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<br /> � 7HI8 A�IAN�ENT QR AENTB Fi1C�ER 1�m�d�and Kx�oot�d thl� '8tli �,a - --ALICiIST _�:1�,...Mi3Y �y ,-
<br /> lncorporat�d Intc��Q eh�il b�de�msd to a�m�nd�nd suppi�mtnt tM Ma►Zp�Ip�or tY�d ot'fru�t,If�tn�ftM�rriKnd M�'Niw
<br /> , "a�fcu�ity I�atrumont", af th�s�me..d�te pivnn by Ihe und�t�ipn�d, here�int�ftar rsf�rred to �a th� ��!larraw�►", ta esoura ,
<br /> 9orrow�r'a Indsbtad�eaa,herelne�itec reterred to ae the"Nole",tu HOlNp REDERAt gAYINQB ANti l.CAN Rd30CIA'!'IGN 0�
<br /> � QPJ►N b ISLAND�hrr�in�Ttsr tstoirod to a�the"Ls�",of ttYi�m�dat��ntJ oo�w�tinp th�PropKtr dp�rlb�d In Ih�!lwurily
<br /> Inatrurrront Rnd Iocat�d�t: °
<br /> � 24q3 W DIVISION GRANO ISI.AND. N� 68�p1 , �
<br /> _�
<br /> . (Prop�utY.AddrM�)
<br /> WtTNESBETH: � .. .. " �,
<br /> WHERE/1S�.sorrowsr and Lend�r htve �pnsd�that any nnu �nd prOtit��ttributabh to th�p►op�Ry Nl�outd ao�»tituh
<br /> arlditlonui sapurity to the Lender tor th�paym�nt of th�Not�; �
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,!t!s apreed that tb�s 8eourity Instrumsnt tihati b�am�nENd h�by�nd dNm�d!o innlud�tM tallowlnp�• „
<br /> prt�Netona:. � •
<br /> 1. �eslanment af Rente end�,g��r aenta)Colbctlon Ri���OffOw!!hN�by�biOSUt�Iy�tld Ui1CW1flIil011Ml1y�Nipl'1��RI)
<br /> . rente, taeues ar�d protlis of the property to Beneflalary. l.�nd�r shall haw th� ripht, pow�r �nd Ruthority duHnp tM
<br /> •• contlnuance of the 3ecurlty�instrumeot to colisot the rsnts�teau�s�nd proilts q!th�prbp��ty and of�ny pstwn�t proy�rty '
<br /> toc�ted tP�aroon with or�wlthnut takinp Do�seeslon of the propaty aff�ot�d h�nby.L�ndK, how�wr, twnby aonMntM to
<br /> Borrowar'saoliectlon attd re'tentlon of aucb rente,�eeues and protite as thsy�aa�u�and b�aw�pay�bb�sd lanp�t/onovw�►
<br /> is not, at�9uch time,#n delauit wlth�eapeet 4o p�yment ot�any indabtedneas�ea;tW h�f�by.or tn th�patfGtm�nGS Of��►y
<br /> ag�eement hereunder. �
<br /> 2, (�o,potntment.of#�snetver.If any event ot detsult In reap�ot to th�S�ourity In�trum�nt•shall hav�oaournd and b�
<br /> continuinp, Lender. as a matter ot riqht and witbout notlae to 8orrower or anyons alatminp undar Borrowi�,and without
<br /> re�ard to the value of the truei estate or the Intereat of the Borrower thsreln,ehall h�vt the rlpht to�pply to any aour�h�vinp
<br /> � . Jurisdictlon to appolnt e recetver ot the prop�rty.
<br /> 3. 81yht to Poaseaelon.ln oase of defautt In the payment of the eaid prinelpa0 Nota or Int�r�et�o►any part Ih�twf,��It
<br /> ehatl meture,or in the ease ot talture to keep or pertorm any of the covertante or aprtements aontaln�d in th�8eatirity Instru•
<br /> ment, then the Lender, lte suacesaora o�asmigna, ehall be an0 Is heroby autharized and empowered to t�k� Imm�iat�
<br /> ~� posaesslon of the safd premises thereln deeertbed and to collept ths rente therefrom,end to apply 1he prneNds th�nof to fh�
<br /> ;,�: ,,'.;:; ; peymbnt of the Note.
<br /> •�'`+?"` ' �� `• � 4. Aoollcation of 6iente.lssuea and Protits.Ail rente eolteoted by Lender or the reoelver eh�ll bs appli�f fitet to p�ym�nt
<br /> . ;r^• , of the eosts ot management ot the property and colleatton of rents,InaluGing,but not itmiter!co,raceinnr'a fess,pnmiumi on
<br /> , �t.�''�:"�; !•�4 3 reoelvePs bonds and reasonabte aKorney's tees,�nd then to the aums seoured by the 6aaurlty Inst►ument.6onder and th�
<br /> ^� }s+�'�`�=;`li� reaelver sRall be Ilabte to account o�ly for thoae rents actualty reaelved.
<br /> ^g..,.:. •-
<br /> ��'"k����r�'��'�'° 6. Co��untlon of Provislons.Each of the provialons contafned In thie Aeaipnment of Renta RIQsr end the 5sourity Inatru•
<br /> +�:.,.::�;t ,�,:. :r�.�
<br /> . .1�:�;
<br /> .� =„.<:_»,�:.,r., t ment shall, unleas otherwise speciticalty requlred, be aonatrued In acoordance with Nebreska taw,and In ths event �ny
<br /> � '�° provlslon heretn or therein contained shall be determined by a oourt of competent jurisdiction to be unentorce�bie,the same
<br /> ,.,H��£:?��;���<::2�r,.a�?}"
<br /> ���i�,,s shall be aonstrued as though such unenforaeable provislan were not a pan hereof or theraof.
<br /> ,,,,�:,��;�.:,:;:.�r e. Efteat of Rider.Exaept as speclflcaily modiffed by or I�consfetent with this Aasignment of Rente Rlder or by�ny other
<br /> "' a,«�,..+=,,<�,: applicabte rider.e�t of the terms and provislons contalned In the 8ecurlty Instrument shali aontinue in tull fores and eiteot.
<br /> u�,��-.�•�;.`�::.�,..
<br /> ;'t`a� :.
<br /> ��;^�x�� ��b�' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has exeauted thfa Asatgnment o!Rente Rider on the date firet noted abOve.
<br /> f`.}�i{�':-....:�;.I r.i�.o �
<br /> *�}�OIy�,V' .1=r't. :'r � ' /�
<br /> �,±n��.�..�� . �,�.,.. ��T"����
<br /> `' "��''"�"'�""""' ' ERU�'IV L UTH Borrower
<br /> .•-. ;.•... ... :�b.
<br /> � .. SHP.i�ON L LUTH orr or
<br /> "'��1",;,� .r STATE OF NEBRA8KA�
<br /> . •� <) (ss:
<br /> ti:t��. , , COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> �!.`.'�� ' • On thla 8m day of AUGUST ��9 94 ,before me the unde►signed,a Notary Pubiio dutY commissioned and
<br /> '" quailfied tor safd county,pereonally ceme ERVIN L LUTH ANb SHARON L LUTH. HUSBAND AND WIFE ' .,,r :,T�,
<br /> ,to be the identiaal person(s)whose name(s)fal8ro subsarlbeA
<br /> to the foregofng fnstrument,and he/ahelthey acknowiedge the exeaution thereof to be htalherlthel�voluntary eot Bnd deed.
<br /> ��' Wlt�esa m hand and Notertat 9eai et GRANO ISLAND, NE 68801
<br /> y �..
<br /> �i ° " ,• in seid c niy,the date atoreeaid. '
<br /> � . �wrs+e�M w� ,Z .
<br /> � ,� .. .
<br /> �a���� Notery Pubtlo
<br /> My Commisalon expirea: —�-- Zy �`t 9 (a
<br /> ►+F a�o na1►
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