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<br /> � rlody th�t I�:nder rc uirrs. The Inscaranre�attier�raviding the lnturanco Rhell he chnxn by Aam��b}act�ri
<br /> � A�js�novaf wAich Klutl��xx be unnagnnahly wUl�tr.id. If 8titrosiver t'�Ela ro rn�inttln cov�r�g�desc:ribad abovr,l.ender mxy.at
<br /> I�endert aptkm,obtMln cavenQe t�peotect I.en�r�rl�lnta in theYmp�r�y in a�:coc�dunCG w(th puegrnph 7,
<br /> Alt in�ur�xe pollcies wx�.rcnswds Klull be�e;xtblo to t.encfer Nrid ah�ll inclxl��rt�nd�malg�Be cfruse. I.enekr
<br /> sh�ll have iho d�hi ta hnld the policies wxl renaw�ly. lf[xnder rayuin�.8orcowrr eh�nll pr�mptl�+Bire tn d,ender dl rxeipa
<br /> , of prid pcemlumr�nd ra�ew�l notkaai. In the event nf tou,Barower�half�lve pranps nailce to the l�u�u�xo c.aeskr�ae!
<br /> I.endrr. Lender m�y m�lce pe�oof of la�+if aot mrsde pmmptiy by 8ormwe�.
<br /> (1nk��t�dei�nd�ur,ti,warr uzi�iw;so�gi.�i�i wsltli�g�ln:curance presctd� shnRl he nppl[ed to�ataration or�pair.of
<br /> tt►e PropeAy dantit�ed. if the restocation ar repair f: Gew�onsically feaaibk artd benderti eocuriry is rtat ksee�d. if the
<br /> rest�tiva a rep�ir{a nat ecar►ocnically fe�taiblo or Lenderb �security would be lessened.�Ite inaurance pn�ceeda siu�11 ba
<br /> applied to.the awns securod by thls Secudty Instrumen�whcAkr or ncx then due,�+viA�any excesa paid to �iormwer.' If
<br /> Bormwer ab�ndais the�'mpe►tY.or does not answer with►n 30 days a nulice from I.endar that the innur�m:e cartkr h�c
<br /> offered ta scttta a ctaim,Wcn L.ei►der may callect the insurnn4e p�oceal9: L.ender mc►y use tha procada to re�air or reswre
<br /> dK property or tn pay sums secured by thia SecurEry Insuunxnt,wheihor er npt then due. The 30�day perlad wdl begin when
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ogree in wri�ng.any c+pp�icadon of p�s to prina�pal shall nat eatend or
<br /> postpone tha due date oF tho manthly payments sefemd to ln paragraphs t cu�d 2 or change the sunount of the pAymenta. 1f .
<br /> under paragruph Zl t1�e Pmperty is ucquired 6y i.ender.Borrower�a right ta any insumnce policies and pmcuds nsulang
<br /> fcom damage to tho Pa+oporty prtor ta the acquisitton Fha1l pass to I.ender tc►the eacent of tho suma sccured by thia Secudry
<br /> Insttumeat immedIately prlor to the acqutsldon. g�awec's Lo�n A ikatbn;
<br /> 6. pccupan�ry, preaervatlon, M�tn�epance �nd Pwtectton ot the Pr�ape�ty, Pp
<br /> Lea�ehokle, &►mnwer ahaU nccupy.estnbllsh.nad ose tho Hoperty us Borrowerls principal rosldence within sixty days aRex
<br /> the execudon of this Securtry instniment end shnil condnue to occupy tha PraPert!'as Bon°WU''s Pn�u:�P��i��f8r ate�•.
<br /> least one yea: after the date af occupancy. unless Lender othenvise a�ees in writing, which consent shall not bo
<br /> u�u{et�sonably withheld.or unless eatenanting ctnumstancea exlat which ace bey�nd Borrowerk eontrol. Ho�wer shall rtot
<br /> dest[py.damage or impair the Paopertyr.nllow the P[operty to deterlornte.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> be in default if s�ny forfeiture ncdon or praceediog,whether clvil or crlminal.is begun that in Lender�s good falth judg�aent
<br /> could �+esult in forfeinue of the Property or otherwi�e materlaUy impair tho llen creuted by this SecusIty Insuument or
<br /> L.ender's securlty interes� Hortower may cure such a default und�einstate.ag ptuvided in puragraph 18,by cansing the nction
<br /> ot pmceeding to be dismissed with a nrltng tha�in Lenderk good fuith deurmInation.preclades forfeiwre of the Bomower's
<br /> interest in the Property or other maurial impainneut of the tien cm.nted by this Security Insuvment or Lender's securiry
<br /> tnteres� Boyrower shall also be in default if Borrower.d�uing the loan applicatIon prooess, gave matedally false or
<br /> Inaccurau InformuHon or swuments to Lender(or failed to provlde i.cnder with any material infomiatton)in connection with
<br /> ttee loan Brldenced by the Note. including. but not Wnited to,representatlons conceming k�o�owe,rh occupan�y of the
<br /> ���,�������. �{�}d���nt!�on a�eucehald Bosower shall camDly����provisIons
<br /> of the leasa. If Boirower ucquires�ee title to the Ptupatty.the lensehold and the fee dde shall not mer�e unless I.ender ugrees
<br /> to the merger in wridag.
<br /> 7. ProtecNon of Lenda's Rtghts in the Property. If Sotrower fails to perForm the covenants and agreements
<br /> contained in this Securlty Insuument,or thete is u le�al proceedin� that moy significantly�Affect l.�;nder!� rights in thc
<br /> Pmperty(such as a pmceeding in bunktuptcy,pmbate.for condemnatlon or forfetture or to eaforce laws or regulatlons).then
<br /> Lender may do nnd puy for whatever{s necessary to pmtect the value of the Property and Lenderk righta in the Propeny.
<br /> Lender S acdons may inaluda pAying aay sums secured by n li�n which haa prioriry over this Security Instrument,ctppearing
<br /> in court,paying resLSOnable attomeys'fees and enturing on the Property to mnke repairs. Although Lender may take action
<br /> under this paragrnph 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Aay amounts dlsbur�..ed by Lender under this paragcuph 7 shall become�dditional debt of Borrower s�cw�ed by idis
<br /> Securlty Inshumen� Ualess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,ihese Amounts shall bear interest ftom the
<br /> date of d�sbvrsement at the Note rate und shall be payab(e,with Interest,upon notice from Lender to Bornower requesting
<br /> paymen�
<br /> $, Mortgpge Insuraaa. If Lender requlred mortgage insurance as n candldon of mpking the lvan secund by this
<br /> $ecurity Insuument,Brnruwer shall pay the premiums required to mainw(rt the mortga�e insurance in effecG IP.for any
<br /> >'' � reason. the rtcortgage insurance coverage required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shal! pay the
<br /> �� piemiums reqaired to obtain coverage substnntinlly equivnlent to the mortgage insurance pseviously In effect. ut a cost
<br /> substentially equivelent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance pi�eviously in effect.from an altemate mortgage
<br /> Insurer aRproved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mort�age insurance covemge is not nvuiisble,Bo�wer shail pay to
<br /> L.ender each month n swn equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance prarnium being paid by Bo�rower when the
<br /> inswance wverage lapsed or censed to be in effect. Leader will accept.use und retain these paymenty as n loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of mortgage jnsur.snce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be mquired.at the option of Lender.if mortguge insurance
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period thnt I.ender requis+es)provided by an insumr upproved by Ixnder again becomes
<br /> available and is obtajned.Botrower 3ha11 pay th�e premiums required to maintain mortgage insurAnce in effect,or to pmvide a
<br /> loss reserve,eu�dl the requirement for monga�e insurance ends in accotdsuice wjth any written agreement between IDarrower �F`..
<br /> and Lender or appllcable law. T
<br /> 9. Inspectton. Lender or its agent muy mnice reasonabte enMes vpon und inspections of the Property. Lender sh:�l :�;'�.
<br /> give Borrower norice at the time of or pnor to an inspection specifying reasonuble cause for the inspection. :?
<br /> � � !0. Condemnatfon. The proceeds of uny awurd or cicdm for damages,dtrect or wnsequenriul.in connection wtth any �=.�.`
<br /> M� Single Famfiy»h�annie Mad4YeAdte Mac UNIFORl1!INS1'Rt1Ni61PI'—Uniforcn Covenanb 9l90 (/�agt 3 of 6 pagesl
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