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<br /> 'lYx3I:7'tlClt Wl7'li afl tlx:l�a�ptovtme�jts nuw ur}icrexftrr erct�ed��ti�pmpcaty,an�S at1 raxm�n►tx.nppustc�a�. ^
<br /> and�xn�res n��w ur IxrenRer a part af etio pn+pcny. RII apl�ements aid'sddi�icN►x xh�ll�1�6e cnvend by thi�3anriry
<br /> ln�urwnent. AID of the torr.�ainj i�tieferred to ln th+s,Secucity ln��unnenn M the"P►+�patY•" . ,.
<br /> B�RitQW�R COVBNAMCS th�t Bamwtr Is I�wfutly►eei�ad af 1Me e�tatn l�aeby conve�^ed aud iw dMS ri�W w�c
<br /> �td c+onvey tLe P�+aty�ad thot the P�erty is uneacumbered.exaupt for�wcumbnu���f raad. Ba�rowar wsrtap�and � :
<br /> will dafrnd�ner+dly tf�e tiUo ta t!�Prapeety y�ain�t all cl�i�na�1 dem�nds.+ubj�ct�o��d hoa�nL
<br /> 'iHiS S�iJ�iiT°�f i�1S'I'RL�MLiN'�'cw�i�Sc:� urifam� cesca*�!� fin n���,"�•� n� nrui r��nifor�!+ covenu�t� wltB
<br /> limitad vaci�tio��s by Juri�d�.'�iun to caa�dtuta x�unifonn socurity iim�xr�nt�^ovains real prdperty: �
<br /> UNI.FORM COVENAN7'S. Aorrower uai Lender cover�wt�f�rae u fdbw�:
<br /> l. ll�y�eNt a[lrbeip�d�ed IM�trat:lkep�'�t�t�i.�N Cl�rps. Baaawer�iall pmmptlY MY wAaa chie thR
<br /> Principtl of and iaterest on the deM eviderked by tlwa Nou�sd any psepaYnxnt and lue chat�ta duie nnd�Or db N°k.
<br /> �. Fyed�for'k�za a�d I�urawta Sul�}ect ta appUcable law oc to a wrluen waiver by Lendor.Borm�+ae shd11M►�►to
<br /> l�tnder on the dqy monWy P�Ymenta are dne utider the NMa.uaidl�he Nuto is paid in tidl�a sum("Rubs")for:(�)Yeatt�r „ .
<br /> uxea�nd,�ssessments which may attnin p�iarit�r over this Securiry i�t as a tien un 1}►e P�qierty.(b)Y��Y k��
<br /> WY�nts or ground rent+on Q�e �tapc�ty, if eny:(c?Y�9� a P��Y �uraace p�em[ums�: (d) yariY tlood
<br /> insurance premiums,Ff any: (e)Yeuly matBago u►wra�ca P�'�miums.if an :and(�ateY � P�Y�bY'B«eowa w
<br /> Lender,in accocdanCe with the provisiona of perysr�pt►8.in lieu of the pay�nt of nwitg�ge iasuruice Premismas. 'Eheae
<br /> items are called"Bscmw Itemg." Lender tn�y.at�y t�nie.coUect and hold Wnds ia aa amount nvi to eacood the maaiawm
<br /> amount a lender fos a fedentlly calated mo�tgsge low may taqulro fa►r Bom�wer�escmw ancatat nradet tbe fedesal Kal
<br /> Euau Senlement P�ocedurcs Act of 1974 as amended frorn 6me cd timG.�2 U.S.C.�2601 et uq.("R�SpA").�mless an9tDer
<br /> law t�at agpl�cs to the R�Rds ssts a lexs�s amoun�. I�so.i,encier may,at aaY time.c t ead hold�nds in aa na�ount eat w
<br /> eaceed the lcsser amount i.euder may estimau tDe amanm of Eiincls due on the basis of currrnt data and reasonabia
<br /> estim�tes of tacpendiwrss af futute Esc�uw Iu�m.v or otherwist ln accadance wit1�aPPliable taw.
<br /> 71te Ei�nds shall be held in an institudon whase deposits et�e insiued by a fedetal agenoy. instnwoenfaliry,or eaflty
<br /> (inctuwng Lendcr.if Lc,nict is suc�bn�tutiad3 ar fa aay�ct�t Y•ame Losa Bank. 1.ESxckt sball agply thc Fimds to pay .
<br /> tt�e Escrow items. Lender may nr�t charge Bortower for holding and npplyIng the Rindg.annnaUy analYLinE t�escrow
<br /> aocc�ua� or verifying the Escmw [te�sa.untess LeaQer pay�Borrower iaterest on the Ii�nds ond app�tcab2c taw ae�mits
<br /> 1.ender to make such a charse. However.l�ider may reyuue Soirower to pay a one-titae cDarge f�x ao ivadependent real
<br /> estate tu neporting service used by l.ender in conaec4ion with thts loaw.unless applicable law provides otit�rise. Unless an
<br /> age�nent!s ma�{e or upplicuble law requi�es iaoerest to be paid.Lender sAall aot be requ�red to pay Borniwrrc aay Iaurest or
<br /> earaings oa the Pwnds. Bomnwer and L�der may agree�n wridug.however.tbat interest shatl be paid on the Fu�ds. L.ender
<br /> shall givo to Bomnwer.without charge,am unnual aocountinS of the Funds.showing cndits an�d�@[ts to the Fbnds nad the
<br /> putpose for which each debit to the Funds was m3de. 'llie�nds an pledged As s�ddiaonal secrraiQy for all sums socured by
<br /> Wis�ecuriry lasaument.
<br /> If the Fands htW by Lender exceed the urnounts permiaed to be held by applicuble law. Lender shall axount to
<br /> Barmwer for the excess Fiiads in accoidance with the reywremeau of applicable law. Lf the amount of tbe Pl�ads held by
<br /> Lender tit any time is noi sut�icteat to pay the Bscmw Items whe�due.Lender may so uotifj+13otrower tn wrifing,and.ln
<br /> such c�se Ba�mwer shall pay to Lender the amount aecessary ta make up the deficIeucy. H+o�rower sball make up the
<br /> deficleacy in�o more than twelve monthly payments.c�t Lender's sole di.screaon.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all swns secuced by this Securlty Instiumea�l.ender shall pmmpdy refund ta Baaower any
<br /> F�nds held by Lender. If.under patagiapb 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell the Property.Leader,prlor to ct�e acquisition or
<br /> sale of the Aropetty.sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquislHon ur sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Inst:umen�
<br /> 3. Applintbn d P�ymwts. Unless applicable law provid�s otherwise. all puymeats�eived by I.ender uader
<br /> Raragraphs I sud 2 shall be applled:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable n�uder
<br /> paragrnph 2:thiN.to�aterest due:fot�th,to priacipal due;and last.to siny late charges due uuder the Note.
<br /> � Q. Charge� Ltens. Borrower shall pay aU taxes, cissessments,c�es. fines aad imposidons attributable to the
<br /> Propetty wdich may nttain priority over thts Security Instrument,ond leasehold paymenu or gronnd rents.�f any. Borcower
<br /> shall pay d�ese obligations ia the manner pmvided.in paragraph 2.ur if not paid In that manaer.Boaower shall pay them on
<br /> dme dineatiy w the person owed paymeaG Bosower shall prompily fu:aish to Lender all noti��es of amounu to be pairl under
<br /> tdis paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Boirower shaU prompdy fumisli to Lender receipts evideacU�g
<br /> ,;:v� ��' the payment�.
<br /> `t;� ''�-r'�=• -' Bornower shatl pmanptly dlxharge any tien whio5 mas priority over this Seciunry Inst�umettt unless Bomnwer.(a)agrees
<br /> 7�'���.�... . . �q
<br /> �.� .-'.-�0�;,� fn writing to the paym�nt of the obligauon socumd by the Uen in a manner accepta�7e to Lender.(b)rnnrssts in good faith tlie
<br /> �':�;L:^��.;. lien by.or defends agal�nst enfon:ement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender�o�inion operate to prevent the
<br /> ",:',s. ;;�;,;';; enfonememit of the Gen:or(c)secures�ram the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfctctory ta II�ndet subordinating the tien
<br /> �;�; =�.w�;�}?+�: W tltis Securily Iasmiment If Lendet detemaines that any purt of the Property is subject to a lien wirich may attain priorlty ;
<br /> `�; 4,;:��.; � over this Security Iusttument,Leader may glve Barroarer a notice iden6fying the lien. Borrower shaU sadsfy the Iten or take :�.�:�
<br /> � ��w.:: : one or more of the acti.zns set forth aMve within 1�days of the giving of nodce. _
<br /> ,,` .•: �����^`' S. Aazard or I'roperiy Insnrance. Bomdwer shall keep the improveaieu�s now existing or hereatter e�ectad oa the
<br /> '��''���= ` Pmperty insuned against loss by fire,i�s�zards included wlthin ttte teim"extended coverage"untl nny other hazards,including
<br /> �"=':�:;.°.�"';' ; floods or floodin g, for whIch Lender ieqnires�nsurance. 'Ihis insurance shall be matntained In the amounts aad for th:. •
<br /> � . '�`�;4
<br /> " �,
<br /> �..�wf':i�T. .�
<br /> �0:,:�~ , :.t; Form 3UZ8 9/90 IPaBe 2 oj6 yage.r► :.�
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