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<br /> canckmnattc�o ar�t1Kr tAtc9ng o[Nny pat af tiie Pe�er���or for coitvey�noc iR liau uf cnndarr+��au.�ce'�e�u+i8aed�
<br /> �it�ll be paSd to l.t��e+r. °
<br /> In the ev,rnt o}'� taW trkin� uf tM l�op�.�r1y. the peocexcls rhst; be applied to the �itms da:urnd !►p this S�ecuriry
<br /> an�,wn�+n«o��a d�a�a,e.wt�n.�r cxoe.�ww w Bo�owe,r. If)lIIC EYaqI OF X��I t�Ill�O��IIO�l'O�y�Il
<br /> , which the f�ir m�rkat vAlue of(d�e ProQerty Imnedf�eiJ�boEaKr the Wcirr;ii equa!w ot�reMer tlwn drc amcNnt at'tlie w�
<br /> � �ac�ad b�r Ihi�5eauity Iosttumeat imntediakly beftxe tbe t�In{.unkss liamwcr a�id�.tr�dor cwbawi�e y�ee b�writjag�
<br /> �Iit wms u+caued by thb Sa:wity I�atetit�+M�h�ll bo�educod by the�rnamt of the,pe�ocerd�multlplied by drs ialio�wi� ..
<br /> far.cifQa: (aa�!`^?�1 r��*nE'�he ntrt+�s�acu�cl immediauly bofote the uking.dlvided by!b)the fitr m�ulcec vRlur of the
<br /> P�ropaty imrnedia�ely befcxe ihe t�ki�t�. Amy b�La�c shrll be pdd to Bocrower. �n the ava�t of�p�H�i t�tln8 af ti�e •�,
<br /> Pmpeity in whicN the f�ir m�rket v�lua d s!rc Pmpe�ty imMedi�tely bofa�e the tdcie�ie less dun the�rnburtt of�he sunu
<br /> xcured immsdiately befas�he tsitin .unless Bortower and 1.endcr otherwlse agree�n writin6 w un1�s q�plicable !aw
<br /> uqspWiee p[ovide�,the praoeals sfWl�applied to Ute st�ms secured by this Saudty In�ttutntiN wheth�r or not the swas rro
<br /> then ciue. �
<br /> U the Prapercy is ab�rduned by Bamwer�or if,after notico by Lsnder to Bomowcr thu the onnd�nuar of�ers to make
<br /> au�award or settle ri claim fa damnges,Bflsrawer feils to rc.spad w l.ender vvIthin 30 dsys aftee the d�ate the rwtioe is given. ,
<br /> i.et�der is wilwrined to oollat and spply the pmceeds.at Its opttan.either to resto:ation or nep�ir of the Progerty a'to tfie
<br /> sums saured bY tit[s 5ecurity Insmrrttent,wtsdtrcr or not t1�dua.
<br /> Unkss K.ender and�arower otl�nwiu tg�ee in writing,any applicadon of proeeeds to pclnclpal shall�►at extend a
<br /> poatpp�e tha due drte of the monthlY paymenta tzfemed W in puagraphs 1 and'l nr changc the amouat of such payments.
<br /> 11. Bo�ruw�x Not RdeasM; Farba�ramoe By Y.ender Not a Watver. Hxu�sion of the tima for psyme�t or
<br /> maiifiattian of amoctiz�ian of the sums sccuced by this Sec�uiry In�uument gcar►ud by Lender w any sucaasbr in intaest
<br /> of Ba�nwer shatl not opaate w relesse tAe liability of the aigtnal Rortower or Barrowet�s successots in intecrst.l.ender
<br /> shaU not be rcquired to commence pcoceeaings against vny auccesso�in intanst ar rcfusc to czt�d time far psy�ast ar
<br /> dherwise modify amortization uf the sums sanred by this Security instrument by reason of aay demand made by the ori$wl
<br /> Bormwer or Burrower�successors in interes� Any forbearance by Lender in exencisLig any dght or romody shaU not be a
<br /> waiveroYor preclude the exercise of any rightor nmedy.
<br /> 1Z. Suooes�ors and A�ns Bouad;Jdnt wd Sevual Li�Miity;Co-signers. 7he rnvenants and agrcema�ts of this
<br /> Sxurity insuument shall bind sind benefit ttie sucuessors and assibms of Lender and Borrower.subject w the pmvisIons of
<br /> paragn�ph 17.Ffornnwer�s covenants and ngtcements shall be joint and several. Any Bomnwer who co-sjgns dds Security
<br /> Inspn�ttient but does rtat exxute the Note: (�l Is co-slgning this Serudty Insaument only to mo�tgsge,grant end convey that
<br /> Borrower�Intezest in the Ptoperty under the terms of this Securiry insuumen� (b)is rtot personally obligaud to pay the sums
<br /> secured by thIs Securlty Instrumen�and(c) agrces that Lender and any uther Borrower may agrtx w extend.modify.for6sar
<br /> or malce �ny necommodattons w(th regard to the tetms of this Securiry Instcument or the Note wlthout that k3amoweeh
<br /> consenG
<br /> 13. I.oan Chatgtv. lf the loan seciued by this Secut�ty Insttument is subject to a law which seu maximum loan
<br /> charges.and that law is finully inte�p�eted so that the inunst or other loan charges coUected or to�e wllected in con�iauu
<br /> W(th�he(o�n eacoeed the pe�mtued lim3ts.then: (a)any such lpan charge shat!be reduced by the arnaau»t ne�essary to reduoe
<br /> the charge to the pemutted limit;and(b)any sums alr�ady coltected from Borrower which exceedeii peimitted limits will 6e
<br /> �efunded to Boimwer. Lender muy chaoso w malce this�efund by r+educins the principal owed under the Note or by making u
<br /> direct payment to Bomnwer. If a cefund reduces prirtcipal.the reduction will be treated as n pattial prepayment wathout any
<br /> prepayment cha�e under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notk�es. Any notice to Bomower provlded for in this S+ecwity insaument shaU be givea by delivering tt or by
<br /> mailing it by fust class maii wiless applIcabie law requites use of ertother method.'Ihe notice shall be dIrectod to the Prnpecty ;
<br /> Address or uny otker�BorroNrer designates by aot[ce to Lender. My rn�tice to ixnder Fhuil be given by first class
<br /> mail to[.enderk�ndd�es.a stated herein or any other address l.ender designutes by notice to Borrower. Any nodce pruvlded for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shal! be deemed to have been givea to Bomower or Lender when given as pn�vided in this
<br /> P�B�Ph•
<br /> 1S. Governiug i.sw;Severabil[ty. 'lhis Security Inswment shall be govemed by fe�eral�uw and the luw of the
<br /> jurlsdtction�which the Property is locate�_ 1n the event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Inswment or the Note
<br /> conflicts with npplicnble law.such conflict shall not atl'ect other provisIons of this Security Insuument or the Noie which can
<br /> be givm eft'ect widiout the confltcting pmv3sIon. 'Ib this end the prnvistons of this Security InsUVment and che Nate are
<br /> declared to be severabla
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shal�be given one confamied copy of the Notc and of this Security Insuument.
<br /> i7. 1tansfer ot the Property or a BeneRdal Interest in Borrower. If ail or any purt of the Property or any interest in
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or If u beneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or trnnsferred and Borrower is not a natural person)
<br /> without L,ender's pdor wriuen conseat,L.ender may.at its oprion,require immediate,payment in full of uU sums secured by '���'
<br /> this 5ecuriry Instrument. H�owever.this option shall not be exercised by Ixnder if e�cercise is prohibited by federal iaw as of
<br /> the date of this Security Insuurrten�
<br /> If I.ender exercises this option.Lender shall gtve Bomower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of •�'='
<br /> �'`� aot lesa than 30 days from the date the notic-�is delivered or mailed within whtch Borrower must pay all sums secured by this �,�
<br /> �uriry Insavmea� if Borrower fuils [o pay these sums prior to the expiration of thls period. Lender ma:y imvoke any ��,
<br /> re�nedies pem�itted by thts Security Instrumert without fuAher nodce or demand on E�mower. • �;;;,;
<br /> �, • 18� Borrower's Rig6t to ReiasWta If Bomovrer meeu cectnizt condidons, Bortvwer shali have the rig�t to have ;�,'•:
<br /> efio�sement of this Securiry Instrument,discontinued ai any time prior to the eariier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as �J.•^,�,
<br /> 3?',�`
<br /> Single Cnmlly»F1unk AfadFTeddie M�c UIVIFORM INS7'RUMBNT--Untfartn Covenanu 9/90 (paRe 4 ojb pages) .��;;;�
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