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<br /> S. �ro ar �'rnpexty..Ti�rnncR. Aorrower�shali kec� the impmvement� �aw cxisting ar herr�ffer erccted n� the
<br /> �h•o�x,ty i�2cui.:A a�ainst lus�tsy t7re. h�nrd.lr.�;tucl�il wltUin tl�e ter�n "oxteixted ec�vernge" nncl nny ot�cr i�aturds, i��cludi�v�
<br /> flocxlw ar ilooding. for which[�ei�der require9 in�ur�mx:o.Tliis imurai�ce Rhuil lw uminluined in tho nn�onr�ts aa�d f�ir tlie{�rlrniy
<br /> that Lender rcquires. The inwrance carcler pmviding tho Imuranca nhall he chosen by Borrower subJoct to l.enoler's appzova!
<br /> which�+luill�KK Ar unrcuwnxbly withheld. If&�rruwrr fails tc► rn�inwin c�overage desrribed Aba�e. I�erxkr mxy.at l.t�xlet's
<br /> optiat�.c►t+tain�bv�r�ge W protsct t.ertider'»righty ln the Praper►y in acrardAnco with pua�taph 7.
<br /> All insurance palicies wxt rcnewals shall be acaptable tc►l.cnder und et�uli inc9udc a standard martgage cl�u�e.l.ender
<br /> shal!da�:c thc rlght tn hnid thc palick:s and r:narr�ts.If Lercdcr r,.�uires.Qorror:cr sl�ll pramptly gIvc ta Ltadcr ail r..t�i�Zts of
<br /> psict prcmiums and renewal notittw.In tf�e event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt natice to the lnsuranco carrler x�xt Lenckr.
<br /> I.ender may muke praoi of loss if nnc m�d�promptly by Burrower.
<br /> UnUsss Lcnder and Sorrawer attxnvise agree in writing.insurense proceads ahall be upplied to restoretlon or repair of the
<br /> Properry datn3ge�. if thc crstoration or repair�S economirilly fesi.stblc und I.endcr's secudty is not lesscned.If the nstoration er
<br /> repair is�ot economicully feasibie or Lender's secudty wauld be lessened,the insurance proceeds sh�ll be opplied ta the sums
<br /> sxured�y this Security insicumeni. whether or not then de�. with suty eacess pai� ta Borrower. if Borrower abandons tha
<br /> Properq+.or does r�ot answer within 30 days a notice fcom i.ender that the insurunx carrler has offerad to setde a claim. dien
<br /> Lender may collect the insururicC proceeds. [.ender may use the proc�ds to repair or nestore the Froperty or to pay sums
<br /> secural by this Seeudty Instrument.whether or not thea due.The 30�day perlad will begin when the nodce ia given.
<br /> Llnless Lender and 8orrower otherwise asree in writing, any appl�cation af procee�s to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta refemed to in paragrnphs i and 2 or change the amnunt of the payments. If
<br /> uader pata�taph 2 t the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's right to nny insurance policles ard praceeds resultIng fmm
<br /> damage to ehe I�ropeny pdor ta ti►e ucquisidon shatl pnss to Lender ta the extent of the sums secured by this Security Insuument
<br /> ` immediately prior to the acquis�tdon.
<br /> ; 6.Oocup��y.Preservalloa,ArwinteaAnce and Prntectfon of the Pmpe�ty;Borrower's Loan Appikntion;I.esueholds.
<br /> Borm�ver shal!accupy.establish,and use the Property as Borrower's pr�ncipal msidence within sixty days after tke execution of
<br /> ithis Securitv Instniment and sh�l!continue to oocupy the Property as Bomnwer's principal residence ior at least one year ufter
<br /> � the date of oocupancy.unless Lender otherwise ng�in writinE.which wnsent shall noi be unmasonably withheld. or unless
<br /> � extenuating cinum,tannces exist which are beyond Borrower's conual. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or impair the
<br /> , Pcoperty, ullow the Property to deteriorate, or rnmmit waste on thc Property. Borrower shall be in defnult if any forfeiture
<br /> � action or pmceeding.wheiher civit or criminal.ts 6egun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiturie af the
<br /> IProperty ar othen�ise materially impair the lten created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's secudty interest.Bomower may
<br /> � cure such�default:utd reinstzte.as provided ia patagraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismisse�wtth a ntling
<br /> ihat. ia i.ender's good�fiai�decemunacion, preciudes forieiture ot the Fsorrower's interest in the YropeYty or other matenal
<br /> � impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ertder's security interest. Borrower shali nlso be in defuult if
<br /> i Borrower.during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate information ar statements to I.ender(or fsiiled
<br /> to pr�vide Lender with any materia!information)in connection with the toan evidenced by the Note,irtcludin�,but not Itmited
<br /> to.�epresentations conceming Barrower's occupuncy of the Property us a principal resldence.If this Security Instrument is on tt
<br /> � leasehold. Borrower shall rnmply with all the provisions af the lease. If Borrawer acqoir+es fee tiUe to the Property. the
<br /> ; leasehnld and the fee tide shall�ot merge unless Lender agrpes to the merger in writin�.
<br /> i 7.Protectton of I.ender's ltights in the Property.[f Borrower faIls to perfarm the covenants and ag�eements onntained in
<br /> i this Security iusmunent.or there is a Iegal pmceecitng that may signjficantly affect L.ender's rishts in the Prnperty(sach as a
<br /> piuoeeding in bankn�ptcy,probate, for condemnation or fodeiture or to enforce la�vs or reguluttons). then Leuder may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and L.ender's rigttts ia the PropeRy. I.ender's uctions may
<br /> � include paying any sums secure� by n lien which has priority over this Securlry Inswment, appearing in court. paying
<br /> reasonable attorneys'fees nnd entering on the Property ta muke repairs.Althougb I.endcr may take action under this paragraph
<br /> 7.L,ender does not have w do so.
<br /> � . Any arrtounts disbursed by Lender under this puragraph 7 shull�ber4me additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> S�rity Iasuument. Unless.Bo�rower And Lender agree to other termc of payment,nhese amaunts shall bear inteaest ftom the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shull be payctblc, with lnterc�. apon nn�ice from L.ender to Borrower requesWt$
<br /> � payment.
<br /> ; 8.Mortg�ge Iasurance.If l.ender required mortgage insurnnce as a mndirion of making the loan secured by this Socurity
<br /> Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums requirod to maintain the mortgs�ge insurance in et�'ect.!f, for nny reason. the
<br /> mort�ge insuranoe ooverage required by Lertder lupses or ceases to be in efFect. Borrower shall pay tl�e pmrniums requir�d to
<br /> obtain covetage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance pmvtously in effect.at a cost suba4antially �qvivalent to the
<br /> oost to Borrawer of the mortgage insurance�revtously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. tf
<br /> substanttally equivalent mortgage insumnce aoverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lendei each month a sucn equai ca
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paId by Horrower wfien the insucance wve�e lapsed or cease�i to -��'
<br /> be in effect.I.ender will accept,use and retnin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve ��
<br /> Form 3028 9190 �Y�zy
<br /> Vqp 3 ot 8
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