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<br /> p;:ric�ds thax I.c�s�lcr rrc�uins. Thn insur���ce cani�r�mviding tAc insur�e ahall tre chn�en hy�Rcxr�ower aubject w l.ader'� ,
<br /> wpE»nvsil which shAll twt ix unrcAronably w3thheld. If�w�r f�tla to m�fnWrt cova��ie�cribed abuve,l..arier roWy,�'
<br /> txoder�s vptbn.c�tMain eaverN�e tu proroct L,endare dght�in the l�perty in acca+d�utua with prr�gny�b 7. .
<br /> A1t lnwr+w�ce poli�:iei��d r�a�ew�ehall t�rece�table a Landar�nd�wU inciuda r�d n+ort�ye ctw�e. l.ax�er
<br /> ch�ll have Uw t�t ro Iwkt the polkks and.r�w�la. Yf Gender requlre�.Sctiirnwar�U poanptly give w l.atdat s!I roee�ts
<br /> of�w paein,ioun..na roaawat�.e.. Irt tbe a�ent of las,9omaw�r�G.u��{ve p�+m�pt eotioe w t�e i�r.roe c�*i�.�ia "
<br /> Ltnder. Lendor mriy m�1ce prnof ot lae IE nobm�te prampdy by Bartower. ,
<br /> UnkKS t�srder�Hcxrya+vrx uu�ej w{ae s+�pae ui w:itui��i►�w-���:ww+�•:•t+.�lt E;.:.j.�tlasl W t^�:..tian ar.tzg��r sf ..
<br /> the Pto�pmty dMn��ed. If UK reitaatbn rx rep�lr if econon�cally fe�ibk aad 1.a�krY sxurit� i�apt lessM�edr� lf the
<br /> rc�uxuion cx rcpair is na ocwtamic�liy,�Fciiaibk or Lendrrti aecurity would.bc leseened, tho i�wuur�noe p�ai.�e�ds�hrtl be .
<br /> �pp{icd to the r;unw eecurod by thls 3xurity lestrumci�4 whether or not then due�with any exoesw pdd to Horrowa. If
<br /> �wrower ab�nrlo�u the Fro�erty. or dor�not�wet withio�0 d�ya �not�ca fin�at LeiWer that Rba tn�unNCe c�rtier h�s
<br /> af�mi to�eulo a cluim,then Lertdr.r may colk�:t tlx insurar�cS proceads. LenAer may use the Qtocoedit,to repRic ar reato�e
<br /> titie PrflpeRy or to psy sums sxured by tbla Security lnstrument,whether a�►at tlx�due. 'i7ie 30-dap pa'iad will be�in wbai
<br /> thc tiotice ie givert.
<br /> • Unl�s Lerdsr and Borrower ottrcFwise agree i�wriring,anY application uf proceeds to prinsipal aiuU�iot extrnd�x
<br /> postpone tha due datc of thc manthly psyments nfemed u�in parsgr�phs 1 and 2 or change tho amtwnt of the payrtia►ca. If
<br /> undet ppr�grapte 21 tbe I'ropecty is acquited by Lender,i`rorrowpr�s right to aay insutanx policies�d pmceodx resuldng
<br /> ft+asn damage to thc Prap4rty prior to the ncqnIsition shnU pass to I.ender to the cxttnt af the surns s�ecuoed by tlus Security
<br /> Insm�ment immediately prlor to the ucquisitirxt.
<br /> f. Occ�Wt�9. Praervatton� Mdntenaaoe and Pnotection ot the PmP�+t]i Bo�'rv+rct'a i.aiw AppBatioo:
<br /> ],te�ch�1�. R�xrawer r.hnll accupy.esta6Ltsh,aad use the Propecty as Bormwer's ptincipRt nsIdenee within siary days�Rer
<br /> tha exeauttu�n of this 5ecudty Instrument end shall continue to occupy the Property as Bixrower"s princlpW reslderice for st
<br /> least one year after the data of accupnncy. ursless l.ender oWerwise agrecs in wriling, wbich oonsent slt�il not be
<br /> unteasonably withheld,or unless extenuaitng circumswnces exist which are beyond Bolrawer's control. Flom�wer shall nox
<br /> destroy.damag�e or impair tha Property.aUow the Propsrty to dete�iorate,or commIt wastc on th�e Property. Bomower shall
<br /> be in default if any forfettu�e ucdon or proceeding.whather civil or crlminal.is begun d�at in L.�nder's goed t'aith judgmcnt
<br /> coutd result in fodetture of the Etmperty ur otherwise materially impair tha lien creatal by tbis Security Instrument or
<br /> LenderSs security interes� Borrower mny cure such u default aad reinstute,as provided in pacagraph 18.by causing the uction
<br /> or procaeding to be dismissed with a niling tha�in Lender�s gcwd falth determinasion,p�ludes farfeiture of ttte Boauwer5
<br /> interest ln the Property or other mnterinl impairment of the Gen creuted by this Sectuiry Instrumont Qr I.ender's secwIty
<br /> inteces� Borrower shall olso be in default if Bormwer. during the loan upplication process, gave materially false or
<br /> inaccurate Infonnution or suttements to L.ender(or fnUed to pmvide Lender wlth any materisl infomi3tion)in cqnnectIon wIth
<br /> the loan ev[denced by the Note, tncluding, but n�ot limited to. nepmsentadons concemtng Borrower'� accupancy of the
<br /> i�c�{rcrty as a��rat res�tcacc. If tlt�s Sccsusty�su:ss�ss 3d oss a less::els�ld.Baxms�e:shs!!��rnglg uith$14 t�!�v,ct�e�
<br /> of the Sease. If Borrower acquin�s fee title to the Property,the leusehold und the fee tlde shall not merge anless Lei►der a�,mes
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protecitaa af 1,4ader's Rlghts tn the Property. If Borrower fails to perfoYm the covenunts and agYrements
<br /> contained in this Security Instrument, or there Is a legal prnceeding that may slgniticandy uffect Lender� rigttts in the
<br /> Pc�operty fsuch�.s a praceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for.:ondemnudon or forfeiture or to enforae laws or reguladoas).then
<br /> Lender may do und pay for whatever Is necessary to pmtect the vulue of the Property and Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> 'c Lender's actlons may include puying any sums secured by u lien which has prlority over this Securlry Iastrument,appearing
<br /> in court,paying re.nsonuble attorneys'fees and enterin�an the Property to mnke c�epairs.Although Lender may take acdon
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do�o.
<br /> My umoun�ts dlsbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shal! become udditional debt af Barrower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Horrower uad Lender agree to ather terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate und shnll be payable. with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower mquesttn$
<br /> pay�menG
<br /> 8. Mortg,age Insw�ance. If Lender�quired mortgage insurunce us u cond[don of making the lnan secum.ct by this
<br /> S�curity Instrument,Bo:rower shull pay the premiums mquired to maintuin the mortgage lnsurance in effec� If,for any
<br /> reason, the mortg�re insurance coverage requlred by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shalt puy the
<br /> 4 "„,�` , premiums required to obtaic� coverage substantialty equivatent to the raongnge insurunce prevloasly in effe�t. ut u cost
<br /> �.,,,_°��;, �c= �� substanUally equiv�lent to the cost to Bomower of the mort�age insuritnnce pc�eviously in effect� from an altemate mortgage
<br /> ' . instu+er approved by Lender. lf substantially equivalent mortgage lnsurance covernge is not available,Bortower shall pay to
<br /> ��?''�� � LendQr ench month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium beiag paid by Borrower when the
<br /> . i.' .
<br /> insumnce covera�e lapsed�r ceased to be in effect. I.ender will accepi.use und retuin these payments as a loss�cserve In lieu
<br /> }�:�`� ' of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be mquired.ut the optton of Lxnder.if mortgage insurance
<br /> �-' °' covemge(in the nmount and for the period that I.ender requices)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> �� � ' � avaltable und Is obtwined.Borrower shull pay the premiums required to maintain mort�oge insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> ,},.. '' � lnss reserve.until the requirement for mort�a$e insunutce ends in uccordunce with any wdtten agreement between Botrower ;;�
<br /> �,.,:_�: and Lender or appltcuble law.
<br /> +rK.��. �C �� 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its ngent may make reasonable entri�s upon and inspections of the Praperty. Lender shnll
<br /> - ° give Borrower nopce at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying musonable cawe for the inspecdon. � �
<br /> , 10. CondemnaUo». The proceeds of nny aw:uJ or cluim for dumages,direct or consequential,in connecdon with nny
<br /> ' ,�. Singie E'ami�y»Funnie MaelFlreddk htac UNIFORM II�STRUM�IVT--Unifa�m Covenants 4f90 fp�+Rr 3 oj6�wgesl `
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