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<br /> c�.�demi.i�tian c,r c�t�king uf�ny p�rt nf the l�n�„y.ar tbr canv�yarwe in fiw o�c�a�x�:�re ikreby au►i�nod�ad „
<br /> . xtu�ll be p�td to��e�xkr.
<br /> !q thc rvent crf r total tekiry c�t'.the N�o�ee+ty.�sh�U ba appiiod �o th� wna �d by d�is 9�wily
<br /> Inatcument.whRt}rof or�a•thnn due�with any exces� u>Bo�vv'ver. �In.�ba awnt of R}�d�l d dr e'1u/alpr is
<br /> whica the r.0 a�k�et v�iwe af the F4a�pntr ia�aae�r�a�O eb�i�l�ir«�c w at F..Mr t�wn dw..wqt or tw m..�
<br /> nrcured by chis Security lnetnuae�c iu�medlMefy befae Me Wdo��ynleM Bon�er�al LadK alrs�oiM+ya�iw w�Wy. ,.
<br /> dti:.»u+it:::CCU::.t1 tsy thi.".S.2t�c'ir; it�iti?�a!r!tt-h+►01 F�ee-rhww!Fsy Ihe atm��nt�tFM�j trwhiplied bV IM fWlGeiri�t �•
<br /> t�ctiwr (a)the�aW�no�a�t of the wnM�ecu�+ed ims�edlre�bekrre t�e qkin�,divided b�)�faira�wlw►v�iir d� .
<br /> prolxrtY immcdi�elY before t}K taki»�. Any l�laaoe y1W1 paW to Balbwer. !a•t6e evAOt o�a p�d�d takin�ol.dre
<br /> 1'r�npecty in which ti�n fa�s.marlGet value of the Propesty imtnediatety before the t�Icln=is laut du�n the amar�t of tbe;uou�
<br /> aecuia! immediately txfa+e t�tdc3�►B.unle#s Borro�ver�nd i,�ende�od�mw�e ap�ee W writL+�a�u�ku �ppucaAk lrw �
<br /> otlterwise provides�the procads ata�l be�pplied to tho cumb�ecuted by thl�Secur�ry Inwument wbelber or not d�wau a�
<br /> Iben c{ur., ,� .
<br /> If Q�e Ptcfp�ztty is abandoncd bY Borrowtr.or if.aftcr rx�tice by Lendrr ta Borrawor th+�t the cmde�mar oifon t�o m�ke
<br /> an Awu�d or seak a cl�im for d�una�es,Barower fails to ces�id to L�kr witlila 3�1 d�,ys vlter the daee the notia ia Slwn.
<br /> Lender is authoclzexi ta collect md�ly the peaYeda,at its optian,either to restacation or rep�ic of tht'Pro�ecty or to d�e
<br /> sums secui+ed by thi,s Security Listrucnent,wheth�r os not thrn due. ..
<br /> Unkss I.ender and Bo►rower oUxtwise agra in writing,eny applkation.of p[oGCeds to principi{sba11 not ext�ead or
<br /> postpona the due due of the monthlY�yments refe�rcd to in parsgraphs 1 and 2 oc chAnge tbe�utNwnt of auch p�ymaMY.
<br /> lt. Bonowcr Not Rekaed� I�lorbearance By l.eader Not � Watver. Extrnsion o[ tqe time for piy�nent or
<br /> modi�ication of amoctt�tlon of tho sumv sxWnd by thts Security Insdument granted by l.ender to my suoeassor i�i�t .
<br /> of Bomnwer shaU twt operate to release t!►C Ilabllity of the originai�rrower or Bonvwera��ucexssor�ia u,tw�st�,Lc�d�:r
<br /> shall nd berec�ui�ed tn commence praceedings agalest any successor fn itstemst or refuse to eztend.tIme for paymeut os
<br /> i othtrwtse mod fi y amortizadon of the snms sezured by this Securiry instrume�t by reason of any demsu�d mxie by thc origioal
<br /> � Dar[ower or Botmwer�s successors in interest Any fortaearar►ce by Lender in cxercising a�iy right or nmody shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude the exercisc of any right or nmedy. •
<br /> 12. Suocessoss And AssiBos Bound;Joint and Several Ltabll[ty;Casigners. 't?�e covenanu and agraments of this
<br /> Security Iaswment shall bind a�td benefit the successars and asslgns of L.ender and Borrower,subject w tbe prov�Sla�s of
<br /> paragraph 17.'Hortower�s covennnts and ogreements shall be joint und severnl.My BomnwEr who co-signs this Security
<br /> Inswment but does not execute the Note: (s+)is co-sigreing this Security Imswment only to mortgage,grans and canvsy th�t
<br /> Borrowerk interest in the Propsrty un�er the tertns of this Securicy Ir�swment; (b)Is not peisonally obGgata!to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Securicy Instn:ment;�ind(c)ng�ees that Lender and any other Borrower�rtay ag�tx to extend.modify,focbear
<br /> n
<br /> or rt�ake any aocommodations with �egard to the tertns of thls Securlty Instiument or the Note witltout that Borrower's .
<br /> cs�ns�n�. .
<br /> 13. Lwm Char�es. If the loAn setured by this Security Insuvment is subject to e Inw whieh sets maximum loan
<br /> , charges.and tbat luw�s t3naUy intecpreted so that the lnterest or other loan charges coUected or m be coUected in connection
<br /> witb the loan exceed the pennitted limits,then: (a)any sech loan chnrge shall be i+educed by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> the churge to the permiaed limi�and(b)any sums already collected fmm Borrower which exceeded peimitted limits will be
<br /> c+efunded to Boaower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct pnyment to Bonower. If u refund reduces princtpal,the reduction will be treated ns u psutial ptepayment wlthout any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any norice to Borrower pmvtded for in this Security Instrument shall be given by detivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by fust class mail unless uppticuble law requires use of unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Properiy
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower destgnates by nodce to Lertder. Any nodce to L.ender shull be�iven by fiist class
<br /> mail to Lender+s uddress stated herein or any other add�ss l.ender designutes by nodce to Borrower. Any notice provIded for
<br /> fn this Security Insdument shnll be deemed to huve been�iven to Borrower or Lender when given ns provided in this
<br /> P•'uaBraPh.
<br /> 15. Governing Law;Severubility. This Security Inswment shn11 be govemed by federal lnw and the law of the
<br /> jurisdict�on in whtch thc Property is tocuted. U�the event that any pra:�i�i^.^.or clause of this Security instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such conflIct shaU not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Notc whlch enn
<br /> be given effect wtthout the conflicttng provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of thIs Securlty Instnunent and the Note are
<br /> declared w be severable.
<br /> ,'i�'��''` � 16. Borrnwer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of she Note and of this 5ecurlty Insttvmen�
<br /> ,�r"��•�� 17. 'Itansfer of the Proper0y or a Benetidal Interest i�Borrowar. If ctl!or uny psut of the Property or any inte�st in
<br /> ,..�.,..��r,'a�'
<br /> '-r�-:�:. It is sold or uansferred(or if a beneHcial intcrest in Borrower is sold or trunsfened and Sorrower is not a natutul person)
<br /> _ix. _
<br /> ,._:.t�.r�-, without Lender's prior written consent.Lender may,ut its optIon,require immediste payment in full of all sums secw+ed by
<br /> .=.;:�r•"•.e�h this Security Insnumen� Howevsr,this optton shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federnl luw as og
<br /> ";7;�t.Y(`';... the date of this SecurIty Instrumen�
<br /> "''`'``'�' If Lender exercises thts option,Lender shall give Bocrower notice of ucczlerution. The norice shall provtde a period of
<br /> �,., ,
<br /> �'z��"' not less thun 30 days fcom the date the nodce is delivered or muiled within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> .�•�..���- :
<br /> ;;n-�•.:�; Security Inshvment If Bomower fells to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> `!:_. . •� r, remedies pem�itted by this Security Instlument without further nodce or demund on Boirower.
<br /> � �����°`��s;-° 1& �orrower's Rfght to Refnstnte. If Borrower meets certaL� condttlons. Borrower sh�ll have the right to have
<br /> �'�'��`•;�����'� � enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinucd ut any time prior to the eArlier of: (n)S days(or such other period as
<br /> �,•"�',' " � Single Fnmily--Fann[e MaelFYtddte Mnc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT--Unifom�Covenants 9/90 (paRe 4 njb pngca►
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