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_�4 ���� �'' _ - - -- ��� � *`�y .at��'�u�78�'��^a - . _��-�_-- <br /> � l�� - — -— — _ --' - - _ — - �. <br /> ---- _"� — <br /> _ ' -�- ---- .�. . . . - -.� .._.. .____._ � r- <br /> --- ---- - — � - - -- --_.__._.... <br /> - ----- - - . . . _ . . - . . . ....., _ ._ -'-.-' _ . <br /> , ... . . ... .. . ._... .. . . .r � . . <br /> _---��__ ___- .. ' ' .... . � . � . ,� - � . . � � � . ��� � ����� . _ '. . . . <br /> � ".�.,.r�-' .. <br /> - _. . - ' . :—_ .. . . .. . . . . . . <br /> , 5. �ard a� Pra�ty H�u�se. �ormrrer shall �Ce,e�s the�im�iovements na�v.exisdng or h�.ftg�erecte�i oa she L ----- <br /> ��___ � "' Praperty insuted.agaiast�oss by fne.haxatds include�d within the te�'m"ext�ad�d cpvera$e'aa�any othhe�s�rds, irc4ading.. ` . <br /> - 800ds ar ttnading,�or�v�tic9s L�ctder req�ires iatstar��ce.'f�ii�in.S�ssance sh�li Us ttsaitttained in the amaurtts arid for tit��eiiods _ <br />-_ -- __= � ' ; � that L�adgx r�i�-'�insvr.��ca,� pre:vldina th.e Ir.:nra�si�ali�rt�usen t�J►gorrocver subject to Leu�er's approva�� . -`_ <br /> ' wbich shali t�ot be unreasonab�y wit�held. tE�nrco�ver falls to �intafn rn�era�c Qescri6��abave. ixnder may,az Leri�r's , <br /> _ — option,a6tain wver`,age to gmt�cct Lcnifer`s ri�s in ttte Pta��p in occordancc wtth�Aar�Pb�.� ' . <br />=— —�,� f`AIl�gntir�es aud renewats sh�ll �s ucceptc�ble ta tRnder artd khalt Instudo u ssaAdand mortgage clause.I.�nder � _ _ <br />----�--� ' � shall have th$rigbt to P�old the policl�s and rene�a;als.IP l.endcr requirrs.Borrawcr efi�ll prompitY give to Lender ail receipts af . <br /> -..�-�:�,.:,=m: - <br /> - .� � • p�id premiiuns and renewal notices.Ia�the event of lass,�orr�vcr eha11 pivc pm�ttpt�mtice to the inswr�ace caaier and Iaa�er. . <br /> - .�:':.�.. — <br />�.- '--. ---- - = P�A Y Y :�. . . .. <br /> - �,,���.«, Leffier may't�ke proof isf toss if u�t�de it b €fctri�xver. � , ---- <br /> Q.�'�r.�;" r , i)nlcss Lender aad BosroEVer athenvise agrc�e in writin�.insuronc�pre�z�4ds�h;il!b�applied to reswration or repair of We =--- <br /> , ' Property d�maged,if the restore�ion or repsir is ccoaomtcally fc�sibte and Lcnder'F r,ecurbry is�mt.lesseaed.I€t�a�nestarration or - <br /> repair'is not ecoaomicaliy feasiDle or i,eader's security woutd be Iessened.the insumnas proceeds shall b�applic#���.t�e sums <br /> �by tius S�curity.In4suvinent. whether o:not then d�te.��vith any excesY��id tq 8ormwer. [f Borrower aS�u�s the <br /> '>_� , Property,ar daes nat ans�vver within 34 days a notice feom Lender that tlie insuranze cnnier has offem,d ta seule a clai�;,�3:iea <br /> i =::';�: IBnder may collect ihe insnrance praceeds. Lensier may use the prac,ecds to repair a�r restore2'ttte Pro�erty pay sums <br /> � secur�d by this Secasity Inswment.wtiether or not thep due.The 30�dny pecft�d witi begin cvhen the pottce is given. ' <br /> - Unless�Lender and Barrowe�otherwise agree in�vriting, uny appliFatlon.of preceeds to prjncipa! shail rmt exte�W oT , __ <br /> postpone�&e d�date of tiie monthl}r payments referred ta in parugruphs ! �!�or change the umuunt of the p�}rments. If <br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's tight ta any insuranrc palicies:utd proceeds resulting&om <br /> �`�`�' dama e to the Pro rior to the uisition shall ass to Lender to the eatent of the sums securo�by tnis Security Insmimeni <br />-�-,,';�:a��, � P�Y P �I P �:�:: — - <br /> �'�'�.=; , .,_ . . cmmed�tety prior to the acquIsition. . , � ::• <i,s��:-:-• <br /> ...,... - , :.:,:;,,,,,.': <br /> •.�.,.�:.:.::.�.,;���_`` � ' � G:Uoe�Paac9,P�sarvut[oa,Maintenurscew►Q Prnte�fan of the Pro�atyt Uorrowet's l.oan Appltcatton:�easet�otds. ::;;;�:';;=.�:` ____ <br /> �____. - <br /> I . �—�- <br /> � B��r shalf arcu}sy,establisti.and use the Pmpertp as Bormwer's principa!rt�idencc�vithln sixty days after the ea��ttion af.;`x`:�;.'` - <br /> � __ ^T; ' � --�- � thi�5ec�iriry Instru�enCaud shal!cbntiuue to b- the Pro e ��Barrower's rinrt al�residencc for At least one ear�fter't ;;,------ <br /> �PY P rtY- � P Y _ <br />_- --- -�=- the date of occupancy.unless I.ender othenvise�ees in writing.whicb Fdnsent shall not be urtre.�onably withhetd. or anless�:: . . -- <br /> �_� extenuating circumstances.�xisc whieh are beyond Ho�rowea's contrul. Bormwer shall nm destroy, d3mase or impair tha`;. . . <br />-��;�� Property,allow the Property ta deteriorate, or commit waste on ths Property. Bonc,wer shall be in defaule if any forfei[ure`•�;.;�::•• ____ <br /> °�: . action ai proceeding,whether.civil ar 6egun t hat in.L en der's guu d fait b ju dgtrtent wu W resu i t In fo r f eitEUe o f t he_:,{:;�' _ <br /> r :. <br /> ` i Property or pthenvise a�ateriaUy impair the lisn created by this Security Instrument ar 4cnder'�seruriry interest:Barrawer may ;� <br /> • �'�- *'- ' - cuze such a default and reinstaie,as prodided in.paragrsph 18.hy causing the aetian ar pficealing to be dismissed with a niling • . - <br /> "--����'" ,tfiat, in Lender's good faith determination. Preclades forfeiture af the Bano�ver's interest in the Propetty or ather inaterial <br /> �° � . iinpairment of the lien a�eazed by this Security,Instrurnent or Lender's security intcrest: Borrawer�,hull ulso be in defauit if <br /> �' �-��w =y B¢rcv�er,during the laan appticauon process.gave materially false or inaccurate infom�atian ur�+tatemcnts ta I.,cnder tor failed <br /> •��•� .�;. to•}ic�:Nde.Lender widr any material informatfon)in connection with the lossn evidenceet hy�he lVote.inrlttdin�.but no1 IimlteA ;t�z, <br /> :, �, � to,�resentatioas conceming Borrower's occupansy of the Property as u principal rewidence.ll�Ihis Security Instrument is on a -- <br /> " 's`� � ' leasettold, Bono�ver shall comply with all the provisions of the tease. If�orrawer acquires fce titte to the Pmperty. the - <br /> _ it�sehold aad the fee title siial�rros nterge usiless Lender s�mes to 1he merger in writing. _ <br /> �:�. " ".1�-F�,-=. . : . , 7.PmtettEon of Lender's Righta in the Property.!f Borrower fAils to p�rform thc cavenants und n�recmenly mntaiard in ���a- <br /> ' . _.�i; ;;.. this 3ecairity Instrument, or thene is a lega!proceedins thut mny significantiy Affect Lender b rights in fho Ptoperiy(yuch us a =��= <br /> praceeding in bania�puy,probate.for condeamation or forfeiture or to enforce la�vs ur myulutivax). thcn L.cnder ntay do stnd �;�=_� <br /> pay for�vha4ever is necessary to pmtect the valae of the Praperty und Lender'� rightH in the Propeny. I.ender'!� nstions may �_":� <br /> inciude paying any sutns secttted by a IiPn which has prindry aver this 5ecurity I��strument. �ppcari��6 in cduii. payln� i��: <br /> masonabie attomeys'fees and eniering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lcndcr may t�►kC nction undcr this paragraph �'�'�r' <br /> '7,T:ern�r does not have to do so. E"�.`- <br /> ,i�y amounts disbuised by [,ender undes this paragraph ? shap became ndditianul dcbt af �uccuwcr xccurcd by this `��`'�"`- <br /> �r,r._-z;. <br /> - - - SecUrity Instcument. Unless Borrower aud Lcn�cr agree to other termg af payment,tAcsc;in�ount�ehull�hcar intcrcy► from the =`� <br /> ti <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. upon nntice fram l,ender,tu R«rro�per rcquesdng Y"i�;:� <br /> -,�,� � payment. "�; <br /> _;� „���M_ �f�,Murt�e Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance n�a candition oi maY.ins the lu;u�e.ccurcd by �hl+Sccuriry ��:T: <br /> - '�°•`'`µ'?��' Iastc,:�ent, Borrower shafl pay the premiwns reqnired to mtintain the mortga�e insurnnce in cffcct. If. fur uny reasnn. ihe <br /> °'��� mortg�ga,insurance ooverage reguired by Lender tupses or ceases to 6e in effect. Earrower shaU pny 1he prcmium�rcyuired to . <br />-a'� ., �'3';;�: � ' <br /> •,;; � �.� obrain.coverage substantially equivulent to the mortgage insurance previously in cffcct.ut�cost substuntially cyuividcnt ai ihc <br /> -°•�:��°•�"'�`� cost ta Borrower of the mort e insurnnce ceviousl i�effect, from an aitemate mon pp , <br /> ;�;s� , gag p y gage insu�c�a ruv�ct hy t.cndcr. If <br /> _ `' ,�:,� SuC��tdally eguivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Barrower,hall �ay ta l.cndc�c.uh munth u ynm cyu;d to <br /> � :!k.� <br /> . an;t��elfth'of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bcing pald by Borrotver when thc insumncc cuvcra�v lupsc�!��r ccn.�td tu <br /> • ha ir.effect.Lender will accept.tue and retain these payments as u loss r�serve in licu oP morlgagti insuraittr. IAlyti fC'iCfVC <br /> h: +' � ` FOfTBOYB 9190 ' <br />'-- . � ' Dago3otB . � � . <br /> ='i - - � , � . . , . <br /> i4'. --,__ . . Y <br />. ___ - —_ � — -- ------- ---- -- ----- --_ <br />