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<br /> 17.Tran�ter at the Property or a Benetktd Interest In Boxrower.If all ar any part o����r�intenst In iE
<br /> ° is c;old or trnnsferred(or if u be-naiiciQt interest ia Burrawer is sold�r trnnsf'errcd anQ Borrower is not s natural person)witkout
<br /> [.�TUler's prior wdtten con�ent. I.,ender mAy. at it� option, �{ui�+c iaTmcdiuto payment in full af all Runis sccu�ed hy th€s
<br /> 3esurity Instnrmcnt. However.this option shall not be exerctsed by Lendcr if exercise ig prahibi�ed by federul law�ts of the date
<br /> af thie Security Instrument.
<br /> If[.ender cxerci�this aptton. Lender ahnll give Barcower natico af ecceteratton.The notice ehall pmvide a pe�lud of not ''
<br /> tess thun 30 days irom the duu the noNce is delivered ar mnilad within which Borrower mu�t pay a11 sum.9 socured by �M�
<br /> Sccurlty Instcument. If Aurrower�fatis to puy these sums prlor to thc cxpfrallon of this pedod.L.ender may lnvake any remedia�'
<br /> �nniete�by this 6eeadf y''lndrif�hen�without fl�nhcr notice or deriwnd�n Bonower.
<br /> IQt. Bon+owet`se�[l��� I�iilastate. IP 8ormwer mut�s anain oonclitions, Bonower shall havc the right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Sesutlty Ihatnidxnt diuontlnuod ut nny time pr�or�o the earlier af: (a)3 days(ar such other perlad�a
<br /> applicabfe iaw mny spoclty for reinstntemcnt) before Rule of the Pmperty pursuant to nny power of salc contained ia th�s
<br /> Sacudry Instnui�ent:ar(b)entry of u Judgment enfarcing this Security Instrumeat.Thox condltlons are that�mnwer.(a)paqe
<br /> Lender ull suma which tt�en would be due under this Sccudty Insmiarcnt and the Noie av if no naxleration had accurrod:(b)
<br /> cures urty default of any other covenants�r Agreements; (o)pays n!I expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> including,but nat limited to.reasonable uttome�s' fces:snd(d)tulces such actton as Lcnder may reasonaDly xequlce to ussCUc
<br /> that the lien of this Secur�ry Instrument.I.cnder e righte in thc Property nnd Borrqwer's nbligatIon to pay t0e 3uma ssccund by
<br /> this Security Instniment shall continue unchangcd. Upon relnstatement by Horrower. this SecurIty Instrument and the
<br /> obligati�ns secured hereby shull remuin fully effertive as if tio acceleration had cxxumed. However.thIs right to ainstete shell
<br /> not apply in ths case of nccclernuon under pumgruph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Naie; Change o! Loan Servicer. The Note or A pactial interest in the Note (together with this Sscwity
<br /> InstruRtent)may be sold one or more dmes without prior ncytice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change ln the enNty(Imown
<br /> as the"Loan Sr.rvicer")thut wllects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insuument.There alsn tnay 6e one
<br /> �r more changes of the Laan 3ervIcer uruelated w a sale of the Note.If there�s n chan$e of the LoAn Servicer. Barrower will fxf
<br /> given written notIce of the change in eccordunce wfth psua�aph l4 above and applicable law.7'he notioe will state the uame and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenta should be made.The notice will also contain aay othcr
<br /> informatIon requirEd by applicable law.
<br /> � Z0. Hautrdous Substanoas. Barrower shall not cuuse or permit the presenoe. use,disposal, stoiage, or mlease of any
<br /> ' Hazardous 5ubstances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do. anything uffcxtjng the
<br /> ''��t Properry that is in violadon af any Environmentut Gtw. The praceding two sentences shall not apply to tfta presence. use.or
<br /> storage on the Propeny of small quanttties of Hazardoas Substances that are generally recos�ized w be uppmpriate to norm9l
<br /> residentlal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shatl promptly give I.ender wdaen nottce of any investigation.claim. demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private party involvin�the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Envlronmentel Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams.or[s notified 6y nny�overnmental or regulatory authority.that
<br /> nny removal or other remedtation af any Hazardous Substance affecttng the Property is necessw�y.Borrower shall promptly Wce
<br /> a!!��3:r�sxdiat actios�in 3c:rnnd�ce eelth Ssss�lronmc�ssal l.a�.
<br /> As uscd in thts pata$raph 20, "Hazardous Substnnces"are those substances defined us toxIc or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gosoline, kerosene. other f�ammable or toxtc petroleum products. toxic
<br /> ;n�� pesticides and herbicid�.volatile solvents.matertals contninin�asbestos or fornialdehyde.arid radioactive matednls.As used in
<br /> this pars►grnph 2Q, "�nvironmental Utw" means federal luws and laws of the jurisdictlon where the Property fs located that
<br /> relata to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ` NuN-UNIFURIvI COVENANTS.Bonower aad L.ender tLrlher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleruttoni Remedles.Lender shall give nottce to Borrower prtor to acceleration followtng Borrower's breach
<br /> of any covenunt or ap,reement in this Securlty Instrumeat (bat not prior to accelerattoa under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> applicable law prnvtdes otherwise).The nottce shall specifys (a)the default; (b) the acHon requlred to care the default;
<br /> .��,. . (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice iq�Iven to Bomo�ver,by which the detault must be cured;and
<br /> (d) that[ailure to cure tbe detault on or befom the date specified in the nottce may result in eccelerutioa of the sumv
<br /> secured by thfs 3ecur[ty Instrument and sale ot the Pmperty. The nodce shall Further inform Borrower of the rfght to
<br /> �rinstate after s►coeleratton and the right to brtng a court action to nssert the non-existence of a default or any other
<br /> defense of Borrower to aceeleration and snle. I�the de[sult is not cured on or before the date specificd in the notice,
<br /> • ` "'`f`�'" Lender.at its option, may require tmmedlate paymeat in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> v r+,."�:`-":.'°"�4„p further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permttted by appltcable lavr.Lendet s�tall be
<br /> t }����-� ' entitled ta collect all expensc4 tacurred in pursulnR the remedies prnv[ded in this paragraph 21,includtng,but noi 1lmited
<br /> '�Y��'.J'+t`�, �
<br /> �,w - to,reasonrible attorneys Pees and cosPs of title evidence.
<br /> ;,�..;;•r:•. ' If thepower of snle is invoked,Teustee shall rncord a nottce of defautt in each rnunty in which any pa�et of the
<br /> �,..�j;:,.,,',• ;:'. ' Property ts I�catead and shatl ma11 copfes of such notice in the manner prescribed dy uppllcnble la�v to Borrower ond to
<br /> ,�} ��•.�•: .- the other persons prescribed by a�plicable law.After the time required by applicable law,Trustee shall�ive pubHc notice
<br /> •i�>4�ii'':!:• - ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law.Tru.gtee, without demand on Borrower,shaU sell
<br /> �,,�:tl>�5�?
<br /> ��;�•t.f,{;,,+'. the Property at publtc auMion to the highest bidder at the timc and plucc and under the terms destgnated in the nottce of
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any ordcr Ttus�tee determines.Trustee may postponc sale of all or any pprccl ot the
<br /> - .�' • Property by pubiic anrtouncement at the time end place of any previously scheduled saie. Lender or its desiRnee may
<br /> �' �.,` . purchas�e the Property at any e�ule.
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<br /> ,,. Form 3028 8180
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