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<br /> paym�nu umy rw lat�er be reqairod.ot ti�option af��dcr,!f mortgage jnsatnnce covernge pn the c+rnnum�nc3 fcqr the t►eriai
<br /> tiw ifi�xler roquires)providod by an insurer ypprovea 6y Ixi�der egain tk,con�es available and Is abiair,�ci.I.tarrowtr shwl�pay
<br /> the prrmiums rerguired to maihiain martgaga insuraiko in cfYcct,or to providc u luss cescrve.until Qie rcyuicc�iki�t far mortgaga
<br /> iiuurar.xa cnds in sccosdanc2 witb m�y wdttGn ugreetnant bctwecn Horrower mnd[.crt8er or appiicablc law.
<br /> 9.Inspectbn.I.e�ia or its agent may malce reasonablC entdes upon and jnspr.ctions of the Property, I.ender A1w11 give
<br /> Borravrer nc�tice at the timo of or p�Ior to an inspection spccifying reasonable cause fur the inspecHon.
<br /> 10.Ca�adfsnmtia�.The proceods of eny award or claGn for damages,diroct or amsec�uerxlel.in wnnoction wIth any
<br /> condemnation or other wking of�ny part of the Property,or for conveyunco in Ileu af candemnatIon.ere hereby assigned erd
<br /> �tull be patd w Lender. �
<br /> In tha ovent of u total wki�ng of the Property.the pmc�ds shaU be upplIed to the sums,s�cured by this Security Insuument,
<br /> whelher or not thon due. wlth uny excess putd to Borrmwer. �n the event of u partirsl tsking of tha Property in which the fuir
<br /> market velue of the I�roperty immediately befon the taking is cqual to or 6reater than the amnnnt of the sums secured by this
<br /> �3ccurity InsUunxnt imir�ediutely bcfnre the wking.un[ess Boaower and L.cnder othern•ise agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> thle Secudty L�shument shal! be r�educed by the amount of the proccods mulaplioS by the following fractioa: (a) the total �
<br /> amount o:t�e sums secu�rd immediNely•befare the takiag, divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immedlately
<br /> lxfore the taking. Any b�lance shatl bc paid to Borrower. Ia the eveat of a partial wktc►g of the Froperty in which the fair
<br /> market valut of the Property immedIately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secuc+ed immed[ately before the
<br /> takio$.uWess Borrower and Lendet othenvise ugree in writing or unless applicable law othenvlse provides.the proceeds shall
<br /> be epplied to the sums secured by thls Security Instrument whether or not the sums ure then due.
<br /> If the Property'is ubandoned by Bonower.or if.after nou�by Lender to Bolrower that the oondemnor.offers to malce sui
<br /> t�tva�d�r s2tlle $el8ettl for dRmages, &trm�ver fails to respond m I.Eader tivIthia 30 days afte.r t6e date the uottco Is$iven. ,
<br /> Ixnder ls authorized to coUect nnd apply the proc�eds.at fta optton,eit6er to restoration or repair of the Property or to the swps
<br /> seruc+ed by shia Secudty Instn�ment,whether or not then due.
<br /> U�less Lender end Borrower othenvisc a�mee in writing. smy applicarion of proceeds to pr�ncipa! shafl not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. •
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearattce By Lender Not a Wafver.Extensian of the time for payment or raodification
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any suocessor in Inten�st of Borrower shall
<br /> not operate to release the ltabflIty of the original Borrower or Borrower's successo�s in interest. Lender shnll not be required to
<br /> cammence proceedings aguinst nny successor in intemst or refuse to extend time for payment or othttrwise nnodify amordzatian
<br /> of 1he sums secured by thls Security Insmunent by r+eason of any demand made by the or�giaal $orr�wer or Borcower's
<br /> snaessors in inter�est. Arty forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right ur remedy shall not be a waiver of or pr�eclude the
<br /> ��is�Qf any rigtti nr reta�dy.
<br /> iZ. Sua�so�and Asslgns Bound; Joint and Severai Llabi![ty; Co-si�uers. Thc rnvcnants and agr�eements oF th�s
<br /> Security Instrument shal! bind and benefit the sux�ssors and ossigns of Lender and Borrower, subject ta the provisIons of
<br /> patugrnph 1T. Borrower's rnvenants and agreements st�all be joint end several. Any Borrower who ce�signs this Security
<br /> Iasuument but dces aot ezecute the Note: (a)!s co�signin� this Serurity Instn�ment only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pruperty under the termg of thts Securtry Instrument: (b)is not personnlly obligatod to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument;and(c)n�rees that L.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.madlfy.tiorbear or
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms af this Secur�ty Inswment or the Nate without that Borrower's rnnsent.
<br /> 13.I.oun Charges.If the lo�n secured by this Security InstNment is subject ta a lew which sets msuumum loan ehacges,
<br /> and that law is finally interpmtai�sa tfiat the interest or other loan cherses col[ected or to be collected in oonnection with the
<br /> laan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shell be re�uced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permiued limit:su►d(b}any sums ulreudy collcct�from Bomower which exceeded pemtitted limits will be r�efunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under tt�e Note or by making a direct
<br /> payment to Horrower. ii' a refund resluoes principal, the mductton will be treated us a pa�tial prepayment without any
<br /> pmpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Natbes.Any notice to Bonovxer provided for in this Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivecing it or by maiting
<br /> it by first c�ass mail unless applicable faw requires use of anoiher method. The notice sha�l be directed to the Pr+ogerty Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower desigaates by noace to Lender. My notIce to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other�ddress Lender desi�nates by notice to Borrower. Any nosice provided for in this
<br /> Security[�shurnent shall be deemed ro have been�Iven to Borrower or Lender when�iven as provide�i in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Governing Lew; SeverablldES. This Security Instmment shall be goverrted by federal law and the !aw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is larated. In the event that any pnovislon ur cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conf�icts with applicable law.such conflict shall n�i affect other provisions of this Securiry Insuvment or the Nute which can be
<br /> glven effect withoat the oonflicting pnovision.To�r�is end tha pmvisions of thts Socuriry Instruraent and the Note are declamd
<br /> to 6e severable:
<br /> i6.�at+ower's Copy.Bomower shall be gtven one�nfom�ad oopy of the Note and of this Securiry Instniment.
<br /> Form 302$ 8l80
<br /> Pege 4 018 p
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