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<br /> . i��
<br /> ', �r+i
<br /> i . �� .. , • - .. ^ . . ' .. � � �� � .. � � -'r .
<br /> �� .. ' '• . . ���� . �� � . ' ' � �.,
<br /> • � � periodR dw L.wriw�a. 'I1M�ce e�nier Providl�!�i��r�oa�hlf be dwNa by&�rrb�iw�er a�b Iwnd�Ry �
<br /> �provrl whir.h�d�U tux b�uare�tibly wiiNwid. If Aurruwer feuln rv raraint�ic�cwere�e cieacribad+�bove�l.+e+�rnay.a
<br /> � l.endoxk opivn.obain co+�e+�t�pmacc�l.anderk�iy�a in dx u��rc�otdanc�wid+pnKr.ph 7. ,. � .
<br /> All i�t�o policiK�nd ron�wa9��lull 6s�o�pl�bi�1���d aA�N fe�h�dp��t�d a�artprr�)ras. l.wbr
<br /> �Aa111►�w dre rq��hoM d�polk�i0s Md�_w�ls. !t 1,��►r�.Bono��Mif plaaipdg�iw b U �Il�oolpr
<br /> cl'�p�W pnsri�ws�ad nianr�l+w�ce+.� In t6t av�at df io�i.&xrd�w�iylt Qive pram�aotiax a�the i»wnncn c�rr�r aad
<br /> 4a�1�r. i,ewder aa�y m�k�t preof af lor it not nrde p�r�Mplly by�beow�r.
<br /> �fniew Laider ar�d�•8omnwer a1l�awuie yg[ea in wrilin�.uwu�nc�proteeds edrU be�ppliad to rrstoralion or rrp�ir ef
<br /> dMePnapwt� dna►�cl.if ebo reMondon�r ropair is�on�waaically t�wibit-and Lawlett► rautity b not kMeeed. if t�
<br /> rtrr�loatiau ar rep�k ia ttot acaanmkally fe.�ibk ar L,akM►t�aewhy waukl be leaa�ed. N�a ia�w�no�e proaMr iMlt be
<br /> AppQiad ta the aw�x�ecwdd ay twG►Security 1nru�unenl.wiket�or not tfien duo.wieh rny e�e prid to Bor�aw�er. N
<br /> Bormww d�widorx the Property.a does nof mwer wW�in 3�d�ys +�notia 1Fom l.ader t6�t t6e ina�t�noa cwciir lw
<br /> aP�eted to�eub a c1�im,U�l.e�xkr m�y colbct the in�proc�ood�. Lciwkr may u�e the Procme�.�a rotrlr or re�re .
<br /> d�e Property a'w pY num�eecuced by thi�Securlty Jmsw�t�ent.whether or not.iha�due. The 30�dry pcti�d wlil be�Ln wioa�
<br /> �t�nt+tice i��ven. '
<br /> Unlaa I.e�1er arni I�xrovrer othetwis�rgiee:in.wtitin=,any icatlon ut'procetds to ptin�:ipRl eh�►Il not extead at
<br /> poetpono tAe due dWo of the monthlY WYmrnts itferred to In paragra�1 and 2 or chan�e the�nount of tfie p�y�nenh. It
<br /> under o�wgr�ph 21 the Ptnperty�s a�quiced by Lender.Bar�uwerb rigM t��r►y i�.wranoe poliska ard pra.�resultio�
<br /> from damtge to the PrnperiY p�ior to che�cquisitinn shop pass ao Lrnder to the catrnt of the sums secured by this Savriry .
<br /> Instcument immedi�tely prior to Ihe scquisetian.
<br /> f� Uce�puey� treeerraliaM 1N�tcs�c� a�d Protectios at tbe Y�oPe+dyi Barrower's l.ow A�MtatMn;
<br /> l.eseeboid�. B9nower sM11 oa�py,establl6h.�d use the Pmperty ar Bonvwer�s pri�rcipl asidence within s3xty�ays afrer
<br /> tieC ex�:utio�i of t�is Secmiry I►tsttun�ent etid ehalt canihtue ta orcu�y t!�Prapesty as Bersn�:er!:psineipa!e��[ar as
<br /> least �rte yru after d�e date of occupancy. unless I.ertdet otherwiae agnes in wridng, which catsent shsli not be
<br /> ucueasonably withheld���ss estenuating circumsta��cts exist which aoe beyaM Borrower�rantrol. 8anower sfWl aat
<br /> destroy.damage or impair the H+operty.uUow the Property to deteriarate,or commtt waste on the Propetty. Bormwer r,hall
<br /> be in defiult if any fartfeinue action or procading.whtther clvll ar criminal.is 6egun dut in Lender�s goorl faith jtdgmGSM
<br /> could�esult in forfaiture of the PropeRy or otherwIse materiaUy impair the Uen cseatM by this Security Tnstniment ar
<br /> Lender�s secwiry incerest. Boimwer muy c�ue such n defxWt and reinstate.as provlded in{wragraph i�.by causing the action
<br /> .. or proceeding ta be dismissed with a mling that,in Lender�s good f�th detemiination,precl�des forfeiture of the BoQmwer�
<br /> interest in the Froperty or other mate�i�l impaimxnt of the llen cr�eated by this Securlty Insuument ur Lender�s securiry
<br /> interest. Bomower shall aiso be in default jf Bomower. during the loan appUcatton process, gave mau�ially false or
<br /> ina�te informadon a statements to Lender(or fajled to provide Lender with any material informaaon)in cannection w4th
<br /> the Ioan evidenced by the Note. including. but not limited to, npresent�tions rnnceming B�xr�nwer�s occupancy oF the
<br /> Pmperty as a principal residence. If th{a Seturicy insuument is on a leasehold,flormwer sholl comply wltli all dhe provIsio�
<br /> oF the lease. If Bonower acquircs fee titie to the Property.ttte leasehoid and the fce dde sh�Ii na merge untess i.enaer agrces
<br /> to the merger In writing.
<br /> 7. Protectton d Lettder's REghts in the Property. If�iomower fuils to perform the covenants und agrcements
<br /> contained in this Security[nsaumen�or there is a tegal ptoceeding thai mny si�nificantly Affect L.rardet�s rights in the
<br /> Propeity(such us a proceeding in bankn�puy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforre[aws or regulaaons).then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is netessury tu protect the value of the Property suid Lender�rights in t!x Property.
<br /> Lenderls actions may inclnde paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over�his Security Instrumen�appearing
<br /> in cauN,paying�easanable attomeys'fees and entering on tha Ptoperty w make regaics.Although Lender may tukt eetion
<br /> wnder tbis paragrsph 7.Lender does not have to do w.
<br /> My amounts disbuised by Lender under this par�graph 7 shall become udditional debt of Boirower securc�hy this
<br /> Security Insnument. Unless Bortower and Lender ugree to other tetms of paymen�these nmounts shs�ll bear intecest fcom the
<br /> date of disbu�sement at the Note rate and shal!be paynble.with interest,upon notice fiom Lender to Borrower t+equesting
<br /> payment
<br /> & Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insuiance os a condIaon of makin�the toan secured by this
<br /> Se�:urlty Instiumen� Bomower shap pay the premiums required to matnt:sin the mort�age insurance in effesG If.for any
<br /> reason, the mortgage insurance covera�e cequiced by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bomnwer shall pay the
<br /> premiums required to obtain cover�ge substondnUy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousiy in effec� at n cost
<br /> substanttelly equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insur.�nce prevlously In Pffec�from an altemate mortgage
<br /> Insurer approved by Lender. If substt�nttally equivalent mortgage insunutce coverage is npt a�•ailable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ;:�. Lender each month a sum eqaal co ane-cwelRh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or aeased to be In effect. Lender witl arcept,use and retain these paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve payments may no lon�er be required.at the option of Lender, if rttortgage insurnnce
<br /> �} " coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lertdcr requires)provided by an insumr approved by i.ertder aguin becomes
<br /> `'��� •�..�, available and is obtained.Borrower sfiall pay the premiums required to mainuun mortgage inswa�tce in et�'ect,or to pmvide u
<br /> '�''�"a" loss re�rve,untit the �equirement for mortga�e insurance ends in nccordance with any written ugreement between Borrower
<br /> 'ti,. �.,..
<br /> ���;::,
<br /> �Y� uied Lender or upplicable Inw.
<br /> ������ : '� 9. Inspection. L.ender or its agent may make neasonable entries upan and inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> i:`'�:��'~� c� T ve Botrower a�ouee at the time of or xlor to an ins aon. f in reasonable cause for the ins tion.
<br /> .�,^w=e�:x�. � P P� �Y g P�
<br /> 10 Cortdemnatfon. The proceeds of nny award or cinim for damages,direct or consequentiul,in corutection with any
<br /> �,,,��y,,��,� S{ngle F�dy--Fonnk MaelFlrMdit Mnc UnIFURIVA INSS?1tUMENT—Unifatm Covenantv 9190 1/�aRe 3 of6 pugerl
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