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<br /> � �ppllc�►bk Iww'nuy Apacify fa rrinctatGrner�t)befa�c sale af the 1'rc►�erty lxusuanc ta any gower ol eale su+�oained in dds
<br /> Security l�sirumcnt:or(b�cntry of a judgir�ent cnforc:ing this S��curity Irzxtn�nxnG Thnse c�undltiUns m�het Hc�swer: i�)
<br /> p�ya�,�nder ul6 Fumo which ti�rn wakild ba du� under�hia Securnty Ir��strumcnt and the Ncxe Aa if na rx:eknt[qn lad
<br /> � accurtod:(b)cures any defiwlt of auy aher aavemnc��r a�pree,menu:(c)�yt�Il expensa inctE►red i�a saforcio�thl��ecuritY • ,;,
<br /> ' 6aaua�t,��includln=,buc na Iimiied a, n�on�!►le iucame�'fe�c:�ud(d)uikss �uch scda,� t.eedar as�y rG�mon�bly
<br /> requite to�ur+:tMat ihe lien of thii Security Inatrumrnt."I.rnder8 d�u in the Piqpe�ty md Bormwa�s obtiEatlua to pay d�
<br /> wnu �erurod by thi� Securiry Ia�►eiK Wwll c�atinue w�ed. Upon e�ei�ata�aneot by Batnw►w� th4 3�cu�itr
<br /> Instrumcnt ond the obligatiom sbcurcd h�eby eluU r�emain fully e{fecdve aa If no Accelention had ocsumed. How+ever.d�3s
<br /> . riB6t oa�rdn�.ehW not+wpply in ttrc cace of�cceteradan�under pca�spb 17.
<br /> 1!'3Ne at Nok;CrMR ot L�a�n Sa�i�+er. 71�e Note or� padal,�noa�at in the Note(1o�tl�er with ifdR Sacurity
<br /> lmWmeat)may bc soid aae or�twrc t1mKS withont pcior aatica to Honnwer. A sale m�y tea:tlt in a ch�nge ln d�e edity
<br /> (icnoartt a�the�"JL.ou�Socvicet")tlatcollxta monthlY Ra3m�rn�dne under the fJote aAd this Security In�trument. Ttxce�Iw
<br /> may be oi�e ot mrxe changes of the Loan�ervtcer unrelaud W a saLe nf the Note. If thene is a change of the L.oan Ser�►icer.
<br /> Baruwer wili be gtven wrttun notice af the chaage in socordance wlth para�14 ebove and applicable law. '['he noiice
<br /> wll:state the aame aad address af tAe new[.oan Servlcet and tha addnss to w ch payments shonld be made.'i�►e ndla wlll
<br /> also coafaia eny ot6er informadon required by applicAble lr�v. .
<br /> 20. Hante+da�a Subst�noes. Bort+uwer shall aot cuuso or pem�it ttte presenoe.use.dlsposal,staage.ot release of wy
<br /> Naratdous Subst�nces on ur in the i'roperty. Bomawer shall aot do,aor uUow anyone Klse ta do,anythL�g aft'ecdng the
<br /> Property tl�at is in v[alatian of eny Envltanmental Law. 'IEo pieced�ng two senunces shail aot apply to tbe pc�esence,use�ar
<br /> sior�ge on the Anaperty of�roall quaatides of Hezendous Substanas that ax�e generally t�soB�to be nppropriam to namtal
<br /> resldendal uses and to maintemnce of t1x 1'roperty.
<br /> Burrower shall promptly g�ve Le�der wntun aotice of any invesdgatton,claim,demrmd lawsuit or otkr acdon by u�y
<br /> gavcrarc�ata!ar�cgutk:�ryr ageacy or private p:ufy�uvo3vt�tg the Fincperty ased any Haalutlous Substnnce or F,nvimnmenta!
<br /> L,uw of which Bozrower has actual kauwledge. If Bomnwer leams, or is nadfie� by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> nuthority.that any�moval or other rcmedEatlon of any Hazerdous Substancx at�ixting die Froperty is necessary,Borrower
<br /> shall p.mmptly take all aecxssary remedlal acttons Ia accordsu►ce wlth Environmental Law.
<br /> As used ia thi�patagraph Z0."Naza�dous Substances"ane those substances defined as wxic or dazardous substartces by
<br /> �nvImnments�l Law and tde following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroieum prnducts,wxic
<br /> pesdcides and herbicides,volattle solvents,materials aintaining asbegtos or forn�aldehyde.siad radIoactive materials. As
<br /> used tn this paiagraph 20."Enviroumentel Law"means federal laws and l�ws of the jurisdIction wheie the Property is located
<br /> that�elate to health.safety or envIratmental pmtection.
<br /> NON-t7NI�ORM COVENANTS. Bomower and Leader fiarther covsnant uad egee as follows:
<br /> 21. Acakratlon;ReradiGS. I.ender ahall give notice to Barm�►er pdor W aooeteradoa following Bosrower's
<br /> brescL of any covenant or agnemcat in thls Security Instnuncnt(but aot pdor to Auceleratbn�mder parageapb 17
<br /> anl�a wppllcabk taw provides otl�erwise). The QoUoe shall spceit'y: (�)We default;tb)the uctlon required to cure the
<br /> Qetautu(c)st�ate.nou�e�t�n 3�dAys�rOnt tite date f�a aoiioe is giren bo Bnnrnwer,b�'whtafi ffie d�f`��it��,ina�t�
<br /> cund:And(d)t6at faniure W c�re ttes defanit on or before tbe date RpeciRetl in the uotice eney ersult in avoekraHon of
<br /> t6e s�a secured by t6ia Se�vr[ty Iavhvment atzd sele of the Property. 1�e aotfce shaU further tnform BormWer of
<br /> the right tn retnstate after aocelezstlon and We dght to brlog�caurS acW n to assert the aon�e�dstena of a defaWt or
<br /> az�y othcr alds�se d Borrower to acaleratbn oad sala V tt►e defAUlt ts aot cured on or belore We date specitled ia
<br /> the notloe,Lender at its option mAy requtre timmediate payaeent in ful!of ail sums sec�red by thls Secudly lastrumwt
<br /> withoat tlasther dem�nd a� mny invoke the power of sele ered any other remedtes permitted by applkk�6le Iaw
<br /> Lender sh�il be entlticd to oollect all expeases�lncurred W puisuing the remedies pmvided ta thls pare�prapL 21,
<br /> tncWd�Dut not limtte�to.�easonable ett�raeys'tees and aosts of title evtdeno�
<br /> U tjie power oi sale is iavokcd,'I1rusUee shall record a ncrtice of defaWt in eacd county in w61c6 any part oi the
<br /> Prnperty iv tocated and shall mail�opks ot such aot[ce!n t4e manner prescribed by applIcable law to Borrower and co
<br /> the other persons prescdbeA tuy appllcable law Atter the time reqWred by appIIcable law,'1lvstee shell give pn6llc
<br /> notloe ot s�le to the pe�sons and in the manner prescdbed by appllcabfe law 'itustee,without demand on Baet+ower,
<br /> sh�ll sdl the Prupertq�t publIc auction to the 6ighest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desigaated In
<br /> the notia af sale W one or more pa�cds end in any order'ltvstee determines. 'Itvstee may pastpoae sale ot�ll or ony
<br /> pan�el of tfae Pruperty by pubUc onnouncement at tde time and place of ony previously sctieduled sale. Leader or its
<br /> desi�may pur��the Property�t any sele.
<br /> Upon recelpt oi paymcnt d the prlce bId,lFastee st�aU dellver to the purchaser ltustee's deed conveying the
<br /> property. The recItats in the ltustce's deed shall be prima fac[e evldence of the trut6 ot the statementa made tberefn.
<br /> 11r�stee shell epply the pructeds ot tite sale in the foUowing order: (a)to all costs and expen5cs of exercf.cIng the power :�
<br /> .x�'
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