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<br /> U. n ncd nt ment of the � b{d,Truntae.eit�ll cktivrr tn tt�►pn��°+� dwd cukr�7'M�t�e►I
<br /> _ PQ lx !�Y t�
<br /> l-'7��per�y. �'he rsxitals (n thc T�°ustec'e eteed shatl lu�pria��Parle cvidence��the truth of thc stntetnents te��de.therdn,
<br /> 7'rustee s1uiH wpply the�oreeds uf Iho cwla In thr fi�ItowlryR ordcirs(a)ta ull n�And cxpe�a�ew af extrclrito�the pawer uf °
<br /> eale,Mnd Ihe�ale,incladln�tde�yment�ot the T�wrt+�e'a[eea�ctwlty incurral,nM to excaed `�
<br /> v�1t�'ie'p`t'nKijiDl i'i�iiiiii:iZ O�:!!e!�s'!0�!!!�!![n�nt�he derli�ltlen►nf de�iWQ'aed tidusou�bk dloteeY�'fel�MI prt�lli�lld •
<br /> by I�w;lb)tn dl a�aro�,�ecund by thb�ecurlty IrWrwaenit�ad(c)nay exoar tu the pa�on a'p�le�Uy e�tMMi b
<br /> �t.
<br /> 22. Rcr,rsuvey�nusa,� Upun pajmcnt af all er!ms �^.r��T� by this l�t�rity Tn!stn�rr�snt. I.��xicr nhxll r�ecjuau Tnutea to
<br /> monvey A�e Property and �h�ll sumendor this Sactt�ity inun�ment and �II naua cvidencin� debt exutod by �hd� Secu�ity
<br /> Iustn►rrknt to'Tn�stoc.Tn►stoo Rl�wi1 reconvey the Pcaperty without wartanty And withaut chirge to thA perean or per�on:kplly
<br /> entitisd to it.Such persun ar per�ons shail pay_any eecardaaon costa.
<br /> ' �3. Subst�tute Truete�.[.en�ier. at tts optian.mKy from tlme to tlme renwva Tcusta wd+ippoint a succesror trwlx to
<br /> any T�vstee a�pointal hereunder by an lnstrument r+ecottile3 fn th�counry in which this�Security instn�ment is recn�ded.Wittiout
<br /> conveyanoe uf the PropeRy. thc st:ccessot trustce sl��!!succad ta all ihe title,.pawer and duxtes�nferrod npan Tnistee herrin
<br /> a�ci by appI�cabic Inw.
<br /> 24. Requ�st for Notices.Borrower aquests thAt copics uf tlee noticcs of default und snit be sent to Bortower`��ddness
<br /> which is tbe Property Address.
<br /> 25.Rtders to this Security It�strument: IP ono crr more ridera ute executed by Botrower and recordad together whd ti�is .
<br /> Securlty Instniment.the cuvenants arfd agreert�enta of each Ruch rlder shall be incorporated into and shatl amend and aapplement
<br /> the covenants and ugm�meats of trils Securiry G�stniment as!P thc rider(s)were a pa�t of Uua Security instrunxnt.
<br /> (Chxk applicabl�bozl'es��
<br /> ��Adjuatnble Itate Aider Condominium Rider !-4 Family R�er
<br /> �Oraduated Payment Rider �Pianned Unit Development Rider Biwakly Payment Ridar
<br /> Ballonn Rtder �Rate Impmvement Rider Second klome Rider
<br /> �V.A. Rider Other(s)[specify] ,
<br /> i�Y SIGNING BELOW.Horrower accepts wtd agrees to the ter�s and covenanu conteined in thls Security Instrument aad
<br /> in any rlder�s>cxecuted by 8omnwcr end reoordc.d with it.
<br /> WItnesses: � ' •
<br /> c i;_. ���
<br /> � TIMOTHY F NO -��W«
<br /> � �'j!'j,t�¢• � 7l G� (Sea!)
<br /> CONN I E !►1 K I Nd -Borrowcr
<br /> (Seal) - (��
<br /> •Bo�wer -�OT��
<br /> STA'I'L OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss:
<br /> The fotegoins instniment was ac[cnowledged before me this 12TH �Y�f AUOUST • 1994 •
<br /> Witness my hand und notarlal seai at (3RAND I3I.AN EBRASKA in seid County.the date aforesaid. �
<br /> My Commission Expii+es:���f-�/
<br /> �t Notnry Publfc
<br /> �'
<br /> ������
<br /> ����
<br /> MK
<br /> v,o,e,r e Form 3028 8l80
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