w �: .
<br /> � �� � .
<br /> . ,..:,. �,:
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<br /> ,� . : . ,. . . „ .,.;, y„-..�..�.-f �
<br /> . *�'.:G�.
<br /> .. ., � . , „ � , t�.K��
<br /> .. � � . . :
<br /> ��� s�� .
<br /> �rom tha date o£ the default, oF wha�ever netuara or eharootsr it .
<br /> may be, st�ah �def�ult hae no� been remedied or euoh paycnQ��'� by 4�ie
<br /> HUYERS hae not been made by the HUYERS, or suoh other eatinn ae �
<br /> the HUYERS are required to perform has not been perfornied� then �
<br /> and in that event, the S�LEAS shell have the �ight, either (1) to
<br /> weive the default so made, and suoh waiver shall not bar �hem f:com � ;
<br /> taking advantage of euah default ehould it be repeated at a l�ter
<br /> time, or (2) in the alterriative, of deolaring e de�eult of the en- ' . .
<br /> tire contraot and 1ta termination ae hereaftear provi.ded: .If the
<br /> dofault i$ in the ziature of some aation that rsquires prompt at-- .
<br /> tenti.on, euch as, for ex�anple� but not restrioted to thi.s exsmPle,
<br /> � °`°^'�?�` ' the payir.g of a premium on an insuranoe poliay on or be�ore its
<br /> r��::�iti: � .
<br /> ��.����P� ••� , dua dete, end knowledge o� euch defeult shall came to the atten- .
<br /> -�.�.�t:i:�;,:;.'; .
<br /> �`�� tion of the E$crow Agent, he ehall forthwith g�.ve notioe therea� :,_
<br /> �'� . . .�� ;,
<br /> +r���.: . � in writ�n� to both the BUYERS and the �E�,S,ERS alike, and �.t aha7.l.
<br /> ,F{,�Y�6���_,:s�•» . .�
<br /> ������:`��r� ► be the du�ty of the Es crow Agent t o make euoh payment on auah in-
<br /> 4� �qx..,A�i��;i}`'''�� , .
<br /> ��� �����,;����•� � surance policy wi.thin �he graoe per3.od a].lowed if he has suP�'icient ,; , .
<br /> " �•;�=:;�:r;;!x�.'•:• reserve funds ava�.lable. Ix�. any situation where the ur�enay is not
<br /> 1i.:-1.1'.. . .,�
<br /> .x'I:`Y.,,ry_4,r 4`%;.
<br /> .; �.,.-,±,.-,;.. ., ,,, so iu�ediate or great, a period of up to ninety (90) days may be
<br /> rJ.•:��, . .• .
<br /> � ��'��-.°�`�;�'"' ta�sen either by the SEI,ZERS or by the E�oraw Agent, or both, to
<br /> 40.':. .::'.,.=.'..:..'i
<br /> "� .:`�;' ';. �" give notiee �.n writing of auoh default to the BUYERS. The BUYERS
<br /> ;�,r,,�;:,_,;�. ...,,_�
<br /> ,.,�.�.•.. , � can ztot take adventage of the feilure tn give noti.oe with3n auah
<br /> �;••°• '° �•�•��" period of time, provided knuwledge of the default had not earl3.er
<br /> ...-. . . . :, .
<br /> '«�'� �ome to the attention of either the Esarow Agent or the SELLERS�
<br /> �Y�1?t ... ...��w_'.
<br /> Yt�'�75�7►�19�'i'.. , •.�'{J�
<br /> �:�„�,�;,,, . ;.::�. who shall, in any event� have three (3) �Qnths from the date of
<br /> ``"`-�,."". �, the knowledge of the default in whf.oh to give noti.ce to the BUYERS . ..
<br /> ..��a.�.,.... ...�..
<br /> � ,.. =9".
<br /> � The BUYERS shal.l, in any event, heve a period of ninety (9�) days �.;t.
<br /> � from the dste of the recaipt of not3ae� whether from the SELLERS :.�,.
<br /> � .; , or from the Escresw Agent, ar six (6) months from the date of the
<br /> �,.��`-," default� wh3.ahever 3s the longex period of time, in whioh to t8ke "
<br /> ����� �� �� such aation as may be required to make good the default. In the
<br /> ��r��'" �� event that a situation oacurs wherein a payment is required to be
<br /> k.,.... ,
<br /> . msde by the BUYERS, suoh as the payment of reel estate taxes, pay-
<br /> ' ment of an 3.nsurance premium, pe,yment of a due or a matured ob-»
<br /> � � � , 13.gation to pay for materials, or suppli�e, or labor, or az�y of �
<br /> x ����'�`; them, for which a meahanic's lien might be filed ageinst the prop-
<br /> �, . , erty, or the carrying out of any other obligation under the terme
<br /> � ` t and a ent is made of suah obligetion either
<br /> � of th3.s Agreemen , p ym
<br /> „ � . �� � � direatly by the SELZERS ox by the Escrow Agent on behalf of the
<br /> " ..�,T",r� iL..« ..�a i„ �.�,i a o.,o�+ �:hA RTrvF.t�s shell have e period of
<br /> � �71'iLLrili►7� uaavaa aa•.,. ... ......... —•---- ---- -- ----- -
<br /> - not less than four (4) month� from the date of notias to the BUX�k�
<br /> ' of the edvanaement of the money and the payment of the obligation
<br /> either by the SELLERS or by the Esorow Agent in behelf of the • �
<br /> ':'��" � SELLERS, in whioh to repay said sum so advanaed or paid, before e
<br /> ' � default mey be declared against them in suoh ,instance. However,
<br /> ; .
<br /> , „ -9-
<br /> . ;..
<br /> ► .
<br />