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r,� , r i i•!A.; •6 , � , , . . -�4, .i: .•��.,�..,,;.,:q.. . t ..`; <br /> — •. .(j l { '. . f ;. �`�,tf'ft`.., ;��. ,g. .�. . 'i T11 j�i';l� S/ �J.•'i�n7 <br /> ' .0'r�..�. . i ��l <br /> ' �."} <br /> 61 -..-' .. , �. .i. � .. ' . . .. . �. lJ .. .. <br /> . .' .. . .. -, _ . . .. _ . . . . . .� <br /> � .. <br /> - . ��., . �.���.� _ .__�� <br /> . .. .. �.. . . . .... ... . . .. . ..,.. '.�'. � . .._... .""_""' <br /> , .. . <br /> . " , <br /> �� �� <br /> , applicnble law m�y�tpacify for nelrutateditni)bnfore a�le of tf►�s Pmpetty punati�nt w eny pow�r of sr►tte co�uAtract in,this � �� ' <br /> Security 1r�stc�s��ent;or(b)entry of a Ju��aent en�orcing thi�Stc�idty In�t�umznt. Those canditions arc�hat Durruwer: (a) <br /> � pays l.e�xler ail sums �+hist� tben wxiulc� be due under thio Seeurity Instiument and the Nate as!f no ecceler�don hn�f <br /> � a�xurrat;(b)cure�wny defwtt of er�y aiher coven�nu a a�nta;(r,)pnyA�11 expepees Incuned in e�farr�cing tM�aecurtty <br /> , Inarumrnt. including� but not limited to.res�onabie atbaney�'fixs: sad(d)tske� euch�cdnn ne Lender may n�wably <br /> requin Cb�saure th�t the lkn of this�urisy inauumea�LendEr's d�hts in We Praperty and BamWer'a obligati�on to pRy the <br /> awns eecured by this�SeQUrity insirwnenE u�att ci�niinue ��;��ai.- Upon teinttttenieut by Bocmwor, shi� Seeunty <br /> � �nun�me�nf xnd the abli��tions aecured henby eball nm�dn fs�Uy effocdve ss if no accelerntion,had occtut�tl. Howevtr,tt�ls <br /> d�bt..b'� ��in the c�e ot n�cseleration under p�gr�ph 17. <br /> �• . at Luwtt Se�vioer. 'the lVote ar�putiel iaterest in►he.Noto(to ether with tlils SGCUrity <br /> pu <br /> . �ns ),s�u��,,�q, ow�ar pnom Nmea without pdor no�ce to Bnrmv►er. A sWe may nsuYt u chango In the eatity <br /> (l�1�t"Lwi► �ia�•�lfiet coUxts montblY PaYmeuts due under the Note and this SecarIty Insuumsa� 'I3�ete�lso � <br /> ar�y be one or mare chutiges of the I.oan 3enricer unrelaud to a salo of tho Note. If then is a change of t6e Loan 5etvIcer. <br /> Bawwer wiU be given written notice of the chaago 9a ac�ordance with paragraPh 14 abovo and appAcnble law. The aotice <br /> wlll stete the name and address oY the naw Loan Servicer and the addcess to which paymenta shnuld be mede. The natice w�ll <br /> aleo contaiA any other inforination required by applicable I�w. <br /> ?A. Ha�rdcwe Subshnca. Bomower shaU not cause or perarit the presence,�or�lease of aay <br /> Hazaidous Substanaea o�or in the Property. Botrower ahall aot do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythiag effecdng tl�o <br /> Ptoperty that is In vlolatEon of any EavIronmental I,aw. '!be pnceding two sentences shaU aot apply to the presence.uso.or <br /> atorage on the Property of sma11 quantitles af Hezendous Substancea that t�re generally recognized to be appmpriaze w aomial <br /> �sidendal uses und to matatenance of the Pmperty. <br /> Borrower shaU pr�nmpdy give Lender wriueu notica of any investtgadon,claim.demand,lawsuit or other actioa by any <br /> governmeuta!ur regulatufy agency or pdvate party lnvolving the Prop�ty and any Ila7ardr,ns Substaacu or EnvIratuntatat <br /> Law of whicb Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bormwer leams, or Is noHGed by any govemznental or regulatory <br /> auU�ority,that any removnl or other mmediadon of any Hezardous Substance afferting the Property is necesaary,Bormwer <br /> slwU pmmpily take all necessery�emediul acdons in accordaace with Envimnraental Law. <br /> As used in this paragreph Z0."Hazerdons Substancea"are those substances defiaed as toxlc or hazardous sub�tances by <br /> Envtronmental Law and the foAowing substances: gaFOline.kerosene.other flamanable or toaic petroleum praducts.toxic <br /> pesdcIdes and herbicides, voladle solventa,matertals containing asbestos or formuldohyde.and radioacdye mate:ials. As <br /> ttsed in Wis para,graph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and lews of the jurlsdiction when the Pmperty is locaud <br /> that relate to hea1W.asfety or environmental protectIon. <br /> NON-UN�ORM COVENANTS. Bocrnwer and Lender fiuther covenaat end asree sia follows: <br /> 21. AcoelernUon;Remedies. I.ender shall g[ve notia to Bocr�wer prior to acoeleratton follow[ng Borrower's <br /> bnacb of any covenant or a�reement tn th}s Security Instrument(but not prtor W saxleraHon under par�gr�ph Y9 <br /> untes9 appllcable law prnvtdes other�vtse). The aotice shall specifys (a)We defi�ulh(b)the acttoa required to cure the <br /> def�ult;(c)a date,not less Qhan 30 days fmm the date the aotke fs given to Borrower,by which tDe d�faWt muat be <br /> cured;and(d)that[allnre to cure the defanit on or before the date speci8ed in We notice m�y result in acaeleratlon of <br /> the swas seeured by thfs Security Instrument and sete of We Properly. The nottae s6aU tY�rther tvtorm Borrovrer o+t <br /> the e�ight to refnstate etter accelerallon and We rfgdt to brtng a murt adion to assert the non-e�dstence of a detautt or <br /> anq other detense of Horrower to aoceleraHon aad sata If the defuult ts not cund on or 6efon We date spedttcd tn <br /> the aotice,I.ender at its pptton mey requfre immediete payment in ttiill of all s�ms secured by W1s Secudty lnstrument <br /> ,, without fuit6er demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedles perqnitted by epplkable Inw <br /> Lender shall be endded to rnllect all expenses incurmd in pw�suing the remed[es provided in this paragraph Zl. <br /> j. � ';;;v�. includtng,but aat Umttal to,ceasonable attorneys'[ees and ousfa of Utle evtdence. <br /> '�T It the power of sele 1s invoked,Trustee ahall record a aotioe of defaWt ta eac6 county ia wh[ch any part o!the <br /> ' ^r Property is located aad sdaU maU copie�of such noHce ia the mariuer prescdbed by appltcable law to Borrower and to <br /> ����'�''�'' the other ns rescribed b a licable law Ailter the Wne uired b a Uca6le law,'llrt�stee shall give public <br /> ,• t�,� Pe� P Y PP �4 Y PP <br /> �, noUce oi sale to the persoav and In the maaner pmscdbed by applicable law 'Itostee,wtthout demand on Borrowec, <br /> , ,�!:'. shall seU fhe Property at pubHc sucUon to the htghest bldder at We time and place and under We terms dest�stted in <br /> �.w�'�'�fi� ''• the noUce oi eale tn one or more paroels and ip any o�+der'1lvstee detenNnes. 1lrostee tnay postpone sale oi all or any <br /> ;; ��.*"",';�,_✓��, parcel of We Property by public annouacement�t the tlme and place of any previoosly scheduled sele. Lender or Its <br /> ''.,t>:�.�:s�.,a:.,•..�.,, designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> �'�'''� ' •�� '���, ' Upon receipt of payQteat of the prtce bid,Zf�astee shell deIIver to We pvrchaser'11�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> ���-��-�.�� •'•��.:•. Piroperty. The recitals tn the'1Fnstce's deed shaU be prtma facie evtdence of We trutb of thP statemeats made therein. <br /> :,a.t:H.•_..._ `', ,:;,,,.i 'ltustee shall a <br /> , ;�,.; pply the praceeds of the sale in the foUow(ng ocder. (u)to aU costs uad e�cper►ses of exerctsing the power <br /> :���� ._3 .. <br /> .'I,�,:.:�-`V��. �� <br /> ,.;♦ <br /> t(.'��r� • ( ��''� <br /> V4l�f�? :'W'� j! <br /> . . . �;'. <br /> ..,;' .,.;:;: • <br /> '4 <br /> ��;, <br /> f:�' <br /> t. <br /> . •.•�'„i''.�� <br /> • •1 :ti� <br /> .+yj+„y.� , . <br /> � 1. <br /> �{1�. �t .... . . <br /> T. � . .. . .. . .. . �T.'Y,.?S.;f. 1..''t°7«'.� _"/'�'._ef�•',:.f,: ��.. ...� ..'.'•.'" �:. .. .. Y'-.r. . ... . . . . ,:A.!°,.,��4[ . �_-. . <br /> ' ', .. ' � � . ,. . - . . , ' .. C t-� .. . �.'.�2{:._,y�: t � ' .. , r .. ' . . <br /> � � . ' '� .� . ' .r •.��r ~' . . . .� <br /> . . i`i:�.L•.{l,ttti`�.'.., u-�. . <br /> .. , _, . ., . � . � �. .. -.. .- . . .. . . <br /> . .. .. . , . . - f' � :�?�.i•.,. . . _ . <br /> . , . ., .. . .. - � � , � ' " . . .. � , •' , .. :�. <br /> o ' .. .. o ` . ;' .. - . , .. � .. . , . <br /> • + �"" .. , , „ . . , <br /> . �� � „ , .. <br /> � . . ., , . . <br /> .� � ., _ � � -' .• - - .. � . ..):'P^'ta..' .q•'„ � .. " " <br /> n� .� ' . ., ',�..�i�".�.y..�� �, <br /> . �t ` -`,. .� t <br /> ,� n �s`�:. + ,,. . <br /> _• _� „;�., . • ,. . . , .. , � ., _ „ „ . ; :.� ' :y'��•9�r •, .. . �' t., <br /> � " ,. <br />