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<br /> 17.�'rueMSfer�►t tl�Property or�HenelldW Ipterrst tn Borrower.I�all or any part n€t�?PrepestY or�;lntet+at!n it
<br /> �s sold ar tranyfcrrcd(ur if a beneficiu!irHerest in Rnrrowe�Is cald or tran:fem�sf nnd Sormwer is not a natural�rs�n)wlthaut
<br /> I.e«der'S priar weltten consent, l.�nder mny. nt its aptfan, ri:suire immesllate payntent in futl af i�l1 sum9 secure�f by tlhfs
<br /> Sc��aity In�trumcnt.Nawever. thi�aptinn shutl not bc cxcrcised�y l.cncicr if excrcisc ie prahfbitcd by fulcral!aw us of thc dato
<br /> e�f this Sccurity Instrum�lt��. ,, ° .
<br /> IP Lender axeniycs t i19�spUori;�rrdrr�hull give 8oerower nodcc:af ucccleratian.'['ho r►Mf¢e shull pravido n perlad af��c�t
<br /> . lcss than 3Q duys from the da4e th�c nntice iF deifvcra!ur muilal within which M�rrawcr must pny �ll nums �ecurod by thl�
<br /> Strurity Instrumcnt.If Barrower fails to�y thesc sums pdor to tho expfraNan af thie pctind. i.ender may invako any remedih
<br /> pennittcd by this Security In�tn�ment without tiuther natico ar de�nund�m Banower.
<br /> 1$. Rur�awee'K I�Ig6t to ite7�.ritite. Ii Borrower me�i� ce�tuin cu�xiittona, Iiorrower shu{I huvc titia rlgltit to t�avo
<br /> eaiforremcnt aP this Securiry Ynsuurr�ent discontinued at uny time priur ta the wrlier of: (a) S drays (or such other pedod as
<br /> applicnblv law muy spccify for r+cinstatement) bcfom sule of the Pmpetty pumuunt ta uny pawer oP sule cuntnined in thia
<br /> Securiry Instrument;ar(b)entry of n judgment enfarc{ng thia Secudty Instrument.Those wndittons nre that 8orrower:(a)paye
<br /> Lender ull sums which then woutd be due under this Secu�ity Instrumant und the Note ns if no accelemtion hud occurrod;(b)
<br /> cures any defnult af any other mvenant� ar ngr�ementa; (c) puys all expenses incumed in enforcing thts Security lnstrument,
<br /> including,but not limited to. reasonnble uttorna�s' fces;and (d)tttke.g Fuch action aa I.ender tnay reusonably require ta assuro
<br /> that tice Iten of d�ly Securlry instruureut. Leri�ler s rlgl►ts fn Uie Peoperty wnt Borrawer's obligutlo�i to pay tt�e suu�s sbcured by
<br /> this Security Instrument sdall continna 'unchanged. Upon relnstatement by &,emwez, thls Security Insuument end the
<br /> obligutions secm+ed hereby ahall remain fully effective�if no aceelerution had occurnd.However,this dght to minstute shall
<br /> not ap ly in the case of acceleration under parsigraph 17.
<br /> ar
<br /> 9. Sale o!Note� Cdaage oi I.aan Servicer. The Note or a partjal interest In the Note (tngethcr wfth thIs Sxurtty
<br /> Instrument)may be suld ane or more times wtthout prior notice w Borrower.A sate may result in A change tn the entity(krtown
<br /> as the"Loan Serv[cer")that collecte monthly paymenta due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There Also may be one
<br /> or more chenges of the Losin Servicer u�related to a sale of the Note,if there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wlll be
<br /> given wrltten notice of the change in accordance v�Ith{seragraph 14 nbove and applicable taw.The notic;e wiil state the name and
<br /> addc+eas of the naw Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The aottce will nlso contain uny other
<br /> inforn�ation required by applica6le law.
<br /> �A. Hazardous Substauces. Borrower shull not cause or petmit the presence. use.disposul. stornge,or release of any
<br /> Nazandous Substances on or in the Pmpecty. Borrower shNl not do. nor allow anyone else to do. aaything affectfr� the
<br /> �roperty that is in violation of any Envfronmenwl Law. The precedin�two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quentities of Hazardaus Substsnces that are�enerally recognixed to be appruprlste to nomial
<br /> residenti�l uses anc�to mr�ntenance of the Property.
<br /> Bonower shall{�romptty give Ixnder written notice af any investigat�on. claim,demand.law�ult or otlter sctIon by any
<br /> �ovemmental or regulutory agency or private paRy invalving the Property and any Hazardous Substance ar Environmental L�c►w
<br /> of wluch Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns.or is notified by any govemmenta! or regulatory authortty, that
<br /> a�y removal or other remediation of�ny Hazardous Substance affecdng►he Pmperry is necessary.Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> all necessary remedtal uc.tions in accondance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in thle patagraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are thase substances define�as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental I.aw und the follawin� substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flaznmuble or toxic petmleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides und herbicides.volat�le solvents.mater�als cuntaining esbatos or formaldehyde,and radloactive materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Bmlronmental Law" means federal taws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to heAlth.safety or envitonmental protection.
<br /> NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.Borrower und L.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> Zl.Aaeleration;Remedies.I.ender shap give notice to Borrower prior to aaceteration following Borrower's breach
<br /> of eny covenant or agreemem in th{s Securtty Instnunent (but not prtor to aaeleratton underparagraph 17 unless
<br /> applicable Iaw provides otherwise). The nottce shalt speclfy: (a)the default;(b)the actton required to cure the defaWk
<br /> (c)a date.not less than 30 days from the date the notice is gtven to Borrower, by which the default moat be cured;aad
<br /> (d) that failure to a�t+e the default on or before the dnte specifled in the nottce may result in ecceleration of the sums
<br /> secured by.this S�cur[ty Instrument and sale of the Property. The nofice sholl further infotm Borrower of the rtght to
<br /> reinstate afiter aaceleratfon and the rig6t to bdng a oourt action to essert the non-existence of a defaWt or uny other
<br /> detense of Bormwer to accelerntion and sa9e. If the defAnit is not cured on or befom the date specified in the notioe, ,r.j
<br /> Lender, at•Its option,may require immedlate payment im ttdl of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen4 w(thout
<br /> tbrther demand and mey irtvoke the power of sale and eny oiher remedies permitted by applicable taw.Lender shail be
<br /> enHtled to rnllect all expens�incurred in pnrsuing the remedies provided In this parasraph 21,induding,but aot Itmtted
<br /> w,reasonablts attomeys'tces and costs of tltie evidence.
<br /> If thepo wer of sale is invoked, Trustee shall eecord a eto�ce ot default in each rnunty in whtch any part of the
<br /> Property fs l�cuted and shnll mail coptes ot suclt notice in the menrter presc�tbed by npplica6te law to Borrower and to
<br /> Rhe o16er persons pmscribed by�pplicable law.After the t[me required by applicable Iaw,Trustee shall give public pottce :� :
<br /> ot sale to the persons end tn the menr�er prescdbed by applicable law.Tn�.stee, without demand on Borrower,shall sell ::_
<br /> the Propecty at pm6lic suctlon to the hi�hest bidder at the time and pluce snd nnder the terma designated in the notice of ���
<br /> sale in one or mure pArcels and in uny order Tn�stee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of s�ll or uny parcel af the �'
<br /> Property by publPc announcement at the ttme and place of any prevtously scheduled sale. i,ensisr or its designee mey �;;i�*�
<br /> purehase the Property at any sa�e. ':,��,,,;
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