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<br /> nxnta mu rx�lon cr be r ulrcd. st ths o tton af Lender,if morc u e insur�anec cavc;ru � ,n ihe amn�nt sndrfur ITic cxl
<br /> P�Y Y H� 8 �9 P B 8 S P�T�
<br /> that I�cnd:r rcqui�-c9)��rovfdcd t�y an iusurcr approv�ui by Lcndce nguin bccom•�availabto and 6s obmi�icd.�rmwcf r,hWll pny
<br /> � Ute�iria�lun�►�requircci t�mnintuin ntortgege insurancc in effect.or tu prmv(de a loss reservc.until thc roquirc�nent for mnrtgago
<br /> I� insurance ends in�ecatdxnce with aay writtenagramept betwe�en Borrowcr aad I.ender or applicai6le law.
<br /> 1 9.In�pectbn.L.ender or ita agent may make rcasonuble entrics upan and Inspations af the P�operty.[.ender Ai�ntl gtve
<br /> � Borrower�x�tice at the time af or pdar to an inspectian Rpecify�ng reasanable rause for tho lnsp�ction.
<br /> j lO.Condemnailon. Tha procteds oP any awnrd ar claim for damages. direct or conseguentiul. in connection with any
<br /> condcmnati�n or ather taking of any part of the for conveynnctl in lieu of erondemnatia�r�.are hcrby assignod and
<br /> sNali ba p�id to Lender.
<br /> in thc event af u tutal taki►�of the Pmperry.�he proceeds shull bc npplied to the surr�securcd by thiR Secudry(nstrument,
<br /> whether or not then due. with uny eac�ss paid to Borrower. In the event af n purtiul taking of the P►operty in which the fair
<br /> market v�lue oP the Property immodiatcly before the Wking is equAl to ar grea.ter than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> Security In�trument immaliatcly 6efonc tho tuking.unless Borrawer und L.�ndcr otherwise ngree in wrjting.the sums secura!by
<br /> this Securiry In.Strument shall be reduccd by the amaunt ot the p�s muttipJled by the foliowing fraction: (a) the totat
<br /> �mount oP the sums seaured immediately before shc tnking,divlde�l by(b)the fa�r market value of the Property immedIstely
<br /> � before the taking. Any balance shal! be paid ta Borrower. in the event of u pactiul tukin�of the Property in which the fuir
<br /> J awri�et vulue of the Property immedtutely before the wkIng ia less than the amount of the sums secured immaijately before the
<br /> � tuking, unless Borruwer und Lender otherwise ugree fn writing or unles.q appltcuble Iaw otherwise pmvIdes,the pmceedg shall
<br /> be s�ppl�ed to the sums serured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Pmperty'is abundaned by Borrower.or if.after noticc by Lender to Borrower tluit ttte candemnor offets to make nn
<br /> uwnrd or scttle a claim for dAmages. 8onower fails ta respond to L.ender within 30 days nfter the dats the nodce is given,
<br /> Lender is suthorized to colicct and apply the proceeds.ut its option,eIther to restoration or repair of the I'roperty or to tho sumg
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.whether or rtot then due.
<br /> Unless L,ender a�d Botrower otiterwisa agree in wrlting. any appl(cation of proceeds to principal shall nAt extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refere+ed to in paragraphs! and 2 or chan�e the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ertder Not a Wutver.Extension of the dme for payment or modificatlon
<br /> of amortizntton of the sums secured by this Security[nsttument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bormwer shall
<br /> not operate to release the liubility of the original Borrowcr or Borrower's successors in interest. L.ender shall not be required w
<br /> commence proceaiIngs asainst any successor in intemst or rcfuse to extcnd tlme for payment or otherwise madify tunortization
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Insnvment by reason af any demand made by the originat Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successore in interest. My forbeacance by Lender in exercisin�any d�ht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any rlght or�e�nedy.
<br /> 12.Suoozssors and Asslgn4 Bound; Jolnt and Several Lta6ility; Co-signer�. The co�enants end ag�ecments of this
<br /> Secudty insaiczr.nent sha(1 bind And benefit the successors und assigns of I.ender and Borrower, subject to the provjsions of
<br /> paregcaph 17. Borrower's covennnts nnd agreements shall be joint und several. Any Borruwer who casi�ns this Security
<br /> Insttument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-stgning this SecurIty Instrument only to mortgase,grant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's intemst in the Property under the terms of this Securlty Instrument;(b)is not personally obli�ated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument;and(c)agrees thet L,ender und uny other Borrower may aBree to extend,modtfy.forbear or
<br /> make any accommadations with regcird to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's rnnsent.
<br /> 13.l,oan Chatges.If the laan secure�by this Securlty Instrument is subjext to a luw which sets mvcimum loan charges,
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection wlth the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(u)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to r�iuce the charge
<br /> to the permitted limit; nnd (b)cury sums almady rnllected from Borrower which excceded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> Boerower. L,ender may choose to muke this refund by reducing thr, prtncipal owed under the Note or by makin� u direct ,�,
<br /> payment to Borrowcr. [f a refund reduces pr�ncipal. the reduct[on witl be treatod as a pa�tiul prepayment wtthout eny
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. �s,
<br /> �`<t
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notIce to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument sha�! be�ivee�by deliverin� it or by maiiing F
<br /> it by first cluss msiil unless applicable law requires ucE of another method.The notice shall be direxi�.'d to the Property Address
<br /> or any other stddress Hortower decignutes by notice to Lender. Any nottce to Lender shull be given by first class mail to +�
<br /> L�ender's nddress stated herein or any other address L.endcr designates by noticc to Borrower. Any notiee provided for in this 1=ti�•
<br /> . 5ecudty Instcument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borcowcr or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> IS.Goveraing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shutl be govemed by fader,il law and the law of the ,-���•.�
<br /> � � jurisdiction in which the Pmperty is locuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Secudry Instniment or the No4e �}�
<br /> conflicts with appltcable law,such ronflict shull not affect other provisio��s of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect wlthout the contlicting provIsion.To this end the pmvisions af this Security Instn�ment and the Note are declured �.
<br /> to be severablc.
<br /> 16.Barmwer's Copg.Borrower shall be given one rnnformed rnpy of the Note and of this Securiry[natrument. �••u
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br /> PppO 4 Of 8 };'1r
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