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<br /> " r .... .r..:it:� �����G`i��'.r.Y:.::
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<br /> _ _ -'"___.A. . ;.-' '_'_ _"" '___'.�__.__�_...___ __.�., .�_�. . `. ... ..._.. .:���::'•_.--7�' __"' -YY� .� ..
<br /> ' � ksb{c lsw mRy �pecify fot relnetwamen�;baforc�a4 tbe Prespetty punuant to an�paw�t ot s�������in
<br /> � Sa�'ly[n�t.�urneiit:ur(b)enuy of a judR»�nt enfnrrin�{this Se�:u�ity Instrurrnn4. 'I'hou cnnc3idcx�s arc thxt B�,rrower. (a)
<br /> ��� A.eruler al! aumx which then wnuld fre duc unckr thim Sccudty inatm�C��tht I��J��if�no�����
<br /> ocrurned:(b)cu�r�iaty defiuit of�ny other cove�nU►or s�xmente�(cT�t�Y !� r
<br /> ., lirtnunent. incl,pdin�.but na Ijmioed tcs.rearon�ble�ttatn��s�faw�u�d(d)talrss nuch�actiqn a l.�nda tn�y re+uaia�6tY '
<br /> � toquir�1a jww+4 th�the llea af uhi��ocurity Intuument,l.endGr's dght�in the Rapsrty and a�xmwa9 obUptia�n ta pay dw
<br /> awn� netrorOdby thi� Sncu�ity Inurumeat �hall caadrn�e wtclwo�cd. Upou � bY Bareu+wr. d� �
<br /> in�tn�ment and tho obtl�tione secu�ed hereby ah�ll remdn iully cffcct�ve a lf no ecceleradon hac!ocsum:�• However.efi k
<br /> r�M 10 �n.P�PIY in tbe c�e of�ccelaattun ut�de�pra�rapb!7.
<br /> !l.�af�i t���1�Seraic�r. The Nooe or a pptd�l incer�at in the Noce(to�etiroc wit��bh Sacurity
<br /> Inetn�wt)tu�y be�uold ane a mae Wne9 wlthout ptlar.nMica lu Bc�rnwer. A siale m4y rcautt ln s ctun�s ln the eMity
<br /> (kaawa�r Wd"Lao SKVie�r")Ih�t collacta monthl9 MYmrnro d�ib w�der tUe Nate oad this Socur�ty I�tcumen4 Ti�ere alsa
<br /> moy bo one a more chuiges of the Lo�n Servlcer unrelsted to a s�le of the Nooe. If there is a changc of tbe Y.o�n 9avicer�
<br /> Botrower will i�e g�ven wdtuen nodce of the chango i.n ascurdance with p�ragcpph 14 above end applicable Isw. 'Pbe notice
<br /> wlll st�te Ehe n�rro w�d wklress of the aew Lo�n Servicer and the iddre�s to ahich paymenta ebould be made. Z7ie r�otia wUl
<br /> also cont�in my other informaflo�requirod by npplicsbk liw.
<br /> 2�. Hst+�rd�+r Subt�nca. Borr�wer ahall not cause or pemdt the piesence.use.dispout,etor�ge,or nleate of�ny �
<br /> Hazerdous Substu�ces on or in th�Property. 8omower shail aot do.nor allow anyone elso to do,anythieg�xtiag the
<br /> Property that is in vtolatian of aay Envfronmentnl Law. The preceding two senunces ehall m►t�pply to the pt�esence.use.vr
<br /> stotage on tbe 1'roperty of small quiwtides of Ha•r.ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropri�te to noimal
<br /> resIdendd us�s end to maiatcnance of the Propsrty.
<br /> Hatmwer shall promptlY give Lender written nodce of any iavestigutlan.clatm.demand,lawa�lt ar other ec3IoA by anY
<br /> govrrwueutei oe.agutatary agcncy or private pscty�►volvlag t6e PraFerty aad eny Nez�sdous Sabstpncc or F.nvimnmental
<br /> I.aw of which Horrower das acwal Imowledge. If Boirower leams. or ia nodfied by any governmental a�guls�t�
<br /> autharity.tlut any c�emoval or other t�emedlatlon of any I�lazardou4 Substance affceting ti�e Ptoperiy is aecessary,Baruwer
<br /> shull pmmptly take uU necessary remedial acdons in accordance with Environmenta!Low.
<br /> As used in this pazagraptt Z0."Hazar�ous Substences"ere Wose substences defined as toxtc or hezardous substanc�s by
<br /> Ea�vironmentel Law und the foUowing substancts: gasoline,kerosene.other Aemmuble or to�ic pelrolCUttr pmducts,toxic
<br /> pesticides and heibicIdes,vofadle solvents.matedals coat�ining aabestos or fonnaldehyde,s�ad radioacttve maurials. As
<br /> �sed in this puragraph 20.'Bnvlronmentel Law"means fedezal laws aad luwa of the jurlsdicdon where the Progeny is located
<br /> that relau w heattu.safety or envIronnieMal pmucdon. '
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVHNANTS. Boirower ond Lender further covenaut aad agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Acaekntton;Renndka. Lender ehaU give nottoe to Borrower prior to�caderatto�[olLowing Borrower's
<br /> be+�ctt ot any ooveneat or�ment in thts Secucity Iagtrument(but not prior to accelenttan uader p�ra�raph 17
<br /> amlass appltcabk law pn►vldes otherwise). Tlts notta s6all scpecity: (a)�he default;(b)the�required to cune the
<br /> defiulk tc)a date.net less tdan 30 days 6nm tho date the Qotioe is�ven to Borrower.6y wiui�o t�e defindE�8a
<br /> cured;and(d)that tsitue+e to cure tlte detault on or befon the date specltted in the nottce ma�resatt in accekntien ut
<br /> the swns secured by this Secudty Iagtrument and sale oi tbe Property. The nottoe�sh�ll turt6er infonn Burrower ot
<br /> the r1gUt to reiustrRe aRer aoaleration and the dg6t to brtng a court actMn w essert We non-e�benc,e da ddaalt or
<br /> s�ny other ddense d Horrower to acaleratbn and sal� It the defiiult fs not cured on or before the.dste spec3Qed in
<br /> We notloe,I.ender at itv optton may require immediatc paymeat In tY�U uf all sums secured by this S�r;ity Instrument
<br /> without l�rther demand aad msy involce the power of sale end sny other remedles perin[tted by applkk�bie law
<br /> I.ender s6a11 be enNtled to collect WI expease.v tncureed In pursuing the remedtes provided ta ttils parsgr�p�21,
<br /> Including,but not limited to,reASOnable uttorneys'fees and oosts ot tiUe evidenoe.
<br /> It the power ot sale Is invoked,'Itustee sdeU record e notice of defanit!a eacL ca�nnty in whicd aqy part of the
<br /> prap�rty fs located and ghAll mall coples of suc6 aotice in the manner prescr[bed by appllcable taw t�Borrower�nd to
<br /> the other persons prescrll�ed by�tpp8cable law Atter the tlme reqWred by appllatble law,'ltustee shall glve pubHc
<br /> nottoe ot sale to the persops aad tn the mannec prescribed by appltcable law 7kustee,without demwd on Borror►er,
<br /> s6aII seI!tHe P�+uperty ai pnbUc auction to We 61g6est bWder et We tlme aad place aud under the terms desigo�ted in
<br /> the rsMke of sale tn one or more pae+�xls and In any order 7�ustee determines. 1lrnstee maY posiponE sale of oll or any
<br /> panx!of the Properiy by pubUc announcement at the tima and place of any prevtously sc6edWed sWe. Leader or its
<br /> deslgnee msy putc6ase We Property at any sala
<br /> Upon recelpt of paymept oi the price bid,lYustee sball deHver to the purchaser'Itustee's deed eonveytng tQ�e
<br /> Property. The recItals in the lyvstee's deed ebell be pr[me fade evidence of the truth oY the statements madc thercln.
<br /> 'ltvstee a6aU apply the proeeeds of the sate in the following orders (e)to aU costs and exper�ses of exercising the power
<br /> �,W
<br /> l'l• • !
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