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<br /> S. Hazard or insuxanc�e. Hor►rwer shall k the im rovcrnents nu�xis Ing,lor hG�rected �n cbe • .
<br /> p�9 �p p c
<br /> Prc�xny insurccl egatnsi I�vs by firr.hu7ards included withln►he taim"@)1IC11Ctfa i'OYCI'AV�C°mtid any attrtr h�rardg, i�x:G�inQ
<br /> �nods ur f�aoding. Por which x.c�ber rty►�ires insux�uue.Thia insura��ce shall bc maintal�bed in the nma�nts and for thc peri�
<br /> thr�t l.en�kr requires.Ttie inwr��x�e rarrier prrniding tha insurance Khall bc chosen by Barrower�ubject to i.endcr's�pprov�l
<br /> which shAll not be unrcasurwbly withheW. If Burrower fails to maintnin caverage desctibcd ubovc. I.end�r may. ut Lender'�
<br /> i opdon,n6�ala coverase ta protaK Lender's Ngbta in thc�+operty ia acwrdance wlth pangraph 7.
<br /> � Atl ins�vancc policio� nnd rencwats nhall bo acceptable co Lcnder and shbll includc n st�idurd mortga�e clause. [.ender
<br /> i shall have th�dght to hold thc pulicies and renewals. lf Lencler rcqujres,9omnwer�shat!prompily give to I.ender�il roceipe of
<br /> paid premiums ond anewal noticcy. In tha event�f t�ss.Banawer shalf givo prompt nottcc to the insurancc�caRlcr xnd Ltndar.
<br /> 1 Lsr�der cnay make proof of loss if not made pramptl�y by Barrower.
<br /> Unless Exnder and Barrower otherwlr,e agra In wr3ting, insurnna proceeds shall be applfed ta reswration ar trpeir of the
<br /> Property damagzd.if the restoratlon or repair is ecanomically feasibfe ond I.cnder's securIry is not lessened.If th�restoratlon ar
<br /> � repair Is not economtailty fe�ible or Lender's securtry v►ou1Q be tessened.the insursnce prooeeds shnll be applied to the sums
<br /> sccurod by lhis S�cudty Instn�ment. whether or not then due. witb any exccas paid to Bor�owEr. if Borrower ebertdons tho
<br /> Property.or daes not answer within 30 doys a notice from Lendar that the Insucance carrier has offemd to settle a cinim.then
<br /> I.ender may oollect the insurunce px�ceeds. Lender rt�ay usc ttte.procoeds to ��epai�or r�store the Property or to pay sams
<br /> sccured by this Seci�rity[nsttument,whether or not then due.'IYte 30-day pertnd will begin when the rtarice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in wridng. uny applicatIon of pmceed� to priRCIpaI shail not exter�} or
<br /> postpone the due date�f�`�e monthly paymentc nf�rred to in paragraphs I artd 2 ar change the ataount of the puyments. If
<br /> undcrµ�ragra�sh 2! ttcc Pr�s�^rty is.:cqui�d by Lr.�cler.Barrotrer's right to ut�y fnsuranoe pnlictes end prnceed9 resulling fron�
<br /> dam�ge ta t�'te Property prtor to the acquisldon shall pass tA LendeP to the entent of the sums secured by thjs Securfn lnstruraent
<br /> immediately prior to the ncquisitlon.
<br /> 6.Oocup�ncy.P�rservat�on,Ma[nteaance and Protedion of the Penperty;Borrower•s Loan Applicntion;I.easelN►lds.
<br /> Burrower shall accupy. ests�bl[sh,nnd use the Property as Borrower's principa!residence within sixry days nfter the execution af
<br /> this Secudty lr�.strument and shail oontinue te occupy the Property as Borrower's prinsipal nesidence for at least one year aRer
<br /> the date of occupancy. unl�s Lender othYnvise a$reES in writing. which consent shatl rtot be unreasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> extenuating circumctances exist which ure beyond Borrower's conuol. Borrower shall not destroy. damsige or impair the
<br /> Property,ttltow the Praperty to deteriorstte, or cammit wuste on the Property. Borrower shaU be in defuult if any forfeiwt�e
<br /> action or proceedtng,whether civil or criminai, is begiu►that in LertdePs gaad faith judgment could resnit in forfeiture of the
<br /> property or othenvise materially impair the lien cc+cated by this Security Instrument or Lender's security Interest. Borrower muy
<br /> � rure:.ss�s defsult 3sx! rei�sss�.�groYisis�iss paragragh !8. 4�y�$ttsing th�a�tioa or�+mc�ing so tu�disntis*�1 wlth n ruling
<br /> tbat. in L.ender's good 1'aith detertninatiun, precludes forfehuce of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> impairment of the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument oc Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,dudn�the loan applicadon process,gave materialiy false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with any materlal informatian)in connection with the loan avfdenced by the Note. includ(ng.but not limited
<br /> to.representations oonceming Borrower's occupancy of the Praperty as a prinaipnl residence.If this Secucity Instrument is o»a
<br /> leaseha:�. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of tha lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property. the
<br /> � leasehotd and the fee ti_°e st�all not mer�e unless L.ender agrees to the merger ia writing.
<br /> � 7.Pmteetton of B.ea�er's Rights in the Property.If Borrawer fuils to p�rtbrm the rnvenants and agreemenu contained in
<br /> this Secwity Instrument,or there is a tegal proceeding thut may significantly uffect Lender's rights in the Pro�erty(such as a
<br /> pmceeding in bankruptcy, pmbate, for condemnatton ar forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulutions), then Lender may do and
<br /> � pay for wtuitever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propecty. I.ender's actions may ,
<br /> Iinctude paying :ury sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument. appearins in court, paying
<br /> � reasonnbte attomeys'fces and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althaugh Lcnder may take action under this paragraph
<br /> � 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any zunounts disbursed by Lender undar this paragrnph 7 shall become addttional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instcument.Unless Bflrrower and Lender agree ta oti�er terms of pa��ment. these amounts sh�ll tsear interest from the
<br /> ''"'" date of dtsbursement at the Notc rate and shall be payable, a•ith interest, upon notice from I.ender to Bormwer mquesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> I $. lliortgage Insuranoe. If l.ertder required mortgage insurunce as a candition of making the Ioan secured by this Security
<br /> ,f� Instru�ent. Bomower sh�ll pay the premiums required to mainuein the mnrtgAge insurance in effect. If. for any reason, the
<br /> , � mortgnse insurance covemge required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Bomouer shall pay the pmmiums required to ,�,
<br /> wrY� � obtain covers►ge substantinlly equivatent to the mort�age insurance pmviously in effect,ut a mst substanti311y equivnlent to the
<br /> � cost to Bomawer of the mort�age insutanc� previuusly in effect, from un ulternate mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If
<br /> � q. : � substantially equiv�lent murtgage insum�ece oove:a�e is not available.Borrower shnll pay to L,ender e:ich month a sum equal to r�f^�
<br /> �• �'� � orte-twelfth of the yearly mnrtgnge insurance premium being paid by 8orrower when the insur.�nc�e coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> j be in eff'ect. Lender will acccpt,usr,and retnjn thpe paycnents as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgnge insurnnce. Loss reserve
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