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<br /> T(KfE;TH�?R'W1TH�II th�i»�uacm��ear.}�ow a heee�Aor�n�c�d oa�e praQcrtr.,+wd�11 aa�w��
<br /> and�ixtv►as now ue ha�eafier R}�ut af thc �xnperty. AJI rcp�cemmn�a or�d rdditiuias-�sall�lw be s:ovu��t by thia 5ecu��tY
<br /> K�ruuir�a►t. Al14t'tLe fc,r�piaY ir refernd co i�n this 5ecucicy laaqumeqt aa�"Propaty."
<br /> �DORR4W�R GOVENAI�'M'S tT�t Ao:t�ower i�l�rtutly�ed af d�aN�oe 1�rby coavayAd aad�a dx r�ht!o�rwt
<br /> aad catvey;�� �rtd dat the Prapertp ia unencurab�arodr��tcePt far�cr�recad �ic�nowa wrc�h aid
<br /> wUl deifa�d �die�tb 1�tAa Anpetty�t�il cl�r wd denwrd�eub}xti w�aY aaCwnbr�et.at nr�wd.
<br /> THIS SEC�JRI'fY' 11YS7'it,UM�1VT canibints uni[oem��b[ot nsdonal we �td non-unitorm covaurb wiTh
<br /> ji�nikd Jhri�tiorl�by�uf�ictioo��A�e t tmitixm saauit�r i;�::�m�ut w��:iay�.�+1 p:.�-:rty.
<br /> 11IVIP0�lM C4?VF.NAN'CS:Bara�aer�ad L.e�der�uv�e�nt�ed a�ee�a lolloa-s:
<br /> i• ��������d�y�y�IMe�duo w�xler�Naie. �the
<br /> �Ih�it I�or'tlu�n aM IaMra�ee. Subjoct toap�1icabk taw or ta a wr�rocn wdver by{.eader,8ae�oW'a eha11 P�y a
<br /> Lender na the d+�Y��Y l�Ymena are duo undor the Nute.undt tha Nwa is paid In tLlt.�sum f"Flu�di")foc:(a)Yeariy
<br /> eaxes and assesssaent+vuhkh rt�y Mta�n prlalcy over thi�Securlty Instrument�e�Yiem on the Propetty;.(b)Y�at1r 1auel�oW
<br /> pyme�ts ot gnwnd te�ata on tl�s Propaty.if u►yt(c)Y�Y �d or p�peity iawr�ncx p�emivans; (d) YarlY �
<br /> im„r�oce pcantuma.� �►Y: te) Y�r�S+�e inwr�nco p�emiuma, iP u�y:ana cfl•ur suma p�ya6k b}► Baro�ea
<br /> 4ender.in Aa,rordrnce with the provistans of pivagr+ph 8.in Ij�,of the qymeat of mortgaEe lasurmrce prenuiums. 'Tl�eae
<br /> f tcma are called"Escrow Iterm° Lender may.�t any time,collect end t►old Ponds in�n amaunt�x�t oo ea�cad the muimum
<br /> anwunt a l�nder foc i federally celxtAd mortgage loan msy�cquire fa Barower�s esemw�ucount uakr the fi�ler�l R�cal
<br /> Batau Sentemeat Pruceduees A+ct of 1974 as amended faan 8roe w time,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("kFSPA"),unkss anotlKr
<br /> i�w ttwt Applies to the Plmds sets a Iesstt amoant If so.Lec+dor may.at�ny time.cdkct ond hold Amds in on amoua�not to
<br /> eaoeed the lesser ama�nt i.eucjer ivay estir��atz d�a amo�t af E3�d�ce os► t!x lrss�s of c�n�eat�+!A h�d reasaaaDk
<br /> ,estimates af expendipu�cs of fuwre Escrnw Itcros or athcswlse in trxotduxx wids ePPUc�ble law.
<br /> 'tlte fi�nd�sttall be held in an insdtution whose deposits act inwnd by a ftdrrsl Aget�cy. Iaso�wna►taltty.o�eaRhY
<br /> (t�luding l.ender��f Lender is such an instlwtlon)or In eny Federal Home Loan Banic. Lender shall apply d!e I�mds to�y
<br /> the Escrow Items. Leader may aot charge Boaower for holding and applyln8 tbe F�nds.eni►willy ana�YzinB t�e�w
<br /> raocount,or verifyiag the Esccow Items.u�ess Lender pays Bortower interest on the P1wds and applkable law permits
<br /> Lender oo make such a charge. Howevu.L.ender may uire Burr+ower to pay u one-dme charge far an Indepecndent real
<br /> e�te tw�c�porting seevicx used by I.eader in connecdon�th this Ioan.unless applkable!aw provid�es otherwise. Unkss an
<br /> ugt+eemeat is made ar epplicable law requii+es interest oo be paid.L.ender shall aut br nqaited co pay Bon+ower any ii►I�+est a
<br /> �ingg oa the F1�ndy, 8or�ower and Lender may ugroe in wtlttug.however.that iaterest ahell!te paid on the FUnds. Ixuder
<br /> s6s11 give to Bar�ower. wIttiout charge.an annua!xconntfug of the Fiuids,showL�g ciedits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purposo for which exh debit w the l�nds wns made. 71�e Eiutds are pledged as addidoisal security fa all smns s+oc�ued by
<br /> [his Se�urity Inswmen�
<br /> if the Hiuda held by L.ender excad the amatats permitted to be 6eid by appiicable Iavr. i�rn�i�r�f a��t�
<br /> Botrower for the excess�ds in nccordance with the n9ui�neats c►f appllcable law. If the amount of the F3�nds t�e1d by
<br /> IRnder at uny ti:ne is not sufficient w pay the Escrnw Items when due.Lendar aaay so notify Bomuwer in writing,and,in
<br /> sucfi case Bomower shall pay w Lenda the amouat aecessary co make up the deficieacy. Hoaoaar sha�l malce up the
<br /> deficiency in ao mare tt�n twelve montWy payments,itt Lender's sole dIscretion.
<br /> Upon payment in fuU af sdl swns secured by tGis Security Iasuument�l.ender shalt pmmpdy tefund w Bomnwer any
<br /> Fhnds held by I.eader. if.under pata�gaph 21.[.ender shall ucqaiie or seU the Pmpeny,Leader.prior to the acquisition or
<br /> sale of the Property.shaU apply �tc►y l�►ds held by Lxnder nt tde tia�e of acquisition or sale as a ctedit against the sams
<br /> secured by this Securiry lnst:umenG
<br /> 3 Applkatton d Aaynttnta Unless appllcable luw pmvldes otderw[se.all paymcnts ceceived by l,endcr uider
<br /> paragtuphs I and 2 sLall be applied:Rrst,to anY P�PaY�t��due under tl�e Note:second.w amoums payable nnder
<br /> parugraph 2;thizd,to iaterest due;founh.to principal due;and los�to uny late chtuges due under tbe Note.
<br /> 4� C6aeg�s; Idea9. Borrower shall pay nll taxes. sisssessmenu. chs�tges. fines and impositions amibutaD��e to the
<br /> Property whtch may attain priority over th�s Securiry Iastrumen�aad leas,ehold paymeats or geouad reats.if aay. Bo�mwer
<br /> shall pay these obtigations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bom�wer shall pay them on
<br /> time directly to the pecson owed payrrten� Bomnwer shaU pmmptly furnish to Lender ap notices of amounts to be pa[d�nder
<br /> ,. this parag�r�aph. If Bo�wer makes tlzese payments directly.Bomnwer shall psompily fumish to Lxnder receipts evidenciag
<br /> �'.' the Qayments.
<br /> ` '� .`�`:;-- Bomower shall prompdy dischnrge any lien which hns priority over this Security insttument unless Bornnwer:(a)agras
<br /> "°' In vrriting to the payment of the obligadon secuted by the lten ia n manner acceptable to Txnder.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> :�z�.�:�'�:.�.�� lien by.or defends againse enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion op�e�aLe to prevent d►e
<br /> enforcement of tl�e Uen;or(c)secutes f�om the holder of the uen an agceement sadsfactory to Lender subordinating the Iten
<br /> ���R' �'��'. w tMs Secucity Instcument If Lender determines thnt any part of the Property is subject to a Gea wh{ch may attain prioriry
<br /> "�'•: �•, over this Security Iasnumen�L.eader may give Borrower a rtotice IdenBfyiag the lien. Bo:rower shall sntisfy the lien or take
<br /> `'� one or u�o�of the acNons set forth ubove within 10 dnys of the giving of notice.
<br /> '��:�.,�y:: :, g� Hamrd ur property lnsurunoe. Borruwer shaU k�p the improvements now e�ctsdng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> •r�:•�':°°�:�-?._`. PraPertY instued against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"eateaded rnverage"and uny other haza�ds.incitcding
<br /> _ , tloods or tloocHng.for which Lender requires insurance. 7ltis insurueae shaU be maintained in the cimounts and for the
<br /> '.;: .
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