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<br /> TO�ETH'E!2'WlTtt sll the imps�vc-menis rtow oc htreatt�r ei�ec�ted an ttia pmpeKy. �nd �i eaaicmea���puctenr�noeR, .
<br /> anrf Gxtures now a�hereAf'ter a put of�he property. All repiacementa ut►�'!eddlttvna bhef!a1sc�bm covercd by th{s 4r.curaty
<br /> Inxuu�nen� Att aY the fansguing!s r�Pcmed to In ti�is 4ccu�3ty 6�stniment a.v tl�a"Pruperty."
<br /> BUItROWER Ct�VENAN7S that 6utrower i�•l�witilly aelsai of tho eat�te het�eby conveycd�nd Fua the riBAt to�ht
<br /> and canvey the u�d that the Prop�My is une�umherod,except foe encumbrar�ces of cecord. �amwer wuYant�anct
<br /> a
<br /> will defend�ena�l y ttie atle w the Pcoperty��,ainu�l ei�lms and dem�adi.�ub,)ect to�ay eacumbranres of roead.
<br /> 'i'�3IS SECURITY INSTRUMHNT oombincs unifann covenanta fgr natian�U use and non-uniform cnventnts wlih
<br /> litNtad vuI�tions�y Juiisdletlon ta eonstlNU a tudfortn secudty inyt�umrnt cuvering ce�l piupe;ty.
<br /> UN1FO1tM COVBNANTS. Borrorvar and L.e�ler covenant and agnee iu foUows:
<br /> 1. Payment at PrtnclpN u�d{nterea�Prtp�ya�ent�ad Late Chae;a. Botrower shnll prompt1ypay when due the
<br /> ptincipal pf and lnurest oa the de6t evldenced by the Nou and any pc�epayment and lato charges duo w►�cr the Note.
<br /> �, �nd�tor lyua aad lnwru�oe. Subjoct to appllcabie 1aw ar to u written wnlver by Lender.Borc�ower shtJl psy to
<br /> Lender on t6e day awnthly paymcnts are due under tde Nnte.until U►e Note is paid in flill,n sum("�utds")fur.(a)yearly
<br /> taxes and ssstssments whiclt m�y uttein prlority ovar tlila Secvrity Iustnuuent as a iien on U►e Ptoparty.@)yearly leasehald
<br /> payrmanta or gound rents on the Propeety� if eny: (c) Yearly hazand or PropenY insur�nce pttmivms: (� Yearly flood
<br /> insurance pnmiums,if any;(e)yearly mortgag�inaurance pntniums.If any: erid <fl�►Y sums payuble by Bamwar to
<br /> Lender,in uccordance wlth We provlsions of paxagraph 8,in lieu of thepayment of mottgag�inswrance premiuuis. Tbese
<br /> items ac�e called"Esc�+nw Items." Lcnder may.at aay dme.collect and hold Punds ia an nmouat aoi to exceed the maxi�num
<br /> amount a lender for a fedemUy t�elated mortgage loan muy t+equlre for Bomower's esccaw ac�aunt�u�der the federal Real
<br /> Bstate Settlement Pi+uc�fiu�es Act of 1974 as am=nded from dme to time,l2 U.S.C.�Z601 rt seq.("RESPA`�.unless anotljer
<br /> iow th�t applles to tl►e Punds seta a tesser amoun� If so.L.ender may.at aay dme.collect ar►d hoid Punds in un amouat not to
<br /> exc�ed the iesser amounG Lendee niay esti�te tho amaunt of Funds due on ths ba5is o+�curneat datn and re�soanble
<br /> estimates of eapcndihues of future Escrow Ite,ms or othetwlse in accordunce wIth applicable law.
<br /> The Punds shall be held in en insdtud�n whase deposits are insured by a fedecal ageacy. iustivmentality.or endty
<br /> (inciuding Lxnder.if Leader Is such�ue iasdtudon)or in any Federal Home Laun Bealc. L.eader shaA apply thc FUads to pay
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Bo�rower for boldtag aad upplyins the PWnds,annually s{nalyzing the escrow
<br /> account,or verlfying the Escs�ow Items. unless Lender pays Borrower interest an the Funds and upplicable Inw petmI�s
<br /> Lender w malce such a charge. However.Lender moy require Borrower to puy a one•tiae chnrge for un independent re.al
<br /> esmte tex reporting service used by Lender in coanecdon a[th tdis loan,unless appltcable law pmv�des othenvise. Ualess an
<br /> agrecnaent is made or applicable law requi�+es interest to be paid I.ender sheU not be rcquired to pay Borrower any Inierest or
<br /> earainIIs on the FLnds_ Bornower aad Lender mAy ag�ee in wrl�nng.howeves,that inte�est shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> shFall glve to Bomower.without chargo.an atutual accounting of the Funds.showiag crcdits and debits to the Funds aad tba
<br /> purpose for wdich each debit to�he Fltnds wus mude. The FLnds ate pledged as additional security for ell sums secured by
<br /> this Security Insuumeq�
<br /> If the Funds held by l.ender exceed che amounu permiued w be held by appiicable law. i.euder shatI sccouni tu
<br /> Bomower for the excess Funds in accordance wtth the c�equirements of upplicable law. If the aaouat of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at nny tiitte is not sufticient w pay the Escrow Items when due,Leadar may so noufy Bo�mower ln writing.aad in
<br /> such case Hozrower shall pay to Lender the amount aecessary to make up the deficienry. Borrower shall meke up the
<br /> deflcicacy in no mote than twelve montWy payments.at L.ender's sole discredon.
<br /> ;;�" Upon payment in full of aU swns secured by this Security Instrument,I.ender shall promptly t�efund w Boaower aay
<br /> Pl�nds held by Lender. If.under parag�aph 21.L,ender shall acquite or seA the Propeity. Lender.pdor to the acquialtlon or
<br /> sale of the Property,shaU apply any FY�ads held by Leader at the tlme of acquisition or sale as a credit aguinst the sums
<br /> secuied by this Security Instrumea�
<br /> 3. Applkation ot Paymenis. Unless appllcabie law pmvides otherwise.all payments�ceived by Lender under
<br /> parngrapbs 1 ead 2 shall be applled:first,to eny prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under
<br /> paragcuph 2;shird.w inte�est due;foueth,to principal due;end lest,to any late charges due uader the Note.
<br /> 4. Charg�es;LiRns. Borrower shall pay aU u+xes, �.ssessments,charges, fines and imposidons atMbutable to tlte
<br /> pcoperty which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrumen�and leasehold payments or gmund rents,if any. 8orrower
<br /> shall pay ihese obligadons in the manner provided in pnragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them ori
<br /> dme directly to the peison owed paymen� Bomower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender ail notices of amounts to ba paid under
<br /> this paragcaph. If Bosowe:makes these payments directly.Horrower shnU promptly furnish to Leader rer.eipts evtdencing
<br /> the payments. 'J
<br /> Homoaer shall pmmptly discharge any Hen which has priority over this Securlty Instrument unless Boarower.(a)agrees ��';
<br /> ia wrIting to thc payment of the oblig�tion secured by the Uen In a manaer ac¢eptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> Uen by,or defends against euforcement of the lten in,legal procee�ings which in the Len der�s op i n ion operate to prevent the .
<br /> ,� � enforcement of the IIan;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ageement sat�sfectory to 1.ender subordinating the lien ,
<br /> to this Seoutity Instnament If I.ender detemnines that any part of the Property is subje�:t to a lien which may attain priorlty
<br /> over tLis Security Instrumen�Lender may give Borrower a nodce identifying the lien. Boirower shall sattsfy the lien or take
<br /> ,.:�. one or moce of the actions set foith above withM 10 ciays of the giving of notice.
<br /> 5. �rd or Property Insurance. Borrower shaU keep the improvemeau now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> �rs;; Prope�ty iosured egatnst loss by fire.hazards included within the tecm"extended covetage"and eay other hazerds,including
<br /> `"' Qoods or flooding.for whtch Lender requires insurnnce. This [asurance shall be mainuined in the tunounts And for the �
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