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<br /> ot n�le.u�d the e�le►tnclwll�thep�yment oi the Truat�e'�[eai actu�Uy lncurrec�.not to excied 3.f� 96 ot �
<br /> Ehe prin�cipND sm�wnt oi tbe note At the ume ot th�decLkrQtlon of deT�ult,and reawnAl�le attox�neys'r�es a9 permlttsd
<br /> by 1�►�;(b)to sdD�ums seeared by thb Secudt�tnsirument;and(c)ady exass ta tMo prrson or pe�kgally entilkd
<br /> to k. .
<br /> 2t Rrtconvsy�n�e. Upon paymrnt of aU�ums secured by this Sxurlty Ynsiiument,Lender sh�ll rcQnest'Iiruusta:to
<br /> rexonvoy tAe Ytopeny and shaU surrender thls Secuslty Insuument and all notes evIdencing debt secured by ttds 5CCUri:y
<br /> Irnshument to'Qvstee. 7lvstce shall nconvey the l�iroperty without warnnry aad without charge to the person or pes�ona
<br /> legally�ntitled to�t Seich person or persons shall pay any necordation costs.
<br /> 23. 5uMrt[tute'IttmteG l.ender.at:ts opdon.muy from tlmo ta timo remove 7lustec and appoint u successor wsta to
<br /> uny'ltusta appointed hereunder by un insuwaent recotded in the caunty in whlch thia Secudry Instrument ia recoi+ded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.the successor+zuatee shaU succe�d to aii tAe dtle. power and dudes confeaed upon
<br /> 'ltnstee herein and by appUcable law.
<br /> Z4. Request for Nottoa. Boirower requeats that copies of tho notIces of defnult su►d sale be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> whlch is the Froperty Address.
<br /> ?S. Ridere to thf�Security Instrumen� Tf one or mnre dders ara executed by Boirawer and recorded together wlth
<br /> this SecutIty Inshumeut,tho covenants arid ageennents of each such rider sball be incorporatcd into and shall amend nnd
<br /> supplemeAt the covenanu su�d agreements of tbia Security Instrument as if the dder(s)were A purt of this Secucity Instcument
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Fnmtly Rider
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Planae�Uait Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rfder
<br /> �8allaan Rider �Rate Impmvement Rider �Sc�and Home Rider
<br /> ❑X ��(s)[sP��i+1 ASSIGNmENT OF RENTS RIDER
<br /> BY SIC3NINQ$F.LOW,Bom�wer uccepts and ag�es to the temis and covenants contained in thIs Securlty Inswment
<br /> and in any rider(s)executed by Bomower and recorded with i�
<br /> �m�g; wmess:
<br /> (Seat} �`�'�' ��,•�.�-�� {Seal)
<br /> -Bo�rowcr ERVI LUTH �8oroa"`
<br /> ' ; (Seal) (S�)
<br /> 'BO1O1�� SNAR�N L LUTH -Honnwer
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County as:
<br /> On this gh{ day of AUGUST, 1994 ,before me,the undersigaed,a Notary Public
<br /> duly commtssionedand qualified for suid county,personally came ERUIN l. LUTH ANO SHARON L
<br /> LUTH, MUSBAND ANO WIFE ,to me know�a to be the
<br /> identical persons(s)whose name(s)ere subscribed to the foregotng instcument su�d acknowledged We execudon thenof to
<br /> be THEIR volwntary acs and deed
<br /> �tness my haas and notarial seal at GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA in sutd county.the ,c
<br /> date aforesaid "
<br /> M Commissioneap�� C� � , �� ;.
<br /> ������1 xotaryPubuc ••rt"'
<br /> •^�'^i 71�e undersigaed is the holder of the note or notes secuned by this Deed of'IIvst 5atd note or notes.together with all ;;"
<br /> �. other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'Ifrus�have beea paid in fulL You ere hereby directed to cancel said note or notes
<br /> end this Deed af 7tust.which arK delivered hereby,and to reconv�y,without warrenty,all the estate now held by you under
<br /> t�is Deed of'tlust to the persoa or persons legally endded thec�eto. •
<br /> ,. , Date:
<br /> �..,..
<br /> ��-�, Foem 3028 9l90 (puge 6 oj6 puges)
<br /> 7
<br /> -�,1 ,
<br /> 1
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