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<br /> . ,con�kmn�tiun nr ahex ta,4.ing of any p�ri n€the t'm{�erty.�r fnr canvoyance in fiaac�c�t c�1�krt�u�t�+�����!!"��
<br /> ahall he ptid�n I,t�xScr. ' • _ ., �
<br /> In tht evait uf�tatat'ukL�� of the I�ropa�ly�the�i�ocatl��i1�i1 bC applied w�i�e auttu mcwsd by thiu Sacurity�,
<br /> Gutrunxnt. wl�etfier a not dbn du��with sny rxoaA'psid ta Bo�mwer. 1n sbe c�+rent c�f a patlsl Wci�y af dIs A�iap�ty 6t
<br /> whlch•the f�ir m�rk�t vMlue of the Propeny immodfwtety befinte tho t�kinK fa eqa�t to tic�ter tl�n t'�e�nwunt ot�hc awna►
<br /> e�,cwiaf by lhis Security.iaWnn�hent innoe�lalely beforc the tatin�.�►u�ks�Bamciwet�td L+erder otbuwiw+Ke�esia writln�. ,.
<br /> thc aums eccured by th�e Security Instrumen�nt►w1E be�educod by Ihe�mount d'tl�e prooe�cM rmtildpiiod thR 1b�Mow�
<br /> tractfan: (u�tine towl�nww+�u;tJ�bu.���cw.�l G�1ux:dl:�i::1y{r.:i�x.:Rc�:.G.'..-L'y.dlvidcd by(b)ttr:fc3r tr.:�±��vR1r�M'tt!e.
<br /> u
<br /> P�operty immedi�tely befae the Wcin�. My b�W�ce ahalt be p�W w 8amwer. In tha tvent ot w p�u'ti�i �o[d�t
<br /> l�e+openy ia w�kh the.fuir mufcct'�lratue ot the Ptnpe:ty lmmedWely befo�ne tha t�kieg is lau t6um tAe ur,ount ot wms �
<br /> aecurcd it►tmedittely before the t�icing.unto�s B�rower au�d Lender otl�e�i�o a�roe in writ+n�ar unlesy a}�pli�abk law
<br /> otherwise piuvfdes,tha proceedu sha11 be upplled to thc aum�sacured by thfs Sxurlty In�meat whether or not the Runu ue
<br /> then due. � .
<br /> If tbe Froperty ta ab�ndoned by Horrower.ur if,aRer notice by I.endes ta Botrowei th�t the catdnm�xx o�'fers�o t� .,
<br /> an awaM or seule a ctatm for damages.Bamower faiis to respor�l tu L e�Kkr withtn 30 daYs aftcr the dau�he aotice t�glvsn, •
<br /> Lender ie anihorfud ta collect and apply the proceeds.et ita opdon.either to nstor+�tion a ap�r of the Prope�ty or to d�a
<br /> sums secut+ed by thi�SecurIty Insbum�n�whethcr or not thtn�iue.
<br /> Ualess Lender and Buirower 4iherwis�e egt�e�in writing.eny 8pplicetion of procceds to pr[r�cipal xh�il nat extend ar
<br /> postpone the due dau of the montF��payments roferted to in paragmptte t and 2 or ohuige the amount of such pnyments.
<br /> 1L Borrof►a' Not Rdeased; Forbtar� BY Lende� �1ut • WatvH: ExtensIot► of tha time for paymec►t or
<br /> modlfc.cattdn of emortization of die sums securai by tbis Secwity Insttument gcutted by Lender ta eay sucte.ssor in intec�at
<br /> nf Aarmwcr s,hall aat apernte no nIease the liabitity of the or�gtnal Eor,rower or Borrawor�s sucassors in intetesG i,eader
<br /> shall.nat be talul�d to commence procadings uguinst any successor in[ntenst or nefuse to eaaad dnup for pay�arnt or
<br /> otheiwise rnodify umortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Insuumenc by�eawn of any dentand msdo by the orfglntl
<br /> Botrower or Borrower`s suc�;essore in interesG Any forbeatacice by Lender in exercising any right or nmedy sheli not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Sueassora and Assigns Bound;Jotat�utd SeveraR Llabil[t�;Co-stgners. The coveaants and egreements of this
<br /> Security Instrumt�tt shall bind and benefit the sunassois and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the pr�visions of
<br /> paragraph 17. BorrowerS�covenuats and agrcements shuU be joint and several.Any Barrower who co-signs this Socurity
<br /> Instnunent but dces not eaecute the Nota: (a)is co-slgoin�this Serurlry Instnunent only to mortgage.qtant nn8 convcy that
<br /> Borrower�s interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instmment; (b)is noi personally obligated to pay the sums ,
<br /> sec�ned by this Securlty InstTUment;and(c)ug�ecs that Lender artd uay other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbear
<br /> or make nny nccommodsitlons with negard to the temis of this Security Insuvment or the Note w[thout that Bonower�
<br /> consent.
<br /> 23. La��C[aarg�. If she lasss secssse�!by!l�is S�urity Is��mpt!t iA cub�ect to a law which sets maztmum loan
<br /> chaeges.and that I�w Is finaUy Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collecied or to be coltected in connecdon
<br /> with the loan exceed thc permitted Umits.thea: (a)any such loan charge shalI be reduced by the amount nea4sitry to reduce
<br /> di�charge to the peimItted limi�and(b)any swns already collected from Somnwer wfiich exceeded petmitted limits wIll be
<br /> refunded to Boimwer. Lender may chaosa to make this refund by reducia�g ahe principal owed under the Note or by ma(cing a
<br /> dlrect payment to:�otrower. If a refund reduces princ�pal.the reduction will be treuted us a partial prepc4yment w�thout any
<br /> prep�yment churge'uiider the Note.
<br /> I4. Noticeg. Any aouce to Barrower provlded far in this Security Instr�ment sheU be given by dellvering lt or by
<br /> mailing it by first class m�l unless appU¢able law requires usc of another method.The nodce sh�it be djrecte�to the!'mperty
<br /> Address or any other address Bomower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fust class
<br /> muil to l.ender�s nddress stnted herein or any other address Lender designates by noNce to Borrower. Any noace provtdal for
<br /> L► this Security(nstrument shaq be deemed to have been�Iven to Bomower or L,ender when given as pravided in�his
<br /> P��Ph.
<br /> 1S. Governing Law; Severebqtty. 'Thie Securlty Instrument shall be gc�vemed by federal Iaw end the law of the
<br /> jurlsdiction in which the Propecty is locuted. in thc event that any provision or clause of this Secur�ry Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts wtth npplicable law,such confltct shall nat affect ottter provisions of this Securiry Instrurrient or the IVote wlilch cnn
<br /> be given effect without the cvnflicting pcovision. 'Ib this end the pmvisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are
<br /> declnred to be sev��able.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Gopy. Barrower shnll be given one confonned copy of ihe Note and of this Securlty InsmimenG
<br /> I7. 1lrensfer ot the Prnperty or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If a11 or nny purt of the Property or any interest in
<br /> 1"�" it is sold ur tranafemed(or if a bene�ciai intsrest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bomower is not a natural porson)
<br /> wltflout Lenderk prior written consent,Lender may,at its opGon.require immediate payment in full of ali sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. However.this option shull not be exercised by Lender if exenise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> the date of this Securlty Instrument.
<br /> If Lendrr exercises this optlon.Lender shall give Bosrower notice of acceleradon. The nodce shall pmvide a perind of _
<br /> nat less than 30 days fiom the date the nodce is del[vered or matled within which Borrower must pay all sums sr.cured by this
<br /> �z . Security Tnsuument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to the expiration of thls perIod.i.ender may invoke any
<br /> remedies peimitteal by thia Securfry Instrument without further not�ce or demand on Horrower.
<br /> 1R. Borrowcr's Right to Retastute. If Bormwer meets certain condttions,Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> ^•� , enforcement of this Securiry[nswment discontinued at any time prior to the enriier of: (n)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> �; , Single Famity»FLnnk MaeJFYMdie N(ac IMIFORAI INSTRUMBNT--Uniform Covenena 9l90 (poge 4 oJb pc+gr.r) ''"•`
<br /> �',�' .
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