lzet•ing �urisdiction in Ii�ll Cour�ty, Net�raska� after due notiae to
<br /> `�-� - - �-°'���` the other party. Such Judge of auch Court shall have 3urisdi.o�fon
<br /> r;-:� :���.;��:,N;:,F;
<br /> .y.l :. �� solely for the purpose of making suoh appointment end shall not ;
<br /> '�"`� otherwise b virtue of thie provision gain �urisdict3.on over the �a
<br /> ,,...`�:,�'` :. � Y .:�.
<br /> . parties or thi3 contract solely by reason of ineking suoh eppoint- j`a
<br /> ment. Both parti.es agree to deposit with the Esarow Agent the eb- ;
<br /> �;�
<br /> � straa� of title after its examination, a aopy of the op3n3.on on ����
<br /> w;;:�w_.,.-�.,r � title examination, the original insurence policies, all reoeipts �
<br /> � - ;� �. showing payments of real e3tato taxes, insuranoe premiums, pay-
<br /> , ments in full for labor or services or materie].s whioh, if unpaid,
<br /> �. � �_ night become the baeis for the filing of a mechanic's lien against
<br /> '�y�� ,T,�:.�>•�.:- the proper�y, the or3�;ina1 of the executed de�d to the prvperty by
<br /> ��`'-���� ��- � ��' SELLERS tu BUYERS, ar.d aZ1 ��ther paper$ and documents Wrhich may bo ��.
<br /> ��`� referred to herein or desirable in oonneotion with the oarrying
<br /> out of the pruvi�lono of this A�;reement, And whiah doouaients shal.l °
<br /> '` � in dtie cuurse re d i��po:sad of by ttie E:3crnw A�;ent as eloowhere prc�-
<br /> , . vided herein.
<br /> �, . ARTTCLE VIII.
<br /> � � �
<br /> "�:�;�� MIS CELLANEOU5 ��
<br /> I .
<br /> � ' '��� Section le '�enef3ts snd 8uccessiar�. All terms,00venantr�
<br /> �' . :;��,� ��°�'
<br /> „ �e�_. . •.,.: -11-
<br /> • �,-�� ��
<br /> ';a, .' .. �
<br />